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Science Lesson Design: Identifying and Categorizing Types of Rice Summer Beckley Grade Level: Third Grade The

Penn Alexander School Date Implemented: November 21, 2013 Anticipated Time: 12:15-1:00 (45 minutes)

WHAT In this lesson, students will be introduced to different types of rice. Students will be able to separate rice into categories, and then closely analyze and record their observations about each type. In addition to learning about rice, the lesson will reinforce scientific skills of investigation and classification. HOW This lesson will be connected to the classs current social studies unit on rice, which the students are all very excited about. I will have four different types of rice; students will be asked to classify the rice in different ways, first into two groups and then into four. Students will also closely observe and record their noticings. The lesson will conclude with a discussion about these noticings and a conversation about the importance of categorization and classification as scientific skills. WHY The content of this lesson comes from my third grade classs current social studies unit on rice. I am teaching whole-class lessons on the history, cultivation, cultural importance, and other aspects of rice. Students have been very excited about this topic. I am trying to incorporate this subject into my Term III lessons. I want to do this, fFirst of all, because it is a way to connect to what the students are already doing in the classroom, so that these lessons do not seem arbitrary. Secondly, because I believe it is a way to guarantee that they will be excited about the lesson! They are very engaged in this unit and want to know everything they can about rice. In addition, I want to build on the practices and skills they our students are focusing on in their regular science lessons. As I have observed in their class, I have noted the way that Mrs. Gilbert (their science teacher) has been emphasizing the importance of being able to make and record close observations. They have spent time as a class discussing the kinds of things they should look for as scientists, how to note small details, etc. These types of close observations will allow the students to classify different types of rice in my lesson. Classification is noted as an important skill under A Framework for K-12 Science Educations Crosscutting Concept of Patterns. Students should learn that objects can be classified into groups on the basis of similarities (p. 85). Classification should be taught as a tool with which to organize a multitude of objects into a limited number of groups. This also ties into the Scientific Practice that Im focusing on, Planning and Carrying Out Investigations. The authors of the Framework describe this as a way to systematically describe the world (p. 59). I want to work with my students on how to systematically investigate the materials that I give them. In the elementary years, students experiences should be structured to help them learn to define the features to be investigated (p. 60). This is precisely what they have been learning in their science class, and I want to reinforce it. I see this lesson as tying into Disciplinary Core Idea Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity. This Core Idea addresses concepts like the factors that account for species diversity, adaptations, and how humans affect biodiversity (p. 140). Although the time constraints of my lesson will not allow me to go into a deep discussion on this topic, it is the underlying element that I see as important. My goal is that identifying and categorizing these rice strains will lead to questions like: How are these different types of rice made? Do they grow differently? Which type is the best for you? In a previous lesson, I already had a student approach me asking about whether brown rice or white rice 1

Comment [NRB1]: Nicely done Comment [NRB2]: Excellent Comment [NRB3]: That is a tricky word, although I know what you mean, of course. Do you think your kids could handle, how do they occur? Comment [s4]: Good point. This will be the topic of one of our whole-class discussions on rice. In one social studies lesson, students were asking about rice being invented. So its something that was addressed as a whole class. And I am talking about it in more depth in a follow-up lesson. We will discuss what it means to be invented (by humans) vs. to occur in the wild. With rice, theres some of both going on. For example, most of one days social studies lesson will be discussing how and why brown rice is milled to turn it into white rice. Comment [NRB5]: Oh, OK, I guess there is some making (or unmaking!) going on here. Comment [s6]: Exactly! Definitely a good idea for me to bring this up in my lesson and be explicit about how and when this is happening.

was healthier. On the first day of the unit, we made a KWL chart, and students asked amazing questions. So I am hoping and anticipating that the students will continue that line of questioning during this lesson.

Science Lesson Plan: Identifying and Categorizing Types of Rice Summer Beckley Grade Level: Third Grade The Penn Alexander School Date Implemented: November 21, 2013 Anticipated Time: 12:15-1:00 (45 minutes)

Goals/Objectives - SWBAT make identify, categorize, and record observations of different types of rice IOT build scientific skills of investigation and classification. Standards (and Assessment Anchors, if applicable) - Scientific and Engineering Practice: Planning and Carrying Out Investigations - Crosscutting Concept: Patterns - Disciplinary Core Idea: Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity (Life Science) (A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas) Materials and preparation - Pencils (1 for each student) - Observation sheet (1 for each student) - Rulers (1 for each table) - Two Tupperware containers of Rrice, in two small containers, each with four types of rice mixed together inside (brown, long grain; brown, short-grain; basmati white rice; white, short-grain rice) - Blank sheets of paper (1 for each student) - Magnifying glasses? Learning environment and management issues Learning environment - Four students in the pod space outside of the classroom. Students will be seated in pairs around two small, circular tables. How students will get materials - The materials will be laid out on a third small, circular table in the pod area. I will give students the materials they need throughout the lesson. Management concerns - Concern: getting all students to participate. Strategy: use wait time; have varied ways to respond (verbally to whole group, turn and talk, writing). - Concern: students calling out or being noisy. Strategy: go over expectations at the beginning of the lesson (calling on students who give me a quiet hand, etc.) - Concern: distractions from being in pod area (movement in hallway, noise from other classes, etc.). Strategy: use proximity and line of sight (positioning myself away from hallway, so that students face away from distractions; establish norms and expectations (thinking faces, showing me with their body language that theyre paying attention).

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Comment [NRB7]: This is unclear to me, although I am sure it is clear to you is this a container for each pair, with the rice mixed? Or two containers each containing two kinds of rice? Comment [s8]: Each pair will receive a Tupperware container that has the four kinds of rice mixed together inside. Comment [s9]: So glad that you suggested this! Will definitely assist in helping them to make close observations.

