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Graficos Y Java 2D

1 2 3 4 5 % ' ( + Introduccin Contextos y objetos grficos Colores Fuentes Pintar L neas! "ectngulos y #$alos Pintar &rcos Pintar Pol gonos and Polil neas )a$a2* &PI ,je-.lo

1 Introduccin

Capacidades grficas de JAVA

Pintar figuras de 2D Uso y contro co ores Uso y contro de fuentes Uso !s sofisticado de pri!itivas de di"u#o en 2D
Uso de for!ar y po $gonos 2D persona i%ados &e eno de figuras con co ores' gradientes' patrones y te(turas)

Java 2D API

Jerar*u$a de a gunas c ases e interfaces de Java2D API)

Object Color Component Font FontMetrics Graphics Polygon
Clases e interfaces del Java2D API que aparecen en el paquete java.awt

Graphics2D asicStroke GradientPaint !e"t#rePaint

Clases e interfaces del Java2D API que aparecen en el paquete java.awt.geom

interface java.awt.Paint interface java.awt.Shape interface java.awt.Stroke

GeneralPath %ine&' $ectang#larShape (rc&' )llipse&' $ectangle&' $o#nd$ectangle&'

1 Introduccin

+iste!a de coordenadas de JAVA

Identifica todos os puntos disponi" es de a panta as ,rigen de coordenadas -.'./ en a es*uina superior i%*uierda +iste!a de coordenadas co!puestas por co!ponentes 0 e Y)

+iste!a de coordenadas de Java) Unidad de !edida en pi(e s)

(0, 0)

x +

X a xis

(x , y )

y +
Y a xis

2 Contextos y objetos grficos

Conte(to Grap1ics
Per!ite pintar en a panta a) 2 o"#eto Graphics contro a e conte(to de graficos

Contro a co!o se pinta en a panta a

3a C ase Graphics es a"stracta

4o se puede instanciar Contri"uye a a porta"i idad de Java

3a e !5todo paint de a ase Component e!p ea e o"#eto Graphics +e puede invocar por !edio de !5todo repaint

public void paint( Graphics g )

6 Co ores

C ase Color

Define os !5todos y as constantes para !anipu ar os co ores) 3os co ores se crean en "ase a es*ue!a de ro#o7verde7a%u -&G8/)

Constantes de co ores definidas en a c ase Color

Color constant public final static Color ORANG public final static Color !"N# public final static Color C$AN public final static Color %AG N&A public final static Color $ ''O( public final static Color )'AC# public final static Color (*"& public final static Color GRA$ public final static Color '"G*&+GRA$ public final static Color ,AR#+GRA$ public final static Color R , public final static Color GR public final static Color )'N

Co or

&G8 va ue

orange pink cyan magenta yellow black white gray light gray dark gray red green bl#e

&**+ &,,+ , &**+ -.*+ -.* ,+ &**+ &** &**+ ,+ &** &**+ &**+ , ,+ ,+ , &**+ &**+ &** -&/+ -&/+ -&/ -0&+ -0&+ -0& 12+ 12+ 12 &**+ ,+ , ,+ &**+ , ,+ ,+ &**

95todos de a c ase Color y !5todos de re acionados de a c ase Graphics

9et1od Description Color constructors and methods public Color( int r. int g. int b )

Creates a color based on red+ green and bl#e components e"pressed as integers from , to &**.
p#blic Color3 float r+ float g+ float b 4

Creates a color based on red+ green and bl#e components e"pressed as floating5 point val#es from ,., to -.,.
p#blic int get$ed34

$et#rns a val#e between , and &** representing the red content.

p#blic int getGreen34

$et#rns a val#e between , and &** representing the green content.

p#blic int get l#e34

$et#rns a val#e between , and &** representing the bl#e content.

Graphics methods for manipulating Colors p#blic Color getColor34

$et#rns a Color object representing the c#rrent color for the graphics conte"t.
p#blic void setColor3 Color c 4

Sets the c#rrent color for drawing with the graphics conte"t.

1 2 3 4 5 ! ( ) + 1. 11 12 13 14 15 1! 1( 1) 1+ 2. 21 22 23 24 25 2! 2(

// Fig. 12.5: // Demonstrating Colors. import java.awt.*; import java .swing.*; p"#li$ $lass ShowColors e ten%s &Frame ' // $onstr"$tor sets win%ow*s title #ar string an% %imensions p"#li$ ShowColors,' Pinta la ventana c#ando s"per, /0sing $olors/ -; setSi1e, 4..2 13. -; set3isi#le, tr"e -; 4

comien6a la ejec#ci7n de la aplicaci7n

// %raw re$tangles an% Strings in %i55erent $olors p"#li$ voi% paint, 6raphi$s g ' // $all s"per$lass*s paint metho% )l m8todo fillRect crea #n s"per.paint, g -; rect9ng#lo relleno en el color de // set new %rawing $olor "sing integers g.setColor, new Color, 2552 .2 . - -; g.5ill7e$t, 252 252 1..2 2. -; g.%rawString, /C"rrent 768: / 9 g.getColor,-2 13.2 4. -;

)l m8todo setColor establece el color de pint#ra en base a #n color $G

pint#ra act#al.

