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2 Meal Solution

Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

Important Please Read First

Disclaimer and Waiver of Liability The full ontent of this do ument are for informational purposes onl! and does not pro"ide an! medi al ad"i e# Statements $ithin ha"e not %een e"aluated %! the Food and Dru& 'dministration( and are not intended to dia&nose( treat( ure or pre"ent an! disease# This ontent is intended for use onl! %! health! adult indi"iduals# 'll indi"iduals are spe ifi all! $arned to seek professional medi al ad"i e prior to initiatin& an! form of $ei&ht loss e)er ise or nutritional pro&ram# *se of an! of the information ontained $ithin is at !our o$n risk# The author does not a ept an! responsi%ilit! or lia%ilit! for dama&es of an! kind from an! a tions !ou take from the information pro"ided# +! ontinuin& to read this do ument and all pa&es !ou a&ree to all terms as stated a%o"e# To sum up( use any information at your own risk! Personal Usage License I en,o! %ein& a%le to spread kno$led&e to people like !ourself a%out ho$ to free !ou from eatin& o%sessions -and &et lastin& results.# On e !ou ha"e paid for this produ t( !ou ha"e a personal use li ense onl!# I $ould appre iate it if !ou do not redistri%ute this do ument -nor an! parts $ithout onsent. to an! other indi"iduals or share on the internet# To do so( is a&ainst the personal usa&e poli !# If !ou $ould like others to kno$ a%out this pro&ram( please send them to the main site at $$$#theiflife# om so the! ma! pur hase their o$n op! and in turn help support the on&oin& efforts at the IF Life in tr!in& to spread this information to the &eneral pu%li # Thank !ou for !our support and en,o! the material/ Mike O'Donnell, The IF Life ( Copyright 2 !. "ll right# re#er$e%.

2 Meal Solution

Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

0ote From the 'uthor

' $hile %a k I started out $ith this report to help people understand all there $as to kno$ a%out usin& 1IF2 and $ei&ht loss3health# O"er the !ears it has e"ol"ed from man! re"isions( title han&es( and $as e"en o"er 455 pa&es at one point/ 0o$ I ha"e ome up $ith $hat I %elie"e to %e the most fo used( informati"e and results orientated "ersion $ith this report -and the a ompan!in& oa hin& pro&ram "ia email.# I kept in the ke! information3messa&es $ith ea h para&raph $hile takin& out the other 1fluff2 that reall! isn't all that "ital# I ould ha"e ontinued to sell this as a 4556 pa&e report a&ain( %ut found that $as ,ust $a! too mu h for people to e"en &et throu&h# M! &oal is to help people make lastin& han&es for the %etter( and keepin& this laser fo used in the %est $a!/ So I hope !ou en,o! readin& -and re7readin&. this report and are a%le to appl! the information $ithin su essfull! to reate !our o$n freein& IF Lifest!le/ Let's %e&in/

2 Meal Solution

Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

Ta%le of 8ontents
Introdu tion 9hat is the Most Important Meal:####################### ? 8hapter 1 Meals and 8alories################################################# C 8hapter 2 +i&&est 9ei&ht Loss M!th###################################### 14 8hapter 4 +elie"e it or 0ot###Some Stress is ;ood################# 1C 8hapter < =ealth +enefits of >atin& Less################################ 2< 8hapter ? Fat +urnin& 151 O"er"ie$###################################### 45 8hapter @ Short Fastin& as a Fat Loss 1Tool2########################## 44 8hapter A There is 0othin& Left to Fear################################## 4B 8hapter B Intermittent 1Feedin&2 9indo$s############################## <2 8hapter C +e&innin& $ith 'lternatin& Da!s############################# <A 8hapter 15 The 2 Meal Rules################################################## ?< 8hapter 11 9arnin& Si&ns '%out IF ;one 9ron&################### ?C 8hapter 12 'd"an in& into a Dail! IF Lifest!le####################### @2 8hapter 14 Proper >)er ise for Peak Results######################### @@ 8hapter 1< 7 1Intensit!2 Fitness Done Intermittentl!################### A5 8hapter 1? Fasted State 9orkout Strate&!############################# A? 8hapter 1@ Lifest!le +alan e of Stress D Re o"er!################ AC 8hapter 1A Final Thou&hts###################################################### B? +onus 8hapter Protein( 8ar%s and IF###################################### B@ Referen es################################################################################# C1

2 Meal Solution


Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

Introdu tion 9hat is the Most Important Meal:

I Never Wanted a Big Breakfast Sin e I $as a kid I ne"er reall! $anted a %i& %reakfast -ho$ man! kids do !ou kno$ that run off to s hool $ithout eatin& an!thin&:.# Of ourse %a k then I $ould pro%a%l! ha"e somethin& %e ause m! parents $ould 1make me2 eat it -Eu k( I kno$.# It usuall! onsisted of hea"! meals su h as a sta k of pan akes# Sadl! mu h of those s hool da!s $ere spent stru&&lin& to sta! a$ake until lun h time# 's I &ot older and $as on m! o$n I $ould eat $hate"er time I $as reall! hun&r! later on in the mornin&# I reall! ne"er ate $hen I $oke up as it $as usuall! hours later( and e"en then it $as prett! li&ht -ma!%e some fruit and a ouple e&&s.# It ,ust seemed ri&ht and I had enou&h ener&! to &et me till the ne)t meal $hene"er that $as# Making My wn !c"edule >atin& a ordin& to all the 1so iall! pro&rammed2 hours of Bam( 0oon and @pm ne"er felt ri&ht # I instead ,ust adopted $hate"er s hedule $orked for me# 9hi h mostl! meant late li&ht %reakfasts -in ludin& sometimes not eat an!thin& in the 'M at all %esides offee.( another smaller meal in the mid afternoon and then finall! the lar&er meal at ni&ht#
2 Meal Solution ? Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

Is Breakfast #$%LL& t"e most Im'ortant Meal of t"e Day( 9hile m! natural instin ts $ere al$a!s not ra"in& a lot -or an!. food in the mornin&( it seems the messa&e out there toda! is that $e need a lar&e %reakfast in order to help us lose $ei&ht and ha"e ener&!# 9h! is that:

$nergy wit"out Breakfast( !ay It %in)t !o! &The no'(re)kf)#t pl)n with me pro$e% ) m)tter of life *nto life. +ith my morning coffee there were forenoon# of the highe#t phy#ic)l energy, the cle)re#t con%ition of min%, )n% the )c*te#t #en#e of e$erything en,oy)(le.& -o*rce. The /o 0re)kf)#t 1l)n, Dr 2.3. Dewey, 45

Man! of the so7 alled 1studies2 -sadl! usuall! funded %! ompanies $ho sell %reakfast foods###sho kin& isn't it:. toutin& a %enefit to eatin& a lar&e %reakfast for $ei&ht loss $ill reall! sho$ under loser s rutin!( that there an %e a %enefit###%ut onl! if eatin& in the mornin& $ill pre"ent a person from o"ereatin& later on#

Seems like ommon sense ri&ht: +ut seems people ha"e taken that as some offi ial eatin& do&ma a%out the onl! $a! to %e health! -and the media ,umped on it full for e too.# It is still all a%out total alorie intake o"er the da! after all( not ne essaril! $hat hour of the da! it is done#
2 Meal Solution @ Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

Big Breakfast***and I Need a Big Na'! 's for ener&!( the ironi part is that most al$a!s !ou $ill feel tired after an! %i& meal# Di&estion takes a lot of ener&! and %lood flo$( and !ou ma! ha"e trou%le ,ust sta!in& a$ake and fo used# Find of defeats the purpose of 1fuelin& up2 for the da! if it $ipes !ou out# Eou $ill not see man! -if an!. so ieties in the past that $ould start their da! $ith a hea"! %reakfast -unless it $as at mid7late mornin& after $orkin& sin e earl! sunrise and no$ had time to 1rest and di&est2 after their meal.# It ,ust $asn't done/ +esides( did !ou kno$ that !ou are more primed to %e %urnin& fat in the mornin&:

Morning !urvival Mec"anisms 6D*ring the morning ho*r#, when %ige#tion i# f*lly complete% (while yo* )re on )n empty #tom)ch), ) prim)l #*r$i$)l mech)ni#m, known )# fight or flight re)ction to #tre##, i# triggere%, m)7imi8ing yo*r (o%y'# c)p)city to gener)te energy, (e )lert, re#i#t f)tig*e )n% re#i#t #tre##. Thi# highly ge)re% #*r$i$)l mo%e i# prim)rily %omin)te% (y p)rt of the )*tonomic ner$o*# #y#tem known )# the -/- (#ymp)thetic ner$o*# #y#tem). "t th)t #t)te, the (o%y i# in it# mo#t energy'pro%*cing ph)#e )n% th)t'# when mo#t energy come# from f)t (*rning. "ll th)t h)ppen# when yo* %o not e)t the typic)l morning me)l. If howe$er yo* follow wh)t &norm)l g*y#& %o )n% e)t yo*r morning ()gel )n% cere)l )n% egg 9 ()con, yo*'ll mo#t likely #h*t %own the )(o$e energy pro%*cing #y#tem.: -o*rce. 6Diet F)ll)cy ;4. 0re)kf)#t i# the mo#t import)nt me)l of the %)y:. Dr), Ori 3ofmekler, )*thor of The +)rrior Diet

2 Meal Solution

Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

+"e Most Im'ortant Meal is***a +ie! 9hat !ou an take from all this is that %reakfast is no more important than lun h or dinner $hen !our total dail! alories are still in he k# If skippin& %reakfast onl! leads !ou to un ontrolla%le %in&e eatin& -e) ess alories.( then ha"in& somethin& to eat in the 'M $ill $ork %etter for !ou# For man! others( $e are fine $ith little to nothin& until later on and an still %e under ontrol# This allo$s !ou to a tuall! eat more in tune $ith $hat !our %od! is si&nalin& or needin&# The freedom to eat on !our o$n terms( not a ordin& to $hat an! 1re"olutionar! stud!2 or some 1e)pert3authorit!2 deems to %e ri&ht# Most of the time( the! are ,ust sellin& somethin& an!$a!s in the pro ess# Modern marketin& and press releases seem to ha"e om%ined to on"in e the pu%li to a t a ertain $a!# I $ould rather ,ust find $hat $orks for me and i&nore the rest###$ouldn't !ou:

2 Meal Solution

Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

8hapter 1 Meals and 8alories

Meals in %ncient +imes +elie"e it or not( !ou $ill %e hard pressed to find an! older3an ient i"iliGations that $ere %ased around a %i& -if an!. %reakfast# People %a k then $ould do most of their la%or3$ork first thin& in the mornin&( sa"in& their first real meal till more around $hat is more ommonl! kno$n as 1lun h time2# >atin& a %i& meal first thin& in the 'M %efore doin& dail! $ork $as not somethin& the! sa$ as a &ood idea -and for &ood reason.#

!trengt" and ,itality of %ncient -reeks &0)rely two cent*rie# )go, the fir#t me)l of the %)y in 2ngl)n% w)# t)ken )(o*t noon. 0re)kf)#t w)# )n *nrecogni8e% me)l )n% it origin)te% in the pr)ctice of l)%ie# t)king )n e)rly %i#h of chocol)te (efore ri#ing. The )ncient <reek#''the fine#t of people, phy#ic)lly )n% ment)lly, th)t e$er li$e%'')te (*t two me)l# ) %)y.& -o*rce. The 3ygienic -y#tem= Dr -helton, 45>?

