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Afirmativa: Sujeto + Verbo en infinitivo sin to. Se aade -s o -es a las terceras personas (he, she, it) Negativa: Sujeto + do/does (en las terceras personas) + not + Verbo en infinitivo sin to Interrogativa: Do/does + Sujeto + Verbo en infinitivo sin to Ejemplos: I watch tv every afternoon I do not watch tv every afternoon Do I watch tv every afternoon? She finishes her homework on time She does not finish her homework on time Does she finish her homework on time?

Para expresar acciones que se realizan habitualmente (hbitos) o que se pueden considerar como rutinas. Ejemplo: She wakes up at seven oclock every morning Suele ir acompaado de adverbios de frecuencia (always, never, often, sometimes). Ejemplo: He never tidies his room Para referirnos a verdades generales o universales. Ejemplo: Cows give milk En las condicionales de primer tipo. Ejemplo: If she studies she will pass the exam


Afirmativa: Sujeto + Verbo to be en presente (am/is/are) + Verbo terminado en ing Negativa: Sujeto + Verbo to been presente (am/is/are) + not + Verbo terminado en ing Interrogativa: Verbo to be en presente (am/is/are) + Sujeto + Verbo terminado en ing Ejemplos: You are reading a newspaper

Para expresar acciones que se estn realizando en el momento en que se habla. Ejemplo: What is he doing now? Para expresar una accin futura que ya se ha planeado. Ejemplo: We are travelling to Asturias next week No se suele utilizar con verbos que indican actos de los sentidos,

You are not reading a newspaper Are you reading a newspaper? He is living in Madrid at the moment He is not living in Madrid at the moment Is he living in Madrid at the moment?

emocionales, de pensamiento o posesin. Ejemplo: They are being in love Suele aparecer con expresiones como now, right now, at the moment


Afirmativa: Sujeto + Verbo terminado en ed si es regular Negativa: Sujeto + did (en todas las personas) + not + Verbo en infinitivo sin to Interrogativa: Did (en todas las personas) + Sujeto + Verbo en infinitivo sin to Ejemplos: I closed the shop yesterrday morning I did not close the shop yesterday morning Did I close the shop yesterday morning? She stopped the car next to the traffic lights Sh did not stop the car next to the traffic lights Did she stop the car next to the traffic lights? Afirmativa: Sujeto + Verbo to be en pasado (was/were) + Verbo terminado en ing Negativa: Sujeto + Verbo to be en pasado (was/were) + not + Verbo terminado en ing Interrogativa: Verbo to be en pasado +

Para expresar acciones que ocurrieron en un momento determinado del pasado y que tuvieron su principio y su fin


Para expresar una accin que ocurri en el pasado durante un tiempo determinado. No es relevante saber cuando empez o termin. Ejemplo: You were dancing sevillanas with the French

Sujeto + Verbo terminado en ing Ejemplos: I was having a shower when he arrived I was not having a shower when he arrived Was I having a shower when he arrived? We were playing computer games at home We were not playing computer games at home Were we playing computer games at home?

girl Suele aparecer en combinacin con el pasado simple, cuando expresamos una accin que fue interrumpida. Ejemplo: You were studying English when I phoned Puede aparecer en combinacin con otro pasado continuo para expresar dos acciones que se estn realizando simultneamente (al mismo tiempo). Ejemplo: She was cooking dinner and they were eating an ice-cream


Afirmativa: Sujeto + Will (en todas las personas) + Verbo en infinitivo sin to Negativa: Sujeto + Will (en todas las personas) + not + Verbo en infinitivo sin to (wont) Interrogativa: Will + Sujeto + Verbo en infinitivo sin to Ejemplos: She will be fourteen next year She wont be fourteen next year Will she be fourteen next year?

Para expresar una accin futura que suceder independientemente de la intenin del hablante. Ejemplo: I will die some day Para expresar una decisin o pensamiento que surge en el momento de la conversacin. Ejemplo: - I dont know what to do ith my old computer... Ill

It will rain soon It wont rain soon

sell it for you Para hacer

Will it rain soon?

