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Call for proposals for tobacco control Research Grants for enrolled Masters Students

Background The Centre for Tobacco Control in Africa (CTCA), hosted by the Makerere University School of Public Health (MakSPH), serves as the regional center of e cellence to su!!ort African govern"ents i"!le"ent tobacco control !olicies and !rogra"s, #ith a vision of a sustainable, leading center in e"!o#ering and facilitating tobacco control !olicy and !rogra""e i"!le"entation to achieve tobacco$free Africa% The Center #ill be su!!orting one$year tobacco control research grants for Masters Students for the ne t three years #ith funding fro" Canada&s 'nternational (evelo!"ent )esearch Centre ('()C)% The Pro*ect #ill be i"!le"ented through the + schools of !ublic health, of #hich , are in the Public Health Alliance- including. -% Moi University in /enya 0% 1i""a University in 2thio!ia 3% /inshasa University in ()C 4% Muhi"bili University in Tan5ania 6% 7ational University of )#anda in )#anda

8% Makerere University in Uganda

,% University of 7airobi in /enya +% University of 9ots#ana The +th is University of 9ots#ana in 9ots#ana% This #as selected "ainly to docu"ent the !rocess of inter$ sectoral action for the !ast and ongoing !rocess for tobacco ta !olicy s!ecifically the ne# tobacco levy, i"!act, challenges and the link #ith alcohol control given its a!!arent value to ado!tion of the tobacco levy and la#% The research grant is "eant to su!!ort students enrolled on Masters& of Public Health, Masters in Health Services )esearch or students ad"itted on other "asters& !rogra"s such as econo"ics, statistics, agro$ econo"ics or environ"ent and health services research #ho have interest in !ursuing research in tobacco control% The !ur!ose of the research grant is to !rovide evidence for tobacco control !olicy and legislation for govern"ents in Africa and the ob*ectives include. -% To build ca!acity for research in tobacco control in Africa 0% To Contribute to the tobacco control )esearch agenda in Africa 3% To develo! tools and docu"ent best !ractices for !olicy and legislation Focus The grant #ill be !re"ised on the :H;$<CTC de"and and su!!ly reduction "easures of tobacco control #ith a focus on Masters Students #ho have been enrolled in the above "entioned !rogra"s

The HEALTH Alliance for Leadership is a network that resulted from a meeting of Deans and Directors and agencies concerned with public health capacity development in the region that was organized in ctober !""#$ This initiative brings together the % East African schools of public health and Allied &ciences with collaborating partners from the 'ohns Hopkins( Tulane( and )eorge *ashington +niversities in +&A$

Eligibility The follo#ing categories of students are eligible to a!!ly. -% Students should be enrolled on any of the listed Master&s !rogra"s in the , Universities 0% Student fro" both first and second year are eligible 3% 9oth Anglo!hone and <ranco!hone students are eligible and the selection of students #ill be done so as to ensure a regional balance% Selection Criteria The research !ro!osals #ill be assessed according to the follo#ing key criteria.

)elevance to :H;$<CTC de"and and su!!ly reduction "easures for tobacco control #ith the !otential for driving !olicy change and !rogra" i"!rove"ent (See attached a detailed guide on example of policy

0% 3% 4% 6%

Scientific =uality of the research !ro*ect 2vidence of ca!ability to cover tuition fees for the Master&s Progra"% Pro*ect selection #ill take into account regional balance% )esearchers and their su!ervisors "ust not have any association #ith the tobacco industry and that their !ro*ect "ust not involve engage"ent #ith the tobacco industry% )elatedly grantees shall sign a for" declaring their interests and absence of association #ith the tobacco industry%

