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March 14, 2014

To Whom It May Concern: It has been my pleasure to have Taylor Firman as my student teacher in tenth rade !"#" $istory and eleventh rade !"#" %overnment" &ne o' Taylor(s best assets is her pro'essionalism and demeanor" #he has a )onder'ul personality that shined throu h in the classroom and hall)ays" It is apparent that Taylor honestly cares about her students and loves teachin " #he displays a reat deal o' patience and empathy" #he is al)ays co ni*ant o' the classroom climate and encoura es acceptance and tolerance to cultivate a sa'e learnin environment" #he is sensitive to the problems that students 'ace and is able and )illin to provide help" &ne could al)ays 'ind her be'ore and a'ter school or at lunch time helpin students" Taylor is +uic, to in+uire about students that are absent or stru lin )ith issues and see,s out the appropriate help 'or those students" It is these traits that enabled her to build personal relationships )ith the students" Taylor not only established positive relationships in the classroom, but cultivated them in a'ter school activities" #he participated in many school events such as the $omecomin Competition -ssembly, #ta'' versus #tudent dod e ball ame, and attended many sportin events, dances, and activities" #he )as also an advisor 'or the #-.. club at !tica $i h #chool" $er active role and personality in and out o' the classroom earned her the respect and admiration o' the students" Taylor )as able to success'ully mana e her classroom because o' the positive interactions and relationships she established )ith her students" Taylor actively involves students in her lessons and incorporates cooperative learnin , substantive conversations, critical thin,in s,ills, and readin strate ies" It )as impressin to see the ne) ideas she had 'or en a in students" Taylor strives to reach and accommodate all learners by varyin her instructional strate ies" #he uses lecture, po)er point, media, pictures, primary and secondary sources, music and many other supplemental materials to enhance student learnin " Taylor reco ni*es that teachin is an ever evolvin pro'ession and continually re'lects upon best practices" That ability alon )ith her creativity led to a school )ide lesson plan 'or Constitution .ay that )as )ell received by sta'' and students" Taylor is very serious about becomin an e''ective educator" $er superb or ani*ational and time mana ement s,ills led her to be e/tremely success'ul in all aspects o' teachin " #he is determined to better her teachin techni+ues and re'lects bac, on each situation that she encounters" Taylor initiates discussion )ith collea ues to ain ,no)led e and to share her ideas" #he )as accepted as a member o' our sta'' and spo,en very hi hly o'" Taylor proved to be pro'essional, ,no)led eable, and carin in all aspects o' her student teachin e/perience" The best compliment that I can ive Taylor is to say that I )ould love the opportunity to be her collea ue" #incerely,

0vonne M" #a)yers1#)anson !"#" $istory and %overnment Teacher !tica $i h #chool

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