PREDICCIONES (este uso aparece especialmente con verbos de pensamiento como think, relieve, to be afraid ). Ejemplo: I think youll be rich and have ten children En las oraciones condicionales de primer tipo. Ejemplo: If it rains you wont go out tonight Promesas. Ejemplo: Will you marry me?


Afirmativa: Sujeto + Verbo to be (am/is/are) + going to + Verbo en infinitivo sin to Negativa: Sujeto + Verbo to be (am/is/are) + not + going to + verbo en infinitivo sin to Interrogativa: Verbo to be (am/is/are) + Sujeto + going to + Verbo en infinitivo sin to Ejemplos: They are going to get married next month They are not going to get married next month

Para expresar acciones futuras que han sido PLANEADAS Y PREMEDITADAS con antelacin. Ejemplo: Are you going to play basketball this weekend? Cuando tenemos la certeza de que algo va a ocurrir. Ejemplo: There is no oil left, the motorbike is going to stop

Are they going to get married next month? He is going to watch the football match this

afternoon He is not going to watch the football match thi afternoon Is he going to watch the football match this afternoon


Afirmativa: Sujeto + Verbo to have (has/have segn corresponda) + Verbo en participio de pasado (3 columna) Negativa: Sujeto + Verbo to have (has/have segn corresponda) + not + Verbo en participio de pasado (3 columna) Interrogativa: Verbo to have (has/have segn corrresponda) + Sujeto + Verbo en participio de pasado (3 columna) Ejemplos: I have done my homework I have not done my homework Have I done my homework? She has finished lectures She has not finished lectures Has she finished lectures? Afirmativa: Sujeto + Verbo to have (has/have segn corresponda) + been + Verbo terminado en -ing Negativa: Sujeto + Verbo to have (have/has

Para expresar acciones que ocurrieron en un momento pasado no muy lejano y que tienen algn tipo de infuenca en el presente. Ejemplo: They have not stopped talking!! Para expresar experiencias vividas (o no vividas). Ejemplo: I have never eaten curry Es muy frecuente con expresiones como ever, yet, never, since, already


Para referirnos a acciones que comenzaron en el pasado y que continan en el presente, e incluso en el futuro

segn corresponda) + not + been + Verbo terminado en -ing Interrogativa: Verbo to have (have/has segn corresponda) + Sujeto + been + Verbo terminado en -ing Ejemplos: I have been studying for two days I have not been studying for two days Have I been studying for two days? It has been snowing since Tuesday It has not been snowing since Tuesday Has it been snowing since Tuesday? Afirmativa: Sujeto + Verbo to have en pasado, had + Verbo en participio de pasado (3 columna) Negativa: Sujeto + Verbo to have en pasado had + not + Verbo en participio de pasado (3 columna) Interrogativa: Verbo to have en pasado, had + Sujeto + Verbo en participio de pasado (3 columna) Ejemplos: I had had an accident, so I could not play football I had not had an accident, so I could play football Had I had an accident?

Se hace nfasis en la duracin de la accin.


Expresa una accin pasada concluida con relacin a otra accin o hecho pasados Generalmente nos encontraremos con dos oraciones simples (como en los ejemplos) Condicionales de 3 tipo Con la expresin I wish.

She had gone to school, so he was alone She had not gone to school, so he was not alone Had she gone to school? Afirmativa: Sujeto + will + to be en infinitivo + Verbo terminado en -ing Negativa: Sujeto + will + not + to be en infinitivo + Verbo terminado en -ing Interrogativa: will + Sujeto + to be + Verbo terminado en -ing Ejemplos: I will be thinking of you tomorrow I will not be thinking of you tomorrow Will I be thinking of you tomorrow? She will be teaching English next Tuesday at 3 oclock She will not be teaching English next Tuesday at 3 oclock Will she be teaching English next Tuesday at 3 oclock? Afirmativa: Sujeto + will + Verbo to have en infinitivo + Verbo en participio de pasado (3 columna) Negativa: Sujeto + will + not + Verbo to have en infinitivo + Verbo en participio de

