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Student Objectives/Teaching Targets: English 2> ELC 002/3> Grammar

Objective Describe objects and their state Define established ideas Describe activities using appropriate tenses Narrate past activities Describe actions that occurred simultaneously or in sequence Write clear instructions for simple processes Describe future plans, make predictions, use suitable time references Solicit information about past/present/future activities and situations Describe and compare objects and activities using adjectives/adverbs Relate experiences and achievements using present perfect, already, yet Report the length of currently occurring activities and situations using present perfect with for/since Express past and present abilities and needs Make recommendations Use articles and quantifiers correctly with nouns Materials FOG3 Unit 1 FOG3 Unit 1 FOG3 Unit 1,3 FOG3 Unit 3 FOG3 Unit 4 FOG3 Unit2 FOG3 Unit 7 FOG3 Unit 8 FOG3 Units 23,24,25 FOG3 Units 16, 17, 20 FOG3 Units 16, 17, 20 FOG3 Units 11 & 34 FOG3 Unit 14 FOG3 Units 21 & 22 TBA TBA Assessment Quiz 1 Quiz 1 Quiz 1 Quiz 1 Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 2 Quiz 2 Mid-Term (see note 1) Quiz 3 Quiz 3 Quiz 3 Quiz 3 (see note 2)

Describe past/present/future processes using passive voice Quiz 4 Solicit further information about information given in passive Quiz 4 sentences Describe people/places/objects using relative clauses TBA Quiz 4 Define tools/professions using relative clauses TBA Quiz 4 Notes: 1. The mid-term exam will also evaluate selected topics from quiz 1 and quiz 2. 2. Articles and quantifiers will not be explicitly examined, but from quiz 3 onwards errors with these items will be penalized as serious. 3. The final exam will cover a range of topics from the list above, to be decided by the course director in association with the exam writer.

Grading guidelines
Each answer will be worth 2 points. Deduct as follows: Blank or meaningless or completely irrelevant sentence -2 Grammatical error(s) with the target grammar point -1 Spelling mistake(s) with simple or target words -1/2 Spelling mistake(s) with difficult words -1/4 Grammatical error(s) with non-target grammar points -1/4 Deductions are per answer, not per error. Zero is the lowest score per answer. Some teacher discretion is permitted.
Version 2-342, 28-01-2014

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