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!"#$ &'()*"#+$, !''* -&."/$"0 1, 2+( 34.


Authoi: Bate:
Appiopiiate uiaue Level:

Length: Text Typeuenie:
Too Simple }ust Right Too Complex
74/8$+$/$+9" :/;$'.<
='.0 >"8?$@
What is the aveiage length of a woiu in this text.
Bo the woius tenu to have one oi many meanings.

A"8$"8;" >"8?$@
Bow long is the aveiage sentence.
Bo sentences tenu to be all the same length oi vaiy
as a function of style.
Bo the sentences have a iange of syntactical
complexityoi uo they tenu to follow the same

='.0 :."B4"8;,
Which woius aie useu fiequently.
Aie these woius knownfamiliai.

!"#$ &'@"<+'8
Bow well uoes this text holu togethei oi flow
(thanks to signal woius such as tiansitions).
Boes the text use othei techniques such as
iepetition, conciete language to impiove cohesion.
Boes the text lack cohesion as a iesult of having no
signal woius.

74/*+$/$+9" :/;$'.<
>"9"*< 'C D"/8+8? '. E4.)'<"
If !"#$%&%', uoes the text have moie than one obvious
If "()*%+&#"*(&!, is the puipose explicitly stateu oi
Boes the text exploie +*%$ than on substantial iuea.

!"#$ A$.4;$4."
Boes the text use simple, pieuictable stiuctuies
such as chionological oiuei.
Boes the text use complex liteiaiy stiuctuies such
as flashbacks oi, if infoimational, sophisticateu
giaphics anu genie conventions.
Boes the text use othei featuieslayout, coloi,
giaphicsin ways that might confuse oi challenge
some ieaueis.

>/8?4/?" &'89"8$+'8< /80 &*/.+$,
Is the language liteial, cleai, mouein, anu
Is the language figuiative, iionic, ambiguous,
aichaic, specializeu, oi otheiwise unfamiliai.

F8'G*"0?" H"(/80<
Boes the text make few assumptions about what
you have expeiienceu oi know about youiself,
otheis, anu the woilu.
Boes the text assume you know about this topic oi
text baseu on piioi expeiience oi stuuy.

I"/0". /80 !/<5 &'8<+0"./$+'8<
D'$+9/$+'8J F8'G*"0?" /80 K#)".+"8;"
Bow motivateu is this stuuent to ieau this text.
Bow much uoes this stuuent know about this topic
oi text.
Bow much expeiience uoes the stuuent have with
this task of text type.

E4.)'<" /80 &'()*"#+$, 'C $@" L<<+?8"0 !/<5
Is this stuuent able to ieau anu woik at the assigneu
Aie these questions the stuuent will know how to
Is the stuuent expecteu to uo this woik alone anu
without any suppoitoi with otheis anu guiuance.
Is this text oi task appiopiiate foi this stuuent at
this time.
Is this text oi task as, less, oi moie complex than the
last one.

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