Para expresar una accin que suceder de forma progresiva en el futuro Para expresar acciones futuras que no sabemos con exactitud cundo se realizarn



Indica que la accin del verbo principal se realizar con anterioridad al tiempo indicado por una expresin de tiempo que le suele acompaar

pasado (3 columna) Interrogativa: will + Sujeto + Verbo to have + Verbo en participio de pasado (3 columna) Ejemplos: I will have married this time next Saturday I will not have married this time next Saturday Will I have married this time next Saturday? She will have finished dinner by 8 oclock She will not have finished dinner by 8 oclock Will she have finished dinner by 8 oclock?

am/'m (contrae a): I'm is/'s (contrae i): He's,She, It's are/'re (contrae a): Your're, We're, They're

Who's the other doctor = Quin es el otro doctor ? Were're friends = Somos amigos

Contracciones Sobre to Have :

Have/'ve (contrae Ha) : I've, We've, You've, They've had/'d (contrae Ha)

I'ven't played with Ann = Yo no he jugado con Ana I've a four o'clock appoinment with Robert = Yo tengo una cita con Roberto a las 4 We'd them bring the radio to the hotel = Nosotros tenamos (que) traerles el radio al hotel

Contracciones Sobre Will y Shall : El pasado negativo de will not es won not cuya contraccin es won't. Shall es la forma que usa will en el ingls de Reino Unido. Will/'ll (contrae Wi) : Shall/'ll (contrae Sha) :

You won't let arthritis pain stop you now = Usted no permitir que el dolor de artritis pueda paralizarle ahora. They'll continue its work in Baghdad = Ellos continuaran su trabajo en Baghdad

Contracciones sobre Los Verbos Auxiliares Condicionales Should y Would :

would/' (contrae Woul) should/' (contrae shoul)

I'd like to go, but I am very busy = A mi me gustaria ir, pero yo estoy muy ocupado I'd have taken you after = Yo te lo hubiese llevado despus

Contracciones De La Negacin Y Con Los Auxiliares : Do NOT/DoN't (contrae o de la negacin) Does NOT/DoesN't (contrae o de la negacin) Did NOT/DidN't (contrae o de la negacin) Shall Not/ShalN't y Shuld Not ShouldN't (contrae la l de shall y la o de la negacin) Won Not/WoN't (la forma negativa de Will contrae ot de negacin) May Not/MayN't (contrae la o de la negacin) Would Not/WoldN't (con el condicional would contrae la o de la negacin) Can Not/ CaN't y Could Not/CouldN't (contrae la o de la negacin) Must Not/Mustn't contrae la o de la negacin)


You won't work = Tu no trabajars That isn't a car = Ese no es un carro He mustn't study now = El no debe estudiar ahora

Contracciones Mltiples : A veces es posible contraer solamente el auxiliar, otras veces podemos contraer la negacin, otras veces logramos contraer el auxiliar y la negacin, pero otras veces, especialmente usando haciendo uso del modo futuro perfecto, estamos frente a la posibilidad de contraer el el auxiliar la negacin y el verbo principal It will have/it'll'v (contrae wi del auxiliar will y a ha del verbo have)

We'll n't've left = Nosotros no habremos salido

UBICACION Con los verbos principales y con los auxilares las contracciones generalmente se producen entre el sujeto y el verbo. En la forma negativa entre el auxiliar y la negacin.

Verbos Irregulares en Ingls






Arise Awake Be/ am, are, is Bear Beat Become Begin Bend Bet Bind

Arose Awoke Was / Were Bore Beat Became Began Bent Bet Bound

Arisen Awoken Been Borne / Born Beaten Become Begun Bent Bet Bound

Surgir, Levantarse Despertarse Ser / Estar Soportar, dar a luz Golpear Llegar a Ser Empezar Doblar Apostar Atar, encuadernar


Bid Bite Bleed Blow Break Breed Bring Broadcast Build Burn Burst Buy

Bid Bit Bled Blew Broke Bred Brought Broadcast Built Burnt /Burned Burst Bought

Bid Bitten Bled Blown Broken Bred Brought Broadcast Built Burnt / Burned Burst Bought

