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Have you noticed That violence is very comon seen nowadays on hollywood movies?

Hollywoood all love because his movies are good, but inadvertently we accept excessive violence. En recent times the film industry invests huge budgets for film production , the advancement of technologies and high demand makes this business continues to grow grandly . But hollywood is not careful about emitted violence in her movies . Many of the films broadcast are bloody and have lot of violent scenes, as if that was something normal and children are the most affected by this . to tell the truth the society is in chaos and violent ; that is real, but can not play with this content that causes a bunch of damage,especially to the children. One of the causes of the growth of juvenile delinquency has been influenced by violence transmitted by the films , scenes of assaults, murders , thefts ,so them can get to understand how something imitable ,but they are actually a crime. there are hundreds of studies that justify the need for control of the content they are made, but this still remains controversial . As a conclusion I can say that watching movies should be controlled by the parents , them Should keep in constant comunication with their children ; them had better monitor Their children When They see hollywood movies , Because violence always exist.

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