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Brooke Jones


Campus Missionary Associate // Purdue Chi Alpha

108 Beck Lane, Lafayette, IN 47909

219.776.5032 //


This month God sent us to be His ambassadors to a specific community of people: the Purdue Non-theist Society, who recently held their annual Send and Atheist to Church fundraiser. To raise money for a local food pantry, they agree to attend any event held by the religious group that donates the most money. On Friday, March 7, they will be joining us for our weekly gathering and a special night of water baptisms, where theyll be hearing several personal testimonies of transformation! Sure, our giving was off the charts, but we rejoice even more that our giving has opened a door for the Gospel! Now the Nontheists at Purdue know that we have a generous God who gave us everything even His Sonwhen we had nothing. They also know that we didnt just give so they would come to our event...because weve actually gone to them. So many of us joined their game night that they apologized for not having people there! I also had a chance to visit them at their Ask an Atheist table in the heart of campuswhere they expect Christians to come argue with them about philosophy or denigrate them for their ignorance. As I stood with them to build friendship, my heart broke for the number of atheists who came to them to ask about getting involved in their group. Almost all of them made comments about their negative experiences with Christianity. We especially pray that God will use the time of worship, preaching, and water baptisms on March 7 to bring reconciliation to Non-theists who have been hurt by the church. Please pray with me that God will continue increasing our love for the lost and our favor with the Nontheists. If you are able to pray as we meet on March 7th from 6:30pm-9pm, please do! I cannot thank you enough for supporting me through prayers and financial commitment, but I continue to pray that God will bless you in every way and continue to provide for all your needs according to His glorious riches!
^^Sharing Gods love for the nations at our Chinese New Year Celebration!

Upcoming Dates & Prayer Needs: > March 7: Water Baptisms > March 14-20: Training student leaders on Spring Break trip to UVA. > for righteousness that comes from faith, not performancefor us, and for the lost

With love,


This May, I have the opportunity to travel to Nicaragua with a team from our ministry to partner with a Chi Alpha ministry in the capital of Managua! We will help launch XA at a university through prayer walks and evangelism, as well as care for abandoned children at a local orphanage. We pray to grow in compassion, servanthood, and boldness! If you would like to give towards the amount of $1,300 needed for this trip, please send checks made to Purdue Chi Alpha to my personal address: 108 Beck Lane, Lafayette, IN 47909.

Give online at // Account #2957918 Mail Checks to Chi Alpha @ 1445 N. Boonville Ave, Springfield, MO, 65802 // memo: #2957918

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