Pujar Morder Sangrar Soplar Romper Criar Traer Llevar Radiar Edificar Quemar Reventar Comprar


Cast Catch Come Cost Cut Choose Cling Creep Deal Dig Do (Does) Draw

Cast Caught Came Cost Cut Chose Clung Crept Dealt Dug Did Drew

Cast Caught Come Cost Cut Chosen Clung Crept Dealt Dug Done Drawn

Arrojar Coger Venir Costar Cortar Elegir Agarrarse Arrastrarse Tratar Cavar Hacer Dibujar


Dream Drink Drive Eat Fall Feed Feel Fight Find Flee Fly Forbid

Dreamt / Dreamed Drank Drove Ate Fell Fed Felt Fought Found Fled Flew Forbade

Dreamt / Dreamed Drunk Driven Eaten Fallen Fed Felt Fought Found Fled Flown Forbidden

Soar Beber Conducir Comer Caer Alimentar Sentir Luchar Encontrar Huir Volar Prohibir


Forget Forgive Freeze Get Give Go (Goes) Grow Grind Hang Have Hear Hide

Forgot Forgave Froze Got Gave Went Grew Ground Hung Had Heard Hid

Forgotten Forgiven Frozen Got / Gotten Given Gone Grown Ground Hung Had Heard Hidden

Olvidar Perdonar Helar Obtener Dar Ir Crecer Moler Colgar Haber o Tener Oir Ocultar


Hit Hold Hurt Keep Know Kneel Knit Lay Lead Lean Leap Learn

Hit Held Hurt Kept Knew Knelt Knit Laid Led Leant Leapt Learnt / Learned

Hit Held Hurt Kept Known Knelt Knit Laid Led Leant Leapt Learnt / Learned

Golpear Agarrar Celebrar Herir Conservar Saber Conocer Arrodillarse Hacer punto Poner Conducir Apoyarse Brincar Aprender


Leave Lend Let Lie Light Lose Make Mean Meet Mistake Overcome Pay

Left Lent Let Lay Lit Lost Made Meant Met Mistook Overcame Paid

Left Lent Let Lain Lit Lost Made Meant Met Mistaken Overcome Paid

Dejar Prestar Permitir Echarse Encender Perder Hacer Significar Encontrar Equivocar Vencer Pagar


Put Read Ride Ring Rise Run Say See Seek Sell Send Set

Put Read Rode Rang Rose Ran Said Saw Sought Sold Sent Set

Put Read Ridden Rung Risen Run Said Seen Sought Sold Sent Set

Poner Leer Montar Llamar Levantarse Correr Decir Ver Buscar Vender Enviar Poner(se)


Sew Shake Shear Shine Shoot Show Shrink Shut Sing Sink Sit Sleep

Sewed Shook Shore Shone Shot Showed Shrank Shut Sang Sank Sat Slept

Sewed / Sewn Shaken Shorn Shone Shot Shown Shrunk Shut Sung Sunk Sat Slept

Coser Sacudir Esquilar Brillar Disparar Mostrar Encogerse Cerrar Cantar Hundir Sentarse Dormir


Slide Smell Sow Speak Speed Spell Spend Spill Spin Spit Split Spoil

Slid Smelt Sowed Spoke Sped Spelt Spent Spilt / Spilled Spun Spat Split Spoilt / Spoiled

Slid Smelt Sowed / Sown Spoken Sped Spelt Spent Spilt / Spilled Spun Spat Split Spoilt / Spoiled

Resbalar Oler Sembrar Hablar Acelerar Deletrear Gastar Derramar Hilar Escupir Hender / partir / rajar Estropear


Spread Spring Stand Steal Stick Sting Stink Stride Strike Swear Sweat Sweep

Spread Sprang Stood Stole Stuck Stung Stank/Stunk Strode Struck Swore Sweat Swept

Spread Sprung Stood Stolen Stuck Stung Stunk Stridden Struck Sworn Sweat Swept

Extender Saltar Estar en pie Robar Pegar Engomar Picar Apestar Dar zancadas Golpear Jurar Sudar Barrer


