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Bourdeau 1

Cassandra Bourdeau Wolverton English 1010 September 17, 2013 The Way ou See Things When you arrive to the bo!ling alley it loo"s li"e a #ream #anary #olor and a #ute little pla#e to go in and en$oy the %estivities !hile having %un !ith %amily and or %riends& 's you !al" in the smell o% the tempting deli#ious burgers and %ries are #oo"ing to per%e#tion& The "it#hen #oo"s !or"ing gra#e%ully and #almly& The other bo!lers spread out on the %our bro!n and sturdy tables and one bla#" leather #ou#h !aiting %or their %ood& 's you pi#" %rom the #olossal amount o% #ool, smooth, tough bo!ling balls, you #an savor the #lean and $ust oiled lanes !aiting %or your elegant thro! to #rash into the pins& 's you(re getting ready to bo!l you hear pins #rash all around you li"e thunder and lightning& ou slo!ly stroll to your lane, listening to the s!ay o% the #eiling %ans above, as you align your %eet and are about to depart %rom your ball, you thro! the ball as best as you #an !aiting %or the pins to %all do!n, and a!ait your result& When arriving to the bo!ling alley the gloomy, #olorless day around you ma"es the building seem #ramped, and old mil"y beige #olor& The old bo!ling lanes and ta#"y bar seats !ait %or your arrival& There is a si#"ly smell o% greasy burgers and %ries grilling pollute the musty air& The "it#hen #oo"s over!helmed !ith the mountain o% orders& The s!ish and #ra#"le o% the %ryer as it spits up spatters o% oil as you !al" in& The other bo!lers !ho seem to be #ramped at the tables and a little, bla#", !orn out leather #ou#h as they stare at the little storm #loud tile %loor !aiting %or their order number to be blared& 's you)re pi#"ing out your slippery, oily, i#y ball, the over!helming damp, musty

Bourdeau 2

smell o% $ust oiled lanes ma"es your nose tingle& ou plop do!n your ball in the %aded old blue ball return& *ins are %alling do!n outrageously li"e #ar #rashes+ s#ree#h and s#reams happening all around you& The loud rasp patters o% the %ans hover above your head as you align your ball and trying to %o#us on laun#hing your ball do!n the lane& Sel%,-e%le#tion .n this assignment !here !e had to observe a pla#e %or t!enty to thirty minutes and pi#" a s#ene to des#ribe to the reader and ma"e it positive than negative& /a"ing the angle o% vision go %rom positive to negative !as very di%%i#ult& The believing and doubting game !as an e0er#ise to help us !ith this assignment to ma"e something seem good and or bad by using #ertain !ord #hoi#es to ma"e it seem that !ay& .n my positive paragraph . tried putting good ad$e#tives ma"ing the bo!ling alley seem li"e you !ant to go there& The !ords li"e 1tempting,2 1per%e#tion,2 and 1deli#ious,2 to des#ribe the burgers and %ries and ma"e you !ant to go and order some& . also used %igurative language in the %irst paragraph by thro!ing a simile in #omparing pins to the sound o% thunder and lightning& . #onveyed the intended e%%e#t also in my %irst paragraph by interpreting the ball di%%erently in ea#h paragraph& Strategy three !hi#h is the use o% #onnotations, !as used in my paragraphs !here . put a#tion !ords li"e 1thro!ing,2 1s!ay,2 1#rash,2 ma"ing it seem li"e the pla#e is %ull o% energy& By using the advi#e o% the responder !ho read my paragraphs, . put more ad$e#tives and a#tion verbs in my paragraphs& .n my se#ond paragraph . used a metaphor #omparing orders to a mountain& . used the list o% smell, sound, tou#h, and et#& in to help emphasi3e the s#ene more and ma"e the reader more interested in the reading& 4or e0ample in the se#ond paragraph . put the 1rasp patters o% the %ans,2 ma"ing the %ans seem more annoying

Bourdeau 3

!hile they dangle above your head !hen trying to bo!l& By doing this assignment . used rhetori#al sensitivity by #hanging my #hoi#es o% !ords and phrases be#ause o% the positive and negative des#riptions in part '& /y purpose, audien#e, and genre #hanged even though it !as the same s#ene being des#ribed& . had to #hange the angle o% vision ma"ing the reader !ant to be there and then ma"ing them not !ant to be there& /y purpose #hanged !here my goal !as to ma"e the reader believe and %eel !hat . %elt, to then ma"ing them %eel the negativity about the s#ene& .n !riting these angles o% visions . learned you #an des#ribe a same area and ma"e it seem good and bad by $ust adding !ords and phrases, !hile still ma"ing the s#ene truth%ul and not #hanging it in any!ay&

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