2 Meal Solution

Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

6The <reek# %i% not ,*#t e)t to li$e, on the contr)ry from e)rlie#t time# %ining h)% enormo*# #oci)l import)nce. In )%%ition, mo#t of the %i)log*e# of 1l)to were written %*ring the %ining )n% the #ympo#i*m. The ()#ic <reek %iet w)# (oth fr*g)l )n% monotono*#. "ncient "theni)n# )te two me)l# ) %)y ' ) light l*nch, known )# "ri#ton )n% %inner known )# Deipnon, their m)in me)l.: -o*rce. <reek 3erit)ge, The "meric)n @*)rterly of <reek C*lt*re= C <. A)n*#, 45B>

In fa t( some of the past so ieties that $e herish for their health( "i&or( $isdom3philosoph!( athleti a%ilit!( stren&th( and man! other thin&s did not fa"or eatin& %reakfast# >"en if the! o asionall! did eat in the mornin&( it $as nothin& more than some oli"es( fi&s( fruit or e"en homemade %read dipped in $ine3ale# The lar&est meal $as al$a!s at the end of a hard da!( to rela) and ele%rate for hours $ith friends( famil!( or $hoe"er $as around# Dinner $as more so iall! important( than ,ust another time to eat# W"at if .alories Matter over Longer Periods/ Not 0ours =ereHs a little se ret a%out alories that !ou $ill not reall! hear In an! mainstream $ei&ht loss %ook3arti le3 on"ersation( that it doesnHt reall! 1ur&entl!2 matter $hat !ou eat per meal# ItHs the lon&7term alorie load effe t o"er da!s and $eeks that determines ho$ mu h !ou reall! %urn and store as fat in the lon& run -and( of ourse( the state of !our meta%olism.# So $hat does that mean: It means tr!in& to ha"e e)a t alorie mini7meals proportioned out @) a da! and the same alorie intake dail! is a "er! ompli ated3 onfusin& $a! to eat -%ut it makes for a &reat industr! in sellin& stuff.#

2 Meal Solution


Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

=o$ a%out !ou ,ust fo us on the %i&&er pi ture and kno$ that hi&her alorie da!s an %e offset $ith lo$er alorie da!s: =o$ a%out instead !ou see that %! sele tin& some da!s to %e lo$er in alories !ou an ha"e more fle)i%ilit! on the other da!s and ho$ !ou eat: =o$ a%out $e &et %a k some of the freedom that all those diets ha"e taken a$a! and find a solution for a lifetime: %ll Day is 0arder to control +otal .alories If I &a"e !ou all da! to eat from the time !ou $oke up till $hen !ou $ent to %ed( han es are !ou $ill eat a om%ination of meals and sna ks all da! lon& -like most people.# This is $here the hidden dama&e of the 1sna kin&2 mentalit! that most 1diets2 push an ome in# 'll those little alories DO add up# Prett! soon after a $hole da! of 1sna kin&2 -and the in reased hun&er that omes from sna kin&( espe iall! on pro essed foods3sna ks. !ou ma! ha"e taken in $a! too man! alories and in the pro ess &i"en all the $ron& hormonal responses#

*nless !ou ha"e total ontrol and kno$ e)a t alories -$hi h is "er! time onsumin& and ompli ated. this an easil! happen# Sometimes all it takes is one little sna k or fla"ored offee drink that an put !our alorie total o"er for the da! and keep !ou from %urnin& more fat than !ou are storin&# .ondensing $ating Makes .alorie .ontrol $asier So( ho$ do !ou om%at these tenden ies and take %a k ontrol: Simple( on ertain
2 Meal Solution 11 Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

da!s ,ust ondense do$n the eatin& $indo$ and onl! eat %et$een ertain hours# 0ot so ompli ated is it: These are $indo$s that !ou an easil! ontrol for lon& term $ei&ht loss3maintenan e# +! follo$in& some simple rules !ou an eliminate alorie ountin& and still %e a%le to lose $ei&ht# Eou $ill also not ha"e to feel depri"ed of an!thin&( as $hat !ou eat is still up to !ou/ This is the true po$er of usin& this kind of eatin& lifest!le presented in this report# It is fle)i%le( en,o!a%le and an fit !our indi"idual tastes and en,o!ment/ 's $e are all indi"idualisti in our tastes( likes( s hedules and therefore our approa h should also %e fle)i%le enou&h to keep onsisten ! for lon& term results# Su ess omes in %ein& a%le to make it $ork for !ou/

$at to $n1oy and #eward a 0ard Day)s Work 6For more th)n ) tho*#)n% ye)r# the one me)l pl)n w)# the e#t)(li#he% r*le )mong the ci$ili8e% n)tion# inh)(iting the co)#t'l)n%# of the Me%iterr)ne)n. The e$ening rep)#tCc)ll it #*pper or %innerCw)# ) kin% of %ome#tic fe#ti$)l, the rew)r% of the %)y'# toil, )n en,oyment which rich )n% poor refr)ine% from m)rring (y prem)t*re gr)tific)tion# of their )ppetite.& -o*rce. F)#ting, 3y%rop)thy )n% 27erci#e, M)cF)%%en= 45

2 Meal Solution


Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

8hapter 2 +i&&est 9ei&ht Loss M!th

W"at are &ou -etting !old on( The $ei&ht loss3diet ni he is the hottest -and "er! profita%le. industr! to %e in no$ada!s# Look around and !ou $ill see ele%rities $ritin& %ooks a%out it( ne$ pills from some spe ial %err! in *&anda or some raG! a%7 ontraption# It is a %illion dollar market and e"er!one $ants in on the a tion# 9ith that omes so man! m!ths and mis on eptions that ha"e %een passed do$n %! $ord of mouth for so lon&( that it's no$ thou&ht of as pro"en s ien e# 0o one e"en Iuestions the thin&s the! hear an!more# In fa t( man! marketers $ill ,ust ontinue to e)ploit those m!ths for profit kno$in& !ou $on't e"en Iuestion them# There is one parti ular m!th used %! pra ti all! e"er!one no$ada!s# It fuels a $hole ompli ated eatin& plan $hi h ompanies are &ettin& ri h off( and !ou are &ettin& frustrated $ith/ +"e Myt" #evealed 're !ou read! to hear the %i&&est m!th3mis on eption that !ou $ill hear all the time in mainstream media and from people $hen talkin& a%out ho$ to lose $ei&ht: Eou ma! not %e read! for $hat I am a%out to sa!# I $arned !ou#
2 Meal Solution 14 Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

'sk man! trainers( nutritionists( do tors( diet &urus or !our o"er$ei&ht nei&h%or and the! $ill pro%a%l! all tell !ou this same statement as a s ientifi all! pro"en fa tJ 6Do* nee% to e)t #m)ller )n% more freE*ent me)l# thro*gh'o*t the %)y in or%er to incre)#eF#pee%'*p yo*r met)(oli#m: 9hat is the real "erdi t: This statement is not 155K true// But "ow can so Many Peo'le be Wrong( It's usuall! the masses that are passin& alon& $ron& information in the first pla e -in an attempt to seem $ise to others usuall!.# 9ell if this is su h a $ell kno$n fa t( then $h! aren't $e all slim and fit from follo$in& it: OF to %e fair( there are plent! of people $ho an and do lose $ei&ht %! eatin& multiple times per da! -let's sa! @) a da! as most modern $ei&ht loss 1diets2 prea h.# +ut also remem%er the L 1 1se ret2 of all diets and ho$ the! reall! $ork is %ein& a state of alorie defi it# 9hether !ou do that in 4( @( or 15 meals a da!# =o$e"er !ou $ill see there is nothin& 1ma&i al2 a%out it $hen it omes to !our meta%olism# I)m not saying it Doesn)t Work Don't &et onfused $ith m! messa&e a%out eatin& smaller and more meals all da! lon&# I said a%o"e I kno$ it 2can3 $ork -%e ause of the alorie defi it it promotes. to eat @) a da!# >atin& smaller meals( to keep o"ereatin& under ontrol# 't the end of the da! !ou ha"e still eaten less than normal( %ut ,ust spread those alories out more often to keep the total dail! num%er under ontrol# =o$e"er the real Iuestion is( $as it %e ause those freIuent smaller meals 1ma&i all! sped up2 !our meta%olism to %urn more alories: The real ans$er to that assumption is a %i& fat 0O/ +urning u' t"e 0eat Someho$ most people think if !ou eat more often( then !ou in rease !our meta%olism $ith a hi&her 1thermo&enesis2# Thermo&enesis is $here the %od! e)pels ener&! in the form of heat throu&h $hat it has to do -and in this ase $e are
2 Meal Solution 1< Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

talkin& a%out the ener&! of di&estin& food.# +ut hereHs the fun 1s ien !2 part( if !ou eat the same D'ILE amount of food3 alories split into either @ meals or 4 meals( isnHt that the same amount of di&esti"e ener&! reIuired o"erall:

IsnHt 1?55 alories still 1?55 alories at the end of the da! $hether !ou split it @ times or 4 times: So ho$ is there an! real ad"anta&e to splittin& it up all da! lon& into smaller more freIuent meals $hen the alorie load is the same: 9ell a ordin& to plent! of resear h -seen %elo$.( there is 0O su h ad"anta&e/

!cience %grees t"ere is No Metabolic %dvantage to $ating Multi'le Meals 6-ince the 45B #, epi%emiologic)l #t*%ie# h)$e reporte% )n in$er#e rel)tion#hip (etween freE*ency of e)ting )n% (o%y weight, #*gge#ting th)t ) &ni((ling& p)ttern co*l% help to pre$ent o(e#ity. Thi# notion h)# l)ter (een p*t into E*e#tion (y the recognition of ) high le$el of %iet)ry *n%er'reporting in o$erweight in%i$i%*)l#. In )%%ition, no %ifference in tot)l %)ily energy e7pen%it*re h)# (een %oc*mente% )# ) f*nction of %)ily me)l n*m(er. +eight lo## i# not f)cilit)te% (y high me)l freE*ency. : -o*rce. 6Imp)ct of the %)ily me)l p)ttern on energy ()l)nce:, Fr)nce 0elli#le, -c)n%in)$i)n Ao*rn)l of /*trition, Oct 2 G