)l m8todo dra/0tring escribe #n String en el color act#al en las coordenadas especificadas

2) 2+ 3. 31 32 33 34 35 3! 3( 3) 3+ 4. 41 42 43 44 45 4! 4( 4) 4+ 5. 51 52 53 54

// set new %rawing $olor "sing 5loats g.setColor, new Color, ...52 1..52 ...5 - -; g.5ill7e$t, 252 5.2 1..2 2. -; g.%rawString, /C"rrent 768: / 9 g.getColor,-2 13.2 !5 -; // set new %rawing $olor "sing stati$ Color o#je$ts g.setColor, Color.8:0; -; g.5ill7e$t, 252 (52 1..2 2. -; g.%rawString, /C"rrent 768: / 9 g.getColor,-2 13.2 +. -; // %ispla< in%ivi%"al 768 val"es Color $olor = Color.>?6;@A?; g.setColor, $olor -; g.5ill7e$t, 252 1..2 1..2 2. -; g.%rawString, /768 val"es: / 9 $olor.get7e%,- 9 /2 / 9 $olor.get6reen,- 9 /2 / 9 $olor.get8l"e,-2 13.2 115 -; 4 // en% metho% paint // e e$"te appli$ation p"#li$ stati$ voi% main, String argsBC ' ShowColors appli$ation = new ShowColors,-; appli$ation.setDe5a"ltCloseDperation, &Frame.;EFAGD@GC:DS; -; 4 4 // en% $lass ShowColors

)mpleamos las constantes de la clase Color

1 2 3 4 5 ! ( ) + 1. 11 12 13 14 15 1! 1( 1) 1+ 2. 21 22 23

// Fig. 12.!: // Choosing $olors with &ColorChooser. import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java .swing.*; p"#li$ $lass ShowColors2 e ten%s &Frame ' private &8"tton $hangeColor8"tton; private Color $olor = Color.:F6HAG67?I; private Container $ontainer; // set "p 60F p"#li$ ShowColors2,' s"per, /0sing &ColorChooser/ -; $ontainer = getContentJane,-; $ontainer.set:a<o"t, new Flow:a<o"t,- -; // set "p $hangeColor8"tton an% register its event han%ler $hangeColor8"tton = new &8"tton, /Change Color/ -; $hangeColor8"tton.a%%?$tion:istener,

24 25 2! 2( 2) 2+ 3. 31 32 33 34 35 3! 3( 3) 3+ 4. 41 42 43 44 45 4! 4( 4) 4+ 5.

new ?$tion:istener,- '

// anon<mo"s inner $lass

// %ispla< &ColorChooser when "ser $li$Ks #"tton 1ColorChooser presenta p"#li$ voi% a$tionJer5orme%, ?$tion;vent event un di ogo para ' se eccionar co ores $olor = &ColorChooser.showDialog, ShowColors2.this2 /Choose a $olor/2 $olor -; // set %e5a"lt $olor2 i5 no $olor is ret"rne% i5 , $olor == n"ll $olor = Color.:F6HAG67?I; // $hange $ontent pane*s #a$Kgro"n% $olor $ontainer.set8a$Kgro"n%, $olor -; 4 4 // en% anon<mo"s inner $lass -; // en% $all to a%%?$tion:istener $ontainer.a%%, $hangeColor8"tton -; setSi1e, 4..2 13. -; set3isi#le, tr"e -; 4 // en% ShowColor2 $onstr"$tor

static sho/,ialog

m#estra el c#adro de di9logo

51 52 53 54 55 5! 5( 5)

// e e$"te appli$ation p"#li$ stati$ voi% main, String argsBC ' ShowColors2 appli$ation = new ShowColors2,-; appli$ation.setDe5a"ltCloseDperation, &Frame.;EFAGD@GC:DS; -; 4 4 // en% $lass ShowColors2


:ig) 12); <+8 and &G8 ta"s of t1e 1ColorChooser dia og

= :uente

C ase 5ont

Contiene !5todos y constantes para e contro de as fuentes) 2 constructor de a c ase :ont tiene tres argu!entos

:ont na!e
%onospaced' 0ans0erif' 0erif' etc)

:ont sty e
5ont3!'A"N' 5ont3"&A'"C y 5ont3)O',

:ont si%e

9edido en puntos

95todos y constantes re acionados con a c ase 5ont

9et1od or constant Description Font constants constructors and methods for drawing pol!gons public final static int public final static int public final static int public 5ont( 0tring name. public int public int get0tyle() !'A"N )O', "&A'"C int style. int si6e )

( constant representing a plain font style. ( constant representing a bold font style. ( constant representing an italic font style. Creates a 5ont object with the specified font+ style and si6e. $et#rns an integer val#e indicating the c#rrent font style.

