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Interview US-President Barack Obama Claus Kleber

18th of January 2014

US-Prsident Barack Obama (BO) Claus Kleber (CK)


Mr. President. Thank you for having us [by the balls?].


Thank you so much for being here [having you by the balls].


I have to say that the initial responses to your speech in Germany have been skeptical, guarded, all the way to disappointed, even from sources who are normally very proAmerican [Kiss Assers]. They expected more [Asses to kiss]. Does that surprise you? [Yes / No . Why?]


No, it doesnt surprise me [My ass was enough for everyone]. Because I think that, first of all, a lot of suspicion had been built up in Germany [They could not reach my ass] and, frankly, around the world [The fear was apparent among all kiss assers], in the wake of the Snowden disclosures. And its going to take some time to win back trust [And my ass].

And if you look at what weve done, though, it really is unprecedented: What Ive put forward is a presidential directive that very clearly indicates what we will do and will not do when it comes to overseas surveillance. And I indicated very specifically that we do not listen to peoples phone calls or read their emails if there are no national security threats involved [In any way which is a blurred point], that we will, for the first time, I think, ever, include our concerns about the privacy rights of all per- sons, regardless of nationality.

We have laid very clear criteria by which we approach bulk collection [not explained he implies upper level], that there are only very narrow instances in which we can engage in that kind of collection. And I made very clear the limits on collections for our friends and our allies

heads of state. So if you take the body of what I said publicly, what weve done is something that no country around the world has


been as clear about when it comes to their intelligence services, even as we do have to maintain the intelligence capabilities that dont just help to keep us safe, but also help to keep our friends and allies, including Germans [Friends and Allies], safe [The president of the United States implies a chasm in innert German Strategy compare to US Relations].


But people see this immense size of the American security and spying apparatus [We got our asses on the plate the last time why you think we have the balls if you grab them so tight the last 70 years or so?]. And they look at that, they look at your speech today, as well and they say: Listen, what I want is that no agency like that is collecting any data from people in Germany [Which is absurd]. They should just stop that [Implies cooperation between interested parties], unless you have specific reasons to look for this person, like the Hamburg cell of 9/11 and so on [Implies an Information leak or troubles coming from lack of an equal level exchange Mr. Kleber sees elsewhere. Whose Messenger are you Mr. Kleber?].


But of course, heres the challenge [Please Clarify]: We dont always know who the Hamburg cell is, until after the fact [Accusations proceed and maintain , The Trust Chain was broken before how dare you accusing current procedures and why these complaints where never made to the previous Administration directly and on an Equal Level?].


So you have to listen to everybody until then? [I cannot clarify unless you make your move.Who is Who?]


No, well but thats not what[should] happen(s) [Shit happen that is true]. We are not listening to everybody [Shits , He implies a strong encryption and filtering system that cannot be shared]. And I think its very important to make that clear[!]. And this is part of the reason why it is going to take time to win back trust [Inevitably], because theres been so much sensationalism around these issues[Someone did not shut the fuck up or wait when he should from your side meine liebe]. One of the issues that I discussed [With your Superiors] for example today [and you listen second or third or fourth], the 215 program of telephone metadata, that Ive determined we will end government collection of this data[Undefined Process complete if you do not already know eat shit]. But this is data that does not in- clude


names, does not include content [Process was low priority]. [Description becomes troubling] It is essentially a series of phone numbers so that when we have a specific lead lets say [as if we talk] we find a number in an Al-Qaeda compound [What Mr. Klebers Associates would do] we can find out whether that number contacted a number inside the United States or, for that matter, inside of Germany [You are not part of the Trust System]. And there are legitimate concerns, though, about the government holding this data and those are some of the concerns that we have tried to address [With the German Chancellor].

Now, one of the things that I have said throughout the [lecture] speech is [Irony served and counterserved]: I am very sympathetic to why the German people would be concerned about this [Yeah right!]. Obviously, there is a history there with respect to East Germany that tells us what happens if you have a vast [Vast!] surveillance state[VAST!] and it turns on its own citizens[DEEPLY]. Here in the United States, as I mentioned, there have been


times where surveillance has been abused[Who cares for nowHe implies infiltration by hostile or competing parties taking advantage of similar technologies]. And I would not be in the seat I am today, were it not for figures like Dr. King who, at times, our own government spied on, in ways that were inappropriate[Check MaLaKas Day].

So what Im trying to do[say] is to make sure on the one hand that a group like the Hamburg cell we can identify before rather than after they have killed a whole lot of innocent people[hurt me hurts everyone], but also to create a series of

[ c o u n t e a t t a c k s ] safeguards and limits, checks, an oversight so that the process whereby we are doing that is not something that would lead the ordinary German or American or Brazilian to think that our networks are somehow reading their text messages that they are sending to their spouses[The President implies escalation of Electronic Warfare does that include Outer Space in the long run?].