Swell Swim Swing Take Teach Tear Tell Think Throw Thrust Tread Understand

Swelled Swam Swung Took Taught Tore Told Thought Threw Thrust Trod Understood

Swollen Swum Swung Taken Taught Torn Told Thought Thrown Thrust Trodden Understood

Hinchar Nadar Columpiarse Coger Ensear Rasgar Decir Pensar Arrojar Tirar Introducir Pisar, hollar Entender


Undergo Undertake Wake Wear Weave Weep Wet Win Wind Withdraw Wring Write

Underwent Undertook Woke Wore Wove Wept Wet Won Wound Withdrew Wrung Wrote

Undergone Undertaken Woken Worn Woven Wept Wet Won Wound Withdrawn Wrung Written

Sufrir Emprender Despertarse Llevar puesto Tejer Llorar Mojar Ganar Enrollar Retirarse Torcer Escribir


Gramtica Presente simple:

AFIRMATIVO S+V (base form)+C I He You eat We It They They INTERROGACIN Aux (do)+S+V ( base form )+C+? I He You Do We It They Eat? Does She Eat? She eats We It You Do not eat She Does not eat I He NEGATIVO S+Aux (do)+Neg+V (base form)+C

Excepcin en tercera persona se aade una -s final. Cuando el verbo termina en -s, -ss, -sh, -o, -ch, -x se aade a la tercera persona singular la terminacin '-es'. Cuando termina en 'y' precedida de consonante cambia la 'y' por 'ies'.


Para la forma negativa e interrogativa se recurre al verbo 'to do' que realiza una funcin auxiliar. En la tercera persona la forma 'do' cambia a 'does'. Pasado simple:
AFIRMATIVO S+V (pasado)+C I He You studied We It They They INTERROGACIN Aux (did)+S+V ( base form )+C+? I He You Did We It They study? Did She study? She studied We It You did not study She did not study I He NEGATIVO S+Aux (did)+Neg+V ( base form )+C


El pasado simple funciona con el auxiliar 'did' para todas las personas (incluida la tercera persona singular 'he/she/it'). En la forma afirmativa, el auxiliar 'did' no aparece, empleamos en su lugar la terminacin 'ed', esta es la forma de pasado para todos los 'Verbos Regulares'. Si termina en -d o -t, se le pone -ed como slaba aparte; si termina en cualquier otra consonante, se aade tambin ed pero sin hacer slaba aparte; si termina en -e, se le pone slo d; una -y final que sigue a cualquier consonante se cambia en ie ms d. Futuro simple:
AFIRMATIVO S+Aux (will)+V ( base form )+C I He You Will travel We It They They INTERROGACIN Aux (will)+S+V ( base form )+C+? I Will You travel? Will She He travel? She Will travel We It You Will not travel She Will not travel I He NEGATIVO S+Aux (will)+Neg+V ( base form )+C


We They


Presente simple contino:

AFIRMATIVO S+ be (pres. Simpl.)+V (ing)+C I am walking He You We They are walking She It is walking You We They INTERROGACIN Be (pres. Simpl.)+S+V (ing)+C+? Am I walking? You Are We walking? Is are not walking NEGATIVO S+ be (pres. Simpl.)+Neg+V (ing)+C I am not walking He She It is not walking

He She It walking?



Pasado simple contino:

AFIRMATIVO S+ be (pasd. Simpl.)+V (ing)+C I was driving He You We They were driving She It was driving You We They INTERROGACIN Be (pasd. Simpl.)+S+V (ing)+C+? Was I driving? You Were We driving? Was were not driving NEGATIVO S+ be (pasd. Simpl.)+Neg+V (ing)+C I was not driving He She It was not driving

He She It driving?



Futuro simple contino:

AFIRMATIVO S+ Aux(will)+ be(base form)+V (ing)+C I will be lending He You We They will be lending She It Will be lending You We They INTERROGACIN Aux (will)+S+be (base form)+V (ing)+C+? Will I be lending? You Will We Be lending? Will will not be lending NEGATIVO S+ Aux(will)+Neg+be(base form)+V (ing)+C I will not be lending He She It will not be lending

He She It be lending?



