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Speech Access Success Rate (%)



Overall Accessibility Success Rate CS64 (%)



Overall Accessibility Success Rate PS Interactive (%)



Packet_R99 Access Success Rate (%)



Packet_HS Access Success Rate (%)



Overall Accessibility Success Rate PS Interactive EUL (%)



RRC Setup Success Rate (%)



RRC Setup Success Rate CS (%)



RRC Setup Success Rate PS (%)


Accessibility Accessibility Accessibility Accessibility Accessibility Accessibility

RAB Establishment Success Rate Speech (%) RAB Establishment Success Rate CS64 (%) RAB Establishment Success Rate PS Interactive (%) RAB Establishment Success Rate PS Interactive R99 (%) RAB Establishment Success Rate PS Interactive HS (%) RAB Establishment Success Rate PS Interactive EUL (%)

UtranCell UtranCell UtranCell UtranCell UtranCell UtranCell


CS NAS Signaling Success Rate (%)



PS NAS Signaling Success Rate (%)


Accessibility Accessibility Retainability Retainability

RAB Establishment Block Due to Lack of DL Channel Code (%) RRC Request Denied By DL Channel Code Admission Control (%) Speech Drop Rate (%) RAB Drop Rate CS64 (%)

UtranCell UtranCell UtranCell UtranCell


RAB Drop Rate PS Interactive (%)



Packet_R99 Drop Rate (%)



Packet_HS Drop Rate (%)



RAB Drop Rate PS Interactive EUL (%)



Drop due to Soft Handover Action (%)



Drop due to Missing Neighbor (%)



Drop due to UL Synchronization Lost (%)



Drop due to Congestion (%)



Drop due to IRAT Handover Lost (%)

UtranCell, GsmRelati on


Soft HO Success Rate (%)


Mobility Mobility

Speech IRAT HO Success Rate (%) PS IRAT (UMTS to GSM) Success Rate (%)

GsmRelati on GsmRelati on UtranCell UtranCell

Mobility Mobility

HSDPA Cell Change SR (%) EUL Cell Change SR (%)



HsDschR esources



HsDschR esources


EUL 2ms User Throughput

EDchRes ources


EUL 10ms User Throughput

EDchRes ources


EUL 2ms Cell Throughput

EDchRes ources


EUL 10ms Cell Throughput

EDchRes ources


R99 Throughput UL



R99 Throughput DL


Cell Traffic Speech (Erl)


Cell Traffic CS64 (Erl)


CS Traffic

CS Traffic Cell Traffic Volume DL Speech UtranCell

Cell Traffic Volume DL CS64 Cell Traffic Volume DL CS128 Cell Traffic Volume UL Speech Cell Traffic Volume UL CS64 Cell Traffic Volume UL CS128 Total Data Volume UL(MB) Eul Data Volume (MB)

UtranCell UtranCell UtranCell UtranCell UtranCell UtranCell UtranCell

R99 Data Volume UL (MB)


PS Traffic

PS8 Data Volume UL (MB) PS16 Data Volume UL (MB) PS128 Data Volume UL (MB) PS384 data Volume UL (MB) PS64 Data Volume UL (MB) Total Data Volume DL(MB) HSDPA Data Volume (MB) R99 Data Volume DL (MB) PS8 Data Volume DL (MB) PS16 Data Volume DL (MB) PS64 Data Volume DL (MB) PS128 Data Volume DL (MB) PS384 data Volume DL (MB)

UtranCell UtranCell UtranCell UtranCell UtranCell UtranCell UtranCell UtranCell UtranCell UtranCell UtranCell UtranCell UtranCell


Average Users HS



Average Users EUL



RNC Capacity Utilization (%)

RncCapac ity


CE Utilization UL (%)


CE Utilization DL (%)

UplinkBas eBandPoo l DownlinkB aseBandP ool Carrier


Used DL Codes Average

IubLink::pmTotalTimeIubLinkUnavail - the time that an Iub link is unavailable in seconds due to network Problem

UtranCell::pmNoFailedAfterAdm -This counter can include failures for reasons that are TN-related as well as no RAB and RRC Establishment failures which occur after admission control can be due to timeout in the UE, RNC or