2 Meal Solution


Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

6More import)ntly, #t*%ie# *#ing whole'(o%y c)lorimetry )n% %o*(ly'l)(ele% w)ter to )##e## tot)l 2G h energy e7pen%it*re fin% no %ifference (etween ni((ling )n% gorging. Fin)lly, with the e7ception of ) #ingle #t*%y, there i# no e$i%ence th)t weight lo## on hypoenergetic regimen# i# )ltere% (y me)l freE*ency. +e concl*%e th)t )ny effect# of me)l p)ttern on the reg*l)tion of (o%y weight )re likely to (e me%i)te% thro*gh effect# on the foo% int)ke #i%e of the energy ()l)nce eE*)tion.: -o*rce. 6Me)l freE*ency )n% energy ()l)nce:= 0r A /*tr. 455H "pr=HH -*ppl 4.-?H'H . 6To ) gro*p of ! he)lthy per#on# ) #lightly hypoc)loric %iet with protein (4>I of energy), c)r(ohy%r)te# (GBI of energy) )n% f)t (G4I of energy) w)# gi$en )# one me)l or )# fi$e me)l# in ) ch)nge'o$er tri)l....Ch)nge# of (o%y weight were #t)ti#tic)lly not #ignific)nt. ..The he)t pro%*ction c)lc*l)te% (y in%irect c)lorimetry w)# not #ignific)ntly %ifferent with either me)l freE*ency. JThe re#*lt# %emon#tr)te th)t the me)l freE*ency %i% not infl*ence the energy ()l)nce.: -o*rce. 6Thermogene#i# in h*m)n# )fter $)rying me)l time freE*ency:= +olfr)m <, Kirchge##ner M, M)ller 3L, 3ollomey -. 6In the #hort'term, me)l freE*ency )n% ) perio% of f)#ting h)$e no m),or imp)ct on energy int)ke or e7pen%it*re (*t energy e7pen%it*re i# %el)ye% with ) lower me)l freE*ency comp)re% with ) higher me)l freE*ency.: -o*rce. 6Comp)re% with ni((ling, neither gorging nor ) morning f)#t )ffect #hort'term energy ()l)nce in o(e#e p)tient# in ) ch)m(er c)lorimeter 6 M " T)ylor, A - <)rrow, Intern)tion)l Ao*rn)l of O(e#ity (2 4) 2?, ?45'?2! There h)$e (een report# of )n in$er#e rel)tion#hip (etween me)l freE*ency (MF) )n% )%ipo#ity. It h)# (een po#t*l)te% th)t thi# m)y (e e7pl)ine% (y f)$or)(le effect# of incre)#e% MF on )ppetite control )n% po##i(ly on g*t pepti%e# )# well...3owe$er, there were /- (no #ignific)nt) %ifference# (etween the low' )n% high'MF gro*p# for )%ipo#ity in%ice#, )ppetite me)#*rement# or g*t pepti%e# (pepti%e DD )n% ghrelin) either (efore or

2 Meal Solution


Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

)fter the inter$ention. +e concl*%e th)t incre)#ing MF %oe# not promote gre)ter (o%y weight lo## *n%er the con%ition# %e#cri(e% in the pre#ent #t*%y. -o*rce. 6Incre)#e% me)l freE*ency %oe# not promote gre)ter weight lo## in #*(,ect# who were pre#cri(e% )n !'week eE*i'energetic energy're#tricte% %iet.:, C)meron AD, Cyr MA, Do*cet 2. 0r A /*tr. 2 5 /o$ > .4'G.

+"e Body 4nows W"at it is Doing >"en $ith all that information a%o"e( some people $ill still stress that eatin& more often is superior in some $a! for fat %urnin&# =o$e"er e"en $ith reall! lo$ meal freIuen ! the %od! still kno$s ho$ to self re&ulate o"er the lon& run -$hi h is a fa t often left out( as it doesn't help sell an! diet plans or supplements.# One stud! -Stote FS et al 255A. ompared ,ust 4 meals3da! to 1 meal3da! on %od!7 $ei&ht re&ulation me hanisms o"er the lon& run# 9hen eatin& their maintenan e alorie load -$hether in 4 or 1 meal. per da!( o"er @ months %oth &roups maintained their %od! $ei&ht -$ithin 2k& of their initial $ei&ht.# 'nother stud! -Mer%oeket7"an de Menne 9P 1CC1. ompared 2 meals per da! "s A meals( $ith identi al alorie load# 9hat the! found $as no differen e in total 2<7 hour ener&! e)penditure and no differen e in total protein o)idation# 9hile the A meals3da! -ni%%lin&. pattern had onstant stead! fat3 ar% o)idation -%urnin& for ener&!. le"els( the 2 meals per da! had hi&her initial ar% o)idation after meals and hi&her fat o)idation other times of da!# In other $ords( it all e"ens out $hen !ou look at the %i&&er pi ture of 2< hours a da!/ &ou Don)t 2Need3 all t"ose Bars/ !"akes and Meal Plans Supplement ompanies are makin& a killin& in the $ei&ht loss $orld on 1spe ial2 sna k %ars( meal repla ement shakes( and prepa ka&ed meals all %ased around this eat more often to 1speed up2 !our meta%olism m!th#

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Do !ou no$ see $h! e"er!one 1thinks2 the! need to eat more: It is %e ause that m!th is onstantl! %ein& 1pushed2 -sold. to the &eneral pu%li as a s ientifi fa t( $hen it is a tuall! ,ust a &reat marketin& approa h/

Eou $ill see ele%rities on TM &ettin& paid millions to lose $ei&ht on those t!pes of pro&rams -$hen $e all should realiGe no$ that the real ma&i is in the total ener&! alorie defi it( not the amount of meals.# 8alories are $hat matter# If !ou need to eat @ smaller meals to keep !ourself from %in&in& later on -and &oin& o"er%oard on the total dail! alories.( then this approa h ma! %e the %est $a! for !ou# If !ou en,o! eatin& smaller meals and more times ea h da!( that is up to !ou and I'm not &oin& to stop !ou# +ut I personall! think it is more dan&erous to tell e"er!one the! need to eat3sna k all the time( as that is ,ust settin& up for some mindless and unhealth! relationships $ith our food# 0o &ood an ome from that -or should I sa! 1has2 ome from it.# On e people tire out of those ompli ated diets -and most all do.( the! ontinue that eatin&3ni%%lin& pattern and the alories ,ust add ri&ht %a k up a&ain/ =o$ is this a real and lastin& solution: Time for a %etter $a!( and freedom from this o%session#

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8hapter 4 +elie"e it or 0ot###Some Stress is ;ood

Life 2Used3 to Be ."allenging >"er!thin& in nature is meant to sur"i"e on some le"el( from plant life to animals to us humans -I'm assumin& no animal or plant is readin& this of ourse.# Eou ha"e %uilt7in prote ti"e s!stems su h as the immune s!stem and the a%ilit! to re%uild and repair !our o$n %od! -think of a %roken le&( a do tor ,ust puts it in a ast %ut the %od! does all the rest.# Eou ha"e those prote ti"e responses do$n to the ellular le"el( as itHs !our ells that keep !ou ali"e# Eou are either in a state of health or disease %! the ondition of !our ells -as the! are %ein& prote ted3 repaired or are %ein& atta ked3diseased and %ein& destro!ed.# =uman %ein&s are meant to %e a%le to $ithstand tou&h times( stressful ir umstan es( periods of under7eatin&( huntin& do$n $ild &ame( "ar!in& en"ironmental stressors and more# The natural $orld is full of han&e( and $e ha"e to %e a%le to sur"i"e as a spe ies# DonHt &et me $ron&( $e are "er! fortunate no$ada!s to %e li"in& in su h a rela)ed -in the ph!si al sense in dealin& $ith nature and sur"i"al( not talkin& a%out mental
2 Meal Solution 1C Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

stress $e put on oursel"es. and prote ti"e modern en"ironment# 9e ha"e homes for shelter and heat( supermarkets for food( and transportation for tra"el# +ut the Iuestion %e omes( are $e pa!in& for this 1softer( more rela)ed2 en"ironment no$ $ith our health %e ause $e pro"ide less 1stress2 to our %odies: !maller5!"orter !tressors Make Us !tronger I kno$ $hat !ou ma! %e thinkin&( 1stress is %ad ri&ht2: 9ell there are 2 kinds of stress $e need to think a%out# The first kind is a "er! short7term stress( and the se ond is more prolon&ed stress that is hroni and lastin& o"er a lon&er period of time# Short7term3minor stress is a tuall! good $hen $e think a%out our %od!'s natural desi&n( as $e are meant to thri"e and &et stron&er $ith some hallen&es# For e)ample( doin& resistan e trainin& -%od!$ei&ht or $ei&hts. is a stress to the mus le as it %reaks do$n# It is a destru ti"e - ata%oli . pro ess#

It is %e ause of that stress that it si&nals a re%uildin& -ana%oli . response# Eou &et stron&er as an end result( read! for the ne)t $orkout to o"er ome and repeat the ! le -assumin& !ou allo$ !ourself to re o"er.# =o$e"er if !ou are al$a!s $orkin& out and not &i"in& !ourself enou&h re o"er!( the results do &o the other $a!# Bigger5Longer !tressors Make Us Weaker 9ith e"er! period of mild3short7term ata%oli stress - ellular %reakdo$n3atta k.( our %od! &enerates a po$erful ana%oli response - ellular repair and re%uildin&.#
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+ut that re%uildin& reall! onl! happens durin& the non stressful6recovery phase -as !ou don't %uild mus le in the &!m( !ou start %uildin& it $hen !ou lea"e.# This is $here "er! hi&h le"els or lon&er lastin& stress $ill lead to an o"erall poor health status# Too mu h %reakdo$n and not enou&h re o"er! ,ust take us in the opposite dire tion -hen e stressin& out at $ork all da! lon& is not &oin& to %e health!( as there is no %reak from it.# Our %od!( mus les( mind( ells all $ant to %e hallen&ed 1intermittentl!2 and %e ome stron&er from it# If $e don't# the! ma! &et the hint that the! are not reall! needed an!more and ,ust deteriorate -atroph!.# 20ormesis3 is our Natural Design Remem%er that !our %od! is on erned a%out one %i& thin&# 0o( its not ho$ !our foot%all team is doin& this !ear or $hat kind of raise !ou are &ettin&# Eour %od! $ants to sur"i"e and $hen presented $ith small stressors in !our en"ironment( then it adapts for the %etter -%e omes stron&er and more effi ient at the ell le"el.#

This is $hat is kno$n as 2"ormesis3 -see the &raph a%o"e.# The %od! $ill &enerate a net positi"e response to %e ome stron&er $hen e)posed to 1small2 or 2intermittent3 le"els of stress# =ittin& that 1s$eet spot2 $here !ou &enerate the optimal response from !our %od!# =o$e"er as !ou $ill also see in the &raph( too mu h stress $ill take the net response in the opposite3ne&ati"e dire tion# That is not the &oal as it leads to lon& term ne&ati"e results#
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Living Longer by %dding ccasional !tress too( '&in& is a simple net eIuation of !our ells %reakin& do$n faster and more often than !ou an effe ti"el! repair them# It is a natural part of life( %ut an %e a elerated too if !ou are not areful# In fa t !ou ould sa! that man! other diseases out there are also ,ust 1s!mptoms2 asso iated $ith a elerated a&in& - ells %reakin& do$n3%ein& destru ti"e faster than !ou an repair them.# The ans$er ould %e this simple# If !ou $ant stron&er ells and to slo$ do$n the destru ti"e a&in& pro ess( then !ou need to hallen&e !our %od! $ith small 2intermittent3 stressors# Make it stron&er and more resistant for the ne)t time( $hile also redu in& the amounts of lar&e3 hroni stressors !ou put on !ourself# +ime to -et Back to t"e ld Ways of $ating I lo"e this Iuote personall! as it sums it all up so simpl!J 6The %e$i)tion of m)n from the #t)te in which he w)# origin)lly pl)ce% (y n)t*re #eem# to h)$e pro$e% to him ) prolific #o*rce of %i#e)#e: N >d$ard Oenner It ma! %e that this de"iation from our natural eatin& pro&rammin& is $hat is ausin& most all the de&enerati"e health and o%esit! issues# This ould in ludeJ >atin& all da! lon& $ith no %reaks for the %od!( di&esti"e s!stem( or&ans or other pro esses in"ol"ed to re o"er >atin& a ontinual e) ess of alories( ne"er alternatin& loads3amounts to si&nal a lo$ food stressor for the %od! to adapt to >atin& too man! moderniGed pro essed foods( that &i"e mi)ed and improper hormonal responses -espe iall! for %lood su&ar re&ulation.