$et#rns an integer val#e indicating the c#rrent font si6e.

public 0tring getName()

$et#rns the c#rrent font name as a string.

public 0tring get5amily()

$et#rns the font:s family name as a string.

public boolean public boolean public boolean is!lain()

!ests a font for a plain font style. $et#rns


true if the font is plain. true if the font is bold. true if the font is italic.

!ests a font for a bold font style. $et#rns


!ests a font for an italic font style. $et#rns

9et1od or constant Description

Graphics methods for manipulating Fonts

public 5ont get5ont()

$et#rns a 5ont object reference representing the c#rrent font.

public void set5ont( 5ont f )

Sets the c#rrent font to the font+ style and si6e specified by the object reference f.


1 2 3 4 5 ! ( ) + 1. 11 12 13 14 15 1! 1( 1) 1+ 2. 21 22 23 24 25

// Fig. 12.+: // 0sing 5onts. import java.awt.*; import java .swing.*; p"#li$ $lass Fonts e ten%s &Frame ' // set win%ow*s title #ar an% %imensions p"#li$ Fonts,' s"per, /0sing 5onts/ -; setSi1e, 42.2 125 -; set3isi#le, tr"e -; 4 // %ispla< Strings in %i55erent 5onts an% $olors p"#li$ voi% paint, 6raphi$s g )l m8todo set5ont ' // $all s"per$lass*s paint metho% s"per.paint, g -;

establece la f#ente a #sar

// set 5ont to Seri5 ,Aimes-2 #ol%2 12pt an% %raw a string g.setFont, new Font, /Seri5/2 Font.8D:D2 12 - -; g.%rawString, /Seri5 12 point #ol%./2 2.2 5. -; )scribe

el te"to con la config#raci7n act#al de f#ente

2! 2( string 2) 2+ 3. 31 string 32 33 34 35 string 3! 3( 3) 3+ 4. 41 42 43 44 45 4! 4( !" !$ %&

// set 5ont to >onospa$e% ,Co"rier-2 itali$2 24pt an% %raw a g.setFont, new Font, />onospa$e%/2 Font.FA?:FC2 24 - -; g.%rawString, />onospa$e% 24 point itali$./2 2.2 (. -; // set 5ont to SansSeri5 ,Helveti$a-2 plain2 14pt an% %raw a g.setFont, new Font, /SansSeri5/2 Font.J:?F@2 14 - -; g.%rawString, /SansSeri5 14 point plain./2 2.2 +. -; // set 5ont to Seri5 ,Aimes-2 #ol%/itali$2 1)pt an% %raw a g.setColor, Color.7;D -; g.setFont, new Font, /Seri5/2 Font.8D:D 9 Font.FA?:FC2 1) - -; g.%rawString, g.getFont,-.get@ame,- 9 / / 9 g.getFont,-.getSi1e,- 9 / point #ol% itali$./2 2.2 11. -; 4 // en% metho% paint // e e$"te appli$ation p"#li$ stati$ voi% main, String argsBC ' Fonts appli$ation = new Fonts,-; application.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE ) # # '' en( class Fonts

Contro de fuentes

Par!etros de !edida y posicin de as :uentes

<eig1t > A tura Descent -puntos por de"a#o de a inea "ase/ Ascent -puntos por enci!a de a inea "ase/ 3eading -diferencia entre Ascent y Descent/

Contro y !edidas

he ight


le ading asce nt ba seline descent

:ig) 12)11 5ont%etrics and Graphics !et1ods for o"taining font !etrics
9et1od Description FontMetrics methods public int getAscent()

$et#rns a val#e representing the ascent of a font in points.

public int get,escent()

$et#rns a val#e representing the descent of a font in points.

public int get'eading()

$et#rns a val#e representing the leading of a font in points.

public int get*eight()

$et#rns a val#e representing the height of a font in points.

Graphics methods for getting a Font"s FontMetrics public 5ont%etrics get5ont%etrics()

$et#rns the 5ont%etrics object for the c#rrent drawing 5ont.

public 5ont%etrics get5ont%etrics( 5ont f )

$et#rns the 5ont%etrics object for the specified 5ont arg#ment.