Understood[They Listened Mr. Kleber oh ya they didChildren please behave Kinder verhalten sich bitte...Ich been ein Berliner too!]. But still, the metadata of people in Hamburg, Munich, Berlin, are somewhere stored where, with a couple of judicial steps, American authorities, your agencies have ac- cess to. That will remain[Nothing changes and you can kiss my ass].


Well, I have to be careful [Dont Shoot the Messenger] about what details I can and cannot discuss here[I can not clarify]. But I think that it is absolutely true that US intelligence has a series of capabilities that allow us to access digi- tal information, not just here in the United States but around the world. Those capabilities are not unique to us[They know they know More Irony about what you which is we and who is we do not does not know. The Chain is Broken]


But yours are bigger.


a whole lot of intelligence agencies have them. Well, youre right. Ours are bigger[We can find out]. And I discussed in the speech the fact that the challenge we have is that our


capabilities are signif- icantly greater than many other countries. In some ways, it is parallel to the fact that our mili- tary capabilities and our budgets are significantly greater than others[To this moment]. Now, you can look at that in two ways[Cuts both ways]. Because we have greater capabilities it also means we have greater re- sponsibilities for humanitarian assistance for helping to keep our allies safe [Take the Battle to the Enemy => Threat Assessed and Countered en genesis]. I think its fair to say that there are a whole series of European countries who are very glad that the US has those military capabilities and intelligence capabilities. And so in some ways we underwrite a


lot of the security needs and defenses of countries around the world[Accuses Circles located in Germany cooperating with Terror Groups around the world or hostile regimes compare to the United States]. What is also true is, because we have these greater capabilities, it means that we have greater responsibilities when it comes to privacy protection than other countries do[German Friends are Germans and Friends].

It means that there are higher expectations placed [from our German Friends] on us than other countries[In the Mid Term]. And what Im trying to do[say] is to create[offer] a framework, at a time when we are seeing technology advance very rapidly[Space Included], to figure out how do we do this in a way that is respectful of the privacy of [highly respected] individuals, but at the same time is making clear that our law enforcement officials and our intelligence officials are [better trained and equiped] able to do the things they need to do [than yours at least for the time being].

And the interesting thing is, in some ways, the United States has gotten faster to a place that I suspect over time everybody is going to get to, which is that more and more of our information is stored digitally[A Clear Head Start]. That is very useful[Card in the Circle of Trust]. We take advantage of it in all sorts of ways[Never Underestimate Always Evaluate as nececcsary even when it is not necessary by all means]. But it also means that some of the traditional safeguards and checks that we had in protecting our[U.S.A.] privacy are going to have to be updated[Sooner or Later see Space]. And thats why part of what I said in the speech was: I dont consider this an end point. I think this is the beginning of a discussion [Another Frontier in this kind of War]. And we are [ a l r e a d y ] engaged in conversations with the [ L e g a l ] German government, with [ R e c o g n i z e d and A u t h o r i z e d ] German

intelligence and we will continue to try to refine how we cooperate[First word comes on us], how we are respectful of German traditions and German laws and how we can also continue the kind of cooperation that is important not only to our people but also the German people[In that order abroad].


Cooperation. You said that Angela Merkels cellphone will not be monitored anymore[!]. Nice to hear. Lets take the situation of 2002 / 2003, when Germany, France and others really tried to pull together a coalition in the United Nations, against the interests of the United States or United States policy at the time[Tech War]. Would that be a good moment to hear what chancellor Schroeder at the time was saying to the French president[Does it have a true meaning Now]?



You know, I have to tell you I cant comment on what happened in 2003 / 2004. But I understand the general point of your question which is: Is this something that chancellor Merkel or her successors can count on[Mistrust in Germanys Long Term Leadership]? This is a presidential directive[Institutional Order is Solid in the USA]. So I am saying what I will do under my administration[Another Hit Electronic or (Para)Military can be still absorded]. My hope would be that future presidents will follow the example that


I am trying to set at this point[The Anti USA Propaganda System is versatile and fragile at the same time]. What I can say is that chancellor Merkel and I may have disa- greements on foreign policy[Unspecified , This German - USA Trust system is not broken]


But that is not the reason to listen in to [I am the messenger]


That is exactly right[And you are becoming annoying]. That is what I was about to say[You fuck who the fuck sent ya?].


Im a bit rushed [From you Harlem Political Accent] because I feel that you are not getting to a point[If you do not behave I will not tell].


Even if we have disagreements of any sort, the one thing that I know is that I have established a relationship of friendship and trust with her [This USA Germany Trust System is solid], in part because shes always very hon- est with me and I try to be very honest with her. I dont need and I dont want to harm that relationship by a surveillance mechanism that somehow would impede the kind of communi- cation and trust that we have. And so what I can say is: As long as Im president of the Unit- ed States, the[this] chancellor of Germany will not have to worry about this.


But there are limits, even within NATO allies[You will not rule Germany forever]. We have a very difficult situation in Turkey right now[Are you doing the same to Turkey?]. Your intelligence agencies must be interested in communications of president Erdogan. Would he be off limits because the president doesnt want this to happen[I am only the messenger! The Competing Trust System expands in Europe and AnatoliaThat is the claim : I AM HERE AND THERE!]?


