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Adjectives (Adjetivos)

Un adjetivo es una palabra que acompaa y modifica al nombre. Puede ampliar, complementar o cuantificar su tamao. Son palabras que nombran o indican cualidades, rasgos y propiedades de los nombres o sustantivos a los que acompaan. Ejemplos: the tall man (el hombre alto) a happy child (un nio contento) a dark street (una calle oscura) a Spanish woman (una mujer espaola) the red ball (la pelota roja) a cold winter (un invierno fro) the glass table (la mesa de vidrio) TIPOS DE ADJETIVOS El ingls tiene seis clases de adjetivos: Descriptive/Qualitative (Calificativos) fat (gordo), blue (azul), nice (simptico), hot (caliente), young (joven), round (redondo), long (largo), early (temprano)... Demonstrative (Demostrativos) this (esto), that (eso), these (estos), those (esos) Quantitative (Cuantitativos) some (alguno/s), any (alguno/s, ninguno), many (mucho/s), much(mucho)... Interrogative (Interrogativos) which? (cul?), what? (qu?), where? (dnde?), how? (cmo?)... Possessive (Posesivos) my (mi), your (tu), his (su), our (nuestro)... Numeric (Numricos) one (uno), four (cuatro), first (primero), third (tercero)...

Grammatical Rules (reglas Gramaticales) El adjetivo casi siempre se sita antes del nombre, como hemos visto en el principio de esta leccin. Aunque en algunos casos, dependen del verbo, y entonces el adjetivo se sita detrs del verbo. Estos verbos incluyen: to be (ser/estar), to become (ponerse), to feel (sentirse), to look(parecer), to seem (parecer), to smell (oler), to taste (gustar) Ejemplos: She looks [seems] tired. (Parece cansada.) I feel good. (Me siento bien.) It smells bad. (Huele mal.) You are beautiful. (Eres guapa.) El adjetivo en ingls no tiene gnero. fast (rpido/a), good (bueno/a), cold (fro/a), tall (alto/a)... En general, los adjetivos no tienen una forma plural. Slo los adjetivos demostrativos y cuantitativos tienen formas diferentes para el singular y el plural: Demostrativos: this pencil (este lpiz) these pencils (estos lpices) Cuantitativos: much money (mucho dinero) many books (muchos libros) Podemos usar dos o ms adjetivos juntos. Ejemplos: a small black book (un libro pequeo y negro) a pretty Spanish woman (una mujer espaola guapa) a large glass table (una mesa grande de vidrio) a wonderful old city (una ciudad antigua y maravillosa) Como norma general, seguimos el siguiente orden cuando utilizamos varios adjetivos:Tipo opinin /valor: delicious, wonderful, nice, pretty ... tamao y longitude: short, large, small, tall ... edad / temperature: new, old, young, hot, cold ... forma y superficie: round, fat, thin, square ... color: red, black, blue, green ... origen:Spanish, American, Columbian ... material:silver, cotton, paper, iron ... uso:electric, political ... nombre:bath (towel)

Presente Continuo o Progresivo

El Presente Continuo o Presente Progresivo es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para expresar acciones que suceden en el mismo momento en que se est hablando, por ejemplo: I am speaking English. Yo estoy hablando ingls. (Est sucediendo ahora). You are reading a book. T ests leyendo un libro. He is studying the lesson. l est estudiando la leccin. She is buying a hat. Ella est comprando un sombrero. It is raining. Est lloviendo. We are sleeping. Nosotros estamos durmiendo. You are dancing in the street. Ustedes estn bailando en la calle. They are walking in the park. Ellos estn caminando en el parque. Este tiempo verbal se construye utilizando como auxiliar el Presente Simple del modo indicativo del verbo TO BE y como verbo principal en infinitivo con la terminacin ING, como vemos a continuacin:

Reglas de ortografa para el participio presente 1. Cuando el verbo acaba en e normalmente la e cae delante de la terminacin -ing: make making; take taking. 2. Cuando se trata de un verbo monosilbico acabado en una sola vocal seguida por una consonante, la consonante final se duplica delante de la terminacin -ing: stop stopping; sit -sitting; win winning. Pero fijaros que cuando hay ms de una vocal en el verbo, no duplicamos la consonante final: rain raining 3. Cuando se trata de un verbo bisilbico cuya slaba tnica es la segunda, la consonante final se dobla delante de la terminacin - ing: begin beginning; prefer preferring. Pero si la slaba tnica es la primera no existen modificaciones: visit visiting; open opening

Possessive Pronouns (Pronombres posesivos)

Pronombres posesivos Ejemplo Traduccin ejemplo

My Your His Her Its Our Your Their

mi, mis tu, tus (de ti) / su, sus (de usted) su, sus (de l) su, sus (de ella) su, sus nuestro/a, nuestros/as

This is myhouse. This is yourbook. This is hisbicycle. This is her dress. This is its (the cat's) home. These are oursuitcases.

sta es mi casa. ste es tu libro. / ste es su libro. sta es su bicicleta. ste es su vestido. sta es su casa. (la casa del gato) stas son nuestras maletas. stos son vuestros asientos. stos son sus asientos. stos son sus libros.
Traduccin ejemplo

vuestro/a, vuestros/as, su, These are yourseats. sus (de ustedes) su, sus (de ellos) These are theirbooks.

