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Running head: EDUC 604 Educational Philosophy

Educational Philosophy EDUC 604 Celeste Wegner Liberty University Online

EDUC 604 Educational Philosophy Abstract As I begin to think about my philosophy of education, my first thought is that teaching is a calling just as any other profession. It is also a ministry just as the calling to preaching, missions, evangelism or any other profession. Few professions affect the lives of others more than the profession of teaching. Each student is a person made in the image of God, but with different abilities, interests, backgrounds and needs. As a teacher it is my responsibility to God

and to the students in my classroom and throughout the school to do everything I can, with Gods help and guidance, to meet the needs of each and every student that I encounter. I believe all students and parents have a right to expect the students needs to be met when they respect and cooperate with the teacher.

EDUC 604 Educational Philosophy Introduction Teaching is a profession as old as creation. I believe Adam and Eve learned a valuable lesson when they chose to disobey God and were driven out of the Garden Of Eden. Throughout the Bible we see that people failed to learn by not following instructions which brought about undesirable consequences, thus a lesson learned. We are all teachers, whether in a classroom or

in whatever walk of life we choose. Edgar A. Guest said it plainly when he wrote, Id rather see a sermon than hear one any day. Id rather one would walk with me than merely show the way (Guest, 1889). Roger Ascham, a tutor of Elizabeth I, believed a student learned more by observing the teacher and studying the Bible (Gutek, 1995, p. 128). Whether we are primary, secondary teacher, college professor or stay at home moms, we are teaching those that observe us. This has resulted in many changes in our educational institutions since medieval days. Teachers now have to compete with TV, video games and various other forms of entertainment. Worldview and Philosophy of Life Today there are many views of how the educational system should operate. One school in Canada supported the idea of public schools helping to fund Christian schools, but did not want the public schools system to dictate their curriculum (Sillars, 1998). This has been a point of contention with many school systems in many areas. There are parents who want their children in a Christian school. They have to pay a high tuition rate and at the same time pay taxes to their state for education. I believe a teacher teaches as much by his/her daily life as they do by their daily lessons. Throughout scripture we see how much learning took place by observation. Moses taught Joshua, David taught Solomon, Abraham taught Isaac, Jesus taught the disciples and Paul taught Timothy. I teach my sons everyday by the way I live. I want my students,

EDUC 604 Educational Philosophy especially my sons to learn that success comes by worshipping and serving the Lord, as well as studying. It is difficult to determine who and what influences our philosophy of life. As a third generation teacher, I have learned much from my mother, grandmother and aunt. They along with my education classes have given me much to consider. Philosophy of Schools and Learning As I study the history of education throughout the world it is obvious that many such as

Pestalozzi, and much later, Horace Mann, were concerned for the full education of the student in the areas of Christian and secular knowledge. Gutek has had a great influence on my

philosophy as he gives a very detailed and distinguished history of education from beginning of the medieval times up until our present day educational systems. As I began to study the Renaissance, Reformation and Enlightenment, it impressed upon me the many hurdles we have crossed to arrive at where we are today. Some of these hurdles have been good, such as the teaching of scripture, and some have been not so good, such as the 1960s when prayer and Bible reading was eliminated from our public schools (Gutek, 1995). I believe our students will begin to have a greater desire to learn when those who control their education take their positions more seriously. This includes parents, teachers, administrators, departments of education and politicians. Since beginning this course in the history of education, the greatest influence on my philosophy of education has been Barton and Moreland. I believe more teachers should be indoctrinated with their philosophy. As Barton pointed out in his presentation, the accomplishments of students at an early age I could not help but think we could have the same results today if parents, teachers and politicians were more concerned with educating our students (Barton, 2004).

EDUC 604 Educational Philosophy Instructional Practice / Methodology Educational trends in our country have become very lax. Many educational institutions are teaching that there is no absolute truth, and most of society is accepting this teaching. This is contrary to what I teach and what I want my sons to learn. Many educators and parents have

accepted this theory and believe it does not matter what our schools teach as long as the children can get a job when their education is completed. Those who hold a Christian view must support the existence of truth, and we must point our students to the author of truth, the One who said, I am the way, the truth and the life John 14:16 (Colson, 2002). Above and beyond anything I teach my students, I want them to learn and trust what Jesus told His disciples in John 8:32, You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free (Arthur, 2000). More than anything I teach in my technology classroom, I want my students to learn by the example I teach as my goal everyday is to walk in the Spirit. My teaching methodology is a combination of traditional (lecture and classroom discussion) and conservist. My students learn much by doing and sharing. Teacher Learner Relationship Since our forefathers came to America, schools and the education of our children have continuously made changes. Society has its own ideas of how our schools should operate. This has involved reform after reform. What was believed to be best for our students then and now with advances in technology are totally different. Those in the educational institutions who deal with children every day have different ideas than those in state and federal government. With the advent of the internet, teaching and learning have moved to a new level (Kelly, 2010).