Presente perfecto:
AFIRMATIVO S+ Aux.(have/has)+V (P.p)+C I have bought He You have bought We They (youve) She It has bought (hes) You We They INTERROGACIN Aux.(have/has)+S+V (P.p)+C+? Have I bought? You Have We bought? Has have not bought (havent) NEGATIVO S+ Aux.(have/has)+Neg+V (P.p)+C I have not bought He She It has not bought (hasnt)

He She It bought?



El presente perfecto, se forma con "to have" a modo de auxiliar y el verbo en participio pasado. En la tercera persona se emplea el "has". Pasado perfecto:
AFIRMATIVO S+ Aux.(had)+V (P.p)+C I had bought (Id) He You had bought We They (youd) She It had bought (hed) You We They INTERROGACIN Aux.(had)+S+V (P.p)+C+? Had I bought? Had He Bought? had not bought (hadnt) NEGATIVO S+ Aux.(had)+Neg+V (P.p)+C I had not bought He She It had not bought (hadnt)


You Had We They bought?

She It

Futuro perfecto:
AFIRMATIVO S+ Aux.(will)+(have)+V (P.p)+C I will have bought He You will have bought We They (youll have) She It will have bought You (hell have) We They INTERROGACIN Aux.(will)+S+(have)+V (P.p)+C+? Will I have bought? Will He have bought? will not have bought (wont have) NEGATIVO S+ Aux.(will)+Neg+(have)+V (P.p)+C I will not have bought He She It will not have bought (wont have)


You Will We They have bought?

She It

Presente perfecto contino:

AFIRMATIVO S+ Aux.(have/has)+be(P.p)+V(ing)+C I have been selling He You have been selling We They (youve been) She It has been selling (hes been) You We They INTERROGACIN Aux.(have/has)+S+be(P.p)+V(ing)+ C+? Have I been selling? Has He been selling? have not been selling (havent been) NEGATIVO S+ Aux.(have/has)+Neg+be(P.p)+V(ing)+C I have not been selling He She It have not been selling (hasnt been)


You Have We They been selling?

She It

Pasado perfecto contino:

AFIRMATIVO S+ Aux.(had)+be(P.p)+V(ing)+C I had been selling He You had been selling We They (youd been) She It had been selling (hed been) You We They INTERROGACIN Aux.(had)+S+be(P.p)+V(ing)+ C+? Had I been selling? Had He been selling? had not been selling (hadnt been) NEGATIVO S+ Aux.(had)+Neg+be(P.p)+V(ing)+C I had not been selling He She It had not been selling (hadnt been)


You Had We They been selling?

She It

Futuro perfecto contino:

AFIRMATIVO S+ Aux.(will)+(have)+be(P.p)+V(ing)+C I will have been selling He You will have been selling We They (youll have been) She It will have been selling (hell have You been) We They INTERROGACIN Aux.(will)+S+(have)+be(P.p)+V(ing)+C+? Will I have been selling? Will He have been selling? NEGATIVO S+ Aux.(will)+Neg+(have)+be(P.p)+V(ing)+C I will not have been selling He She will not have been selling (wont have been) It will not have been selling


You Will We They have been selling?

She It

Pronombres personales
Pronombre reciproco Each other Each other



Pronombre reflexivo

1 2 Singsingular 3

I You He She It

Me You Him Her It Us You

Myself Yourself Himself Herself Itself Ourselves Yourselves

1 P 2

We You





Each other

Preposiciones bsicas
B.P at

Used Specific times Definite place Full address Speed Idea of definite time and place

Example He has class at 8:30. My brother is at school. They live at 2388 Park Road. He was driving at 90 miles per hour. The exercise is at the end of the lesson.

Exception: at night: use in for the other parts of the day. in

Inside Cities, boroughs States, countries Parts of countries Continents Parts of the day Months, seasons, years Time (length of time) within On the surface Streets, avenues Floors Dates

We are in the kitchen. The school is in the UCV. How long have you lived in Caracas? I live in the West. We saw many interesting sights in Europe. We have class in the morning. Graduation will be in July. Youll have your exam in seven days. Ill be back in ten minutes. The book was on the table. Their house is on First Street. My apartment is on the sixth floor. My birthday is on October 22nd.



