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EDU420 & 419 Interdisciplinary LES - Schematic Summary Fall 2012

TITLE: HOW DO THE LOCAL AND GLOBAL FOOD MARKETS IMPACT BOTH THE LOCAL AND THE GLOBAL COMMUNITY? LEVEL: Cycle 1, Year Two (Secondary 2) NAME OF DESIGNERS: Amlie Bouffard MULTIFACETED UNIT TOPIC The current food industry is unsustainable and negatively affects people and ecological systems around the world. One potential solution is to promote locally produced food. MULTIFACETED UNIT QUESTION How do the local and global food markets impact both the local and global community? EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT CONCEPTS Socio-cultural perspective [ X ] Human rights; Peace and human security; Cultural diversity and intercultural understanding; Health; Governance Environmental perspectives [ X ] Natural resources (water, energy, agriculture, biodiversity); Climate change; Sustainable urbanization Economic perspective [ X ] Poverty reduction; Market economy QEP CONNECTIONS

Broad Area(s) of Learning: Citizenship and Community Life Focus of Development: Participation, cooperation and solidarity Issue[s]: Establishment of egalitarian relationships; leadership; mutual help; community action projects

Broad Area(s) of Learning: Environmental Awareness and Consumer Rights and Responsibilities Focus of Development: (1) Construction of a viable environment based on sustainable development; (2) Responsible use of goods and services; (3) Awareness of social, economic and ethical aspects of consumption Issue[s]: (1) Understanding of connections between the satisfaction of the needs of the members of a community and the territory in which they live; habits and attitude that ensure the protection, conservation and improvement of the environment; (2) informed consumer choices; relationship between production and consumption; individual and collective needs; (3) origin of various consumer goods; consequences of globalization for cultures, ways of life and the distribution of wealth; working conditions of those who produce consumer goods or services; viable, socially responsible consumption; equitable distribution of resources

Cross Curricular Competency: 9-Communicates appropriately Key Feature(s): Uses the appropriate mode of communication Manifestations: Analyzes the communication situation; Chooses one or more modes of communication suited to the context and purpose of communication; Identifies ways of communicating suited to the target audience; Uses one or more modes of communication suited to the situation
DISCIPLINARY UNDERSTANDINGS [What is Learned] Discipline 1: English as a Second Language (ESL) Discipline 2 : Franais Langue dEnseignement (FLE)

Competency: 3-Writes and produces texts [p. 594] Key Feature(s) [p. 595]: - Uses a personalized writing process Manifestations: QEP: Program Content [p. 595] - Adapts the process to the task - Publishes Progression of Learning: Processes: B. Writing Process: [p. 18] 6. Publishing Phase a. Shares polished copy with intended audience Texts: B. Texts Components: [p. 20] b. Applies knowledge of text components to write and produce texts

Competency: 2-crire des textes varis [p. 108] Key Feature(s) [p. 111]: - Faire appel sa crativit Manifestations: QEP: Program Content [p. 111] - Explorer diffrentes faons daborder un sujet - Recourir aux ressources de la langue pour produire des effets visant susciter lintrt de diffrents destinataires Progression of Learning: Contenus dapprentissages lis la description: 1. Situation de communication [p. 7] 1.2. En production crite et orale: Analyser la situation et en tenir compte a. Se situer comme nonciateur ii. son intention - dcrire pour faire connatre - dcrire pour inciter agir b. Prendre en compte son destinataire et les caractristiques de ce dernier : son ge, son sexe, son statut social, sa connaissance du sujet, ses gots 1.3. Prendre en considration le contexte de rception et de production a. Tenir compte du contexte de production de la description: date, lieu, support Disciplinary Performances of Understanding [What is Said/Written/Done to show learning] WRITE: Biographies of local farmers [based on interviews] SAY: Website [French page]: presentation video DO: Mind Maps: impact of the local food trade on the local and global community (economically, socially, environmentally)

Disciplinary Performances of Understanding [What is Said/Written/Done to show learning] WRITE: Biographies of food producers around the world SAY: Website [English page]: presentation video DO: Mind Maps: impact of the global food trade on the local and global community (economically, socially, environmentally)