'' Fi*. )+.)+, -etrics..a/a + '' Font-etrics an( 0rap1ics %etrics34ava met1o(s useful for o2tainin* font %ine && %ine &; metrics. 3 import .a/a.a4t.5 ! import .a/a6.s4in*.5 % Set font to SansSerif -&5point bold 7 pu2lic class -etrics e6ten(s Obtain 5ont%etrics JFrame 8 object for c#rrent font 9 " '' set 4in(o4:s title 2ar Strin* an( (imensions $ pu2lic -etrics()


*.(ra4Strin*( ;Cscent, ; B metrics.*etCscent()= )&= %% ) $epeat same process for %ines &*5&/ +7 *.(ra4Strin*( ;Descent,Serif ; -25point italic font B metrics.*etDescent()= )&= 9& ) %ines ;,5;. +9 *.(ra4Strin*( ;Dei*1t, ; B metrics.*etDei*1t()= )&= "% ) +" *.(ra4Strin*( ;Lea(in*, ; B metrics.*etLea(in*()= )&= )&& ) +$ 3& Font font A ne4 Font( ;Serif;= Font.ITCLIC= )! ) 3) metrics A *.*etFont-etrics( font )

<se 5ont%etrics to obtain ascent+ descent+ height and leading %etrics34ava


5 Pintar L neas! "ectngulos y #$alos

C ase Graphics

Provee !5todos para pintar $neas' rectngu os y va os

?odos o !5todos de pintar estas figuras re*uieren e anc1o y a to *ue ocuparan 2(isten os !5todos para pintar figuras con o sin re ene -dra/7 y fill7/

95todos de a c ase Graphics para pintar $neas' rectngu os y va os

9et1od Description public void dra/'ine( int x8. int y8. int x2. int y2 )

'raws a line between the point 3x8+ y84 and the point 3x2+ y24.
public void dra/Rect( int x. int y. int /idth. int height )

'raws a rectangle of the specified /idth and height. !he top5left corner of the rectangle has the coordinates 3x+ y4.
public void fillRect( int x. int y. int /idth. int height )

'raws a solid rectangle with the specified /idth and height. !he top5left corner of the rectangle has the coordinate 3x+ y4.
public void clearRect( int x. int y. int /idth. int height )

'raws a solid rectangle with the specified /idth and height in the c#rrent backgro#nd color. !he top5left corner of the rectangle has the coordinate 3 x+ y4.
public void dra/RoundRect( int x. int y. int /idth. int height. int arc(idth. int arc*eight )

'raws a rectangle with ro#nded corners in the c#rrent color with the specified /idth and height. !he arc(idth and arc*eight determine the ro#nding of the corners 3see Fig. -&.-*4.
public void fillRoundRect( int x. int y. int /idth. int height. int arc(idth. int arc*eight )

'raws a solid rectangle with ro#nded corners in the c#rrent color with the specified /idth and height. !he arc(idth and arc*eight determine the ro#nding of the corners 3see Fig. -&.-*4.

95todos de a c ase Graphics para pintar $neas' rectngu os y va os

9et1od Description

public void dra/9,Rect( int x. int y. int /idth. int height. boolean b ) 'raws a three5dimensional rectangle in the c#rrent color with the specified /idth and height. !he top5left corner of the rectangle has the coordinates 3 x+ y4. !he rectangle appears raised when b is tr#e and lowered when b is false.
public void fill9,Rect( int x. int y. int /idth. int height. boolean b )

'raws a filled three5dimensional rectangle in the c#rrent color with the specified /idth and height. !he top5left corner of the rectangle has the coordinates 3 x+ y4. !he rectangle appears raised when b is tr#e and lowered when b is false.
public void dra/Oval( int x. int y. int /idth. int height )

'raws an oval in the c#rrent color with the specified /idth and height. !he bo#nding rectangle:s top5left corner is at the coordinates 3 x+ y4. !he oval to#ches all fo#r sides of the bo#nding rectangle at the center of each side 3see Fig. -&.-14.
public void fillOval( int x. int y. int /idth. int height )

'raws a filled oval in the c#rrent color with the specified /idth and height. !he bo#nding rectangle:s top5left corner is at the coordinates 3 x+ y4. !he oval to#ches all fo#r sides of the bo#nding rectangle at the center of each side 3see Fig. -&.-14.

