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Fear Exploration

lour only has four fears, buL mosL people have Len Lo flfLeen. WhaL are your Lop
Lhree fears? lmaglne you are a uaunLless lnlLlaLe and you have been placed ln
your own fear landscape. Pow would your fears be represenLed?
CreaLe a represenLaLlon of your fear landscape uslng words and or lmages. Chose
from Lhe Lypes of represenLaLlons aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe page Lo deplcL your !"#
!%&'' fears. use Lhe llsL of common fears and phoblas below Lo help you declde
on your fear. ?our mlsslon ls Lo make Lhe reader feel llke Lhey are really Lhere... llke lL's
a movle LhaL Lhey can'L sLop waLchlng! 8e creaLlve!

Ten Common Human Fears Ten Common Human Phobi as
lallure lear of splders
ueaLh lear of snakes
8e[ecLlon lear of helghLs
8ldlcule SlLuaLlons where escape ls dlfflculL
Lonellness lear of dogs
Mlsery lear of Lhunder and llghLenlng
ulsappolnLmenL lear of ln[ecLlons
aln lear of soclal slLuaLlons
1he unknown lear of flylng
Loslng your freedom lear of germs

Represent at i on Choi ces:

Poem/ Song use poeLry or lyrlcs Lo help porLray your fear. oems use loLs of
lmagery and llLerary devlces Lo help Lhe reader vlsuallze.

Personal Response uescrlbe your fear and how lL would be deplcLed ln Lhe
fear landscape. use lmagery Lo help Lhe reader vlsuallze your fear.

Col l age use lmages and words Lo represenL your fear. 1he lmages may be Laken
from Lhe lnLerneL, magazlnes, or drawn by hand.

Di orama CreaLe a 3-u represenLaLlon of one of Lhe fears ln your fear landscape.
use Lhe supplles provlded and from home Lo develop a scene deplcLlng your fear.

Vi deo use onllne Lools llke 'AnlmoLo' Lo complle a vldeo represenLaLlon of your
fear. lnclude muslc, lmages, and words Lo help your audlence undersLand your

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