Perhaps it is time $e &et %a k to &i"in& our %od! the small intermittent stressors it needs to %e ome stron&er( healthier and a more effi ient fat %urnin& ma hine in the pro ess/
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$ating and !urvival 6+e h)$e left (ehin% the fee%ing p)ttern# of o*r )ncient )nce#tor# in f)$or of con#t)nt ment)l )cti$ity )n% limite% phy#ic)l e7erci#e. D*e to incre)#e# in o*r %)y to %)y )cti$ity we h)$e )n incre)#e% energy (m)inly gl*co#e) reE*irement while o*r phy#iology i# l)rgely #till ge)re% to ) fe)#t )n% f)mine p)ttern of energy int)ke ch)r)cteri#tic of o*r h*nter'g)therer homo #)pien# )nce#tor#. Thi# %ilemm) (etween o*r mo%ern #ocietyF(eh)$ior )n% o*r )ncient phy#iology will repre#ent ) rec*rring pro(lem for gerontology for ye)r# to come.: -o*rce. 6C)loric re#triction )n% intermittent f)#ting. two potenti)l %iet# for #*cce##f*l (r)in )ging:= M)rtin 0, M)tt#on M1, M)*%#ley -.= "geing Le# Le$. 2 B "*g=?(>).>>2'?>.

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Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

8hapter < =ealth +enefits of >atin& Less

No More 27east or 7amine3 !tress One of the %i&&est stressors and on erns of lon& a&o -%ut not so mu h toda!. $as there $ere times of lo$ -or no. food a"aila%ilit!# Remem%er our primal an estors had to hunt and &ather their food to sur"i"e# The! didnHt &o do$n to the lo al supermarket( the! didnHt &o to the 2<7hour on"enien e store3&as station( and there $as no dri"e7thru for a %ur&er# >ither the! had enou&h food to eat( or the! didnHt# There ould ha"e %een times of poor huntin&( %ad rops( $eather onditions that hurt the food suppl! or other fa tors -su h as seasonal han&es. that made their dail! food intake "ar!# There $as no real onsisten ! in alories ea h da!# This is $hat is also referred to as 1feast or famine2# Feast P The hunt $as &ood( plent! of food to &o around( eat plentiful and en,o!# Famine P 'll food is lo$3used up( no$ time to hunt3&ather and find more###and this ould &o on for a $hile dependin& on the en"ironmental onditions around it#
2 Meal Solution 2< Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

%m I !uggesting to go Live in a .ave and 0unt for 7ood( 0o( I'm not that nuts# +ut understand the simple fa t that !our %od! is not reall! desi&ned to sur"i"e 1optimall!2 %! ha"in& e) ess amounts of food all the time# Eour %od! is primed to $ithstand periods of hi&h and lo$ alorie intake( and throu&h 1hormesis2 -remem%er that from the last hapter:. an %e ome stron&er from it# Lo$ food intake -famine. is a stress to the %od!( so it must learn to prote t itself for the ne)t time it ould happen( throu&h ha"in& an optimal &lu ose -%lood su&ar. meta%olism# It is "er! important to remem%er that $e are talkin& a%out the benefits of 2s"ort6 term intermittent3 stressors 8t"at 2sweet s'ot3 on t"e "ormesis c"art9***not 'rolonged or c"ronic ones# There is a %i& differen e %et$een the t$o# Wild %nimals don)t "ave Diabetes Look at man! $ild animals in nature -not pets around the house or the ones at the Goo that are under different stressors. and !ou $ill see the same thin&# Man! ma! not eat @ meals a da!( or e"en e"er! da! %ut !et the! an still %e plent! fast( lean( stron& and not suffer from man! of the de&enerati"e diseases that are more ommon in humans - an ers( heart disease( %rain disorders( dia%etes( et .#

I&norin& the eatin& fa ts a%out !our natural desi&n ma! ,ust lead !our %od! to malfun tion and %e ome si ker and more d!sfun tional at the ellular le"el %e ause of it#
2 Meal Solution 2? Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

+"e nly 4nown Way to Live Longer S ientists sin e the 1C45s ha"e %een doin& e)periments on animals to find $a!s to in rease their lifespan# So far the onl! one that has reall! e"er $orked has %een usin& a method of restri tin& alories -other$ise kno$n as 1 alorie restri tion2or 8R for short.# +! makin& &roups eat a%out 457<5K fe$er alories than other test &roups( resear hers ha"e %een a%le to see remarka%le in reases in life span -%! up to ?5K in some spe ies.# 8an this also appl! to humans: 9ell !ou don't ha"e to look far to some of the 1lon&er li"in& ultures2 and !ou $ill surel! 0OT see an o"er indul&en e in alories as part of their lifest!le# 'pparentl! +en,amin Franklin kne$ $hat he $as talkin& a%out $hen he said 6To lengthen thy life, le##en thy me)l#: . $ating Less and !taying 0ealt"y Lookin& at all the resear h out there a%out $hat happens in humans $hen alories are lo$ered -%esides $ei&ht loss that is.( !ou $ill see man! other %enefits# Su h remarka%le results from other 8R test &roups that ha"e %een seen are -%ut are not limited to.J Lo$ered 8holesterol Le"els Lo$ered +lood Pressure Lo$ered Fastin& Insulin -%etter &lu ose meta%olism. Lo$ered Tri&l! eride Le"el Lo$ered +od! Mass

These are all markers to sa! that the a&in& pro ess is slo$in& do$n( in ludin& more prote tion at the ellular le"el a&ainst diseases# The %od! is &ettin& stron&er and healthier all ,ust %! eatin& less# 9e see that our health( lon&e"it! and %od! $ei&ht an dramati all! %e affe ted %! our total alorie intake -in a positi"e or ne&ati"e manner###all dependin& on ho$ mu h $e a tuall! eat.#

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Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

>) ess intake P in reased disease risks( a $ei&ht

elerated a&in& and more %od!

Less intake P de reased disease risks -throu&h in reased prote tion.( lon&e"it! and less %od! $ei&ht

This %e omes more and more important as $e a&e and our natural pro esses start to slo$ do$n# Our %od! $ill need all the additional help !ou an pro"ide if !ou $ant to &et leaner and li"e lon&er#

Proven Benefits of $ating Less $very

t"er Day

6-ince M)y 2 > we h)$e e7perimente% with )ltern)te %)y c)lorie re#triction, one %)y con#*ming 2 '? I of e#tim)te% %)ily c)loric reE*irement )n% the ne7t %)y )% li( e)ting, )n% h)$e o(#er$e% he)lth (enefit# #t)rting in )# little )# two week#, in in#*lin re#i#t)nce, )#thm), #e)#on)l )llergie#, infectio*# %i#e)#e# of $ir)l, ()cteri)l )n% f*ng)l origin ($ir)l MLI, rec*rrent ()cteri)l ton#illiti#, chronic #in*#iti#, perio%ont)l %i#e)#e), )*toimm*ne %i#or%er (rhe*m)toi% )rthriti#), o#teo)rthriti#, #ymptom# %*e to C/- infl)mm)tory le#ion# (To*rette'#, Meniere'#) c)r%i)c )rrhythmi)# (1NC#, )tri)l fi(rill)tion), menop)*#e rel)te% hot fl)#he#. +e hypothe#i8e th)t other m)ny con%ition# wo*l% (e %el)ye%, pre$ente% or impro$e%, incl*%ing "l8heimer'#, 1)rkin#on'#, m*ltiple #clero#i#, (r)in in,*ry %*e to throm(otic #troke )thero#clero#i#, /IDDM, conge#ti$e he)rt f)il*re. -o*rce. 6The effect on he)lth of )ltern)te %)y c)lorie re#triction. e)ting le## )n% more th)n nee%e% on )ltern)te %)y# prolong# life.:= Aohn#on A0, et )l. Me% 3ypothe#e#. 2 B=BH(2).2 5'44.

The natural 1stressor2 si&nal that omes from eatin& less o"erall seems to %e a ke! part of the eIuation# One that allo$s the %od! to sta! stron& and e"en 1re ! le2 the older or $orn out parts#

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2-o -reen3 and #ecycle at t"e .ell Level One of the main pro esses no$ %ein& e)plored %! s ientists responsi%le for the lon&e"it! in those 8R models is the a ti"ation of more 1autopha&!2#

Inside the ells $e ha"e little po$er7plants alled the mito hondria( $hi h %urn fuel for ellular ener&!# The ell is e)posed to man! destru ti"e for es on the outside and inside in ludin& o)idation and free radi als -espe iall! ,ust from the simple a t of produ in& more ener&!.# Our internal ellular po$er7plants -mito hondria. are "er! sus epti%le to dama&e( so itHs important $e make sure the! are %ein& taken are of# O"er time there $ill %e dama&ed parts -proteins. and itHs up to the %od! to ontinuall! repair and re%uild -like a house that needs to %e taken are of to $ithstand the en"ironmental stressors around it.#

#ecycle and #e'air Damaged Parts 6Le%*ce, recycle )n% re(*il% i# )# import)nt to the mo#t ()#ic component of the h*m)n (o%y, the cell, )# it i# to the en$ironment....C*tting c)lorie# help# ro%ent# li$e longer (y (oo#ting cell#O )(ility to recycle %)m)ge% p)rt# #o they c)n m)int)in efficient energy pro%*ction.

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MF #cienti#t# #t*%ie% 22 yo*ng )n% ol% r)t#, comp)ring tho#e )llowe% to e)t freely with tho#e fe% ) low'c)lorie, n*tritio*# %iet. The #tre## of ) low'c)lorie %iet w)# eno*gh to (oo#t cell*l)r cle)ning in the he)rt# of ol%er r)t# (y 42 percent o$er le$el# #een in r)t# th)t were )llowe% to e)t wh)t they w)nte%. The %iet h)% little or no effect on yo*nger r)t#.: -o*rce. 6MF #cienti#t# re$e)l how %iet)ry re#triction cle)n# cell#:= Mni$er#ity of Flori%) /ew# Lele)#e= "*g*#t 2>, 2 H

Re ! lin& ells( espe iall! dama&ed ones( is important# If !ou $ant a stron& %rain as !ou &ro$ older -as our natural autopha&! slo$s do$n $ith a&e. !ou ha"e to &et rid of and repla e an! dama&ed parts# It is a natural repair s!stem that is turned on espe iall! $hen !ou si&nal a lo$ food intake stress#

=o$e"er if !ou are al$a!s full of e) ess ener&! -food. and ne"er ha"e that stress( !ou $ill not %e si&nalin& for an in rease in autopha&! and the %od! $ill a&e faster $ith less internal re ! lin&3repair &oin& on# So if !ou $ant to ha"e !our %od! in a healthier state( espe iall! the glucose based metabolism that re&ulates fat 1storin&2 and 1%urnin&2###then !ou $ill need to take times to eat less/

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Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