Ethics Review and Approval A!!licants, can sub"it research !ro!osals that are not revie#ed and a!!roved by the 2thical Co""ittees (')9s and Councils of Science and Technology) ho#ever, all selected !ro!osals shall be sub*ected to ethical revie# and MUST get ethics clearance before the !ro*ects begin% uration The research grant #ill take one year, during #hich the students #ill collate and analy5e data and #rite their dissertations and "anuscri!ts% The grant #ill follo# the sti!ulated acade"ic calendar for Masters Progra"s in the res!ective Universities% Grant Coverage and Focus The grants #ill be a#arded over a !eriod of 3 years starting 0>-3?0>-4 to 0>-6?0>-8% Student Supervision and Mentorship Su!ervision and "entorshi! for the research grant #ill involve an acade"ic su!ervisor fro" the student&s university and a Mentor #ho #ill be a Tobacco Control e !ert% 2ach selected Student #ill therefore have a Su!ervisor and a Mentor% CTCA #ill identify "entors #ho #ill be e !erts in the selected tobacco control areas for each of the grantees% The Mentor and acade"ic su!ervisor #ill then be linked by CTCA to facilitate coordinated su!!ort for the student% CTCA #ill further enhance the coordination of the t#o through the virtual "eetings and during the annual revie# "eetings% E!pected eliverables for the Grantees Students are e !ected to conduct research and sub"it a dissertation Pre!are at least one !olicy brief and docu"entation for local disse"ination of research findings Present !a!ers to local conferences and tobacco control !olicy events?activities #here feasible

Call for Research "roposals CTCA therefore, calls for research !ro!osals on tobacco control fro" enrolled first and second year Masters Students in the follo#ing !rogra"s. Public Health, Statistics, 2cono"ics, Agro business, 2nviron"ent, Agricultural 2cono"ics, 2nviron"ental 2cono"ics and Health Services )esearch% Research "roposal Re#uire$ents The !ro!osals should include the follo#ing infor"ation. Section A '% 9rief bio of the a!!licant ''% 7a"e of the University and <aculty '''% State"ent of #hy the student is interested in the grant
Note: An application form has been attached

Section B The )esearch !ro!osals should have the follo#ing co"!onents. '% Proble" state"ent ''% Theoretical or conce!tual fra"e#ork for the research and its significance to s!ecific tobacco control !olicy(ies) '''% )esearch =uestions or hy!othesis(es) to be tested '@% Methodology @% 2thical considerations and if necessary, a !lan for ethics a!!roval% @'% Policy i"!lications @''% Pro!osed 9udget @'''% )esearch Pro*ect Ti"eline 'A% Plan for disse"ination of results including suggested target audience The !ro!osals should not e ceed ,>>> #ords (e cluding 9udget, :ork !lan, disse"ination !lan and attach"ents)% The a!!licants #ill be selected by a tea" of e !ert revie#ers co"!rising of MakSPH, CTCA and '()C% The revie# tea" "ay co$o!t additional "e"ber de!ending on e !ertise re=uired% The !ro!osals #ith higher likelihood of i"!acting on tobacco control !olicy #ill be given highest consideration% %able &' "roposal Evaluation Criteria
Criterion Significance' Significantly contribute to tobacco control body of kno#ledge, #ith high !otential i"!act on TC !olicy and !rogra"s Rigor' Clarity of ob*ectives, rationale, and strength of research design and "ethodological a!!roach )nvestigator' Technical ca!acity of researcher to co"!lete the !ro!osed research Budget' Ade=uacy of the budget to the !lanned research activities and #ithin range of the grant (eight 4>B 4>B ->B ->B

eadline for Sub$ission and *otification )esearch !ro!osals shall be sub"itted and notifications "ade on dates sti!ulated in Table 3 for the different Universities% A!!licants #ill be re=uired to sub"it their a!!lications to. ctca,ctc-africa$org$ ;nly Successful a!!licants #ill be notified and any a!!licant that #ill not be notified after one "onth of the sti!ulated deadline should consider his or her a!!lication unsuccessful%