Includin g: IUR HOs HS cell change IRAT cell change IRAT HOs IF HOs

CN Hard Handove rs

OtherHOsm: Successful Handover for each second

Formula 100*(pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCsSucc/(pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCspmNoLoadSharingRrcConnCs))*(pmNoNormalNasSignReleaseCs/(pmNoN ormalNasSignReleaseCs+pmNoSystemNasSignReleaseCs))*(pmNoRabEst ablishSuccessSpeech/(pmNoRabEstablishAttemptSpeechpmNoDirRetryAtt)) 100*(pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCsSucc/(pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCspmNoLoadSharingRrcConnCs))*(pmNoNormalNasSignReleaseCs/(pmNoN ormalNasSignReleaseCs+pmNoSystemNasSignReleaseCs))*(pmNoRabEst ablishSuccessCs64/pmNoRabEstablishAttemptCs64)) 100*((pmTotNoRrcConnectReqPsSucc/(pmTotNoRrcConnectReqPspmNoLoadSharingRrcConnPs)) *(pmNoNormalNasSignReleasePs/(pmNoNormalNasSignReleasePs+pmNo SystemNasSignReleasePs))*(pmNoRabEstablishSuccessPacketInteractive/ pmNoRabEstablishAttemptPacketInteractive)) 100*((pmTotNoRrcConnectReqPsSucc/(pmTotNoRrcConnectReqPspmNoLoadSharingRrcConnPs))*(pmNoNormalNasSignReleasePs/(pmNoNo rmalNasSignReleasePs+pmNoSystemNasSignReleasePs))*(pmNoRabEstS uccessPsIntNonHs/pmNoRabEstAttemptPsIntNonHs)) 100*((pmTotNoRrcConnectReqPsSucc/(pmTotNoRrcConnectReqPspmNoLoadSharingRrcConnPs)) *(pmNoNormalNasSignReleasePs/(pmNoNormalNasSignReleasePs+pmNo SystemNasSignReleasePs))*(pmNoRabEstablishSuccessPacketInteractive Hs/pmNoRabEstablishAttemptPacketInteractiveHs)) 100*((pmTotNoRrcConnectReqPsSucc/(pmTotNoRrcConnectReqPspmNoLoadSharingRrcConnPs)) *(pmNoNormalNasSignReleasePs/(pmNoNormalNasSignReleasePs+pmNo SystemNasSignReleasePs))*(pmNoRabEstablishSuccessPacketInteractive Eul/pmNoRabEstablishAttemptPacketInteractiveEul))




100*(pmNoRabEstablishSuccessSpeech/(pmNoRabEstablishAttemptSpeech-pmNoDirRetryAtt)) 100*(pmNoRabEstablishSuccessCs64/pmNoRabEstablishAttemptCs64)) 100*(pmNoRabEstablishSuccessPacketInteractive/pmNoRabEstablishAttemptPacketInteractive)) 100*(pmNoRabEstSuccessPsIntNonHs/pmNoRabEstAttemptPsIntNonHs)) 100*(pmNoRabEstablishSuccessPacketInteractiveHs/pmNoRabEstablishAttemptPacketInteractiveHs)) 100*(pmNoRabEstablishSuccessPacketInteractiveEul/pmNoRabEstablishAtt emptPacketInteractiveEul))

100*(pmNoNormalNasSignReleaseCs/(pmNoNormalNasSignReleaseCs+p mNoSystemNasSignReleaseCs))

100*(pmNoNormalNasSignReleasePs/(pmNoNormalNasSignReleasePs+p mNoSystemNasSignReleasePs)) 100*pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlChnlCode/ (pmNoRabEstablishAttemptCs64+pmNoRabEstablishAttemptPacketInteracti ve+pmNoRabEstablishAttemptSpeech) 100*pmNoRrcReqDeniedAdmDlChnlCode/pmTotNoRrcConnectReq 100*(pmNoSystemRabReleaseSpeech/(pmNoSystemRabReleaseSpeech+p mNoNormalRabReleaseSpeech)) 100*(pmNoSystemRabReleaseCs64/(pmNoSystemRabReleaseCs64+pmNo NormalRabReleaseCs64)) 100*(pmNoSystemRabReleasePacketpmNoSystemRabReleasePacketUra)/(pmNoNormalRabReleasePacket+pm NoSystemRabReleasePacket-pmNoSystemRabReleasePacketUrapmNoNormalRabReleasePacketUra+pmChSwitchSuccFachUra+pmChSwit chSuccHsUra+pmChSwitchSuccDchUra) 100*(pmNoSystemRabReleasePacket-pmNoSystemRabReleasePacketUrapmNoSystemRbReleaseHs)/(pmNoNormalRabReleasePacket+pmNoSyste mRabReleasePacket-pmNoSystemRabReleasePacketUrapmNoNormalRabReleasePacketUra-pmNoNormalRbReleaseHspmNoSystemRbReleaseHs+pmNoSuccRbReconfOrigPsIntDch+pmChSwitc hSuccFachUra+pmUpswitchFachHsSuccess+pmChSwitchSuccDchUra)

