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Go slow, friends, offer your holding to the intensity as it comes, gently at first.

And then let it go take a walk, touch the earth, feel your heart, look up into the sky. The opening of your body, the deepening of your intimacy with all that is, and the polishing of your heart are not projects for you to wrap up over a few hours, weeks, or months. You are not broken and not in need of fixing. Sit in your own presence and behold the intelligence that is your own body and the creative grace field that are your own senses. There is no hurry here, resist the habitual movement to resolve something, for in doing so you are not being kind to your experience. These days are behind you. What is happening here is far too precious for that.

When you craft a sanctuary for the light and the dark, the broken and the whole, and the confusing and the clear within you, you will stop the violence. You need no longer wage cosmic warfare against these pieces of yourself, concluding they should not be there, that they mean something about how spiritual or awakened you are, are evidence of your failure, or a sign of how unlovable you are. What you are is just too majestic for this. Give yourself the gift of sacred pause. Go out into the natural world and open to the unseen dimensions. Recognize and honor the immensity of the journey you are on, how counter-instinctual it really is, and sense the support that has gathered around you. You are on the journey of reembodiment, of creating refuge for all your orphaned parts and pieces, for you care so much about this body and this reality. Go slow, friends, hold your immediate experience and allow it to reveal its secrets to you.

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