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Espaol III Unidad #3

Proyecto con verbos reflexivos


Para este proyecto, grupos de dos o tres van a describir lo que hacen ellos en la maana para prepararse. Cada persona en el grupo tiene que hablar por un minuto. Las otras en el grupo tienen que actuar lo que est pasando. Tambin es necesario describir emociones durante el da. Debe incorporar verbos de unidad 1, 2, y 3. Los grupos tienen que presenter antes del da ocho. Si no quiere presentar, el grupo puede hacer un video para mostrar a la clase. Cuando describe el da, el grupo necesita usar ms que 10 verbos reflexivos viejos y ms que 5 verbos reflexivos nuevos (enojarse, callarse, emocionarse..)
Pronunciation +5 Vowel and consonant sounds are consistent with the Spanish alphabet the majority of the time, stress is on appropriate syllables Rate of speech and language flow is consistent with natural speech Full discussion of one or more prompts for full time, Spanish is communicative, easily understood and has minimal grammatical errors/inconsistencies Vowel and consonant sounds are consistent with the Spanish alphabet some of the time, stress is on appropriate syllables most of the time Rate of speech and language flow are somewhat consistent with natural speech Discussion focuses on prompt(s), but lacks details, Spanish is somewhat communicative with some difficulties/ grammar issues that impact overall understanding Vowel and consonant sounds and syllable stress patterns are inconsistent

Speech patterns +5 Content & Structures +20

Rate of speech and language flow are inconsistent Discussion does not relate to prompts provided, Spanish is not communicative and has multiple errors with makes recording incomprehensible

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