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Auxiliar de investigacin LEIDY JOHANA VARON VALDERRAMA



Auxiliar de investigacin LEIDY JOHANA VARON VALDERRAMA



Have Cuban of Infirmary On-line version ISSN 1561-296 Cuban Rev Enfermer v.15 n.2 City of the Havana May. - Aug. 1999 BIOTICA. A LOOK TOWARD THE INFIRMARY ATTY. MORAIMA WILSON DONET,1 ATTY. DAISBET LEIVA ORTIZ,2 ATTY. ALBERTO BUJARDN MENDOZA,3 ATTY. TERESA FLAG VARGAS4 AND ATTY. JOS EDUARDO VERA RODRGUEZ SUMMARY The present paper is the result of an updated literature review of 30 documents on bioethics carried out from October, 1995 to June, 1997; seven of such documents were used as references for this article. It is aimed at increasing nursery staff's knowledge on bioethics and its relationship to the society, making emphasis on its role in our field, and at stating the phylosophical currents that substantiate the importance of bioethics as a discipline. Also, the foundations of bioethics, that is, principles of autonomy, justice, charity, no malice and informed consent were set forth. The code of nurses is addresed in a dialectical way and ethical advices for nursery such as nurse and profession, nurse and vocation, moral virtues of a nurse and her/his linking to the patient, family and community are given. Subject headings: BIOETHICS; ETHICS, NURSING; NURSING.

Describers DeCS: BIOETICA; ETHICS OF INFIRMARY; INFIRMARY. The biotica is a form of giving light to the life that arises inside and outside of our hearts. In most of the units of our National System of Health the nurses in many occasions don't use the scientific method of infirmary, where it is not only supplemented their activity theoretical-practice with regard to this, but to the rest of the procedures that the personnel should carry out next to the patient that evaluates. [MINSAP. Portfolio of work of Infirmary. Box of materials. Ethics and Biotica. Havana, March 25 1996. Aspect 9]. The nurses will be able to obtain a scientific method to incorporate to their way of professional performance, carrying out the focuses necessary bioticos in each one of the corresponding stages.

The political, economic and social situation of the world, emerged of the second global warlike conflagration and the impetuous development of the Revolution Scientific-technique (RCT) that characterizes at our time, they favored the birth of the biotica like scientific discipline. It is in fact in the United States, in the decade of the 70, signado for the war in Viet Nam and the racial conflicts, where this process became very sharp and he/she found its explosive in the revelations of the study Tunskegee, the experiment of the State School for Retarded Mental of Willowbrook and the paradigmatic cases of Karen Ann Quinlan and the calls Baby Doo. The creation of the Presidential Commission for the study of the ethical problems in the medicine and the biomedical investigations and of the behavior that worked between 1978 and 1983 it contributed to the consolidation of the biotica in the United States. In the decade of the 80 the biotica extended for the whole first world and at the present time it has reached to the developing, especially Latin American countries. The International Association of Biotica of the UNESCO was founded in 1993 and also in 1994 the Pan-American Organization of the Health began its regional program

TRADUCCION Biotica. Una mirada hacia la enfermera Lic. Moraima Wilson Donet,1 Lic. Daisbet Leiva Ortiz,2 Lic. Alberto Bujardn Mendoza,3 Lic. Teresa Bandera Vargas4 y Lic. Jos Eduardo Vera Rodrguez5 Resumen El presente trabajo es el resultado de la revisin bibliogrfica actualizada de 30 documentos que abordan el tema de la biotica, desde octubre de 1995 hasta junio de 1997, de los cuales se utilizaron 7 como referencia en el presente artculo. Con l se pretende ampliar los conocimientos en el personal de Enfermera sobre este tema y su vinculacin con la sociedad, enfatizando el papel que desempea la biotica en nuestro campo, as como denotar las corrientes filosficas que distinguen su importancia como disciplina. Adems, se exponen sus pilares; los principios de Autonoma, Justicia y Beneficencia, no maleficencia y el consentimiento informado. Se aborda de forma dialctica el cdigo de las enfermeras. Consejos ticos aplicados a la enfermera como: la enfermera y la profesin, la enfermera