INTEGRATED Understandings & Performances Introductory Integrative Understandings: Our food comes from all over the world, from faraway places, but also from local places. Consumption and production may not be linked by a direct line. What is happening between production and consumption? The lives of people working for the food industry as producers might be very different from ours, and they may be affected by our choices as consumers. Introductory Performances: [What is Said/Written/Done to show learning] World/Local Map (Do) [ESL, FLE]: Students will be asked to bring to class [ESL] a list of food products and where they come from. The products can be from the supermarket, a small store, or wherever their parents shop for food. They can be items that their parents usually buy or not. In class, students will construct a world map [ESL] and a local map [FLE] showing where their items are from. Both world and local maps will be posted (at the end of the LES) on a new website made by the class for the purpose of this LES. Timeline (Do) [ESL, FLE]: Students will construct a timeline representing the food trade from production (where their items are from) to consumption (right here). Students will be asked to think about (or imagine) what might be happening between the two ends of the line (What happens to the items?), but also at each end (What are the lives of the people at each end?). In ESL, students will construct a timeline focusing primarily on food that comes from faraway places. In FLE, students will focus on local food. Both timelines will be posted on the website at the end of the LES. KWL (Know, Want to Know, Learned) Charts (Write) [ESL, FLE]: Students will complete the K and W part of a KWL Chart for both disciplines (The L part will be filled at the end of the LES).



Midway Integrative Understandings: When food is produced and purchased within the global food trade, it is handled by a series of middlemen. This has negative effects on food producers and their communities (economically, socially and environmentally). Food that is produced and purchased locally affects positively food producers and their communities (economically, socially and environmentally).


Midway Performances: Biographies from around the world (Write, Say) [ESL]: Students will read different testimonies from food producers around the world. Students will then work in groups, choose one testimony and become experts. They will research more information on the particular type of food trade (ex: the banana trade) their food producer works for, on the general work and living conditions of workers in that country, and on the environmental and social consequences of that food trade on communities affected by that trade. With all that information in hand, students will write complete biographies for their food producer (extending them beyond life events). Particular attention will be paid to whether producers are given choices or not in terms of work. Students will then share their biographies with the class through oral presentations, which will be followed by the class synthesizing the information from the biographies by adding it to the world map and the timeline. All biographies (properly referenced) will be posted on the website at the end of the LES. Local Biographies (Write, Say) [FLE]: Students will prepare and conduct interviews of local farmers. Students will also research additional information on buying locally (how it affects the surrounding community economically, socially and environmentally) and on the local consequences of the global food trade. With all that information in hands, students will write complete biographies for their local farmers (extending them beyond life events). Students will then share their biographies with the class through oral presentations, which will be followed by the class synthesizing the information from the biographies by adding it to the world map and the timeline. All biographies (properly referenced) will be posted on the website at the end of the LES. Final Integrative Understandings: Our choices as consumers have an influence over the food trade. By supporting the local economy, we encourage the development of a model of trade that is economically, socially and environmentally sustainable. The global food trade, on the other hand, is unsustainable for the local communities it affects. Final Performances: Mind Maps (Do, Say) [ESL, FLE]: Using all the information collected and written in both disciplines, students will design individual mind maps demonstrating their understanding of the concepts discussed in this LES (See Final Integrative Understandings). Students will complete only one mind map, which must answer the following three questions: What happens when we buy locally? What happens when we buy food from elsewhere in the world? What can we do to promote a sustainable food trade? Any text used in the mind map will have to be bilingual (with both English and French versions written on the same mind map). Students will then share their mind maps with the class through a Gallery Walk. The class will select the clearest mind map and post it on the website. Website Presentation Videos (Write) [ESL, FLE]: Using a collective writing process, the class will write two texts (one in English, one in French) that will be read over relevant images chosen by the class, forming introductory videos for the website. The texts will present the rationale for the website, explain the selected mind map, and introduce the rest of the content available on the website. The English text will be geared at a global, international community; the French text will be geared towards the local community.


Targeted Assessment for Discipline 1

Targeted Assessment for Discipline 2

English as a Second Language

Franais Langue dEnseignement

Competency: 3-Writes and produces texts [p. 594] Formative Assessment will be given on: Midpoint expert research on a food producer (through group interviews) First drafts of BIOGRAPHIES AROUND THE WORLD Aspects of performances that will be used for reporting [contribute to a mark for the unit]: Final drafts of BIOGRAPHIES AROUND THE WORLD

Competency: 2-crire des textes varis [p. 108] Formative Assessment will be given on: Questions for interviews of a local farmer Interview reports Midpoint expert research on buying locally and local consequences of the global food trade First drafts of LOCAL BIOGRAPHIES Aspects of performances that will be used for reporting [contribute to a mark for the unit]: Final drafts of LOCAL BIOGRAPHIES

Evaluation Criteria [QEP] for performances [p. 9, Framework for the Evaluation of Learning]: Participation in the writing process (feedback only) Content of the message Formulation of the message Use of strategies and resources (feedback only)

Note: Mind Maps will be evaluated as a part of Competency 2: Reinvests understanding of texts.