100*pmNoSystemRbReleaseHs/(pmNoNormalRbReleaseHs+pmNoSystem RbReleaseHs+pmNoSuccRbReconfPsIntDch+pmPsIntHsToFachSucc+pm ChSwitchSuccHsUra)) 100*pmNoSystemRbReleaseEul/(pmNoNormalRbReleaseEul+pmNoSystem RbReleaseEul+pmNoSuccRbReconfPsIntEul+pmPsIntHsToFachSucc+pmC hSwitchSuccEulUra)) 100*pmNoSysRelSpeechSoHo/pmNoSystemRabReleaseSpeech



100*pmNoOfTermSpeechCong/pmNoSystemRabReleaseSpeech 100*(pmNoAttOutIratHoSpeech-pmNoSuccessOutIratHoSpeechpmNoFailOutIratHoSpeechReturnOldChPhyChFailpmNoFailOutIratHoSpeechReturnOldChNotPhyChFailpmNoFailOutIratHoSpeechUeRejection)/pmNoSystemRabReleaseSpeech 100*(pmNoTimesRlAddToActSet/(pmNoTimesRlAddToActSet+pmNoTimes CellFailAddToActSet)) 100*(pmNoSuccessOutIratHoSpeech+pmNoSuccessOutIratHoMulti)/(pmNo AttOutIratHoSpeech+pmNoAttOutIratHoMulti) 100*pmNoOutIratCcSuccess/pmNoOutIratCcAtt

100*pmNoHsCcSuccess/pmNoHsCcAttempt 100*pmNoEulCcSuccess/pmNoEulCcAttempt (pmSumAckedBitsSpi00+pmSumAckedBitsSpi01+pmSumAckedBitsSpi02+ pmSumAckedBitsSpi03+pmSumAckedBitsSpi04+pmSumAckedBitsSpi05+p mSumAckedBitsSpi06+pmSumAckedBitsSpi07+pmSumAckedBitsSpi08+p mSumAckedBitsSpi09+pmSumAckedBitsSpi10+pmSumAckedBitsSpi11+p mSumAckedBitsSpi12+pmSumAckedBitsSpi13+pmSumAckedBitsSpi14+p mSumAckedBitsSpi15)/(0.002*(pmSumNonEmptyUserBuffersSpi00+pmSu mNonEmptyUserBuffersSpi01+pmSumNonEmptyUserBuffersSpi02+pmSum NonEmptyUserBuffersSpi03+pmSumNonEmptyUserBuffersSpi04+pmSumN onEmptyUserBuffersSpi05+pmSumNonEmptyUserBuffersSpi06+pmSumNo nEmptyUserBuffersSpi07+pmSumNonEmptyUserBuffersSpi08+pmSumNon EmptyUserBuffersSpi09+pmSumNonEmptyUserBuffersSpi11+pmSumNonE mptyUserBuffersSpi10+pmSumNonEmptyUserBuffersSpi12+pmSumNonEm ptyUserBuffersSpi13+pmSumNonEmptyUserBuffersSpi14+pmSumNonEmpt yUserBuffersSpi15)) (pmSumAckedBitsSpi00+pmSumAckedBitsSpi01+pmSumAckedBitsSpi02+ pmSumAckedBitsSpi03+pmSumAckedBitsSpi04+pmSumAckedBitsSpi05+p mSumAckedBitsSpi06+pmSumAckedBitsSpi07+pmSumAckedBitsSpi08+p mSumAckedBitsSpi09+pmSumAckedBitsSpi10+pmSumAckedBitsSpi11+p mSumAckedBitsSpi12+pmSumAckedBitsSpi13+pmSumAckedBitsSpi14+p mSumAckedBitsSpi15)/(0.002*(pmNoActiveSubFramesSpi00+pmNoActiveS ubFramesSpi01+pmNoActiveSubFramesSpi02+pmNoActiveSubFramesSpi0 3+pmNoActiveSubFramesSpi04+pmNoActiveSubFramesSpi05+pmNoActive SubFramesSpi06+pmNoActiveSubFramesSpi07+pmNoActiveSubFramesSp i08+pmNoActiveSubFramesSpi09+pmNoActiveSubFramesSpi10+pmNoActi veSubFramesSpi11+pmNoActiveSubFramesSpi12+pmNoActiveSubFrames Spi13+pmNoActiveSubFramesSpi14+pmNoActiveSubFramesSpi15))