Pronombres posesivos (en funcin de pronombre)

Mine Yours His Hers Its Ours Yours Theirs

mo/s, ma/s tuyo/s, tuya/s, suyo/s, suya/s suyo/s, suya/s (de el) suyo/s, suya/s (de ella) su, sus nuestro/s, nuestra/s

This book ismine Is this book yours? This bicycle ishis. The dress ishers. The house is its(the cat's). The suitcases are ours.

Este libro es mo. Este libro es tuyo? / Este libro es suyo? Esta bicicleta es de l. El vestido es de ella. La casa es suya (del gato). Las maletas son nuestras. Estos asientos son vuestros. Estos asientos son suyos. Este lpiz es de ellos.

vuestro/a, vuestros/as, These seats areyours. suyo/s, suya/s suyo/a, suyos/as (de ellos) This pencil istheirs.

The past progressive tense is formed like this: For singular: "Was" + [verb] + "ing" For plural: "Were" + [verb] + "ing" The [verb] + "ing" part is known as a present participle. It is formed like this:

Singular I was sleeping you were sleeping

Plural we were sleeping you were sleeping

Singular I was walking you were walking he/she/it was walking

Plural we were walking you were walking they were walking

he/she/it was sleeping they were sleeping

6.- Simple Past tense

1) action finished in the past I visited Berlin last week. 2) series of completed actions in the past First I got up, then I had breakfast 3) together with the Past Progressive/Continuous - The Simple Past interrupted an action which was in progress in the past. They were playing cards when the telephone rang.

Signal words
yesterday, last week, a month ago, in 2002


- with regular verbs: infinitive + -ed - with irregular verbs: 2nd column of the table of the irregular verbs


Affirmative sentences: regular verbs I played football. We visited Alaska last year. irregular verbs I went to the cinema. We were in Rome yesterday.

Negative sentences: You must not negate a full verb in English. Always use the auxiliary did (Simple Past of to do) for negations. I I He didn't didn't played play play football. football. football.

Questions: Use the auxiliary did (Simple Past of to do). Did you play football? Did he play football?

El verbo 'Can' pertenece a los verbos modales y se ubica antes del verbo principal en infinitivo. Significa 'poder'. Se utiliza para expresar habilidad, permiso. I can - puedo

I can play the trumpet. We can take a taxi to the airport. Mary can be very stubborn sometimes. You can sit here if you like. It can take longer than we thought.

Yo puedo/s tocar la trompeta. Podemos tomar un taxi hasta el aeropuerto. Mary puede ser muy terca a veces. Puedes sentarte aqu si quieres. (Esto) Puede tardar ms de lo que pensbamos.

Nobody can understand that. Your decision can change our lives.

Nadie puede entender eso. Tu decisin puede cambiarnos la vida.

I can not swim. No puedo/s nadar. That cannot be true. Eso no puede ser cierto. You can't tell me what to do. No puedes decirme qu hacer

Can Peter speak German? Can you help me with my homework?

Puede/sabe Peter hablar alemn? Me puedes ayudar con mi tarea?

Going to Going to is not a tense. It is a special expression to talk about the future. Structure of Going to The structure is: subject + be + going + infinitive The verb be is conjugated (past, present or future).
subject + + ? I I'm He It Are is isn't you not be am (not) going going going going going going infinitive to buy to go to take to rain. to paint the house? a new car. swimming. the exam.

Use of Going to Going to - intention We use going to when we have the intention to do something before we speak. We have already made a decision before speaking. Look at these examples: Jo has won the lottery. He says he's going to buy a Porsche. We're not going to paint our bedroom tomorrow. When are you going to go on holiday? In these examples, we had an intention or plan before speaking. The decision was made before speaking. Going to - prediction We often use going to to make a prediction about the future. Our prediction is based on presentevidence. We are saying what we think will happen. Here are some examples: The sky is very black. It's going to snow. It's 8.30! You're going to miss the train! I crashed the company car. My boss isn't going to be very happy!

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