EDUC 604 Educational Philosophy John 2:20 says the teacher is a corrector of the foolish, the teacher of the immature, having the Law the embodiment of knowledge and of the truths (Arthur, 2000). Society, state and local

governments, the church and families must get involved in the purpose of education. This means they must visit the schools, talk to educators and administrators and get involved in preparing curriculum that will prepare the students for the employment of their choice. This will be a challenge, and teachers must be the catalyst. Teachers who have little or no compassion for the student have no business in the classroom. Yesterday I was in our school assembly which we have every Wednesday. The program was being presented focusing on the coming Mothers Day. I heard and then saw a young girl sitting near the front of the assembly in tears. I, a first year teacher, went to her, put my arm around her and led her out of the assembly. I knew her mother had died with cancer in October, 2012. She would not have a mother on Mothers Day. I got tissue, put my arm around her and let her cry as long as she needed. I could not help but think, where are all of the long-term teachers and administrators? I believe we teachers need to have more compassion for our students and not as much ridicule. As I am reminded of Booker T. Washington and Martin Luther King Jr., I am challenged to seek the best relationship with all students. I am blessed to work in a school where Native American, African American, Mexican, Indian, Chinese, Pilipino and at one time Iraqi, children attend. We learn from each other. A recent article by Focus on the Family challenges parents to get involved in their childs education in the secular school. They challenge parents to get into the schools and become aware of how to help their general classroom or a special needs classroom. Some of the suggestions they make are monitoring homework or looking for new ways to help their child. I totally agree and welcome parents to my classroom as much as possible.

EDUC 604 Educational Philosophy Diversity I believe that all children, unless physically disabled, have the potential to learn. Some will not learn in the same way or at the same pace as those in the general classroom, but each will learn

according to his/her God given abilities when taught and challenged in love. My experience has been that students will perform according to what is expected of them. If I expect little, they will put forth little effort. If I, in love, have high expectations they will work to reach these expectations. Bright and talented students need a challenge at home and school. Parents working with teachers and schools can help meet the needs of the students. They can also challenge students at home by working on special projects or going on field trips to the zoo, museum or planetarium. They can work as parent volunteers if their work schedules permit. The main idea is to get involved. (Focus on the Family, 1999) The Bible says in Matthew 4:23 that when Jesus went through the synagogue, He healed every kind of illness or need. He did not heal some and not others (Arthur, 2000). Conclusion As a teacher I believe society is often misled about education in our 21st century schools. Most schools are putting forth every effort to prepare the students to be successful and reach their potential. Teachers and administrators want to see their students succeed. In order for this to happen, they utilize every effort and their time to meet the needs of the students. Because of politicians seeking office and the medias misconstrued ideas, society is often misled. Most teachers take seriously the quote by Henry Adams, a teacher affects eternity, he can never tell where his influence stops (Caruana, 2008).

EDUC 604 Educational Philosophy

Teachers fill many roles. Their jobs are as diverse as the students that make up their classes. As teachers, our goal is to make a difference in the lives of children and to motivate them to make a difference in the lives of others (Clark, 2003). As teachers, our challenge is to be as Paul expressed in 1 Corinthians 9:20, I have become all things to all people that I may by all means save some (Arthur, 2000).

EDUC 604 Educational Philosophy References Arthur, K. (2000). The new inductive study Bible: updated New American Standard Bible.. Eugene, Or.: Harvest House. Clark, R. (2003). The essential 55: an award-winning educator's rules for discovering the successful student in every child. New York: Hyperion. Colson, C. (2002, March 11). Post-Truth Society. Christianity Today, 46, 112. Barton, D. (Director). (2004). Four centuries of American education [Documentary]. United States: WallBuilders. Fuller, C. (n.d.). Help Your Child Succeed in Public School - Focus on the Family. on the Family: Helping Families Thrive. Retrieved March 21, 2013, from Focus blic_school.aspx Guest, E. (n.d.). Quote by Edgar Guest: I'd rather see a sermon than hear one any day; .... Share Book Recommendations With Your Friends, Join Book Clubs, Answer Trivia. Retrieved May 5, 2013, from Kelly, M. (2010). The everything new teacher book: a survival guide for the first year and beyond (2nd ed.). Avon, Mass.: Adams Media. Sillars, L. (1998). Into the educational lions'den: tired of scrimping, Christian schools are joining public systems. Alberta Report, 25(28), 34-35. Retrieved March 20, 2013, from the ProQuest database.

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