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Redaccin para video de tv ingles Se comienza desde Parque Berrio centro de Medelln antes plaza de faena 1846-1875 Con

la escultura del seor Berrio donde vienen los interpretes de la msica Antes del metro era distinto pero con el metro se volvi ms importante lo principal es hacer un recuento de la historia de Medelln, patrimonio, arquitectura, y como la gente vive y disfruta del centro histrico de Medelln, barrio vanguardista construido de rocas artificiales, palacios que existen, alrededor del Barrio Guayaquil plaza de la luz los 2002 edificios Vasquez, Carre, Biblioteca virtual y la antigua estacin del
ferrocarril Un cambio bueno que se hizo para los habitantes y los visitantes que vengan ac a Medelln Tumbando edificaciones antiguas para renovar parque el carre con tan solo esta pequea descripcin espero tu visita pronto.

This is one of the cities most beautiful to walk around and enjoy It starts from Parque Berrio downtown Medellin before slaughter 1846-1875 square With the sculpture of Lord Berrio where performers music Before the metro was different but with the metro became more important the main thing is to make an account of the history of Medelln, heritage, architecture, and how people live and enjoy historic downtown Medellin, built avant-garde neighborhood of artificial rocks, palaces which exist around the Guayaquil district square of light 2002 Vasquez, Carr, virtual library buildings and the old railway station A good change that was made to the inhabitants and the visitors who come here to Medellin Topple old buildings to renovate Park the Carr with just this small description hope your visit soon.

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