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7:18 am, 3/13/2010 1st, 4 Cimi/Death, Transformer


Uploaded to YouTu e here ! ha"e een on a m#sti$%s or m#sti$al &ourne# for man#, man# #ears' ma# e em odiments( That fire urns stron) in me( *a# e that%s part of +hat ma,es it so eas# for me to e and remain heart-$entered so mu$h, so easil#( Do #ou ,no+ +hat that m#sti$%s &ourne# is, +hat it%s all a out. *a# e #ou%re a se$ret or $loset m#sti$, and didn%t ,no+ it( This is one of the least relia le pla$es to ta,e +ords into, to tr# to pin do+n +ith +ords, ut let me tr#, e$ause, in a +a# it is also "er# simple( The m#sti$ see,s di"ine union +ith /our$e, +ith 0od or di"init#( 1o+, if +e remain on the surfa$e, +ith the +ords, that doesn%t sound li,e mu$h( The mind $an%t )ro, this' ne"er in a million, in 10 million #ears( 2e $an, ho+e"er( The heart $an ,no+, does ,no+ this, so let%s )o there( 2ords are &ust pointers, as 3$,hart sa#s' si)nposts, indi$ators( The# are not the real thin)( There is nothin) real in mind, in thou)ht( 1o+, if #ou o &e$t to this, ma# ! su))est #ou are not in heart. You are in head, so drop do+n( You don%t ha"e to, of $ourse((( ut if #ou +ant to )et this, if #ou +ant the real meanin) of it, #ou must e in heart to re$ei"e it, to per$ei"e it( 4eart is a reall# different spa$e, man( !t%s li,e a +hole nother dimension( 1o ,iddin)( 5,a#, the m#sti$ see,s union +ith di"init#( 2hat is that. 61oti$e, ! don%t sa# 7+hat does that mean.% 8or it is the mind that )oes a out see,in) meanin)( 9ather, ! sa# +hat !/ that(: Di"ine union is a $omplete mer)in) of ein), su$h that there is no lon)er t+o' the# e$ome one( The m#sti$ +a,es up one da# as 0od, in 0od, one +ith 0od, mer)ed into di"ine union( Don%t thin, #our mind ,no+s +hat that means( !t doesn%t( ;lease e suffi$ientl# hum le, at least as $on$erns the mind, to re$o)ni<e that some thin)s are un,no+a le( 5h, the# $an e e=perien$ed, #es( Understood. 1o +a#( >ll +e $an do is tr# to $lothe su$h an e=perien$e in +ords, and #ou ,no+ +hat. That &ust pro"es +e are a fool, e$ause it $an%t e done, and +e%re )uaranteed to e misunderstood(((unless our audien$e is all also a+a,e and in heart( ?ut an#+a#, ! )uess !%m a fool( ! ha"en%t made an# $laims to the $ontrar#( ! do this dan$e e$ause ! am dan$ed, e$ause ! ha"e to( There is no lon)er an# @!A that e=ists that is separate from That, from di"init#( /ome +ill see( /ome +ill understand( *ore and more of us +a,e-up from the dream state ea$h da#, so soon ma# e all +ill ,no+ and understand( !t is the heart doin) the understandin) here, not the mind( The mind e=ists, and has "alue, in support of the heart' not in $har)e of it( The mind no more runs the sho+, that%s all( !t%s still there, ho ho' elie"e it or not( >n#+a#, so !%"e told #ou !%m a m#sti$( That +as m# path, as lon) as ! +as still on one of those linear thin)s $alled a path((( ut let%s don%t )o there( 1o+, +hen #ou%re a m#sti$--+hen

#ou open #ourself up to that, and #ou%re +illin) to lea"e all safe 6and sane: moorin)s ehind, #ou )o on Buite a &ourne#( ! )uess +e $ould $all it the m#sti$al &ourne#, '-: You ha"e )rand ad"entures' and some sad ones, some s$ar# ones, and all that( !t%s not a one-sided path( ?ut an#+a#(((+hat dri"es it. !t is Co"e' Co"e +ith a $apital @CA, and so a+esomel# unspea,a le that it ma,es me Bui"er, &ust to e tr#in) to put this do+n in these +ords( ;lease, oh please, e in #our heart to hear( This Co"e is the essen$e of di"init#, !tself' it is that )rand, that far e#ond an# human $on$eption of lo"e( @Un$onditionalA onl# &ust e)ins to )i"e the sense of it( /o this Co"e dri"es #ou( !t steers #our oat, and #ou +illin)l# )i"e o"er the tiller( 5h, #ou man the oars, ut it )oes +here !t +ill( You e$ome a ne+ $reature, no more #our o+n( Your "er# self mer)es +ith /our$e, +ith 4is( 5ut of this Co"e $ame a pra#er, a out fi"e #ears a)o( 8rom deep +ithin m# heart it arose, $omin) up as the essen$e of that Co"e, and ! +ant to share it, here( 5h, it $an%t e understood-- ut it $an e e=perien$ed( ! &ust +ant to share the fla"or of that +ith #ou( You see, the m#sti$ is en)a)ed in a lo"e affair +ith 0od, +ith /our$e, +ith di"init#( The di"ine e$omes "er# personal to the m#sti$al soul, "er# intimate( The sharin) that )oes on et+een them, efore and durin) the mer)in) pro$ess, ta,es intima$# to a +hole ne+ le"el( !t is trul# a lo"e affair, and an# m#sti$ +orth her salt +ill unashamedl# tell #ou that she is madl# in lo"e +ith 0od( /o, here )oes( 3a$h da#, on arisin), ea$h ni)ht on retirin), the m#sti$al soul as,s and athes in her Co"e, in the ?elo"ed, +ith this pra#er: @! dedi$ate, $onse$rate, and offer this da#/ni)ht, this life, this all unto Thee' e"er# thou)ht, +ord, deed, feelin), and emotion, od#, mind, soul, and spirit' all that ! am( Ta,e it and me, and ma,e us thine and Thee' thine and Thee in $ons$ious a+areness(A Dust +ords, ri)ht. ?ut oh, so mu$h more( This is the ondin) pra#er that arose in this heart( 5"er the #ears, efore ! #et had the ha it of sa#in) this faithfull#, re)ularl#, some da#s ! +ould miss it, not sa# it( ! e)an to see that, on those da#s +hen ! remem ered to sa# it, there +as somethin) almost ma)i$al a out the da#( There is no pro"in) su$h thin)s, of $ourse( ?ut then, he +ho +ants proof is lost, stu$, in head, and +ould not re$o)ni<e the proof if it it him( The head doesn%t )et this stuff' it $an%t( !t%s not head stuff, don%t #ou see. There%s a head domain and a heart domain, and onl# a "esi$a pis$es +here the# meet( 4ead, out of heart, $annot understand it( The proof is the e=perien$e, and it%s a"aila le to all( !%m no more spe$ial than an#one else( ! hope #ou $an feel some of this ener)#, thou)h, for +e%re $ruisin) $lose to m# $ore +ith this stuff( You +ant to ha"e a m#sti$al, mira$ulous life. ?e$ome a m#sti$( :-: 0od is a reall# )ood Co"er' the est( '-: EEEEEEEEEEEEEE
8:02 am, 3/13 2nd --


10:44 am, 3/13 3rd -


7:34 pm, 3/13 4th 8:01 pm, 3/13 Fth -


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