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CHAPTER 2: A MERRY CHRISTMAS The girls wake early on Christmas morning to discover that their mother has placed

a different colored book under each of their pillows. They prepare breakfast and then sacrifice it to another family in need down the street. The girls then give Marmee her gifts and perform a p lay, Operatic Tragedy. Dinner comes as a surprise to the girls when they learn that old Mr. Laurence has provided them with ice cream, bonbons, and flowers. CHAPTER 3: THE LAURENCE BOY Jo and Meg attend a New Year's Eve party at Mrs. Gardiner's house. There is much commotion getting the two girls ready as they try to make the best of their old dresses and gloves. Jo tries to curl Meg's hair but only burns the ends off in a great tragedy. At the party, Jo meets Laurence, the grandson of old Mr. Laurence. He tells Jo that he would like to be called Laurie instead of his given name, Theodore, because classmates had teased him in the past. The girls return from the party and share their experiences with their sisters.


Henry Ibsen Dramaturgo noruego reconocido como creador del drama moderno por sus obras realistas que abordan problemas psicolgicos y sociales. Ibsen naci el 20 de marzo de 1828 en Skien. Durante un tiempo trabaj como ayudante de un farmacutico y comenz estudios de medicina antes de dedicarse por completo al teatro. Fue director de escena y autor del Teatro Nacional de Bergen de 1851 a 1857 y posteriormente director del teatro de Christiania (hoy Oslo) entre 1857 y 1862. Durante estos aos de experiencia prctica teatral escribi sus primeras obras. De 1863 a 1891, Ibsen vivi principalmente en Italia y Alemania gracias a una beca itinerante y, ms tarde, a una pensin anual concedida por el Storting, el parlamento noruego. En 1891 regres a Christiania, donde el 23 de mayo de 1906, muri.

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