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cul es el valor de un dolar? Depende del mercado, pero imprimirlo cuesta 6,4 cntimos.

Un valor bastante inferior Qu papel se utiliza para estos billetes? Estn hechos de lino y algodn. De cerca, se pueden ver unas fibras rojas y azules y se usan para evitar falsificaciones. Cul es el significado de la letra que aparece en el centro del sello circular? Se refiere a distintos lugares de procedencia. A=Boston B= Nueva York C= Philadelphia D= Cleveland E=Richmond F= Atlanta G= Chicago H= st. Louis I = Minneapolis J= Kansas K=Dallas L=San Francisco. El numero negro que aparece est vinculado a la letra. Un bho? Algunas personas dicen que ven un bho (otros una araa) al lado del numero 1 de la parte superior derecha. Hay quienes lo vinculan a la simbologa masnica. El gran sello de los Estados Unidos Al no contar con escudo herldico, utilizan este sello para certificar documentos. Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin y John Adams participaron en su creacion. Annuit Coeptis Del latin, cuya traduccion es "Aprueba nuestras tareas" y se refiere a Dios. Muchas de las figuras importantes en la creacion de los Estados unidos consideraban que Dios deba dar el visto bueno a cada una de las cosas que hacian. Novus Ordo Seclorum "Nuevo Orden de los Siglos" lo que viene a ser La nueva era americana que comenz con la Declaracin de Independencia. Por qu hay trece escalones en la pirmide? Cada escaln representa a uno de los 13 estados iniciales.

What is the value of a dollar? It depends on the market, but printing it costs 6,4 cents. A very low value. What type of paper is used in bills? They are made of line and cotton. If you are close to it, you can see blue and red fibers. They are used to avoid falsifications. What is the meaning of the letter in the middle of the stamp? It is referred to the places of precedence. A=Boston B= Nueva York C= Philadelphia D= Cleveland E=Richmond F= Atlanta G= Chicago H= st. Louis I = Minneapolis J= Kansas K=Dallas L=San Francisco. The black number is connected to the letter.

An owl? Some people say that they can see an owl (other people a spider) next to the number 1. it is said to be connected with masons.

The big stamp of U.S. Since they don't have an heraldic emblem, they use this stamp to certificate documents. Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin y John Adams participated in its creation. Annuit Coeptis From Latin, its translation is "aprove our tasks" it refers to God. Many important people who participated in the creation of the U.S. considered that God should aprove everything they did. Novus Ordo Seclorum "New order of the Century" means that a new Era was about to start.

Why are there 13 steps in the pyramid? Each step represents one of the 13 original colonies.

Por qu una pirmide truncada? Muchos lo asocian a que los Estados Unidos

Why is the pyramid unfinished? Many people say that this is because the U.S.

estaban an inacabados. El ojo en el triangulo representa el fuerte carcter religioso de la nacin. E Pluribus Unum Significa "De varios, uno", es decir, de varios estados conformando una nica nacin. El guila fue elegida por tratarse de una especie animal nativa. Esta sostiene trece flechas y una rama de olivo con trece hojas. Simbolizando la paz y la guerra.

were unfinished then. The eye inside the triangle represents the strong religious character of the nation. E Pluribus Unum Means "From several, one". It is said, from several states we form a unique nation. The eagle was elected because it was a native specie. It holds 13 arrows and an olive branch with 13 leaves, symbolizing peace and war.

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