y su vocacin, las virtudes morales y la integridad de sta con el individuo, la familia y la comunidad. Descriptores DeCS: BIOETICA; ETICA DE ENFERMERIA; ENFERMERIA. La biotica es una forma de dar luz a la vida, que surge dentro y fuera de nuestros corazones. En la mayora de las unidades de nuestro Sistema Nacional de Salud las enfermeras en muchas ocasiones no utilizan el mtodo cientfico de enfermera, donde se complementa no slo su actividad terico-prctica con respecto a ste, sino al resto de los procederes que el personal debe desempear junto al paciente que evala. [MINSAP. Carpeta de trabajo de Enfermera. Caja de materiales. tica y Biotica. La Habana, 25 de marzo de 1996. Aspecto 9]. Las enfermeras podrn obtener un mtodo cientfico para incorporar a su modo de actuacin profesional, realizando los enfoques bioticos necesarios en cada una de las etapas correspondientes. La situacin poltica, econmica y social del mundo, emergido de la segunda conflagracin blica global y el desarrollo impetuoso de la Revolucin Cientfico-Tcnica (RCT) que caracteriza a nuestro tiempo, favorecieron el nacimiento de la biotica como disciplina cientfica. Es precisamente en los Estados Unidos, en la dcada de los 70, signado por la guerra en Viet Nam y los conflictos raciales, donde este proceso se hizo muy agudo y encontr su detonante en las revelaciones del estudio Tunskegee, el experimento de la Escuela Estatal para Retrasados Mentales de Willowbrook y los paradigmticos casos de Karen Ann Quinlan y los llamados Baby Doo. La creacin de la Comisin Presidencial para el estudio de los problemas ticos en la medicina y las investigaciones biomdicas y de la conducta, que funcion entre 1978 y 1983 contribuy a la consolidacin de la biotica en los Estados Unidos. En la dcada de los 80 la biotica se extendi por todo el primer mundo y en la actualidad ha alcanzado a los pases en vas de desarrollo, especialmente Latinoamericanos. Se fund la Asociacin Internacional de Biotica de la UNESCO en 1993 y tambin en 1994 la Organizacin Panamericana de la Salud inici su programa regional

Acta bioethica versin On-line ISSN 1726-569X Acta bioeth. v.14 n.1 Santiago 2008 Acta Bioethica 2008; 14(1), pgs: 11-18 TEACHING BIOETHICS: HOW TO TRANSMIT KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDES AND VALUES

Abstract: This work presents teaching experiences and reflections about how to teach bioethics in a manner that will fulfill three goals, and, at the same time, the challenges for the teacher: to offer knowledge from an interdisciplinary view about a scope of subjects becoming every day wider and more complex; to modify attitudes and behaviours and to influence on the health-patient professional relationship and on the models' change in health care. The third goal consists on how to transmit the most appropriate ethic values for the health care professionals and for society in general. It also undertakes which values to communicate to students and how to carry it out, as well as how to evaluate in this discipline. Key words: bioethics, values' teaching, medical education. The biotica has incorporated from a definitive way to the curricula of the different careers of sciences of the health in these last years in Chile. It began in medicine and infirmary and at the moment it is in their beginnings in odontologa1, kinesiologa and in other areas you tune, like social work and therapy occupational. Maybe it is an even pending subject in psychology, especially in the whole field of the clinical psychology, but they have already been given some

It is a recent discipline, with something more than 30 years of evolution, but it already has an important methodological and didactic development. Maybe for their youth it has been very open to the most current pedagogic currents, although it can also be due to the challenge that represents in itself, because it seeks something anything simple: first, to give knowledge

from a vision interdisciplinary on a more and more wide and complex environment of topics; second, to change attitudes and behaviors and to impact in the professional relationship of the health-patient one and in the change of the models of attendance in health. Finally, to transmit the most appropriate and necessary ethical values for these professionals and for the society in general. Introduccin La biotica se ha incorporado de modo definitivo a los currculos de las diferentes carreras de ciencias de la salud en estos ltimos aos en Chile. Comenz en medicina y enfermera y actualmente est en sus inicios en odontologa1, kinesiologa y en otras reas afines, como trabajo social y terapia ocupacional2. Quizs es una asignatura an pendiente en psicologa, especialmente en todo el campo de la psicologa clnica, pero se han dado ya algunos pasos3. Es una disciplina reciente, con algo ms de 30 aos de evolucin, pero cuenta ya con un desarrollo metodolgico y didctico importante. Quizs por su juventud ha estado muy abierta a las corrientes pedaggicas ms actuales, aunque tambin puede deberse al reto que representa en s misma, pues pretende algo nada sencillo: primero, entregar conocimientos desde una visin interdisciplinar sobre un mbito cada vez ms amplio y complejo de temas; segundo, cambiar actitudes y comportamientos e incidir en la relacin profesional de la salud-paciente y en el cambio de los modelos de asistencia en salud. Finalmente, trasmitir los valores ticos ms apropiados y necesarios para estos profesionales y para la sociedad en general.

BIBLIOGRAFIA 1. OMS, OPS. Rev Invest Clin 1995;47(1):36-40. 2. Hadelin R. Biotica y muerte enceflica. Rev 16 abril 193; 189:26-8. 3. OPS, OMS. Biotica. Cuadernos del Programa Regional de Biotica. 1ra parte. Santiago de Chile; 1995:41-5. 4. Varon Von Smith. La biotica mdica. Bol Of Sanit Panam 1990; 108:228-30. 5. Diana G. La enfermera, vocacin y misin. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Paulinas, 1988:80-95. 6. Vilondell F. Problemas ticos de la tecnologa. Cdigo de enfermera. Bol Of Sanit Panam 1990;108 (5,6):542-56.

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