8hapter ? Fat +urnin& 151 O"er"ie$

+ime for a :uick verview of t"e Basics 9ith all this talk a%out &lu ose3%lood7su&ar %ased meta%olism( I thou&ht it $as a &ood idea to do a Iui k re"ie$ of ho$ fat reall! is stored and released3%urned# I did o"er this in more detail $ith the free spe ial report I am &i"in& a$a! at the IF Life -if !ou ha"en't &ot !our op! alread!( ,ust li k here to read3do$nload it dire tl!.( %ut here are the %i& hi&hli&hts# Fat ells are %asi all! stora&e tanks( holdin& potential fuel that an %e used up later on -this is the natural desi&n for sur"i"al.# The! are $aitin& on instru tions from the %od! on $hether to 1store2 or 1release2 all %ased on a omple) %lood su&ar re&ulation s!stem# 9hile !ou need to %urn up more alories than !ou take in -state of alorie defi it. for lon&7term $ei&ht loss( e)tended lo$ alorie 1 rash2 diets $ill onl! lead to more fat -espe iall! stu%%orn. &ain and ompromised meta%olism in the lon& run# This is 0OT the &oal# =ormones are the hemi al messen&ers that tell our %od!3 ells $hether to store more 1fuel2 -fat. or release it from stora&e to %e %urned up in the
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mus les -$h! $e like ha"in& them.# 9e mana&e the release of these hormones throu&h our food hoi es( mo"ement3e)er ise and lifest!le fa tors# The pro ess of usin& the ri&ht hormones to release fats from stora&e and on"ert them to free fatt! a ids -or FF's.( is kno$n as li'olysis# Monitorin& %lood su&ar -hi&h or lo$. and the hormones in"ol"ed are dire tl! tied into lipol!sis -insulin %ein& the primar! one to fo us on.# Interestin& to note that $e ha"e se"eral %lood su&ar 1raisin&2 hormones and onl! one real %lood su&ar 1lo$erin&2 hormone -insulin.# So it seems that hi&h %lood su&ar is not supposed to %e a 1normal2 state for the %od! to deal $ith freIuentl!#

=i&h %lood su&ar -mostl! from Iui k di&estin& foods. $ill in turn ause the %od! to ele"ate insulin -to handle the hi&h %lood su&ar le"els.( and lo$er the hormones that in rease lipol!sis -$hi h means less FF's released in the %loodstream.# The name of the $ei&ht loss &ame is ha"in& an effi ient &lu ose7%lood su&ar meta%olism -%! keepin& insulin levels low5stable.( %ein& in a small alorie defi it state -to not store more than $e %urn for ener&! or the lon& run. and maintainin& a health! meta%olism $ith health! foods( keepin& mus le and a"oidin& hroni stress -lo$ alories and3or other lifest!le fa tors.#

This means takin& the ri&ht dail! steps to redu e hroni all! hi&h le"els of insulin
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throu&h %lood su&ar -&lu ose. le"els# This in turn $ill %alan e and optimiGe the other hormones needed to release the fat# This is also $hat $e all our glucose based metabolism* So if !ou $ant to lose that fat( it is time to turn up the lipol!sis hormones -su h as glucagon/ growt" "ormone or -0/ catec"olamines/ +;6+<( et . needed to release FF's and keep those hormones from %ein& lo$ered %! hi&h %lood su&ar3 insulin le"els# This is done ea h da! throu&h our eatin& and lifest!le hoi es( in ludin& e)er ise( sleep( stress -$hi h !ou $ill learn a%out orre t e)er ise and lifest!le fa tors later.#

Understanding t"at 2!tubborn3 7at 9e all ha"e those trou%le areas that seem to sti k around( %ut do !ou kno$ $h!: Those are the fat ells that are not &ettin& a 1stron&2 enou&h si&nal to 1release2 the stored fat to %e %urned -hormones are not &ettin& throu&h enou&h.# This ould %e %e ause of re eptor %lo kers 3 resistan e at the fat ell -%lo kin& $hat messa&es it &ets. and3or not stron& enou&h messa&e &ettin& to the ell3re eptors in the first pla e -$hi h ould %e from la k of hormonal response or %lood flo$ to and from the fat ell.# If !our &oal is to lose more of the stu%%orn fat( then it %e omes more "ital to reall! fo us on the ri&ht kind of eatin& D e)er ise and in reasin& the ri&ht hormonal responses for lipol!sis( the sensiti"it! of and the deli"er! to those stu%%orn fat ells/

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8hapter @ Short Fastin& as a Fat Loss 1Tool2

I)m -uessing &ou Want to Burn 7at****Wit"out Being Miserable! 9hile $e ha"e learned that restri tin& our alories is a &reat $a! to %e healthier and leaner( there is a do$n side to alorie restri tion -8R.# It is a fa t( that alorie restri tion -eatin& 457<56K less than normal e"er! da!. is not reall! so en,o!a%le# 8alorie restri tion an ha"e other ne&ati"e effe ts $e ma! not desire in our li"es su h as loss of mus le mass( loss of performan e( e) essi"e loss of $ei&ht -%e omin& too skinn!.( in reased ne&ati"e mood s$in&s and other $onderful -note sar asm. thin&s like that# +ut $hat if I told !ou there ma! %e another $a! that allo$ed !ou to keep !our mus le -and %uild more. $hile losin& fat( keep performan e le"els hi&h( keep insulin lo$-er.( keep !ou more alert and happ!( and $hile still &i"in& most the %enefits of alorie restri tion: In fa t ,ust lookin& at e"er!thin& listed a%o"e( it is &i"in& more %enefits than ,ust 8R alone# That m! friend is $hat is ommonl! kno$n %! man! as Intermittent 7asting5 7eeding 8or 2I73 for s"ort9# 0o$ this is somethin& $orth lookin& into( and is at the heart of the IF Life -&et it( the 1IF2 Life:.#
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I7 as a Better Way over .#( 9hen it omes to impro"in& our health onditions "ia nutritional parameters( it seems there are t$o strate&ies $e ould use# Those %ein& either a alorie restri tion approa h -8R. or more alternate da! restri tion3fastin& -also kno$n as intermittent fastin&3IF.#

9e alread! talked a%out some of the dra$%a ks of a 8R approa h dail! -in reased hun&er( mood s$in&s( loss of lean mus le.( %ut ould intermittent periods of fastin& deli"er a %etter solution: 0ot onl! that( ould it help more people a hie"e their $ei&ht loss &oals all $hile not $astin& mus le in the pro ess -as mus le loss is not our &oal for a lon&7term health! meta%olism.: Let us see $hat $e an learn from IF and ho$ it an appl! to !our lifest!le# Im'roving &our -lucose Metabolism Remem%er at the heart of e"er!thin& is !our %od!'s &lu ose meta%olismJ re&ulatin& %lood su&ar( ener&! %urnin& and stora&e -fat.# So $hen !our &lu ose meta%olism is runnin& effi ientl! -lo$ fastin& insulin le"els( lo$ insulin resistan e. !ou are healthier and in an optimal 1fat %urnin&2 state# =o$e"er $hen !our &lu ose meta%olism is ompromised -hi&h fastin& insulin and hi&h insulin resistan e. !ou are in a state of de line -more inflammation and in reased disease risks. as $ell as in a 1fat storin&2 state#
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+! usin& short intermittent periods of fastin& !ou $ill a tuall! allo$ !our %od! to lo$er insulin3&lu ose for lon&er periods of time# This $ill help impro"e the o"erall fun tion of the &lu ose meta%olism( e"en more so than $e see $ith 8R approa hes -%e ause those still allo$ eatin& all da!( e"en if "er! small doses.#

Intermittent 7asting 8I79 Lowers -lucose5Insulin more t"an .# 6/e$erthele##, intermittent f)#ting re#*lte% in (enefici)l effect# th)t met or e7cee%e% tho#e of c)loric re#triction incl*%ing re%*ce% #er*m gl*co#e )n% in#*lin le$el# )n% incre)#e% re#i#t)nce of ne*ron# in the (r)in to e7citoto7ic #tre##. Intermittent f)#ting therefore h)# (enefici)l effect# on gl*co#e reg*l)tion )n% ne*ron)l re#i#t)nce to in,*ry in the#e mice th)t )re in%epen%ent of c)loric int)ke.: -o*rce. "n#on LM el )l, Intermittent f)#ting %i##oci)te# (enefici)l effect# of %iet)ry re#triction on gl*co#e met)(oli#m )n% ne*ron)l re#i#t)nce to in,*ry from c)lorie int)ke. 1roc /)tl "c)% -ci M - " (2 >) 4 . B24B'2 .

W"at 0a''ens W"en We $at First it makes sense to understand $hat is &oin& on ener&!7$ise $hen $e eat and in7%et$een meals# 9hen $e eat somethin&( $e enter $hat is kno$n as the a%sorpti"e -fed. state# In this state $e are di&estin& our food and utiliGin& the nutrients from it# Most of our ener&! -mainl! from &lu ose. an %e omin& from the food %ein& di&ested and released into the %loodstream( $hile e) ess an also %e stored -or used for other purposes su h as re%uildin& and repairin& proteins.( a pro ess that is miti&ated %! insulin -the %lood su&ar hormone $e talked a%out %efore.# W"at 0a''ens W"en We !to' $ating '%out 47< hours after $e eat( $e enter $hat is kno$n as the posta%sor%ti"e state( $here insulin starts to drop# This is $here ener&! used %! the %od! starts omin& form internal sour es# The li"er is a primar! sour e of stored &l! o&en "ia
2 Meal Solution 4? Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

&l! o&enol!sis -instead of the mus les( unless the! are en&a&ed in a ti"it!.# 'lso $ith insulin droppin& -and %lood su&ar omin& do$n. omes an in rease in lipol!sis -freein& up fats and usin& them for ener&!. and &lu oneo&ensis - on"ertin& non7 ar%oh!drate sour es like &l! erol and amino a ids into &lu ose.# Le"els of the lipol!ti hormones su h as &lu a&on( ;= -&ro$th hormone. and ate holamines are in reased -as $ell as the sensiti"it! of the %od! to them.( allo$in& more fats to %e released#

The lon&er one &oes $ithout food -and insulin3%lood su&ar lo$ers.( the more these pro esses in rease# ' perfe t e)ample is $hen $e &o to %ed and sleep $ithout eatin& durin& the ni&ht# Most of that time our li"er is spent suppl!in& our %rain -$hi h is a &lu ose ho&. $ith &l! o&en and %urnin& fats# !"ort Intermittent 7asting can lead to More 7at Burning To simpl! sum $hat !ou ,ust read( ha"in& short periods of not eatin& -fastin&. $ill start to in rease lipol!sis -the pro ess of releasin& fats.# This is done $ith lo$erin& insulin and in reasin& lipol!ti hormones -su h as &lu a&on( &ro$th hormone and the ate holamines.# The fat ells &et stron&er messa&es and open up their doors# More free fatt! a ids -FF's. means more han e for the %od! to take them to the mus les and %urn them up as ener&!#

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7asting Increases -0 Pulsing 6-er*m <3 concentr)tion# )re incre)#e% in f)#te% or m)lno*ri#he% h*m)n #*(,ect#. Two %)y# of f)#ting in%*ce% ) ?'fol% incre)#e in the 2G'h en%ogeno*# <3 pro%*ction r)te. Thi# enh)nce% <3 pro%*ction r)te w)# )cco*nte% for (y 2'fol% incre)#e# in the n*m(er of <3 #ecretory (*r#t# per 2G hr.: -o*rce. 3)rtm)n ML. "*gmente% growth hormone (<3) #ecretory (*r#t freE*ency )n% )mplit*%e me%i)te enh)nce% <3 #ecretion %*ring ) two'%)y f)#t in norm)l men.. A Clin 2n%ocrinol Met)(. 4552 "pr=HG(G).H?H'B?

