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1. Does every ABAP/4 have a modular Structure? Yes 2. What is Modularizatio a d its !e e"its? #" the $ro%ram co tai s the same or similar !loc&s o" stateme ts or it is re'uired to $rocess the same "u ctio several times( )e ca avoid redu da cy !y usi % modularizatio tech i'ues. By modularizi % the ABAP/4 $ro%rams )e ma&e them easy to read a d im$rove their structure. Modularized $ro%rams are also easier to mai tai a d to u$date. *. B , +ame the ABAP/4 Modularizatio tech i'ues. A. Source code module B. Su!routi es. ,. -u ctio s.

4. .o) ca )e create calla!le modules o" $ro%ram code )ithi o e ABAP/4 Pro%ram? A. By de"i i % macros. B. By creati % i clude $ro%rams i the li!rary. /. 00000 is the attri!ute ty$e o" the module $ro%ram. M 1. #s it $ossi!le to $ass data to a d "rom i clude $ro%rams e2$licitly? +o. #" it is re'uired to $ass data to a d "rom modules it is re'uired to use su!routi es or "u ctio modules. 3. What are su!routi es? Su!routi es are $ro%ram modules )hich ca !e called "rom other ABAP/4 $ro%rams or )ithi the same $ro%ram. 4. What are the ty$es o" Su!routi es? A. # ter al Su!routi es5 6he source code o" the i ter al su!routi es )ill !e i the same ABAP/4 $ro%ram as the calli % $rocedure 7i ter al call8. B. 92ter al Su!routi es5 6he source code o" the e2ter al su!routi es )ill !e i a ABAP/4 $ro%ram other tha the calli % $rocedure. :. #t is ot $ossi!le to create a ABAP/4 $ro%ram )hich co tai s o ly Su!routi es. 7 6rue / -alse8

-alse. 1;. A su!routi e ca 6rue ot co tai ested "orm a d e d "orm !loc&s. 76rue / -alse8

11. Data ca !e $assed !et)ee calli % $ro%rams a d the su!routi es usi % 00000000. Parameters. 12. What are the di""ere t ty$es o" $arameters? -ormal $arameters5 Parameters that are de"i ed duri % the de"i itio o" su!routi e )ith the -<=M stateme t. Actual $arameters5 Parameters )hich are s$eci"ied duri % the call o" a su!routi e )ith the P9=-<=M stateme t. 1*. .o) ca o e disti %uish !et)ee di""ere t &i ds o" $arameters? A. # $ut $arameters are used to $ass data to su!routi es. B. <ut$ut $arameters are used to $ass data "rom su!routi es. 14. What are the di""ere t methods o" $assi % data? A. ,alli % !y re"ere ce5 Duri % a su!routi e call( o ly the address o" the actual $arameter is tra s"erred to the "ormal $arameters. 6he "ormal $arameter has o memory o" its o) ( a d )e )or& )ith the "ield o" the calli % $ro%ram )ithi the su!routi e. #" )e cha %e the "ormal $arameter( the "ield co te ts i the calli % $ro%ram also cha %e. B. ,alli % !y value5 Duri % a su!routi e call( the "ormal $arameters are created as co$ies o" the actual $arameters. 6he "ormal $arameters have memory o" their o) . ,ha %es to the "ormal $arameters have o e""ect o the actual $arameters. ,. ,alli % !y value a d result5 Duri % a su!routi e call( the "ormal $arameters are created as co$ies o" the actual $arameters. 6he "ormal $arameters have their o) memory s$ace. ,ha %es to the "ormal $arameters are co$ied to the actual $arameters at the e d o" the su!routi e. 1/. 6he method !y )hich i ter al ta!les are $assed is 00000000000. By =e"ere ce. 11. .o) ca a i ter al ta!le )ith .eader li e a d o e )ithout header li e !e disti %uished )he $assed to a su!routi e? #ta!> ? is used i the "orm a d e d"orm i" the i ter al ta!le is $assed )ith a header li e.