pmSumDchUlRlcUserPacketThp/pmSamplesDchUlRlcUserPacketThp (sum) pmSumDchDlRlcUserPacketThp/pmSamplesDchDlRlcUserPacketThp (sum) (pmSumBestCs12RabEstablish/pmSamplesBestCs12RabEstablish)+(pmSu mBestAmr4750RabEstablish/pmSamplesBestAmr4750RabEstablish)+(pmS umBestAmr5900RabEstablish/pmSamplesBestAmr5900RabEstablish)+(pm SumBestAmr7950RabEstablish/pmSamplesBestAmr7950RabEstablish)+(p mSumBestAmr12200RabEstablish/pmSamplesBestAmr12200RabEstablish) +(pmSumBestAmrWbRabEstablish/pmSamplesBestAmrWbRabEstablish)+( pmSumBestAmrNbMmRabEstablish/pmSamplesBestAmrNbMmRabEstablis h)



pmDlTrafficVolumeCs64/8000 pmDlTrafficVolumeCs128/8000 pmUlTrafficVolumeCs12/8000 pmUlTrafficVolumeCs64/8000 pmUlTrafficVolumeCs128/8000 (pmUlTrafficVolumePsCommon+pmUlTrafficVolumePs8+pmUlTrafficVolum ePs16+pmUlTrafficVolumePs64+pmUlTrafficVolumePs128+pmUlTrafficVolu mePs384+pmUlTrafficVolumePsIntEul)/8000 pmUlTrafficVolumePsIntEul/8000

(pmUlTrafficVolumePsCommon+pmUlTrafficVolumePs8+pmUlTrafficVolum ePs16+pmUlTrafficVolumePs64+pmUlTrafficVolumePs128+pmUlTrafficVolu mePs384)/8000

pmUlTrafficVolumePs8/8000 pmUlTrafficVolumePs16/8000 pmUlTrafficVolumePs128/8000 pmUlTrafficVolumePs384/8000 pmUlTrafficVolumePs64/8000 (pmDlTrafficVolumePsCommon+pmDlTrafficVolumePs8+pmDlTrafficVolum ePs16+pmDlTrafficVolumePs64+pmDlTrafficVolumePs128+pmDlTrafficVolu mePs384+pmDlTrafficVolumePsIntHs)/8000 pmDlTrafficVolumePsIntHs/8000 (pmDlTrafficVolumePsCommon+pmDlTrafficVolumePs8+pmDlTrafficVolum ePs16+pmDlTrafficVolumePs64+pmDlTrafficVolumePs128+pmDlTrafficVolu mePs384)/8000 pmDlTrafficVolumePs8/8000 pmDlTrafficVolumePs16/8000 pmDlTrafficVolumePs64/8000 pmDlTrafficVolumePs128/8000 pmDlTrafficVolumePs384/8000

(pmSumPsHsAdchRabEstablish/PsHsAdchRabEstablish)+(pmSumBestPsE ulRabEstablish/BestPsEulRabEstablish)


100*(pmSumCapacity/pmSamplesCapacity (sum))/pmCapacityLimit (avg)G363

100*(pmSumCapacityUlCe/pmSamplesCapacityUlCe (sum))/licenseCapacityRbsChannelElementsUplink 100*(pmSumCapacityDlCe/pmSamplesCapacityDlCe (sum))/licenseCapacityRbsChannelElementsDownlink pmSumUsedDlCodes/pmSampledUsedDlCodes (sum)

available in seconds due to network Problems.

or reasons that are TN-related as well as not TN-related. trol can be due to timeout in the UE, RNC or RBS, logical error and invalid parameter settings, as well as for TN failure reasons

SUM_all_handover{pmSoftHoSuccessNonIur + pmSofterHoSuccessNonIur } x IurRelation/N

+ SUM_all_handover{pmSoftSofterHoSuccessIur}/N

+ SUM_all_cells{pmNoHsCcSuccess +

pmNoPsStreamHsCcSuccess}/N + SUM_all_GSMrelation{pmNoOutIratCcSuccess}/N + SUM_all_cells{pmNoInCsIratHoSuccess + pmNoDirRetrySuccess}/N + SUM_all_GSMrelation{ pmNoSuccessOutIratHoCs57 + pmNoSuccessOutIratHoMulti + pmNoSuccessOutIratHoSpeech + pmNoSuccessOutIratHoStandalone + pmNoSuccLbhoSpeech}/N + SUM_all_handover{pmNoSuccessSbHo}/N + SUM_all_cells{pmNoTimesIfhoRlAddToActSet}/N + SUM_all_links{pmNoSuccInCnhhoSpeech + pmNoSuccInCnhhoCsNonSpeech }/N + SUM_all_UtranRel{pmNoSuccOutCnhhoSpeech + pmNoSuccOutCnhhoSpeech }/N Where: For DC: IurRelation = 0 For MC: IurRelation = SUM_all_cells{pmNoOfRlForDriftingUes} / SUM_all_cells{pmNoOfRlForNonDriftingUes}