Submission and Notification Dates for the Research Proposals

The call #ill be o!en on every -6th of Se!te"ber and sub"ission of research !ro!osals #ill be on the 3>th of 1une for Students in <irst year, #hile the closing date for students in Second Cear #ill be 3>th of ;ctober% The Drant #ill start in 0>-3 to 0>-8% Awards and funding The research !ro*ect #ill likely involve. data collection, data entry, cleaning, analysis and re!ort #riting% The scholarshi! grant shall in addition su!!ort costs of local travel, e=ui!"ent, stationery and disse"ination of results and #ill not e ceed E 3,6>>% )esearch grants #ill be sub*ect to the availability of funding% Contact "erson .urther in/uiry should be send to ctca,ctc-africa$org and0 mugyenyip,ctc-africa$org0 nyamurungik,ctcafrica$org$ <or any =uestions !lease refer to the <AF on the htt!.??###%ctc$africa%org

Annex 1: Application Form

Section A: Bio-data of Applicant Characteristic Information Required Name Gender Qualifications Name of University Faculty/School Masters Programme enrolled on Year of Study Section B: Details of the Research Proposal
Area Description maximum num er of !ords

To ic !ac"ground #once tual frame$or" Significance of area to T# olicies/ rograms %esearch &uestions 'y othesis Methodology (thical #onsiderations )utline of otential findings and olicy im lications *or" Plan !udget +issemination lan , target audience Attachments-If an'

"# $### $"# 1### %## %## $### "## &##

Annex $: (uide on )o acco Control Polic' Areas

(+, FC%C Areas :H; <CTC Treaty escription 't&s a treaty that #as agreed u!on by :H; Me"ber states and contains !roven cost effective "easures to control tobacco use% The Measures are divided into t#o. (e"and reduction and su!!ly reduction These are !roven "easures that effectively reduce tobacco use% These include. Article 8. Price and ta "easures to reduce the de"and for tobacco Article , 7on$!rice "easures to reduce the de"and for tobacco Article + Protection fro" e !osure to tobacco s"oke Article H )egulation of the contents of tobacco !roducts Article -> )egulation of tobacco !roduct disclosures Article -- Packaging and labeling of tobacco !roducts Article -0 2ducation, co""unication, training and !ublic a#areness Article -3 Tobacco advertising, !ro"otion and s!onsorshi! Article -4 (e"and reduction "easures concerning tobacco de!endence and cessation These are !roven "easures that effectively reduce tobacco !roduction Article -6. 1llicit trade in tobacco products Article -8. &ales to and by minors Article -,. 2rovision of support for economically viable alternative activities These are !rogra"s at country level, #hich are usually housed at the Ministries of Health These are ai"ed at do"estication the :H; <CTC Treaty #here govern"ents #hich have signed and ratified the treaty are "andated to develo! a tobacco control !olicy and la# -ink Articles 3, 4 G 6 !rovide the ;b*ective, guiding !rinci!les and general obligations for "e"ber states% htt!.??###%#ho%int?fctc?en? (e"and reduction "easures of tobacco control :H; <CTC Articles. 8,,,+,H,->, --, -0,-3, G-4 htt!.??###%#ho%int?fctc?en?

Su!!ly reduction "easures of tobacco control

:H; <CTC Articles. -6,-8 G -, htt!.??###%#ho%int?fctc?en?

Tobacco Control Progra""es Tobacco control Policy and legislation

The Conference of the Parties (C;P) is the governing body of the :H; <CTC and is co"!rised of all Parties to the Convention% 't kee!s under regular revie# the i"!le"entation of the Convention and takes the decisions necessary to !ro"ote its effective i"!le"entation, and "ay also ado!t !rotocols, anne es and a"end"ents to the Convention% ;bservers "ay also !artici!ate in the #ork of the C;P% The #ork of the C;P is governed by its )ules of Procedure% Starting fro" C;P3, the regular sessions of C;P are held at t#o$year intervals htt!.??###%#ho%int?fctc?co!?en?

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