Days of the week On a farm, a planet, an island, campus Punctuality

There is no class on Saturday. He works on campus. Hes usually here on time.

Note: in time for something) by

Means, by way of (pasando por; por va de; como; por medio de; a modo de) Possessive of things Parts of a whole Exact position (vertical)

You learn by repeating. You can get there by car. The leg of the chair was broken. I bought a pound of carrots. The light is over jack. The cabinets are over the counter. We are going to New York. The plane to Houston left an hour ago. He got to his office at eight. They will arrive in New York tonight. The temperature is above 40. There are cabinets above the sink. Is Caracas above or below sea level?




Destination Leave for Arrive at place Arrive in a city Degree higher than Location higher than To a lower degree



Tips para traducir


1. 2. Cuando nos encontramos ante la presencia de palabras en el idioma ingls que se asemejan a ciertas palabras en el idioma espaol y poseen el mismo significado, estas palabras son llamadas: verdaderas cognadas. 3. Cuando nos encontramos con palabras en el ingls que se parecen a ciertas palabras en el espaol, pero que su significado es diferente, estas palabras son llamadas: falsas cognadas. 4. Cuando nos encontramos con varias palabras seguidas unas de otras que pueden ser sustantivos, adjetivos o adverbios, nos detendremos a leeren el primer verbo, preposicin, conectivo o signo de puntuacin y procederemos a leer de derecha a izquierda sin omitir ninguna palabra. Solo jugaremos con los adjetivos o adverbios en el idioma espaol. (Marbella Delgado, 2003)
VERBO IRREGULAR to write-wrotewritten (escribir)

VERBO REGULAR to love-lovedloved (amar)

PRESENTE Simple I love (amo) Perfecto I have loved (he amado) PASADO Simple I loved (am, amaba) Perfecto I had loved (haba amado) FUTURO Simple I shall love (amar) Perfecto I shall have loved (habr amado) CONDICIONAL Simple Perfecto I should love (amara) I should have loved

I write (escribo) I have written (he escrito) I wrote (escrib, escriba) I had written (haba escrito) I shall write (escribir) I shall have written (habr escrito) I should write (escribira) I should have written


(habra amado)

(habra escrito)


I write (escribo) I wrote (escrib) I shall write (escribir) I am writing (estoy escribiendo) I was writing (estaba, estuve escribiendo) I shall be writing (estar escribiendo)

La diferencia entre ambas formas es notable y puede inducir a error en el caso de los estudiantes extranjeros. Veamos... 1. El PRESENTE SIMPLE se refiere a acciones que indican hbito en el presente: I write books I speak English I live here Escribo libros (soy escritor, escribo habitualmente) Hablo ingls (lo hablo habitualmente) Vivo aqu (este es el lugar donde vivo habitualmente)

2. La forma PROGRESIVA (o CONTINUA) se refiere a acciones que se estn desarrollando en el momento en que se las menciona, an cuando pudieran quedar suspendidas por largo tiempo: I am writing a letter I am teaching French I am speaking German Estoy escribiendo una carta (en estos momentos) Estoy enseando francs (ahora estoy de vacaciones) Estoy hablando alemn (desde que llegu a Munich)


1. El PRESENTE SIMPLE consiste en la repeticin de la misma forma -coincidente con el infinitivo del verbo- a la que se anteponen los pronombres personales. La tercera