KPI Description This KPI is the indication of the accessibility rate for the Speech service.It can be seen as the product of CS RRC Success Rate, RAB Establishment Success Rate Speech and CS NAS Signaling Success Rate. This KPI is the indication of the accessibility rate for the CS64 services. It can be seen as the product of CS RRC Success Rate, RAB Establishment Success Rate for CS64 and CS NAS Signaling Release Success Rate. This KPI evaluates the accessibility rate for the PS Data Interactive services, both R99 and HS. This KPI takes into account in the total amount of PS Data Interactive RAB attempts, all the contribution related to the PS data calls originated on R99 only, originated on HS cells and redirected to HS cells. It can be seen as the product of PS RRC Success Rate, RAB Establishment Success The above KPI evaluates the accessibility rate for the PS Data Interactive services, both R99 and HS. This KPI takes into account in the total amount of PS Data Interactive RAB attempts, all the contribution related to the PS data calls originated on R99 only, originated on HS cells and redirected to HS cells. The above KPI evaluates the accessibility rate for the PS Data Interactive services, HSDPA only. This KPI takes into account in the total amount of PS Data Interactive RAB attempts all the contribution related to the PS data calls originated on HSDPA. It can be seen as the product of PS RRC Success Rate, RAB Establishment Success Rate PS HS, which indicates the success rate of RAB establishments for PS HS calls and PS NAS Signaling Release Success Rate. The above KPI evaluates the accessibility rate for the PS Data Interactive services, EUL only. This KPI takes into account in the total amount of PS Data Interactive RAB attempts all the contribution related to the PS data calls originated on EUL only. It can be seen as the product of PS RRC Success Rate, RAB Establishment Success Rate PS EUL, which indicates the success rate of RAB establishments for PS EUL calls and PS NAS Signaling Release Success Rate. This formula represents the percentage of successful RRC Connection Requests over the total number of RRC Connection Requests decreased by the number of diversions due to the Load Sharing feature during the establishments of RRC Connections, so that it is not counted as access failure on WCDMA RAN. This formula highlights the success rate of RRC Connection Requests for CS calls. Note that the total number of RRC Connection Requests CS is decreased by the number of diversions due to the Load Sharing feature during the establishments of RRC Connections. This formula highlights the success rate of RRC Connection Requests for PS calls. Note that the total number of RRC Connection Requests PS is decreased by the number of diversions due to the Load Sharing feature during the establishments of RRC Connections. This formula indicates the success rate of RAB establishments for Speech calls. Note that the total number of attempts of RAB establishments is decreased by the number of attempts outgoing via inter RAT handover to GSM due to capacity reasons. This formula indicates the success rate of RAB establishments for CS64. This KPI defines the success rate of establishments for any RAB PS Interactive. This KPI defines the success rate of establishments for any RAB PS Interactive DCH/FACH. This formula indicates the uccess rate of establishments only for HS PS Interactive. This KPI is an indication of accessibility for EUL calls, during the RAB establishment phase.

This KPI defines the success rate of CS NAS Signaling procedure during call setup. Its the ratio between the total number of successful NAS procedure releases (calculated as the sum of normal CS NAS Signaling releases and the total amount of CS Rab Establishment attempts) over the total number of NAS procedure relases (taking into account also all the abnormal CS NAS Signaling releases) . This KPI defines the success rate of PS NAS Signaling procedure during call setup. Its the ratio between the total number of successful NAS procedure releases (calculated as the sum of normal PS NAS Signaling releases and the total amount of PS Interactive Rab Establishment attempts) over the total number of NAS procedure relases (taking into account also all the abnormal PS NAS Signaling releases) . This KPI highlights the percentage of failed RAB establishments due to lack of DL Channelization codes over the total of RAB establishment failures due to other reasons. This KPI highlights the percentage of failed RRC requests due to lack of DL codes.The pmNoRrcReqDeniedAdmDlChnlCode, The KPI defines the drop rate for RAB Speech. It can be seen as the ratio between all the abnormal RAB Speech releases over the total number of all the RAB Speech releases. The KPI defines the drop rate for RAB CS64. It can be seen as the ratio between all the abnormal RAB CS64 releases over the total number of all the RAB CS64 releases. The KPI defines the drop rate for all the PS RABs on Cell basis (all counters defined in MO class UtranCell). It can be seen as the ratio between all the abnormal RAB Ps releases over the total number of all the RAB Ps releases (including all the normal releases due to all the downswitchs from FACH state to URA).

