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Detection of Gravitational Waves The Beginning of Everything

Nature Report 17th March 201

!ro"# http#$$%%%&nature&co"$ne%s$'("o)e(1&1 ** +$Ne%s


Einstein pre)icte) the e-istence of gravitational %aves .. years ago& The /nflationary 0niverse Theory %as for"ulate in the *01s& 2ust 10(34 secon)s 5give or ta,e6 after the Big Bang7 the theory sai)7 the cos"os un)er%ent a 'urst of e-pansion so furious that it %as 'riefly flying apart faster than the spee) of light& This coul) create) gravitational %aves traveling into the e"pty space at spee) of light&


/n 1.8 9rno :en;ias an) Ro'ert Wilson "a)e the seren)ipitous )iscovery of <os"ic Micro%ave Bac,groun) 5<MB6& :hysics No'el :ri;e 1.7*& T = 2&7280 > 0&0013 ? fro" 'lac,('o)y ra)iation&


Bet%een 1.72 an) 1.787 Davi) ?ir;hnits an) 9n)rei @in)e )evelope) a theory of cos"ological phase transitions& There was not much difference between weak, strong and electromagnetic interactions in the very early universe.

/n 1.*07 9lan Guth "a)e the first version of the inflationary universe theory& Bet%een 1.*1 an) 1.*8 several inflationary theories %ere propose)&

9 polari;ation type(B %as pre)icte) in the <MB if gravitational %aves %ere pro)uce) )uring the initial stages of an inflationary universe&

The B/<E:2 ra)io telescope

9n e-peri"ent %as setup in the Aouth :ole7 )e)icate) to the )etection of polari;ation type(B in the <MB&

Tea" fro" Atanfor) 0niversity&

Bo% )oes it loo, li,e a gravitational %aveC


Do you %ant to chec, the resultsC # http#$$'icep,ec,&org$


This is the first ever experimental evidence on quantum gravity!

(if it is proved)

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