1 2 3 4 5 ! ( ) + 1. 11 12 13 14 15 1! 1( 1) 1+ 2. 21 22 23 24 25 2! 2(

// Fig. 12.14: :ines7e$ // Drawing lines2 re$tangles an% ovals. import java.awt.*; import java .swing.*; p"#li$ $lass :ines7e$tsDvals e ten%s &Frame ' // set win%ow*s title #ar String an% %imensions p"#li$ :ines7e$tsDvals,' s"per, /Drawing lines2 re$tangles an% ovals/ -; setSi1e, 4..2 1!5 -; set3isi#le, tr"e -; 4 // %ispla< vario"s lines2 re$tangles an% ovals p"#li$ voi% paint, 6raphi$s g ' s"per.paint, g -; // $all s"per$lass*s paint metho% g.setColor, Color.7;D -; g.%raw:ine, 52 3.2 35.2 3. -; g.setColor, Color.8:0; -; g.%raw7e$t, 52 4.2 +.2 55 -; g.5ill7e$t, 1..2 4.2 +.2 55 -;

2) 2+ 3. 31 32 33 34 35 3! 3( 3) 3+ 4. 41 42 43 44 45 4! 4( 4) 4+ 5.

g.setColor, Color.CI?@ -; g.5ill7o"n%7e$t, 1+52 4.2 +.2 552 5.2 5. -; g.%raw7o"n%7e$t, 2+.2 4.2 +.2 552 2.2 2. -; g.setColor, Color.I;::DL -; g.%raw3D7e$t, 52 1..2 +.2 552 tr"e -; g.5ill3D7e$t, 1..2 1..2 +.2 552 5alse -; g.setColor, Color.>?6;@A? -; g.%rawDval, 1+52 1..2 +.2 55 -; g.5illDval, 2+.2 1..2 +.2 55 -; 4 // en% metho% paint

'raw filled ro#nded rectangle

'raw 3non5filled4 ro#nded rectangle 'raw ;' rectangle 'raw filled ;' rectangle 'raw oval 'raw filled oval

// e e$"te appli$ation p"#li$ stati$ voi% main, String argsBC ' :ines7e$tsDvals appli$ation = new :ines7e$tsDvals,-; appli$ation.setDe5a"ltCloseDperation, &Frame.;EFAGD@GC:DS; -; 4 4 // en% $lass :ines7e$tsDvals

A tura y anc1ura de arco necesario para construir &ounded&ectang e

(x, y) arc height a rc width height


9edidas para construir un va o en "ase a rectngu o *ue o contiene

(x , y)



@ Pintar Arcos


Porcin de un va o +e !iden en grados 8arre -Sweeps) e nA!ero de grados *ue indi*ue e ngu o de arco +Beep e!pie%a en e inicio de !edida de os ngu os
8arre en sentido contrario a as agu#as de re o# si e ngu o es positivo 8arre en sentido de as agu#as de re o# para ngu os negativos)

Cngu os positivos y negativos

Positi e angles 90

!egati e angles 90





95todos de a c ase Graphics para e pintado de arcos

9et1od Description public void dra/Arc( int x. int y. int /idth. int height. int startAngle. int arcAngle )

'raws an arc relative to the bo#nding rectangle:s top5left coordinates #x y$ with the specified /idth and height. !he arc segment is drawn starting at startAngle and sweeps arcAngle degrees.
public void fillArc( int x. int y. int /idth. int height. int startAngle. int arcAngle )

'raws a solid arc 3i.e.+ a sector4 relative to the bo#nding rectangle:s top5left coordinates #x y$ with the specified /idth and height. !he arc segment is drawn starting at startAngle and sweeps arcAngle degrees.

) + 3 ! % 7 9 " $ )& )) )+ )3 )! )% )7 )9 )" )$ +& +) ++ +3 +! +% +7

'' Fi*. )+.)$, Dra4Crcs..a/a '' Dra4in* arcs. import .a/a.a4t.5 import .a/a6.s4in*.5 pu2lic class Dra4Crcs e6ten(s JFrame 8 '' set 4in(o4:s title 2ar Strin* an( (imensions pu2lic Dra4Crcs() 8 super( ;Dra4in* Crcs; ) setSi<e( 3&&= )9& ) set>isi2le( true ) # '' (ra4 rectan*les an( arcs pu2lic /oi( paint( 0rap1ics * ) 8 super.paint( * ) '' call superclass:s paint met1o( '' start at & an( s4eep 37& (e*rees *.setColor( Color.GELLOH ) *.(ra4Iect( )%= 3%= "&= "& ) *.setColor( Color.@LCCJ ) *.(ra4Crc( )%= 3%= "&= "&= &= 37& )