persona del singular aade una s: PRESENTE DE TO SING (cantar) I sing (canto); you sing (cantas); he, she, it sings (canta); we sing (cantamos);you sing (cantais); they sing (cantan). 2. El nico presente que se aparta de la norma indicada en 1. es el del verbo TO BE (ser, estar), el primero que aprenden los estudiantes: PRESENTE DE TO BE (ser, estar) I am (soy, estoy); you are (eres, ests); he, she, it is (es, est); we are (somos, estamos); you are (sois, estais); they are (son, estn). 3. El PASADO SIMPLE no presenta ninguna variacin en las personas: PASADO DE TO SING (cantar) I sang (cant); you sang (cantaste); he, she, it sang (cant); we sang (cantamos);you sang (cantasteis); they sang (cantaron). 4. El unico pasado que se aparta de la norma indicada en 3. es nuevamente el del verbo TO BE (ser, estar): PASADO DE TO BE (ser, estar) I was (fui, estuve); you were (fuiste, estuviste); he, she, it was (fue, estuvo); we were (fuimos, estuvimos); you were (fuisteis, estuvisteis); they were (fueron, estuvieron).


El uso de las contracciones es frecuente en ingls, tanto para respuestas cortas (no, I dont) como para algunos verbos (to be, verbos auxiliares, modales). Es informal. Una contraccin es la forma acortada de una palabra o una combinacin de palabras, a menudo usada cuando no queremos usar la forma completa. En estas formas cortas, las letras que faltan son substituidas por un apstrofe ('). En el ingls hablado e informal es muy comn usar las formas contradas del verbo "ser " y otros verbos auxiliares (tener, modals, etc.) Ya que stos son usados en contextos ms informales, deberan ser evitados en el ingls formal escrito.

I Do Did Am Is Are Was Were Have Has Had Will Would Can don't didn't 'm (not) wasn't 've - haven't 'd - hadn't 'll - won't 'd - wouldn't can't

You, We, They don't didn't 're - aren't weren't 've - haven't 'd - hadn't 'll - won't 'd - wouldn't can't

He, She, It doesn't didn't 's - isn't wasn't 's - hasn't 'd - hadn't 'll - won't 'd - wouldn't can't


Could Must Should Ought to Am, is, are; was, were

couldn't mustn't shouldn't oughtn't to

couldn't mustn't shouldn't oughtn't to

couldn't mustn't shouldn't oughtn't to

I'm not in the mood for dancing. No estoy de humor para bailar. Tom's the boy on the left. Tom es el chico de la izquierda. Sarah isn't feeling well at the moment. Sarah no se siente bien en este momento. We're living in Manchester. Estamos viviendo en machester. The Joneses aren't very nice. Los Jones no son muy amables. I wasn't listening to you. No te estaba escuchando. They weren't alone. No estaban solos.

Have, has, had


You've got a wonderful family! Tienes una familia maravillosa! Ann's just left. Ann se acaba de ir. Haven't you heard the news? No te has enterado de la noticia? Lisa hasn't arrived yet. Lisa no ha llegado todava. He'd fixed the door that day. l haba arreglado la puerta ese da. My mum hadn't let me go to Spain. Mi mam no me haba dejado ir a Espaa. You'd better study for the test, young man! Ser mejor que estudies para el examen, jovencito!

Do, did

We don't want to bother you. No queremos molestarte. Doesn't all this strike you as odd? No te parece raro todo esto? Sam didn't write any novel! Sam no escribi ninguna novela!



They'll never admit to it! Nunca lo van a reconocer! Chris won't accept my apologies. Chris no aceptar mis disculpas. If I had the time, I'd read more books. Si tuviera el tiempo, leera ms libros. Miss Peters shouldn't run. La seorita Peters no debera correr. This can't be happening! Esto no puede estar pasando!

Verbos Principales en Ingls

Main English Verbs

Verbos Primarios
Verbo "to be" - ser o estarI am / I was / I have been / I had been / I will be / Verbo "to have" - haber o tenerI have / I had / I have had / I had had / I will have /


Verbos Modales
Can - puedoI can dance.Could - podra / pude / poda / pudieraI could dance if I could practice.May - podra / quizs / puede queIt may rain today.Might - podra / quizs / puede queThey might come tomorrow.Must - debo / debo deI must go. - She must be crazy.Should - debera / tendra queI should study more.Ought to - debera / tendra queI ought to study more.

Verbos Auxiliares
Will - (convierte en futuro al verbo que le sigue)I will speak English.Would - (convierte en potencial al verbo que le sigue)I would speak English.


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