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Metropolitan Regional Council Radical Youth of Chile regionalmetrojr@gmail.

com Santiago, December 6th, 2013

Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa in Chile Dr. Hilton Fisher Nueva Providencia 2353 Providencia, Chile. His Excellency Dr. Hilton Fisher:

Metropolitan Regional Council of Youth of the Radical Party of Chile, along with greet , sends the following letter to express his deep sorrow at the death of former South African President Nelson Mandela made happened yesterday .

The Radical Youth of Chile is an institution for 96 years has fought tirelessly for equality in society and that is why the image of former President Nelson Mandela is an inspiration to us. His death is a painful fact, but we know that with his passing, his ideals will not die. The figure of President Mandela lives not only in the South African people, but also in Chile and in the international community. That's why we sent this letter. We wish to express to the family of Nelson Mandela they are not alone in this match and now the world is mourning the departure of a great man.

Today we mourn, but tomorrow we will fight again for those ideals for which he lived and died. Long live Mandela! Long live Equality! Long live the African people!

Felipe Alvear Cordero (16.986.410-1) Regional President Radical Youth of Chile

Daniel Olgun Valenzuela (17.740.946-4) Regional Secretary Radical Youth of Chile

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