,ra/Arcs34ava %ines &25&1

'raw first arc that sweeps ;1, degrees and is contained in rectangle

+9 +" +$ 3& 3) 3+ 33 3! 3% 37 39 3" 3$ !& !) !+ !3 !! !% !7 !9 !" !$ %&

'' start at & an( s4eep ))& (e*rees *.setColor( Color.GELLOH ) *.(ra4Iect( )&&= 3%= "&= "& ) *.setColor( Color.@LCCJ ) *.(ra4Crc( )&&= 3%= "&= "&= &= ))& ) '' start at & an( s4eep K+9& (e*rees *.setColor( Color.GELLOH ) *.(ra4Iect( )"%= 3%= "&= "& ) *.setColor( Color.@LCCJ ) *.(ra4Crc( )"%= 3%= "&= "&= &= K+9& ) '' start at & an( s4eep 37& (e*rees *.fillCrc( )%= )+&= "&= !&= &= 37& ) '' start at +9& an( s4eep K$& (e*rees *.fillCrc( )&&= )+&= "&= !&= +9&= K$& ) '' start at & an( s4eep K+9& (e*rees *.fillCrc( )"%= )+&= "&= !&= &= K+9& ) # '' en( met1o( paint

'raw second arc that sweeps --, degrees and is contained in rectangle

'raw third arc that sweeps 5&., degrees and is contained in rectangle 'raw fo#rth arc that is filled+ has starting angle , and sweeps ;1, degrees 'raw fifth arc that is filled+ has starting angle &., and sweeps 50, degrees 'raw si"th arc that is filled+ has starting angle , and sweeps 5&., degrees

%) %+ %3 %! %% %7 %9 %"

'' e6ecute application pu2lic static /oi( main( Strin* ar*sEF ) 8 Dra4Crcs application A ne4 Dra4Crcs() application.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE ) # # '' en( class Dra4Crcs

; Pintar Po $gonos y Po i $neas

C ases !olygon

Po $gonos

:iguras de varios ados +eries de puntos conectados

Po i $neas

95todos Graphics para pintar po igonos y !5todos de a c ase !olygon

9et1od Description Graphics methods for drawing pol!gons public void dra/!olygon( int x!oints:;. int y!oints:;. int points )

'raws a polygon. !he %5coordinate of each point is specified in the x!oints array and the !5coordinate of each point is specified in the y!oints array. !he last arg#ment specifies the n#mber of points . !his method draws a closed polygon. =f the last point is different from the first point+ the polygon is closed by a line that connects the last point to the first point.
public void dra/!olyline( int x!oints:;. int y!oints:;. int points )

'raws a se>#ence of connected lines. !he %5coordinate of each point is specified in the x!oints array and the !5coordinate of each point is specified in the y!oints array. !he last arg#ment specifies the n#mber of points. =f the last point is different from the first point+ the polyline is not closed.
public void dra/!olygon( !olygon p )

'raws the specified polygon.

public void fill!olygon( int x!oints:;. int y!oints:;. int points )

'raws a solid polygon. !he %5coordinate of each point is specified in the x!oints array and the !5coordinate of each point is specified in the y!oints array. !he last arg#ment specifies the n#mber of points. !his method draws a closed polygon. =f the last point is different from the first point+ the polygon is closed by a line that connects the last point to the first point.
public void fill!olygon( !olygon p )

'raws the specified solid polygon. !he polygon is closed.

95todos Graphics para pintar po igonos y !5todos de a c ase !olygon

9et1od Description

!olygon constructors and methods

public public !olygon()

Constr#cts a new polygon object. !he polygon does not contain any points.
!olygon( int x<alues:;. int y<alues:;. int numberOf!oints ) numberOf!oints sides+ x<alues and a !5coordinate

Constr#cts a new polygon object. !he polygon has with each point consisting of an %5coordinate from from y<alues .
public void add!oint( int x. int y )

(dds pairs of %& and !5coordinates to the

!olygon .

) + 3 ! % 7 9 " $ )& )) )+ )3 )! )% )7 )9 )" )$ +& +) ++ +3 +! +% +7 +9

'' Fi*. )+.+), Dra4Lol?*ons..a/a '' Dra4in* pol?*ons. import .a/a.a4t.5 import .a/a6.s4in*.5 pu2lic class Dra4Lol?*ons e6ten(s JFrame 8 '' set 4in(o4:s title 2ar Strin* an( (imensions pu2lic Dra4Lol?*ons() 8 super( ;Dra4in* Lol?*ons; ) setSi<e( +9%= +3& ) set>isi2le( true ) # '' (ra4 pol?*ons an( pol?lines pu2lic /oi( paint( 0rap1ics * ) 8 super.paint( * ) '' call superclass:s paint met1o( int 6>aluesEF A 8 +&= !&= %&= 3&= +&= )% # int ?>aluesEF A 8 %&= %&= 7&= "&= "&= 7& # Lol?*on pol?*on) A ne4 Lol?*on( 6>alues= ?>alues= 7 ) *.(ra4Lol?*on( pol?*on) )

int arrays specifying !olygon polygon8 points 'raw polygon8 to screen

+" +$ 3& 3) 3+ 33 3! 3% 37 39 3" 3$ !& !) !+ !3 !! !% !7 !9 !" !$ %& %) %+ %3 %! %% %7