The KPI defines the drop rate for all the PS RABs only R99 on Cell basis (all counters defined in MO class UtranCell). It can be seen as the ratio between all the abnormal RAB PS DCH/FACH releases over the total number of all the RAB PS DCH/FACH releases (including all the normal releases due to all the upswitchs from DCH/FACH state to HS).

The KPI defines the drop rate for RAB PS HSDPA on Cell basis (all counters defined in MO class UtranCell). It can be seen as the ratio between all the abnormal RAB PS HSDPA releases over the total number of all the RAB PS HSDPA releases (including successful reconfigurations of PS Interactive RABs on CELL_DCH and from DCH/HS or EUL/HS to RACH/FACH). The KPI defines the drop rate for RAB Eul on Cell basis (all counters defined in MO class UtranCell). It can be seen as the ratio between all the abnormal RAB EUL releases over the total number of all the RAB EUL releases (including successful reconfigurations of EUL Interactive RABs on CELL_DCH and from DCH/HS or EUL/HS to RACH/FACH). The formula highlights the percentage of dropped Speech call due to Soft Handover action. It is calculated as the rate between the number of system disconnects of a speech call for this reason over the total number of releases. The formula highlights the percentage of dropped Speech call due to unknownmeasured cell (missing neighbour relation). It is calculated as the rate between the number of system disconnects of a speech call for this reason over the total number of releases. The formula highlights the percentage of dropped Speech call due to UL Synchronization Lost. It is calculated as the rate between the number of system disconnects of a speech call for this reason over the total number of releases.

The formula highlights the percentage of dropped Speech call due to Congestion. It is calculated as the rate between the number of system disconnects for speech call with this reason over the total number of releases. The formula highlights the percentage of dropped Speech call due to IRAT Handover Lost. It is calculated as the rate between the IRAT HO failures leading to drop over the total number of releases. The KPI defines the rate of successful Radio Link addition for the target cell, computed for RL addition or replacement. It is calculated as the rate between the total number of RL addition success and the total number of RL addition attempts, defined as the sum of success and failures. The KPI defines the success rate for IRAT HO for RAB Speech and MultiRAB: it is calculated as the rate between all the success of outgoing (to GSM) IRAT for RAB Speech and Multi RAB and the total of attempts. The KPI defines the success rate for PS Inter RAT cell change attempts for UE on dedicated channel. During Inter-RATCC from UTRAN to GPRS, UE on DCH, the The KPI defines the success rate for Cell Change for HS RABs. It calculated as the rate between Cell Change succeeded and attempted Serving HS-DSCH Cell Change, counted on target cell. The KPI defines the success rate for Cell Change for EUL/HS-DSCH.

The KPI defines the HSDPA User Throughput during the observation period. It can be seen as the ratio between MAC-HS Scheduled Throughput Net 2 and Average UEs in queue (see Error! Reference source not found.). The counter pmSumAckedBitsSpiXX, XX=[0..15] defines the number of Media Access Control high-speed (MAC-hs) bits received and acknowledged by the UE. Each whole MAC-hs kilobit received and acknowledged by the UE increases the count by 1. The counter pmSumNonEmptyUserBufferSpiXX, XX=[0..15] is the number of user buffers containing high-speed data. Every 2 ms the number of user buffers containing data is sampled. The sum of all samples during the recording period is then stored in the ROP. The measurements are started

The KPI defines the HSDPA scheduled net throughput during the observation period, when UEs are transmitting. The KPI indicates the capabilities to select a big TF for MAC packets. It represents a measure of the average scheduled MAC-hs net throughput (i.e. without retransmissions), calculated during the TTIs in which UEs are transmitting.