Feepin& to the 1hormesis2 rule !ou also $ant !our intermittent fasts done orre tl! to hit that 1s$eet spot2 to &et the most out of it# This report $ill sho$ !ou ho$#

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Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

8hapter A There is 0othin& Left to Fear

Be %fraid***Be ,ery %fraid! One of m! main dislikes a%out most mainstream media -%esides %ein& dri"en %! ad"ertisin& and produ t pla ement. is that the! also sell s are ta ti s for ratin&s and3or marketin&# There are 4 main 1knee7,erk s are7ta ti 2 responses I hear mostl! from people $ho ,ust hear the $ord 1fast2 and immediatel! ,ump to on lusions# The real fa ts ho$e"er usuall! reIuires a %it more independent thinkin& -as there are man! "aria%les to onsider.# =ere are the ones I am &oin& to help put out to pasture on e and for all# You're Just Going to Starve Yourself! This &eneraliGation is of ourse false ,ust %ased on not kno$in& an! other "aria%les -su h as o"erall total alorie intake.# IF is 0OT a%out star"in& !ourself $hen !ou keep the fastin& 1intermittent2 and3or 1short2 $hile eatin& enou&h alories o"erall# =e k most people don't kno$ $hat star"ation reall! is# 9ant a real &limpse: ;o to a star"in& 4rd $orld ountr! and see it first hand# Then ma!%e $e an realiGe missin& a meal here and there is not the same thin&#

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Star"in& !ourself is eatin& so lo$ in alories3nutrients that !our %od! starts to %reak do$n and health de lines %e ause of it# Eou an star"e eatin& @) a da! too if the alories are minimal# It has nothin& to do $ith the freIuen ! of ho$ often !ou eat( ,ust the o"erall summation of alorie load o"er lon&er periods of time -da!s( $eeks.# So if skippin& a meal still s ares !ou then ask !ourself( are !ou reall! afraid of star"ation###or are !ou ,ust so mentall! atta hed to food that it hurts to e"en think a%out takin& a %reak from it on e in a $hile -$hi h ma! %e the most important thin& !ou need to do.: You'll Slow Down Your Metabolism! Lets not for&et the m!th a%out eatin& more often and a faster meta%olism# It's still a%out total alorie intake( not freIuen ! of meals# Plus the %od! $orks on a lon&7 term s hedule of da!s3$eeks( not hour %! hour $hen it omes to meta%oli fun tion#

In fa t it has %een sho$n that in up to => "ours of fasting/ t"e metabolism is not slowed down -Ma donald I'( 9e%%er O( 1CC?. and it a tuall! in reases a %it# Ees I said in reased/ -on e past A2 hours thou&h it de lines. This means short7term fastin& $ill 0OT de rease !our meta%olism %! itself# 's lon& as !ou don't do e)tensi"e fastin& and still eat enou&h( !ou $ill %e fine and some e"en noti e a %it more meta%oli %oost too/

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Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

The media -and people sellin& produ ts. are ,ust o"er7marketin& this term a%out 1meta%olism2 %e ause people are %u!in& into the fa t that the! ha"e that mu h ontrol o"er it# Outside of a 1real2 star"ation diet( da!s3$eeks of fastin&( or or&an malfun tion -su h as th!roid diseases.( ontinual meal freIuen ! is not the primar! fa tor to $orr! a%out $hen it omes keepin& !our meta%olism stron& -health!.# You'll Waste Muscle when you Don't at every !ou"le #ours! Do !ou reall! think !our %od!'s internal sur"i"al me hanisms ne"er took into a ount periods of not eatin& and $ant to ,ust eat up "alua%le mus le so Iui kl!: That 1mus le loss2 paranoia is mainl! spread %! the %od!%uildin&3fitness ma&aGines %e ause it fuels a $hole supplement industr! -%illions of dollars/. of protein shakes3%ars#

It is true that $ith a 8R approa h lon& term there is hi&her risk for the loss of lean %od! mass -mus le.# +ut instead $hen usin& an IF approa h( !our %od! a tuall! $ants to preser"e the mus le# There are different hormonal si&nals that make an IF approa h %etter than a 8R %ased one for this reason# 's $e ha"e seen &ro$th hormone -;=. is one of the hormones in"ol"ed in lipol!sis that in reases $ith fastin&# ;= also has a 1mus le sparin&2 propert! as $ell( mostl! demonstrated throu&h fastin& studies -$here people do not lose lean mass in an ele"ated ;= en"ironment.# One stud! -0orrelund = et al( 2551. ompared a test &roup under&oin& <5 hours of
2 Meal Solution <5 Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

fastin& -normal. and fastin& $ith suppression of ;= -throu&h dru& inter"ention.( it $as found that the &roup $ith the ;= suppression dru&s hadJ In reased mus le protein %reakdo$n De reased le"els of FF's -free fatt! a ids. and lipid o)idation

Dire t results sho$in& that ;= does ha"e a role in %oth in reased fat %urnin& and mus le sparin& -protein7retainin&. effe ts as seen in fastin&# !o/ Do &ou !till +"ink &ou Need to $at %ll t"e +ime( In the end the hoi e is !ours of ourse( %ut hopefull! !ou ha"e some %etter insi&ht into $hat reall! happens no$ $hen !ou do and don't eat# Most of the mainstream fears are un$arranted and &ossip at %est( used to keep sellin& more and more $ei&ht loss plans3supplements to an alread! onfused and misinformed pu%li #

's 'l%ert >instein on e said( &"ny intelligent fool c)n m)ke thing# (igger, more comple7, )n% more $iolent. It t)ke# ) to*ch of geni*#...)n% ) lot of co*r) mo$e in the oppo#ite %irection&# On e !ou tr! and use the simple strate&! of IF( !ou ma! Iui kl! dis o"er that all the other ompli ated mainstream ideas on $ei&ht loss -and keepin&3%uildin& mus le. are no lon&er for !ou/

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Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

8hapter B Intermittent 1Feedin&2 9indo$s

.ondensed $ating57asting Disclaimer Reminder that the hours( alories and3or plans listed for ondensed eatin& $indo$s $ith either an alternate da! or dail! IF approa h are ,ust e)amples for informational purposes onl! and not professional dietar! or medi al ad"i e# 9hat !ou hoose to do is up to !ou and done so at !our o$n risk/

$nter t"e I7 Lifestyle There are of ourse man! different approa hes that !ou an use $ith an! kind of intermittent feedin&3fastin& pro&ram# The 12 meal solution2 pro&ram is ,ust one $a! that I %elie"e to %e eas! and effe ti"e for most to implement( and also o"ers the important aspe ts needed for a lastin& health! lifest!le# There are man! fa tors and "aria%les that ome into pla! $hen it omes to usin& IF# The most important thin& to remem%er is that !ou an modif! and ad,ust IF to fit !our o$n personal lifest!le3 &oals# On e !ou understand ho$( !ou $ill ne"er ha"e to &o on an! 1diet2 e"er a&ain/ Eou $ill ha"e omplete ontrol and fle)i%ilit! o"er !our eatin& lifest!le/
2 Meal Solution <2 Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

+"is is N + a Deto? Diet***Nor is %nyt"ing $lse I $ant to &et this off m! hest( as I hear man! people sa!in& ho$ &reat IF is and then &o on a%out usin& some 1fad2 deto) pro&ram instead# Eou ma! see some =oll!$ood3 ele%rit! diets out there promotin& 1deto)in&2 -and $ei&ht loss. usin& a fastin& routine# I'"e seen 0O s ientifi e"iden e that sho$s an! $a! of eatin& an a tuall! 1speed up2 the rate !our %od! deto)es -as it tends to &o at one speed.#

There is nothin& ma&i al a%out an! diet that laims 1Iui k2 deto) or $ei&ht loss( e) ept ho$ the! market and make their mone!# Too %ad the! $ill also lea"e out ho$ Iui kl! !ou $ill pro%a%l! re&ain all the $ei&ht %a k on e !ou &et %a k to eatin& normall!# The people I see al$a!s talkin& a%out deto) diets are also usuall! sufferin& from !o7!o $ei&ht loss3&ain too# =en e the importan e of kno$in& also ho$ to eat on a re&ular %asis and not $orr!in& ,ust a%out Iui k $ei&ht loss $ith a 1fastin&2 t!pe of diet -this is 0OT $hat IF is a%out.# OF###,ust had to &et that off m! hest# Intermittent 7asting vs 7eeding Man! $hen talkin& a%out IF like to sa! ho$ lon& the! ha"e %een fastin& su h as 1@( 1B( or 2<@ hours# This means that sin e the last time the! ate on the da! %efore( till the first meal of the ne)t da! has %een 1Q2 num%er of hours#
$2G ho*r f)#t (etween me)l# i# not #kipping ) whole %)y, th)t ,*#t me)n# 2G ho*r# h)# gone (y #*ch )# e)ting )t Bpm on Mon%)y )n% not e)ting *ntil Bpm T*e#. -kipping T*e# )n% going to +e% i# ) longer f)#t (>2P ho*r#). 2 Meal Solution <4 Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

9hile this is fine $hen it omes to lon&7term results( ho$ a person 1re7feeds2 after a fast is as important as the fast itself -sin e there is still a lon&7term alorie eIuation in"ol"ed o"erall.# ' do$nside to ,ust fo usin& on fastin& for $ei&ht loss( is the potential to take this more e)treme than it needs to %e -like the people doin& those 1deto)2 t!pe of diets.# Eou an't fast until !ou ,ust lose all !our fat( !ou ha"e to eat still to li"e/ This $ill also result in a $ei&ht &ain as $ell do$n the road( %e ause !ou are not properl! reatin& the ri&ht lon& term en"ironment to han&e up !our %od!'s natural $ei&ht# Don't $orr!( the fastin& parts do happen of ourse $ith the 2 meal solution# +ut stressin& o"er e)a tl! ho$ man! 1e)a t2 hours to fast e"er! IF da! is not somethin& that needs all !our ener&! -and takes a$a! from the natural simpli it! and fle)i%ilit! of it all.# So I su&&est to think of it in another $a!# Intermittent 27eeding3 Windows 'n intermittent 1feedin&2 $indo$ is simpl! the num%er of hours in a da! that !ou allo$ !ourself to eat# In this ase $ith the 2 meal solution( $e are talkin& a%out intermittentl! usin& a dail! 1 ondensed2 feedin& $indo$ around 2 main meals# =ere are a ouple e)amples to help understand ho$ the feedin& -and fastin&. $indo$s $ork# $?am'le ABC Monda! !ou eat normall! and stop at Bpm# Tuesda! -!our IF da! or ondensed eatin& da!. !ou $ait and don't start eatin& until noon $ith !our first meal and ha"e !our last meal around @pm# Eou do not eat a&ain until the ne)t da! -9ed. at !our normal time of Bam#

So in e)ample L1( !ou $ould ha"e a @ hour ondensed eatin& $indo$ on !our IF da! -noon7@pm.# 'round that -%efore !ou started !our eatin& on the IF da!. !ou also had additional fastin& of 1@ hours -from Monda! Bpm to Tues at noon.# $?am'le A>C Saturda! !ou eat normall! all da! until a%out Cpm# Sunda! as !our IF da!( !ou de ide to &o for a %it lon&er and $ait till a%out <pm till !our first meal and then eat !our ne)t3last one around Bpm#

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In e)ample L2( !ou $ould ha"e less of an eatin& $indo$ $ith onl! < hours -<7Bpm. on !our IF da!# +e ause of that !ou also ha"e a lon&er fastin& period of 1C hours -Cpm on Sat till <pm Sun. %eforehand# 9hile the num%ers are not meant to %e set in stone( here's a Iui k ta%le that sho$s the eatin& $indo$ to the a ompan!in& fastin& $indo$ in a 2<hr period -assumin& the same first3last meal for ea h da! for simpli it! reasons.# Feedin& 9indo$ -IF da!. B hours @ hours < hours Resultin& Fastin& 9indo$ 1@ hours 1B hours 25 hours

