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Volunteers Needed for Research Study

What kind of study? We are interested in your experiences participating in community or civic activities in Providence, RI. Compensation All participants will be compensated $20 for their participation. To participate you must be: Involved in your community: For example: Do you volunteer

for an organization? Are you involved in a church, neighborhood, or community organization? Have you voted, helped with a political campaign, or been involved with a political group? Do you do advocacy work? We welcome all types of community involvement!

At least 18 years old (18-64 preferred) Low income status (currently identify as low-income or have
previously identified as low-income in the past 1-5 years)

Living in Providence, RI Available for a one hour interview in February 2014 For more information: Contact Jodi Email: Phone: 763-443-1325
This research has been reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board (#13100) at Brandeis University.

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