The KPIs are a measure of average MAC-e net scheduled user throughput for 2 ms TTI users, since the term at the denominator represents the total time when all the 2 ms TTI users transmit data on E-DCH. The counters pmSumAckedBitsCellEulTti2 and pmSumNackedBitsCellEulTti2 give the total amount of acked / nacked data received in kbits after HARQ process on MAC-e level for all 2 ms TTI users in a cell. Note that k = 1000. Stepped every 2 ms for 2 ms TTI users when received data are acknowledged / Nacked after HARQ process. The KPIs are a measure of average MAC-e net scheduled user throughput for 10 ms TTI users, since the term at the denominator represents the total time when all the 10 ms TTI users transmit data on E-DCH. The counters pmSumAckedBitsCellEulTti10 and pmSumNackedBitsCellEulTti10 give the total amount of acked / nacked data received in kbits after HARQ process on MAC-e level for all 10 ms TTI users in a cell. Note that k = 1000. Stepped every 10 ms for 10 ms TTI users when received data are acknowledged / NAcked after HARQ process. The KPI is a measure of average MAC-e net scheduled cell throughput considering only 2 ms TTI users. The denominator gives the total time when there is a transmission of one or more EDCH frames, from 2 ms TTI users. The counter ] pmSumAckedBitsCellEulTti2 give the total amount of acked data received in kbits after HARQ process on MAC-e level for all 2 ms TTI users in a cell. Note that k = 1000. Stepped every 2 ms for 2 ms TTI users when received data are acknowledged after HARQ process The KPI is a measure of average MAC-e net scheduled cell throughput considering only 10 ms users. The denominator gives the total time when there is a transmission of one or more E-DCH frames, from 10 ms TTI users. The counter pmSumAckedBitsCellEulTti10 give the total amount of acked data received in kbits after HARQ process on MAC-e level for all 10 ms TTI users in a cell. Note that k = 1000. Stepped every 10 ms for 10 ms TTI users when received data are acknowledged after HARQ process. The formula evaluates the average user throughput for R99 PS Data in UL (kbps). It includes user data, excluding retransmissions, padding bits, data PDU headers and RLC control PDUs. Measured in the best cell in the active set. The formula evaluates the average user throughput for PS Data in DL (kbps). It includes user data, excluding retransmissions, padding bits, data PDU headers and RLC control PDUs. Measured in the best cell in the active set.

The formula defines the traffic value (in Erlangs), aggregated on cell level for RABs Speech (including MultiRab). It is calculated as the ratio between Accumulator counter and the Scan counter. The accumulator counter is the sum of all sample values, collected every 5 seconds; the Scan counter provides the number of times the Accumulator has been incremented.

The KPI defines the traffic value (in Erlangs), aggregated on cell level, for RABs Cs64 (including MultiRab). It is calculated as the ratio between Accumulator counter and the Scan counter. The accumulator counter is the sum of all sample values, collected every 5 seconds; the Scan counter provides the number of times the Accumulator has been incremented.

The formula defines the DL traffic volume, measured on cell level, for RABs Speech (including MultiRab). It is just the sum of relative counters within the ROP period. The pmDlTrafficVolumeCs12 counter define the traffic volume on downlink (DL) in kbits relatively for conversational/speech 12.2 kbps CS RAB and for any MultiRAB combination where Speech CS 12.2 RAB is included, after macrodiversity. It is pegged every time a DL data frame is sent. The formula defines the DL traffic volume, measured on cell level for RABs Cs64. It is just the sum of relative counters within the ROP period. The pmDlTrafficVolumeCs64 counter defines the traffic volume on downlink (DL) in kbits for conversational 64 kbps CS RAB after macrodiversity. It is pegged every time a DL data frame is sent. The formula defines the UL traffic volume, measured on cell level for Speech RABs Cs12. It is just the sum of relative counters within the ROP period. The formula defines the UL traffic volume, measured on cell level for RABs Cs64. It is just the sum of relative counters within the ROP period.

Interactive RABs on FACH and DCH. It is just the sum of relative counters within the ROP period. The meaning of the counters included in the formula is reported. pmUlTrafficVolumePsCommon is the traffic volume on UL in kbps for PS RAB on FACH/RACH. pmUlTrafficVolumePs64 is the payload traffic (kbits) in UL before macro diversity for UeRc configurations which carries an Interactive UL Trch with max rate equal to 64 kbit/s. Only PS Interactive traffic is included. pmUlTrafficVolumePs128 is the payload traffic (kbits) in UL before macro diversity for UeRc configurations which carries an Interactive UL Trch with max rate equal to 128 kbit/s. Only PS Interactive traffic is included. pmUlTrafficVolumePs384 is the payload traffic (kbits) in UL before macro diversity for UeRc configurations which carries an Interactive UL Trch with max rate equal to 384 kbit/s. Only PS Interactive traffic is included.

The formula defines the payload traffic in the downlink for UeRc configurations on HS-DSCH. Only PS Interactive traffic is included. The formula defines the DL traffic volume, measured on cell level, for all PS Interactive RABs on FACH and DCH. It is just the sum of relative counters within the ROP period.