So as lon& as !ou are keepin& $ith an eatin& $indo$ around <7B hours on !our IF da!s( !ou an e)pe t to also %e &ettin& fastin& $indo$s around 1@725 hours as $ell# I personall! think this is a &ood time frame to aim for and an fit into most an!one's s hedule -$hile allo$in& enou&h fle)i%ilit! as $ell.# Of ourse if !ou han&e up some of the times on different da!s it an "ar!( %ut that should %e plent! enou&h for !our $ei&ht loss &oals to happen#

Longer 7asting for Increased 0ealt" Benefits( It $ould also %e fair to note that there 1ma!2 %e additional health3repair %enefits $ith lon&er fastin& periods -427A26 hours.# =o$e"er unless !ou are restin& properl! and not o"er7stressin& !ourself durin& a lon&er fast( this an lead to more harm than &ood -as $ell as additional mus le loss.# If !ou $ish to add in periods of lon&er fastin& -$hi h I am 0OT su&&estin& that !ou ha"e to do.( it $ould %e $ise to do them onl! durin& times $hi h !ou an reall! rest and mu h less freIuentl! -a fe$ times onl! durin& the !ear.# Other$ise shorter intermittent fasts and eatin& health! should do !ou ,ust fine -plus some proper e)er ise too for ma)imum %enefits.#

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!maller $ating Window wit" > Meals 's the name implies( the 12 meals2 $ould %e ho$ !ou ondense !our eatin& $indo$s on IF da!s# Eou onl! ha"e###-drum7roll please.###2 meals/ I'm not lea"in& mu h to the ima&ination( I kno$###althou&h I $ould sa! the %eaut! of it all is in the simpli it!# So on !our IF da!s !ou $ill ut out 1%reakfast2 and then onl! eat %et$een a 1lun h2 and 1dinner2 -hours an "ar!.# Te hni all! speakin&( !our first meal is al$a!s 1%reak2in& the 1fast2( %ut it ould %e later in the da! no$# It is a simple !et effe ti"e $a! to not onl! lose $ei&ht( %ut also 1free2 !ourself from an o%sessi"e eatin& mentalit!# &To ri#e )t #i7, %ine )t ten, #*p )t #i7 )n% go to (e% )t ten, m)ke# ) m)n li$e ten time# ten& Q 4Bth cent*ry pro$er( 9h! not 1 meal on an IF da!: 9ell( man! ha"e tried that approa h -in ludin& m!self. and it an ha"e a fe$ dra$%a ks su h asJ

O"ereatin& in one meal( %asi all! usin& it as a pass to %in&e eat -$hi h is not a health! mindset###nor ideal for %od! omposition. 0ot makin& ideal hoi es for foods( $hi h an also add in too man! alories and3or lead to e) essi"e %lood su&ar3insulin spikes# +oth of $hi h !ou still $ant to keep in he k $hen $ei&ht loss is the &oal# >)perien e more hun&er durin& the da!( not makin& it en,o!a%le or an!thin& !ou $ill ontinue $ith -as a lifest!le han&e is reall! $hat !ou should %e after( not some Iui k fi) that onl! leads to $ei&ht &ain do$n the road.

9ith 2 meals ho$e"er !ou should %e a%le to still eat health!( keep ontrol of !our alories and find a $a! of eatin& that !ou an en,o!# Eou an also ad,ust !our meals and timin& %ased on !our s hedulin& and or lifest!le needs -performan e or re o"er! %ased.# 0o$ I'm &oin& to sho$ !ou ho$ e)a tl! to use them/
2 Meal Solution <@ Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

8hapter C +e&innin& $ith 'lternatin& Da!s

&ou !"ould N + !tart Using t"e > Meal Plan $very Day I kno$ most people $hen the! hear a%out IF &et all e) ited and $ant to ,ump ri&ht in full steam ahead( $hi h is &reat/ =o$e"er if !ou do too mu h ri&ht off the %at( the IF e)perien e ma! not %e so positi"e# 9hen it omes to IF( it is important to start slo$ and understand ho$ !our %od! $ill %e&in to rea t to su h a ne$ on ept -as it ma! %e used to eatin& all the time.# Eou $ill ha"e to make sure there are no ma,or ne&ati"e rea tions -ph!si all!3mentall!. in a ontrolled manner( and if there are kno$ ho$ to ad,ust as !ou &o# Remem%er that ea h one of us is "er! indi"idualisti in our needs and ho$ $e rea t to usin& IF# I ha"e a different alorie reIuirement than !ou most likel!( and another person ma! ha"e e"en more3less# Man! "aria%les ome into pla! su h as !our dail! a ti"it!( meta%oli rate( lifest!le and food hoi es# So in the interest of findin& a lastin& solution( it is %etter to start off slo$ and kno$ ho$ to ad,ust till !ou dis o"er $hat does###and does 0OT $ork for !ou# This reall! is a lifest!le plan( that !ou should en,o! the ,ourne! of e"er! da! and kno$ ho$ and $hen to han&e thin&s#
2 Meal Solution <A Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

Beginning wit" t"e > Meal Plan If !ou look at man! of the resear h studies on mi e and humans in"ol"in& IF( !ou $ill see most are usuall! an alternatin& da! fastin& proto ol -also kno$n as 'D7F for short.# This means not feedin& the su%,e t an!thin& -155K fastin&. e"er! other da!# 9hile that ma! %e eas! to do $ith la% rats( humans are a different spe ies# 9e &et hun&r!( mood!( &rump! and e"en ha"e the potential to o"ereat upon re7feedin&# So omplete fastin& e"er! other da! is not su h a &ood idea -nor somethin& !ou $ould e"en en,o!. for a permanent lifest!le# +! addin& food %ut fe$er alories in a ondensed eatin& $indo$ on alternatin& da!s -'D7IF.( !ou an still &et the %enefits $ithout e)perien in& too man! of the ne&ati"es# This is the most likel! %est $a! to start off $ith IF#

%lternate Day $ating 8Less9 Benefits =ere are some results from an B $eek alternate da! 8R - alorie restri tion. diet on su%,e ts $ith asthma( put on 25K of normal alories e"er! other da! -ad li%itum 1freel!2 other da!s.# Le$el# of #er*m (et)'hy%ro7y(*tyr)te were incre)#e% )n% le$el# of leptin were %ecre)#e% on CL %)y#, in%ic)ting ) #hift in energy met)(oli#m tow)r% *tili8)tion of f)tty )ci%# Decre)#e% le$el# of #er*m chole#terol )n% triglyceri%e# Le%*ction# in m)rker# of o7i%)ti$e #tre## )n% incre)#e% le$el# of the )ntio7i%)nt *ric )ci%. -ymptom# )n% p*lmon)ry f*nction impro$e%, )n% o7i%)ti$e #tre## )n% infl)mm)tion %ecline% in re#pon#e to the %iet)ry inter$ention.

Sour eJ Aohn#on A0 et )l. "ltern)te %)y CL impro$e# clinic)l fin%ing# )n% re%*ce# m)rker# of o7i%)ti$e #tre##Finfl)mm)tion in o$erweight )%*lt# with mo%er)te )#thm). Free L)%ic 0iol Me%. 2 H M)r 4

2 Meal Solution


Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

Feepin& alories in he k on !our IF da!s $ill pla! a hu&e part to !ou seein& %enefits( espe iall! if !ou also $ant to eat more 1freel!2 on the other da!s -as $hat other diet lets !ou do that:.# Mu h $ill also depend on ho$ mu h !ou do eat on !our non7IF da!s in relation to !our re o"er! needs - alories.# More Benefits wit" t"e %D %''roac" 'nother %i& %enefit of startin& $ith 'D7IF also allo$ an ease of mo"in& into a $ei&ht loss lifest!le# It an still allo$ !ou to en,o! man! of the foods !ou alread! do -!es##e"en dessert. $ithout &ettin& too stri t# 0o more feelin& depri"ed in !our path to lastin& $ei&ht loss( like so man! other diets#

For man! $ho disliked diets in the past( it ma! %e easier to ,ust keep the same relati"e lifest!le and food hoi es %ut then thro$ in alternate da!s in $hi h !ou take a %reak from food $orr! and eat less -and leaner.# =a"in& alternatin& da!s $ith IF also allo$ !ou to e)periment to find !our ideal eatin& $indo$ $ithout &ettin& too e) essi"el! lo$ in alories o"erall# Eou still ha"e the other -non IF. da!s to eat normall! and %alan e it out ,ust in ase# 'lternatin& IF $ith normal eatin& da!s is an eas! he ks and %alan es s!stem# One in $hi h !ou an finall! learn more a%out ho$ to eat ri&ht( see $hat eatin& plan &i"es !ou more ener&!( not feel restri ted all the time on !our hoi es( ha"e a so ial life( and ne"er need to depend on some 1e)pert2 to tell !ou $hat to eat a&ain/

2 Meal Solution


Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

!am'le %lternate Day 8%D9 I7 week =ere is a $hat a sample $eek for !ou an look like( and !ou an al$a!s ad,ust the da!s to fit !our lifest!le# 0ote that !ou ould keep the same IF da!s e"er! $eek for ease of s hedulin&3ha%it and not reall! $orr! a%out the e)tra da! on the $eekends -2 normal da!s of eatin& Sat and Sun %a k to %a k( so Mon is al$a!s an IF da!.# !am'le Weekly %D6I7 !c"edule Sun Q Mon IF Tues Q 9ed IF Thurs Q Fri IF Sat Q

Q P normal eatin& da! -no real restri tions on times3foods. IF P ondensed feedin&3eatin& $indo$s

Start $ith pi kin& an eatin& $indo$ that $orks for !ou( usuall! %et$een @7BR hours -R%ut not limited to.( $hen !ou $ill start $ith !our first meal and end $ith the se ond meal# So for e)ample( if it makes sense $ith !our $ork s hedule to eat %et$een noon and @pm( then that is the eatin& $indo$ !ou are aimin& for# !am'le Weekly %D6I7 87eeding9 0ours Sun Q Mon 0oon 7 @pm Tues Q 9ed 0oon 7 @pm Thurs Q Fri 0oon 7 @pm Sat Q

=o$e"er there is nothin& $ron& $ith "ar!in& shorter3lon&er $indo$s -$hi h ma! e"en dri"e home more of the 1intermittent2 fa tor.# Eour lifest!le ma! al$a!s %e han&in&( so ,ust make !our IF da!s fit around them# !am'le Weekly %D6I7 87eeding9 0ours Sun Q Mon 11am 7 @pm Tues Q 9ed 0oon 7 @pm Thurs Q Fri 2pm 7 Bpm Sat Q

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Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

#ow big%small shoul& my eating win&ow be on '( &ays) 9ith alternate da! IF !ou an make the $indo$ as %i& or small as !ou need it to %e# The smaller the $indo$( the more hours spent fastin& -up to $hen !ou finall! do eat.# Sin e the alorie intake is smaller -sa! around ?57A5K of normal dail! le"els. on 'D7IF da!s( !ou should %e easil! a%le to &et in 2 meals $ithin a @7B hour eatin& $indo$# =ere's a simpler $a! to understand all thisJ

If !ou are a %i&&er eater $ith man! e) ess alories -o"er dail! reIuirements. on !our non7IF da!s -espe iall! $hen en,o!in& hi&h alorie food hoi es like desserts and so forth.( then aim for smaller eatin& $indo$s -@ or less hrs. to keep alories lo$er -%alan e out. on IF da!s# If !ou are alread! a small eater on non7IF da!s -or ,ust not ha"in& a hi&h e) ess o"er maintenan e le"els.( then !ou an do $ith a lar&er eatin& $indo$ -B715 hrs. on an IF da! $hile still %ein& a%le to a hie"e less alories - ompared to maintenan e le"els. o"erall# This ould also fit %etter into a s hedule for those more a ti"e that ha"e hi&her alorie3re o"er! demands(