Evaluation Criteria [QEP] for performances [p. 111, QEP]: Adaptation la situation dcriture Cohrence du texte Construction des phrases et ponctuation appropries Justesse du vocabulaire utilis Respect des normes relatives lorthographe dusage et lorthographe grammaticale Recours des stratgies dcriture appropries

DAILY LEARNING PLAN Prior Knowledge Required [From Franais Langue dEnseignement] Prior to this LES, students will have studied the genre of biographies. They will therefore be familiar with the text components and features of biographies. During this LES in FLE, students will focus on the local side of food trade. They will first construct local maps showing where local food comes from, and a timeline showing what happens between production and consumption of locally produced food. Students will also prepare, conduct and report on interviews of local farmers. Adding in information from research on the local food trade and its economic, social and environmental effects on the local community, students will write biographies of local farmers, which they will share with the class. Students will consider not only the benefits of the local food trade, but also the local consequences of the global food trade.



Learning Intentions for the Lesson

Learning Intention(s): Students will construct a world map and timeline showing where our food comes from, and what they know of the food trade from production to consumption.
Materials: KWL Chart (See Appendix A below)

1 ESL Integrative Performance Circle: Yes or No Circle: Intro, Midway, Final

2 ESL Integrative Performance Circle: Yes or No Circle: Intro, Midway, Final

Assessment (of what/ how): KWL Chart [Anecdotal Record: prior knowledge and first grasp of the topic] Teacher, Self Learning Intention(s): Students will read different personal stories of food producers around the world (Jigsaw). Students will then form groups and choose one producer whose story they want to focus on.
Materials: (Menu on the left side of the page: Testimonies)

3 ESL Integrative Performance Circle: Yes or No Circle: Intro, Midway, Final

4 ESL Integrative Performance Circle: Yes or No Circle: Intro, Midway, Final

5 ESL Integrative Performance Circle: Yes or No Circle: Intro, Midway, Final

6 ESL / FLE Integrative Performance Circle: Yes or No Circle: Intro, Midway, Final 7 ESL / FLE Integrative Performance Circle: Yes or No Circle: Intro, Midway, Final

Assessment (of what/ how): Exit Cards [Anecdotal Record: one new piece of information which was new for each student today, and one piece of information that struck them] Teacher Learning Intention(s): In their groups, students will research additional information on the food trade for which their food producer works, and on the work and living conditions for the majority of people in the country of their food producer. Assessment (of what/ how): Group Interviews [Checklist: the group has gathered information that is clear, complete and relevant for each aspect of the research; the group understands the information gathered] Self, Peer (group members), Teacher Learning Intention(s): In their groups, students will use the writing process to write the biography of their food producer, incorporating information drawn from their research. Assessment (of what/ how): Biographies [Rubric: see Evaluation Criteria, in Targeted Assessment above] Self, Peer, Teacher Learning Intention(s): In their groups, students will present their biographies to the class. Following the presentations, the whole class will first synthesize all information from the biographies using Venn Diagrams and Fishbones, and then add this information to the world map and timeline. Assessment (of what/ how): Presentation [Rubric: complete, clear, and pertinent summary of the groups biography] Self, Peer, Teacher Learning Intention(s): Students will design the first drafts of their mind maps.

8 ESL / FLE Integrative Performance Circle: Yes or No Circle: Intro, Midway, Final

Assessment (of what/ how): Mind Maps (First Drafts) [Rubric: how effectively the mind map demonstrates understanding of the concepts studied in this LES] Self, Teacher Learning Intention(s): Students will produce final copies of their mind map and present them to the class, using Gallery Walk. The class will select one mind map to be posted on the website. Assessment (of what/ how): Mind Maps (Final Copies) [Rubric: how effectively the mind map demonstrates understanding of the concepts studied in this LES] Self, Teacher Learning Intention(s): The class will use a collective writing process to write two introductory texts for the website (one in English, one in French). Assessment (of what/ how): Texts [Checklist: the texts must effectively present the rationale for the website, explain the selected mind map, and introduce the rest of the content available on the website; both texts must be geared towards corresponding audiences] Peer, Teacher Participation in the Writing Process [Rubric: providing ideas, providing feedback, being active throughout the process, being respectful] Self

9 ESL / FLE Integrative Performance Circle: Yes or No Circle: Intro, Midway, Final

Learning Intention(s): Students will read and record final version of the two texts over images of their choosing. They will assemble and publish all LES material (world and local maps, timelines, biographies, mind map and videos) onto the website created for this LES. Students fill conclude the LES by filling in the L part of their KWL Charts and a self-evaluation on their development of Cross-Curricular Competency 9. Assessment (of what/ how): Website [Checklist: all required elements] Teacher KWL Chart [Anecdotal Record: final summary of learning] Self, Teacher Cross-Curricular Competency 9 Self-Evaluation [Rubric: development of CrossCurricular Competency 9] Self, Teacher

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