int 6>alues+EF A 8 9&= $&= )&&= "&= 9&= 7%= 7& # int ?>alues+EF A 8 )&&= )&&= ))&= ))&= )3&= ))&= $& # *.(ra4Lol?line( 6>alues+= ?>alues+= 9 ) int 6>alues3EF A 8 )+&= )!&= )%&= )$& # int ?>alues3EF A 8 !&= 9&= "&= 7& # *.fillLol?*on( 6>alues3= ?>alues3= ! ) Lol?*on pol?*on+ A ne4 Lol?*on() pol?*on+.a((Loint( )7%= )3% ) pol?*on+.a((Loint( )9%= )%& ) pol?*on+.a((Loint( +9&= +&& ) pol?*on+.a((Loint( +&&= ++& ) pol?*on+.a((Loint( )3&= )"& ) *.fillLol?*on( pol?*on+ ) # '' en( met1o( paint '' e6ecute application pu2lic static /oi( main( Strin* ar*sEF ) 8 Dra4Lol?*ons application A ne4 Dra4Lol?*ons() application.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE ) # # '' en( class Dra4Lol?*ons

int arrays specifying !olyline points 'raw !olyline to screen Specify points and draw 3filled4 !olygon to screen

Method add!oint adds pairs of "5y coordinates to a !olygon

D Java2D API

Java 2D API

Proporciona capacidades grficas avan%as 2D

4ava3a/t 4ava3a/t3image 4ava3a/t3color 4ava3a/t3font 4ava3a/t3geom 4ava3a/t3print 4ava3a/t3image3renderable

Usa a c ase 4ava3a/t3Graphics2,

2(tiende a c ase 4ava3a/t3Graphics

12)D Java2D API

Java 2D for!as

Pa*uetes 4ava3a/t3geom
= llipse2,3,ouble = Rectangle2,3,ouble = RoundRectangle2,3,ouble = Arc9,3,ouble = 'ines2,3,ouble

) + 3 ! % 7 9 " $ )& )) )+ )3 )! )% )7 )9 )" )$ +& +) ++ +3 +! +%

'' Fi*. )+.++, S1apes..a/a '' Demonstratin* some Ja/a+D s1apes. import .a/a.a4t.5 import .a/a.a4t.*eom.5 import .a/a.a4t.ima*e.5 import .a/a6.s4in*.5 pu2lic class S1apes e6ten(s JFrame 8 '' set 4in(o4:s title 2ar Strin* an( (imensions pu2lic S1apes() 8 super( ;Dra4in* +D s1apes; ) setSi<e( !+%= )7& ) set>isi2le( true ) # '' (ra4 s1apes 4it1 Ja/a+D CLI pu2lic /oi( paint( 0rap1ics * ) 8 super.paint( * ) '' call superclass:s paint met1o( 0rap1ics+D *+( A ( 0rap1ics+D ) * '' cast * to 0rap1ics+D


+7 +9 +" +$ 3& 3) 3+ 33 3! 3% 37 39 3" 3$ !& !) !+ !3 !! !% !7 !9 !" !$

'' (ra4 +D ellipse fille( 4it1 a 2lueK?ello4 *ra(ient *+(.setLaint( ne4 0ra(ientLaint( %= 3&= Color.@LME= 3%= )&&= Color.GELLOH= true ) ) *+(.fill( ne4 Ellipse+D.Dou2le( %= 3&= 7%= )&& ) ) '' (ra4 +D rectan*le in re( *+(.setLaint( Color.IED ) *+(.setStroNe( ne4 @asicStroNe( )&.&f ) ) *+(.(ra4( ne4 Iectan*le+D.Dou2le( "&= 3&= 7%= )&& ) ) '' (ra4 +D roun(e( rectan*le 4it1 a 2uffere( 2acN*roun( @uffere(Ima*e 2uffIma*e A ne4 @uffere(Ima*e( )&= )&= @uffere(Ima*e.TGLE_INT_I0@ ) 0rap1ics+D ** A 2uffIma*e.create0rap1ics() **.setColor( Color.GELLOH ) '' (ra4 in ?ello4 **.fillIect( &= &= )&= )& ) '' (ra4 a fille( rectan*le **.setColor( Color.@LCCJ ) '' (ra4 in 2lacN **.(ra4Iect( )= )= 7= 7 ) '' (ra4 a rectan*le **.setColor( Color.@LME ) '' (ra4 in 2lue **.fillIect( )= )= 3= 3 ) '' (ra4 a fille( rectan*le **.setColor( Color.IED ) '' (ra4 in re( **.fillIect( != != 3= 3 ) '' (ra4 a fille( rectan*le

