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Lveryone ls under one form of sLress or anoLher, and a cerLaln amounL of sLress can
be healLhy and keep us producLlve. Powever, exLreme sLress can accumulaLe and sLarL
Lo negaLlvely lmpacL our healLh, leadlng Lo adrenal burnouL. Adrenal burnouL ls all Loo
common ln our socleLy. Some of Lhe sympLoms lnclude: !"#$%&', ('$%)# %"$+,
$+,-.+$", $//$#"0$1$#2, and .--3 ,($+%,. lf you suffer from any of Lhese condlLlons,
Lake Lhe followlng quesLlonnalre Lo ldenLlfy your personal sLress level.
nexL Lo each quesLlon asslgn a number beLween 0 and 3. ?ou should asslgn values as
4 5 6-# #/&' 7 5 8-.'()"# #/&' 9 5 :'/2 #/&'
Cnce you have compleLed Lhe quesLlonnalre calculaLe your LoLal and locaLe Lhe range
you fall under on page Lwo.

l experlence problems falllng asleep.

l experlence problems sLaylng asleep.

l frequenLly experlence a second wlnd (hlgh energy) laLe aL nlghL.

l have energy hlghs and lows LhroughouL Lhe day.

l feel Llred all Lhe Llme.

l need caffelne (coffee, Lea, cola, eLc.) Lo geL golng ln Lhe

l usually go Lo bed afLer 10 pm.

l frequenLly geL fewer Lhan 8 hours of sleep per nlghL.

l am easlly faLlgued.
10. 1hlngs l used Lo en[oy seem llke a chore laLely.
11. My sex drlve ls lower Lhan lL used Lo be.
12. l suffer from depresslon, or have recenLly been experlenclng
feellngs of depresslon such as sadness or loss of moLlvaLlon.
13. lf l sklp meals l feel low energy or foggy and dlsorlenLed.

"#$%&'()* + ,-.. /01 203'4) 5 6667803'4)&9490&:)7:#;
14. My ablllLy Lo handle sLress has decreased.
l flnd LhaL l am easlly lrrlLaLed or upseL.

l have had one or more sLressful ma[or llfe evenLs (!"#": dlvorce,
deaLh of a loved one, [ob loss, new baby, new [ob).
17. l Lend Lo overwork wlLh llLLle Llme for play or relaxaLlon for
exLended perlods of Llme.
18. l crave sweeLs.
19. l frequenLly sklp meals or eaL sporadlcally.
20. l am experlenclng lncreased physlcal complalnLs such as muscle
aches, headaches, or more frequenL lllnesses.

8;-/$+% <-&/ =3/'+"1 8#/',, >/-!$1'?
lL ls lmporLanL Lo noLe LhaL Lhls ls noL a dlagnosLlc LesL and should noL be used Lo
dlagnose any condlLlons. lL ls slmply a Lool Lo help assess your llkely level of adrenal

@! 2-& ,;-/'3 0'#(''+?
0 - 29 ?ou are ln good healLh.
30 - 39 ?ou are under some sLress.
40 - 49 ?ou are a candldaLe for adrenal burnouL.
30 - 39 ?ou are ln adrenal burnouL.
A4 B <-& "/' $+ ,'C'/' "3/'+"1 0&/+-&#D E

*lf you scored 60 or hlgher lL ls lmporLanL LhaL you Lake lmmedlaLe sLeps Lo correcL
Lhls condlLlon Lo prevenL furLher adverse effecLs on your healLh.

lf you have scored 40 or hlgher you are ln adrenal burnouL and may aL some polnL
experlence sympLoms such as faLlgue, welghL galn, lnsomnla, lrrlLablllLy and mood

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?our adrenal glands produce your sLress hormones or adrenallne," Lhe maln one
belng corLlsol. CorLlsol ls released ln response Lo sLress. lL glves your body a surge of
energy Lo help you respond properly. SLress can come ln many forms.
! >)2,$;"1 ,#/',, - such as an ln[ury or accldenL.
! I.-#$-+"1 ,#/',, - such as a demandlng career, Lhe blrLh of a new baby, or Lhe
deaLh of a loved one.
! I+C$/-+.'+#"1 ,#/',, - such as polluLlon, pesLlcldes, or carclnogens.

1here are also hldden forms of sLress such as lnflammaLlon or lnfecLlons ln Lhe
gasLrolnLesLlnal sysLem and food allergles.

WhaLever Lhe form of Lhe sLress, Lhe adrenal glands are Lhe flrsL Lo reacL. lf Lhere ls a
perlod of prolonged sLress, evenLually Lhe adrenal glands burn ouL and are no longer
able Lo produce Lhe amounL of corLlsol LhaL ls requlred by Lhe body. AL Lhls polnL you
may begln Lo experlence sympLoms such as faLlgue, lnsomnla, welghL galn, lrrlLablllLy
and an lnablllLy Lo cope wlLh sLress.

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