13. What should !e declared e2$licitly i the corres$o di % ABAP/4 Stateme ts to access i ter al ta!les )ithout header li es @ )hy? Wor& Area. 6his is re'uired as the Wor& Area is the i ter"ace "or tra s"erri % data to a d "rom the ta!le. 14. A su!routi e ca !e termi ated u co ditio ally usi % 9A#6. 76=B9 / -ACS98 6rue. 1:. A su!routi e ca !e termi ated u$o a co ditio usi % 0000000000000. ,.9,D Stateme t. 2;. -u ctio Modules are also e2ter al Su!routi es. 76=B9 / -ACS98. 6rue. 21. What is the di""ere ce !et)ee the "u ctio module a d a ormal ABAP/4 su!routi e? # co trast to ormal su!routi es "u ctio modules have u i'uely de"i ed i ter"ace. Declari % data as commo $arts is ot $ossi!le "or "u ctio modules. -u ctio modules are stored i a ce tral li!rary. 22. What is a "u ctio %rou$? A "u ctio %rou$ is a collectio o" lo%ically related modules that share %lo!al data )ith each other. All the modules i the %rou$ are i cluded i the same mai $ro%ram. Whe a ABAP/4 $ro%ram co tai s a ,ACC -B+,6#<+ stateme t( the system loads the e tire "u ctio %rou$ i )ith the $ro%ram code at ru time. 9very "u ctio module !elo %s to a "u ctio %rou$. 2*. What is the disadva ta%e o" a call !y re"ere ce? Duri % a call !y re"ere ce dama%e or loss o" data is ot restricted to the su!routi e( !ut )ill i sta tly lead to cha %es to the ori%i al data o!Eects. 24. A "u ctio module ca !e called "rom a tra sactio scree outside a ABAP/4 $ro%ram. 76=B9 /-ACS98 6=B9. 2/. What is a u$date tas&? #t is a SAP $rovided $rocedure "or u$dati % a data!ase. 21. What ha$$e s i" a "u ctio module ru s i a u$date tas&?

6he system $er"orms the module $rocessi % asy chro ously. # stead o" carryi % out the call immediately( the system )aits u til the e2t data!ase u$date is tri%%ered )ith the F,<MM#6 W<=DG comma d. 23. 6he "u ctio modules are created a d stored i the 00000000000000. -u ctio Ci!rary. 24. Whe a "u ctio module is activated sy ta2 chec&i % is $er"ormed automatically. 76=B9 / -ACS98 6=B9. 2:. What is the use o" the =A#S#+H e2ce$tio . 6he raisi % e2ce$tio determi es )hether the calli % $ro%ram )ill ha dle the e2ce$tio itsel" or leave the e2ce$tio to the system. *;. What is the di""ere ce !et)ee i ter al ta!les a d e2tract datasets? A. 6he li es o" a i ter al ta!le al)ays have the same structure. By usi % e2tract datasets( you ca ha dle %rou$s o" data )ith di""ere t structure a d %et statistical "i%ures "rom the %rou$ed data. B. You have to de"i e the structure o" the i ter al ta!le at the !e%i i %. You eed ot de"i e the structure o" the e2tract dataset. ,. # co trast to i ter al ta!les( the system $artly com$resses e2tract datasets )he stori % them. 6his reduces the stora%e s$ace re'uired. D. # ter al ta!les re'uire s$ecial )or& area "or i ter"ace )hereas e2tract datasets do ot eed a s$ecial )or& area "or i ter"ace. *1. #t is $ossi!le to assi% a local data o!Eect de"i ed i a su!routi e or "u ctio module to a "ield %rou$. 76=B9 / -ACS98 -ACS9. *2. What is the di""ere ce !et)ee "ieldI%rou$ header a d other "ield %rou$s? 6he header "ield %rou$ is a s$ecial "ield %rou$ "or the sort criteria. 6he system automatically $re"i2es a y other "ield %rou$s )ith the header "ield %rou$. **. ,a a "ield occur i several "ield %rou$s. Yes. But it leads to u ecessary data redu da cy. *4. Whe sorti % the e2tract dataset the "ields used as de"ault sort &ey lie i the 000000. .eader "ield %rou$. */. What does the i sert stateme t i e2tract datasets do?

#t de"i es the "ields o" a "ield %rou$. *1. What does the e2tract stateme t do i e2tract datasets? 6he data is )ritte to virtual memory !y e2tract comma ds. *3. A "ieldI%rou$s stateme t or a i sert stateme t reserves stora%e s$ace a d tra s"ers values. 76=B9 / -ACS98 -ACS9. *4. While usi % e2tract datasets it is re'uired to have a s$ecial )or& area "or i ter"ace. 76=B9 / -ACS98. -ACS9. *:. 6he C<<PI9+DC<<P o e2tract datasets ca !e used )ithout a y &i d o" errors. 76=B9 / -ACS98. -ACS9. #t causes ru time errors. 4;. 6he Ma2imum o o" &ey "ields that ca !e used i a header is 0000000000000. /;. 41. While sorti % "ield %rou$s )e ca ot use more tha o e &ey "ield. 76=B9 / -ACS98 -ACS9. 42. While sorti %( i" the mai stora%e s$ace availa!le is ot e ou%h( the system )rites data to a e2ter al hel$ "ile. 6he SAP $ro"ile $arameter( )hich determi es this hel$ "ile( is 00000000000000000. D#=0S<=66MP. 4*. 6he e2tract stateme ts i "ield %rou$s ca !e used !e"ore or a"ter $rocessi % the sort stateme ts. 76=B9 / -ACS98. -ACS9.

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