Comment [NRB10]: good Comment [s11]: I am now planning on teaching this in a small teachers lounge, but one wall is a large window, facing out into the hallway, so the same strategies will apply.

Plan Step Description





The Hook - Establish norms and expectations (eyes on me, thinking faces, bodies showing me their attentive, etc.) - Connect to the classs current social studies unit on rice. - Discuss that topics can be studied from different perspectives. Last week, we looked at rice as a historians. Today, were going to examine rice from the perspective of a scientist. - Elicit comments about what it means to look at something as a scientist. What are things theyve talked about with Mrs. Gilbert about how a scientist observes things? The Body of the Lesson - Put a blank piece of white paper on each table. - I will haveTake the two small containers, each with four different types of rice mixed together (brown long-grain rice; brown, short-grain rice; basmati white rice; white, short-grain rice). I will , anddump these small piles of rice onto the piece of paper at each table. - Tell the students, in pairs, to separate the rice into two categories - however they see fit. Instruct them to push the two groups onto the top and bottom of paper and to give me a thumbs up when theyre finished. - Observe and provide assistance as students partake in activity. - Give them a time limit if it seems to be taking them too long. - Gather attention (use If you can hear my voice clap once if they are loud, distracted.) - Have pairs share what categories they chose and why. Have students from other table get up to observe, if they cannot see from their seats. (I anticipate that the pairs will likely separate by color, brown and white rice.) - Describe different factors that are important when it comes to rice: long-grain means the rice is much longer than it is wide. Short-grain rice is almost round. - Ask students to divide the rice into wide grain and short grain. - Discuss that we can classify things in different ways, depending on our criteria. - Ask the students if they think they can categorize the rice into four different groups, putting one in each of the four corners of their piece of paper. (If necessary, remind of the different elements weve discussed: color and shape. There should be long/brown, short/brown, long/white, and short/white categories.) - Again, give students time limit, if it seems necessary. - Once students have these four groups, give each student an observation sheet. - Connect to the work theyve done in science around closely analyzing objects and making observations about them (e.g., when they had to describe the different white powders). - Instruct them to write down as much as they can: what they see (color, texture), if they smell anything, what it feels like, etc. - Put a ruler on each table, in case kids want to measure the rice grains. Closure - Gather student attention. - Assign each student a rice type. Have them share at least one observation they made about that rice. - Discuss the importance of the skill of categorizing and classifying. - Preview that the next days social studies lesson will touch on different types of rice and that they will now be the experts in the class!

15 min

Comment [NRB12]: I did this, in part, so that the rice was not the historian! Comment [s13]: Good call Comment [NRB14]: Right much better.

20 min

Comment [s15]: Im really trying to emphasize how one topic can be learned across the different content areas. I love the idea of finding ways to show that content areas are not discrete and isolated, but that together, they help us to view the world in an educated way. Comment [NRB16]: You keep changing voice here and above sometimes you are directive Put a piece and sometimes narrative, I will Probably best to stick to one or the other. Comment [s17]: Agreed. Comment [NRB18]: OK here it explains. Better to explain above that is the part you will look at in 3 years to remember how to prepare materials!

Comment [NRB19]: Nice

10 min

Where does the discussion of how did they come to be different come in? This would be a great place for a short reading or a short video to get at some of these ideas. Resources: National Research Council of the National Academies. (2012). A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas. Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press. Assessment of the goals/objectives listed above Informal assessment will take place throughout the lesson, as I note engagement and listen to their participation in discussions. I will assess their ability to categorize, observe, and record through the activity and observation sheet implemented in the lesson. Anticipating students responses and your possible responses Management issues I do not anticipate any major management issues, as I am self-selecting students who typically adhere to the classs norms and expectations. Response to content of the lesson The students have been very excited about the subject matter and have been asking for more content, so I anticipate that they will respond well to the lesson. Accommodations Accommodations for students who may find the material too challenging: I will provide a time for questions after I explain the activity. I will also circulate among students during the independent work time so that I am available to respond to any questions or concerns. Accommodations for students who may need greater challenge and/or finish early: I will probe any students who finish quickly that there is always more detail to observe and record. I will push them to continue looking for more. In general this is a very nicely designed lesson that fits well with your current unit. Three other comments:

Comment [s20]: As mentioned above, this is being discussed as a whole class at this point, so I will plan to bring it up in discussion to assess where student understanding is and shape my social studies lesson accordingly.

1) The worksheet is so beautiful. Can you reproduce it in color for these 4 students? (I know this would be prohibitive for a whole class, lesson after lesson.) 2) You ask about color on the worksheet, but of course you also refer to these as white rice and brown rice. I began to wonder if you could get some paint chips in whites and browns so that the children could try to be more specific about how they name the colors. These color spectra may be available on line now, too. It just felt like it was so clear in your beautiful pictures that all white and all brown are not the same, it would be nice to take that further. 3) Take note of my suggestion that you end with a very short video or reading that give some idea how it is that these rice grains come to be different.

Comment [s21]: Yes, I will be printing it in color for this lesson!

Comment [s22]: I love this idea. Im not sure if Ill be able to get paint chips. In their literacy, they have talked about using robust words rather than boring ones, so I definitely want to push them past words like white and brown. Comment [s23]: As mentioned above, this may just happen in a discussion, since it is being brought up in the regular classroom setting.

Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Make as many observations as you can about the different types of rice. (What is its color? What does it feel like? What does it smell like? Think of as many things as you can!)
Brown, long-grain rice Brown, short-grain rice

Basmati white rice

White, short grain rice

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