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Infinitive To have (haber)

Tiempos Simples del Verbo TO HAVE Past Participle Had (haba, hube) Present Simple Had (habido)

Affirmative I have (yo he) you have (t has)

Negative I have not (yo no he) you have not (t no has)

Interrogative have I? (he yo?) have you? (has t?)

* he has (l ha) we have (hemos)

he has not (l no ha) we have not (no hemos)

has he? (ha l?) have we? (hemos?)

you have (habis)

you have not (no habis)

have you? (habis?)

they have (han)

they have not (no han) Past Simple **

have they? (han?)

Affirmative I had (yo haba) you had (t habas)

Negative I had not (yo no haba) you had not (t no habas)

Interrogative had I? (haba yo?) had you? (habas t?)

* he had (l haba) we had (habamos)

he had not (l no haba) we had not (no habamos)

had he? (haba l?) had we? (habamos?)

you had (habais)

you had not (no habais)

had you? (habais?)

they had (haban)

they had not (no haban)

had they? (haban?)

* El pronombre de la 3 persona del singular, figura en masculino he, pero el verbo tiene la misma forma para el femenino she o el impersonal it.

** El Past Simple adems de corresponder al Pretrito Imperfecto espaol (yo era), tambin se corresponde con el Pretrito Perfecto Simple o Pretrito Indefinido: yo fui, t fuiste, l fue, nosotros fuimos, vosotros fuisteis, ellos fueron. En el verbo To Be, en la conversacin se suelen contraer las formas verbales, pero no se usan de forma escrita salvo que el escrito tenga un carcter informal o refleje una conversacin.

Formas que se pueden contraer Present Simple Affirmative I have you have * he has we have you have they have I've you've he's we've you've they've Negative I have not you have not he has not we have not you have not they have not I haven't you haven't he hasn't we haven't you haven't they haven't Past Simple Negative I had not you had not he had not we had not you had not they had not I hadn't you hadn't he hadn't we hadn't you hadn't they hadn't

* Aunque figura en masculino he, es lo mismo para el femenino she o el impersonal it. EL verbo To Have puede tener varios significados:

Como auxiliar, para formar los tiempos compuestos, To Have + participio. I have run = Yo he corrido She had played = Ella haba jugado

Seguido de un infinitivo, To Have + infinitivo, significaTener que. I have to study the lesson Tengo que estudiar la leccin

To have + a + sustantivo se emplea, con frecuencia, para frases hechas. To have a swim = Nadar To have a rest = Descansar

Tambin puede significar Tomar, cuando nos referimos a alimentos. I have breakfast slowly Tomo el desayuno despacio

Equivale a Tener, en el sentido de poseer algo o mencionar una cualidad de alguien. En este caso, sobre todo en ingls britnico, a la conjugacin de To Have se suele aadir Got(participio del verbo to get, que no tiene traduccin en este caso).

He has a new ball = He has got a new ball l tiene un baln nuevo (Las dos formas son correctas) El verbo To Have Got se conjuga aadiendo GOT a la conjugacin del verbo To Have. Veamos, de forma simplificada, su conjugacin y las formas que se pueden contraer. Tiempos simples de To Have Got Present Simple Affirmative I have got you have got * he has got I've got you've got he's got Negative I have not got you have not got he has not got I haven't got you haven't got he hasn't got Interrogative have I got? have you got? has he got?

* Aunque figura en masculino he, es lo mismo para el femenino she o el impersonal it. Las dems personas son como la 1 del singular, cambiando el pronombre personal. Past Simple Affirmative I had got Negative I had not got I hadn't got Interrogative had I got?

Las dems personas son como la 1 del singular, cambiando el pronombre personal.

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