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By: Candace Sturdevant

ITE 329 January 22, 2014

My strengths as an artist include:

Ceramics Imagination

Interpretive Dance

To give an outlet for students to be able to express themselves in many ways. To give equality in abstract & realistic art. To keep an open mind in the forms of which art comes in and its various attractions.

To achieve the goals I have planned for myself I would like to:

Give selected options of art medium for the students to use for their assignments- while changing the two options weekly, giving the students experience in new art medium.
Assigning quarterly projects- two of which are abstract and two of which are realistic. The students can use the techniques they have learned up unto that point to complete their projects.

Research project- By starting off the class with an art assignment that they will create using any medium in the classroom. They will first research different art styles and choose which style they want to do their project on. This assignment will be given again at the end of the year to show progress of the students art technique, while giving them the option to choose a different style they liked performed by another student. If the students are young, research can be given to the class in forms of physical objects, books, or guest speakers.

This is a ceramic piece I created that is close to 3 ft. tall. He was inspired by my brother who wanted a garden gnome. As the piece grew bigger, I wasn't allowed to add a pointy hat. Therefore, I create him to look like a dwarf ranger instead. He is completely covered in acrylic and Water resistant clear shellac. This took me about 4 weeks to create; including drying and firing time. This shows I am an artist because I created him using my imagination and giving him specific details to my liking. I also used multiple mediums: Sewn scarf, acrylic paint and shellac, and clay. I chose this piece because he is the biggest piece of ceramic art work I have ever created.

This is an outfit I made for a Halloween Party. It is based off of the Steam Punk Era and consist of 6 pieces: hat, fan, jacket, shirt, corset, and skirt with bustle. This took me about 32 hours to create.
This shows I am an artist because I created the outfit using different mediums such as: feathers, chains, cardboard, and fabric. I interpreted what I felt was steam punk and added pieces to the outfit to create an authentic look.
I chose this piece because I took my time on it and created it out of interest in the steam punk era.

This is a fully functioning ceramic water fountain I created. There is glass on the bottom of the reservoir and bottom tray. It is glazed with a blue and brown, which turns green when fired. A water fountain is fun to make because it is practical, mathematical, and beautiful. I chose this piece
This shows I am an artist because not only did I create it for its looks, but also using logic to make it work properly. I have always wanted to make a working fountain and luckily I was able to do it on my first try. because it goes to show that you dont have to know how to do something before you try to do it yourself. This piece inspires me to continue on trying and growing.

NAME: Candace Sturdevant

Scoring Rubric for Self-Assessment For Who Am I As An Artist?
Does Not Meet Expectations Online posting: __ The assignment was not complete and did not meet expectations. __ The project was not proofread for spelling and grammar. __ Did not assess their own work using the rubric. Meets Expectations Online posting: _X_ Include your name on your project file _X_ Attach this rubric and assess your own work. _X_ Proofread your work for spelling and grammar Include an analysis that lists _X_Your strengths as a performing artist and/or as a visual artist and arts educator _X_Three goals you are setting for yourself as an arts educator in the elementary classroom _X_ Steps to meet the goals you have established. _X_ Three artifacts Include a description of each artifact and tell us _X_ Why you chose the item _X_ What the item tells about the arts in your life or about you as an artist. _X_ Share a statement of validation to three or more of your peers that indicates that you have read his/her entire posting and that you appreciate something specific about his/her work. Be sure your validations refer to specific statements made by your peer. Provide substantial feedback. _X_Name____Amber_______ _X_Name____Kahaiola_____ _X_Name____Joann________ Exceeds Expectations In addition to Meets Expectations __Provide written evidence below of how you think you exceed the expectations listed:

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