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Procedures Lesson Plan Classroom Discipline Plan Expectations

Specific Procedures

Discipline Plan
There are three steps in the classroom discipline plan (see classroom rules lesson plan for more information on behavioural expectations): If you are not following the classroom rules, I will say your name, followed by first warning If you continue to ignore the classroom rules, I will say your name, followed by second warning. At this time your name will be written on the board and you may be moved to a different location in the class If you still are not following the classroom rules, I will say your name, followed by third warning. At this time your name on the board will get a check mark and you will be removed from class. You will be asked to fill out a think-time form that describes the rules you broke and how you could have avoided getting in trouble. You will sign the form and take it home to get signed by your parents. After getting their signature, you will return the form to school. Classrooms School grounds Field trips Boys and girls, it is important for us to have a plan in place so that you know what happens when you arent following the rules. This is important because The warnings will be a signal to you that you are not following the classroom rules and will give you a chance to correct your behaviour It informs your parents about your behaviour that day It provides communication between your teacher and your parents It respects the entire class and will help keep our classroom a healthy learning space




This is what our class discipline plan looks like: Johnny is talking to his seat partner during a lesson. Johnny is given his first verbal warning. Johnny continues to talk to his seat partner; Johnny is given his second verbal warning and is asked to move to the table at the back of the classroom. Johnnys name is written on the board. Johnny tries to get the attention of the nearest student by calling out their name. Johnny is given a third verbal warning, he is removed from the class and asked to fill out a think-time form. Johnny takes the form home to be signed by his parents and returned to school. This is what our class discipline plan doesnt look like: Jessica is disrupting the class and is given a verbal warning. Jessica continues to be disruptive and is sent out of the class. Jessica is given three warnings and is sent out of the classroom, but she doesnt have to do a think-time form After taking her think-time form home to get signed, Jessica forgets to bring it back and is not asked about it again Jessica has been given a third verbal warning and a checkmark but is not removed from the classroom Ask for a student volunteer to help you with a demonstration. Give them a scenario to play out Ask the rest of the class to help the teacher identify inappropriate behaviour Allow students to decide when warnings should be given Afterwards, allow for discussion time and correct any mistakes students made in their decisions




At the beginning of the day, review the






discipline plan with the class. Ask them to give an example of behaviour that would lead to each of the three warnings Give some examples of negative behaviors observed lately in the class. Remind students that these behaviours will lead to a warning Spend time with students who are struggling to keep them from getting warnings. In the morning, review the negative behaviours they have been demonstrating and brainstorm some positive behaviours that would help them avoid warnings With the whole class, discuss negative behaviours being demonstrated lately in class, brainstorm alternatives so warnings arent given Give the entire class praise for their positive behaviour. Give specific examples of things observed Praise and talk one on one with students who have improved their behaviour Review classroom discipline plan Ask students if they have any questions about the discipline plan Review why it is important to have and follow the discipline plan Do another role play with a student acting out a scenario and the rest of the class giving warnings

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