Im not going to comment on country by country[It does not matter for now].



I am just trying to understand the principle[Irony becomes more apparentIndirect hit to the Institutional System by a 4rth Power Representative holding German Passport].


I think what you [should remember for whom you work for and] will see in the directive is that we have close friends and allies [all these years] that we work with consistently and it is important for us and for me as [legally selected] president of the United States to


maintain the [ p r e v i o u s ] trust [ s y s t e m ] of those colleagues who I [ s t i l l ] work with so closely. Now[you messenger], as I said[you are becoming boring] in the speech, our intelligence agencies, like German intelligence agencies, and every intelligence agency out there, will continue to be interested in the government intentions of countries around the world. Thats not going to change.

And there is no point[at all] in having an intelligence service if you are restricted to the things that you can read in the New York Times or DER SPIEGEL[The Anti US Propaganda System has still Limited Real Time Applicated Power inside Germany. For instance if an information comes out will the people go out to the streets?]. The truth of the matter is that by def- inition the job of intelligence is to find out[New Ways]: Well, what are folks thinking? What are they do- ing?[Why] That helps service our diplomatic and our policy aims[The Citizen becomes a number in a long long catalogueInformation is the coin of the future as it was only more importance and with more automated care.].

But I think the point you made earlier is the critical one: We have greater capabilities than most countries around the world. It is important for us, then, particularly as technology advances[and serves all], to make sure we are showing some self-restraint in how we approach this[information , info ethics are a lecture of the future]. What you hear today is my first effort at providing that restraint in ways that can assure [and] the German people and the German chancellor and other partners and friends around the world that we are not behaving in ways that would violate their privacy[Surveillance has to become tighter]. And the truth of the matter is that it will take some time to win that trust back[and of the people]. And I think that is entirely appropriate[in the given moment].

But, hopefully[elections 2008], the German people will recall also the incredible partnership that we have and all the good that we have done together and the incredible investment that the United States has in the success of Germany and the defense of Germany[Russia for instance or Great Britain?].


On a personal note a last question, although I am getting a signal[Mr. Kleber soon to be not a messenger]. I was there covering your speech at the victory column, standing about one hundred feet from you, one of the most exciting assignments I had[As a German Citizen]. What you cannot know that hundreds of meters away, people who couldnt even see the stage, certainly not you, were listening in a way that you heard a pin drop. There was so

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much hope and expectation in the air of Berlin on that day[You could not cover them all why?]. And to- day, five years into the presidency, our polls indicate this has basically melted away[We expect nothing from you]. A lot of disappointment in your policy and performance has established itself[In Germany and in Politically Identified Region as Europe]. So how do you think that could happen[A matter of time before the Pro US System in the public and classes collapse. Siege Heil???]?

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Well, look[Bullshit]. I think that the nature of being president of the United States is that you are steering a massive ship. And I have a clear vision[EU is not Anti US because it can not become Anti US], which I described in Berlin that day and which I described in speeches that I made when I was running for office in 2008, of where I think we need to go, of how we uphold dignity and freedom of all individuals, of how countries should relate to each other, of how we should promote economic growth that is good for all people and not just those at the very top[Pro US Propaganda system is solid in Europe]. And those values continue to drive what I do every day[the masses]. Where disappointment typically comes in[among higher circles], and this is natural[sometimes based on need or demand], is that people think I am driving a speed boat and that I can[easily overlook patience is the key in all good agreements]


You would rather[Overlook a good offer as well?].


quickly[Overlooked already and] move in that direction and I get there and by this time, four years after the fact[!], I would have ended all wars[misunderstandings] and I would have brought the world together and the economy would be humming along[Hammer your ass]. And, unfortunately, although I would love to [not] be in that position, the president of the United States is not emperor of the world. I am one figure, one man in this broader process and what I try to do, then, is to, every single day, move us a little bit closer to that vision I set. And my hope is that at the end of my presidency, over the course of eight years, there will be a body of work where people will say: He ended the war in Iraq responsi- bly. He ended the war in Afghanistan responsibly. He was able to move our war footing after 9/11 into a greater focus on diplomacy and building multi-lateral agreements and institutions, that he advanced the cause of dealing with climate change, even if it is not completely solved. If I can show that, as a consequence to the work that I did, we are closer to that vision that I described in Berlin, then it will have been time well spent.[One out of Many]

But I assure you that anybody who feels frustrated at the slow pace of our progress in some of these areas is probably less impatient than I am. I would love to get there faster, but its the nature of this job and the nature of history that sometimes things take longer than we

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would like.[See next presidency if you do not like me and YOU can kiss my ass]


You have nine-hundred or so days left. Good luck[Fuck you too].

Thank you so much[Irony].


Thank you very much[Irony].


I appreciate it. Thank you[Irony]. Absurd Outcome : Mr. Kleber to apologize to the Presidency of the United States of America.

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