The formula defines the Average value of users aggregated on cell level for all RABs HS (ADCH and E-DCH), not only for the best cell in Active Set. It is calculated as the ratio between Accumulator counter and the Scan counter for HS (A-DCH and E-DCH) Rabs. The accumulator counter is the sum of all sample values, collected every 5 seconds. The formula defines the Average value of users aggregated on cell level for all EUL/HS RAB, not only for the best cell in the Active Set. It is calculated as the ratio between Accumulator counter and the Scan counter for EUL Rabs. This KPI defines the average current RNC capacity utilization. The pmSumCapacity counters defines the sum of all sample values recorded during a ROP for the current capacity utilization. Values are read periodically from an internal level counter and added to this counter. If RncCapacityId="IubThroughput", then the level counter maintains the current Iub throughput. If RncCapacityId="FachDchHsUsers", then the level counter maintains the current number of simultaneous users on FACH/DCH/HS. The pmSamplesCapacity defines the number of samples recorded within the ROP for pmSumCapacity. Incremented by one when the value of the internal level counter is added to the corresponding sum counter.Sampling rate: 1 s. This KPI provides the average amount of used Channel Elements in Up Link. Its expressed as the ratio between the total aggregate of used Channel Elements measurements and the number of samples collected. This KPI provides the average amount of used Channel Elements in Down Link. Its expressed as the ratio between the total aggregate of used Channel Elements measurements and the number of samples collected. This KPI provides the average number of used DL codes in terms of percentage of lowest leaf, SF256, usage. It includes codes used in dynamic code allocation. Its built as the rate between Accumulator and Scan counters.

alid parameter settings, as well as for TN failure reasons. The user will perceive this as a failure to setup a call.

setup a call.

1 CS RAB Establish Succ Rate (%)>>CS64 RAB Establish Succ Rate (%) in BO Template 2 PS Access Success Rate>> Interactive Srvices 3 Raw Counters for r99 up &dl , eul throughput PS Common Data Volume DL (MB) 15 PS8 Data Volume DL (MB) 16 PS16 Data Volume DL (MB) 17 PS64 Data Volume DL (MB) 18 PS128 Data Volume DL (MB) 19 PS384 data Volume DL (MB) 13 HSDPA Data Volume (MB) 12 Total Data Volume DL(MB) PS Traffic PS Common Data Volume UL (MB) 7 PS8 Data Volume UL (MB) 8 PS16 Data Volume UL (MB) 9 PS128 Data Volume UL (MB) 10 PS384 data Volume UL (MB) 5 Eul Data Volume (MB) 11 PS64 Data Volume UL (MB) 4 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Total Data Volume UL(MB) Total Data Volume UL(MB)>> Law Mismatch CS128 Data Volume UL (MB) CS Traffic Cell Traffic Speech (Erl) CS Traffic Cell Traffic CS64 (Erl)

Succ Rate (%) in BO Template

Volume DL (MB) UtranCell UtranCell UtranCell UtranCell UtranCell UtranCell UtranCell Volume UL (MB) UtranCell UtranCell UtranCell UtranCell UtranCell UtranCell UtranCell

UtranCell UtranCell

pmDlTrafficVolumePsCommon pmDlTrafficVolumePs8/8000 pmDlTrafficVolumePs16/8000 pmDlTrafficVolumePs64/8000 pmDlTrafficVolumePs128/8000 pmDlTrafficVolumePs384/8000 pmDlTrafficVolumePsIntHs/8000 (pmDlTrafficVolumePsCommon+pmDlTrafficVolumePs8+pmDlTrafficVolumePs16+pmDlTrafficVolumePs64+pmDlTrafficVolum pmUlTrafficVolumePsCommon pmUlTrafficVolumePs8/8000 pmUlTrafficVolumePs16/8000 pmUlTrafficVolumePs128/8000 pmUlTrafficVolumePs384/8000 pmUlTrafficVolumePsIntEul/8000 pmUlTrafficVolumePs64/8000


MultiRab). It (pmSumBestCs12RabEstablish/pmSamplesBestCs12RabEstablish)+(pmSumBestAmr4750RabEstablish/pmSamplesBestAmr4 is calculated as the ratio between Accumulator counter and the Scan counter. The accumulator counter is the sum of all sampl ultiRab). It is (pmSumBestCs64RabEstablish+pmSamplesBestCs64RabEstablish) calculated as the ratio between Accumulator counter and the Scan counter. The accumulator counter is the sum of all sample va



counter is the sum of all sample values, collected every 5 seconds; the Scan counter provides the number of times the Accumulator has bee nter is the sum of all sample values, collected every 5 seconds; the Scan counter provides the number of timesthe Accumulator has been inc

the Accumulator has been incremented. Accumulator has been incremented.

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