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Lesson Notes

The Totality of the Sanctity of Life

January 19, 2014 Darryl J. Dawson, Sr.

The Totality of the Sanctity of Human Life

Intro.: Do we as believers really care about life i.e. other people? Although the vast majority of believers would disdain the atrocities of abortion these same believers are often missing-inaction when it comes to other injustices against humanity. It begs the question, Do we really love others like Christ does or has the whole abortion debate simply become a badge of honor for the church? Read Psalms 139:13-16 Question: Do we love and care for others or do we simply care for them? Is it possible to love and not care? Is it possible to care and not love? How do we know that abortion is wrong? How does God feel about abortion? o God cares about all life human and animal! Molech- In the Levitical ordinances delivered to the Israelites by Moses there are stern prohibitions of Molech-worship (Leviticus 18:21; 20:2-5). Parallel to these prohibitions, although the name of the god is not mentioned, are those of the Deuteronomic Code where the abominations of the Canaanites are forbidden, and the burning of their sons and daughters in the fire (to Molech) is condemned as the climax of their wickedness (Deuteronomy 12:31; 18:10-13). Matthew 10:29 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. How did you feel about abortion before you became a Christian? o What changed your perspective? What does the fact that often times you will get more Christians to turn out for a ProLife rally than for a prayer revival meeting? Is the Body of Christ out-of-balance concerning this issue? Has abortion become the gospel for many Christians? How should Christians address this issue? Christian must align their viewpoint on abortion with Gods. o How does God feel about human life? John 3:16 sums it up o The subject of abortion stands or falls based upon ones belief on when does life begins. Is the baby a baby?
2014 Darryl J. Dawson, Sr.

Terms like fetus, embryo or zygotes Zygote is a fertilized egg Fetus and the embryo is the developing child o Scientist and medical doctors differ on this matter. Does the Bible say when life begins? YES!!! Indirectly. o God had a law that provided justice for an injured unborn baby. See Exodus 21:22-23 Miscarriage or prematurely means the baby is born early. further injury death results in death. o God always spoke of the unborn in human terms. He never referred to the unborn as an it. Genesis 16:7-16 Ishmael Genesis 25:21-26 Esau and Jacob Judges 13 the birth of Samson Luke 1:39-44 John the Baptist leaped! Should Christians protest? Yes, but peacefully and from a balanced perspective. o Jesus was not a rabble rouser -Matthew 12:15-21 Jesus did not get involved in the political issues of His day. He stayed focused on being about His Fathers business. Remember the tax question? (Caesar) They wanted to make Jesus king, but He clearly knew what His Fathers will was for His life. John 6:15 Is the baby a part of the mothers body? Psalm 139:13-16 o From a medical or Scientific perspective: Although the baby is growing in the mothers womb, the baby has a separate DNA and genetic code is totally different. Its blood type can be different Half of the time the child is of a different gender Its a boy! Psalm 139 - Davids perspective: o **God gives all life!** o David was fashioned in his mothers womb by God. o David thanks God for the way he was created. o David said that God can see inside the womb.

2014 Darryl J. Dawson, Sr.

Do we/I love like God loves? Read Luke 10:25 The Good Samaritan The Greatest Commandment -Matthew 22:34-40, Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments. Verses 25-29: Jesus discusses the issue of eternal life with a lawyer The lawyer wanted to test Jesus knowledge of the scriptures The lawyer quotes the Shema found in Deut. 6:5 The lawyer asks a fundamental question, Who is my neighbor Verses 30-36: Jesus tells the story of the Good Samaritan Consider how the religious leaders responded to this man in need o Priest represents the highest level of the church o Levites were modern day deacons servants in the church Samaritans were hated by the Jews and considered to be half-bred dogs. o This Samaritan did not let his feelings to supersede his concern for a person in need. o This Samaritan loved like God loves all people, at all times, unconditionally.

2014 Darryl J. Dawson, Sr.

2014 Darryl J. Dawson, Sr.

Author Bio
An energetic, talented, and Spirit-controlled teacher, Darryl J. Dawson, Sr. - a 2011 graduate of Luther Rice Seminary and former youth pastor - keeps it real. Honest, open and transparent, he makes it easy to open up and have a lively discussion by sharing his own struggles, shortcomings, and successes. Biblically-sound and true to God's Word, Darryl always positions us and challenges us to leave class and go apply God's principles to our lives. Darryl and his wife Shari have three sons, and make their home in Stockbridge, Georgia. They are members of First Baptist Atlanta. Darryl is active in youth sports, coaching championship teams in football, baseball, and basketball. You can listen to the audio that accompanies these notes at

2014 Darryl J. Dawson, Sr.

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