<se Gradient!aint to fill shape with gradient Fill ellipse with gradient <se )asic0tro>e to draw &' red5border rectangle

)uffered"mage prod#ces image to be manip#lated

'raw te"t#re into )uffered"mage

%& %) %+ %3 %! %% %7 %9 %" %$ 7& 7) 7+ 73 7! 7% 77 79 7" 7$ 9& 9) 9+

'' paint 2uffIma*e onto t1e JFrame *+(.setLaint( ne4 Te6tureLaint( 2uffIma*e= ne4 Iectan*le( )&= )& ) ) ) *+(.fill( ne4 Ioun(Iectan*le+D.Dou2le( )%%= 3&= 9%= )&&= %&= %& ) ) '' (ra4 +D pieKs1ape( arc in 41ite *+(.setLaint( Color.HDITE ) *+(.setStroNe( ne4 @asicStroNe( 7.&f ) ) *+(.(ra4( ne4 Crc+D.Dou2le( +!&= 3&= 9%= )&&= &= +9&= Crc+D.LIE ) ) '' (ra4 +D lines in *reen an( ?ello4 *+(.setLaint( Color.0IEEN ) *+(.(ra4( ne4 Line+D.Dou2le( 3$%= 3&= 3+&= )%& ) ) float (as1esEF A 8 )& # *+(.setLaint( Color.GELLOH ) *+(.setStroNe( ne4 @asicStroNe( != @asicStroNe.CCL_IOMND= @asicStroNe.JOIN_IOMND= )&= (as1es= & ) ) *+(.(ra4( ne4 Line+D.Dou2le( 3+&= 3&= 3$%= )%& ) ) # '' en( met1o( paint

<se )uffered"mage as te"t#re for painting ro#nded rectangle <se Arc2,3!" to draw white5border &' pie5shaped arc

'raw solid green line

'raw dashed yellow line that crosses solid green line

93 9! 9% 97 99 9" 9$ "&

'' e6ecute application pu2lic static /oi( main( Strin* ar*sEF ) 8 S1apes application A ne4 S1apes() application.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE ) # # '' en( class S1apes


) + 3 ! % 7 9 " $ )& )) )+ )3 )! )% )7 )9 )" )$ +& +) ++ +3 +! +% +7

'' Fi*. )+.+3, S1apes+..a/a '' Demonstratin* a *eneral pat1. import .a/a.a4t.5 import .a/a.a4t.*eom.5 import .a/a6.s4in*.5 pu2lic class S1apes+ e6ten(s JFrame 8 '' set 4in(o4:s title 2ar Strin*= 2acN*roun( color an( (imensions pu2lic S1apes+() 8 super( ;Dra4in* +D S1apes; ) *etContentLane().set@acN*roun(( Color.HDITE ) setSi<e( !&&= !&& ) set>isi2le( true ) # '' (ra4 *eneral pat1s pu2lic /oi( paint( 0rap1ics * ) 8 super.paint( * ) '' call superclass:s paint met1o( int 6LointsEF A 8 %%= 79= )&$= 93= "3= %%= +9= 39= )= !3 # int ?LointsEF A 8 &= 37= 37= %!= $7= 9+= $7= %!= 37= 37 #

"5y coordinates that comprise star

+9 +" +$ 3& 3) 3+ 33 3! 3% 37 39 3" 3$ !& !) !+ !3 !! !% !7 !9 !" !$ %& %)

0rap1ics+D *+( A ( 0rap1ics+D ) * 0eneralLat1 star A ne4 0eneralLat1() '' create 0eneralLat1 o2.ect '' set t1e initial coor(inate of t1e 0eneral Lat1 6LointsE & F= ?LointsE & F ) '' create t1e starKKt1is (oes not (ra4 t1e star for ( int count A ) count O 6Loints.len*t1 countBB ) star.lineTo( 6LointsE count F= ?LointsE count F ) star.closeLat1() '' close t1e s1ape *+(.translate( +&&= +&& ) '' translate t1e ori*in to (+&&= +&&) '' rotate aroun( ori*in an( (ra4 stars in ran(om colors for ( int count A ) count OA +& countBB ) 8 *+(.rotate( -at1.LI ' )&.& ) '' rotate coor(inate s?stem '' set ran(om (ra4in* color *+(.setColor( ne4 Color( ( int ) ( -at1.ran(om() 5 +%7 )= ( int ) ( -at1.ran(om() 5 +%7 )= ( int ) ( -at1.ran(om() 5 +%7 ) ) ) *+(.fill( star ) '' (ra4 fille( star #

General!ath is a shape constr#cted from straight lines and comple" c#rves 0hapes234ava %ine &/ Create star %ines ;-5;. %ines 2&5*,

'raw filled+ randomly colored star &, times aro#nd origin


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