Feep in mind those are ,ust sample feedin& $indo$s# Mu h of this philosoph! re"ol"es around the fa t that !ou don't reall! $ant to 1ha"e2 to ount alories# Eou an ount alories startin& off if !ou like( %ut it's not somethin& I $ould $ant to do lon& term# 'd,ustin& ondensed eatin& $indo$ siGes is one simple $a! to do that# Most people end up usuall! fallin& in the ran&e of @7B hours %ut that is not the 1onl!2 ri&ht ans$er#
2 Meal Solution ?1 Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

7ear Not/ t"ere are No .om'licated Meal Plans to 7ollow It is important to realiGe that in the $orld of eatin& for health and $ei&ht loss( one siGe does 0OT -and should not. fit all# >"er!one is indi"idualisti in their state of urrent health( fun tionin& meta%olism( and performan e3re o"er! needs# For that reason !ou $ill not see an! ompli ated or spe ifi meal plan in details here# I am not a dieti ian( medi al do tor( nutritionist or someone ,ust sellin& a 1diet fad2# I an not tell !ou e)a tl! $hat to eat all the time# +ut $hat I an do is &i"e !ou the tools to understand eatin& and let !ou make thin&s $ork on !our o$n# Sure there are some re ommendations and rules omin& up on $hat an help pro"ide optimal results( %ut it $ill also %e up to !ou to listen to !our %od! and t$eak it as !ou &o#

+"ere are No 2Magic3 7ood #atios to Worry %bout *nlike $hat man! diets tr! and promote out there( there is no one perfe t ratio that !ou should $orr! a%out# +! ratio I mean the per enta&e of the 4 ma,or ma ro7 nutrients in !our diet( those %ein& ar%oh!drates - ar%s.( protein and fats# 9hat $orks for one person ma! %e a disaster for another# Most of those diet trends are assumin& that if !ou take out ertain options -su h as fat or ar%s.( then !ou $ill also %e makin& %etter food hoi es# It $ill eliminate man! desserts and hi&her alorie options( $hile still promotin& fe$er alories o"erall -$hi h $e kno$ is the onl! real diet se ret.#

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Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

9hat !ou $ill find &oin& on is people a%le to lose $ei&ht on different ratios -of fat3protein3 ar%s. as lon& as the! are still in some state of alorie defi it( and ha"e suffi ient amounts of the essential nutrients# Eou $ill see some &uidelines on ho$ to use ertain ! lin&3pulsin& plans -in the oa hin& pro&ram and %onus hapter. to help !ou &et the most from IF and %od! omposition# +ut for the most part( don't s$eat an! spe ial ratios# Perfection is Not t"e -oal***Isn)t t"at a #elief( Life should %e all a%out keepin& thin&s simple( listenin& to !our %od!( not o%sessin& o"er food and en,o!in& life# Eou don't ha"e to eat lean all the time to &et results( and shouldn't fi)ate on that# 155K perfe tion is not the &oal( as life does happen and temporar! set%a ks do o ur# Eour eatin& ,ourne! is al$a!s &oin& to %e da! to da! -as there is no other $a! to do it.# So the most important fa tor of an! lastin& eatin& plan( is that !ou don't &i"e it up ,ust %e ause thin&s are not &oin& as planned all the time# That is the dan&er of all those other stri t diets( !ou ma! &et sidetra ked at some point and then ,ust &i"e it up alto&ether# Life han&es $ill happen $hether holida!s( "a ations( or other aspe ts of !our $ork3home lifest!le# Don't $orr! so mu h a%out %ein& perfe t# Oust make sure that !ou don't stop tr!in& alto&ether $hen thin&s aren't &oin& as planned# 9ith IF it is ni e to kno$ that !ou an %alan e thin&s out( and I'll sho$ !ou ho$#

2 Meal Solution


Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

8hapter 15 The 2 Meal Rules

0ow to $at on I7 Days/ t"e D !im'le #ules to 7ollow Sin e there reall! are no &eneral rules for ho$ to eat on !our non7IF da!s( the IF da!s are the ones to then fo us on# 9hen it omes to makin& !our IF lifest!le $ork there are ? main eatin& rules !ou should follo$ that $ill &et !ou %etter health and $ei&ht loss results# #ule ABC $at 7ewer verall .alories Eour IF da!s are $hen !ou reall! $ant to fo us on eatin& fe$er alories# To &i"e !ou an idea of $hat !ou an aim for( is an!$here around ?57B5K of !our normal dail! reIuirement3a"era&e of alories and then ad,ust from there# It makes sense that the more !ou eat on !our -normal. non7IF da!s( then the less !ou need to eat -K $ise. on !our IF da!s# The opposite is also true that if !ou are eatin& less on !our non7IF da!s -o"er alorie maintenan e le"els.( then !ou an eat more on !our IF da!s# It is all a%out %alan e after all for lon& term $ei&ht loss# 9e kno$ from the past studies seen that most of the %enefits ome $hen alories are kept in he k -restri ted. on those alternatin& da!s# >atin& the same amount e"er! da! -and ,ust tr!in& to sho"e it all do$n in fe$er meals on IF da!s. is not a
2 Meal Solution ?< Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

&ood plan espe iall! if !ou are lookin& for $ei&ht loss -$hi h reIuires a alorie defi it state at some point.# Eou don't ha"e $orr! a%out so mu h an e)a t alorie num%er or K as a%o"e( %ut more ,ust keep in mind that IF da!s are for 1fe$er alories2# Eou an ount alories if !ou like( %ut in one of the ne)t rules omin& up I $ill simplif! it do$n e"en more for !ou/ #ule A>C Don)t I*7* *.* This is al$a!s a fun little sa!in& to keep in mind( %ut I think it &ets the point a ross# 9hat is IFO8: 9ell I use it to stand for 1Intermittent Feedin& On 8rap2 -fi&urati"el! speakin& of ourse.#

This means that on !our ondensed eatin& IF da!s( !ou are not &oin& out and eatin& loads of ,unk foods( i e ream( and all the other thin&s !ou 1kno$2 !ou shouldn't# >atin& e) ess 1 rapp!2 food is not the &oal for !ou on IF da!s -as it an also pa k a hidden e) ess alorie load.# 63e who %i#ting*i#he# the tr*e #)$or of hi# foo% c)n ne$er (e ) gl*tton= he who %oe# not c)nnot (e otherwi#e.: Q 3enry D)$i% Thore)* Remem%er !ou ha"e the fle)i%ilit! of eatin& $hat !ou en,o! -$ithout o"erdoin& it of ourse. on the normal non7IF da!s( %ut aim to keep !our IF da!s free of those e) ess &uilt! pleasures# Tr!in& to eat too mu h( espe iall! of the $ron& kinds of
2 Meal Solution ?? Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

foods( in a ondensed $indo$ $ill not help !ou hormonall! -insulin responses. nor optimiGe %od! omposition - an lead to more 1stu%%orn fat2 &ain.# IF is not a pass or e) use to %in&e eat( %ut rather en,o! !our foods in health! moderation# #ule A;C $at 2#eal 7oods3 This simple rule $ill prett! mu h make sure that !ou are also doin& L1 and L2 -keepin& alories in he k and not doin& IFO8.# First is the Iuestion( 6wh)t i# re)l foo%R:# Simpl! put 1real foods2 are the natural foods that ha"e %een around for 155s if not 1555s of !ears# These are foods made %! 1nature2 and not %! 1man2 -pro essed foods.# 6Don't e)t )nything yo*r gre)t gr)n%mother wo*l%n't recogni8e )# foo%.: Q Mich)el 1ol)n ' simple list $ould in ludeJ fruits( "e&eta%les( e&&s( meats - hi ken( fish( %eef( et .( ri e( potatoes( and "arious nuts3seeds3le&umes# 9hat it does not in lude are the pro essed ereals3sna ks( %aked &oods( soda or an!thin& prepared in a harmful manner su h as %ein& fried or ontainin& added su&ars#

The! ad"anta&es to eatin& real foods is that the! $ill pro"ide ne essar! "itamins3minerals for !our %od!( help keep !ou fuller lon&er -less hun&er.( help keep !our %lood su&ar sta%le %et$een meals -more ener&!( less ra"in&s.( and $ill ensure that !ou $ill not &o o"er%oard on alories -o"ereat on apples( I dare !ou.#
2 Meal Solution ?@ Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

#ule A<C .ut Down on t"e !nacks and 0idden .alorie Drinks Man! people let the hidden alories 1sneak2 in $ith sna kin& and drinks ontainin& e)tra alories# These ma! seem harmless in little doses( %ut $hen the doses are more freIuent that alorie dama&e an add up# 0ot too mention that man! sna ks are not 1real foods2 and ha"e added su&ars $hi h $ill pla! ha"o on !our %lood su&ar3insulin and resultin& re%ound hun&er3 ra"in&s3ener&! le"els#

So $ith the IF da!( sti k $ith meals of real foods and tr! to limit all the other sna ks and alorie drinks# Eou shouldn't need to them sustain !our ener&! -and if !ou do( then !ou ma! $ant to look into $hat !ou are eatin& for !our 2 meals as $ell.# 0oteJ Those $ho ad"an e into more ad"an ed 1dail!2 IF - omin& up. $ill ha"e more lee$a! $hen it omes to eatin& sna ks( mostl! %e ause there are fe$er hi&her alorie non7IF da!s to %alan e out# #ule ADC 4ee' it 2Intermittent3 at 0eart Tr! and remem%er to keep the 1I2 in 1IF2 still# Remem%er the 1hormesis2 ur"e from earl! on: It sho$ed that small stressors pro"ide a positi"e feed%a k response from the %od!( %ut e) essi"e3 hroni $ill take it in the opposite dire tion# Tr!in& to eat less all the time - hroni alorie restri tion. $hile helpin& !ou to lose $ei&ht initiall!( $ill also ause ne&ati"e feed%a k loops on !our meta%olism
2 Meal Solution ?A Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

-th!roid3adrenal a ti"it!( mus le loss. and &eneral health -ener&!( mood( immune s!stem.# Then !ou are ,ust doin& a 1 rash diet2( $hi h ne"er lasts or $orks# Takin& da!s off IF to eat ho$e"er !ou like -and re7load on hi&her alorie intake to si&nal a release from lo$er alorie 1stress2 to the %od!. an %e an important part of !our su ess###and sanit!/ +"ink of &our > Meals as $ating 2Bookends3 On e !ou ha"e planned !our IF $indo$( no$ fo us on !our 2 main meals at those times# Su h as for an eatin& $indo$ from 1pm to ApmJ 9akin& *p 1pm Drink $ater3tea3R offee -Rsee ne)t hapter. 1pm 7 Meal L1 -e)ampleJ e&&s( %a on( hash %ro$ns. Apm 7 Meal L2 -e)ampleJ dinner salad( &rilled salmon( ri e( &lass of $ine. In %et$een 1pm Meal and Apm Meal Limit sna kin& and hi&h alorie3su&ar %ased eatin& -other$ise !ou mess $ith %lood su&ar le"els and risk eatin& an e) ess of alories.# +etter options -%ut not limited to. in lude fruit( nuts( !o&urt( or otta&e heese# 'fter Apm Meal +edtime Drink $ater3de af7tea

Follo$ the ? rules and !ou should easil! %e a%le to ha"e a 1non7stressful2 $a! to lose $ei&ht and en,o! eatin&( as that is the $a! it should %e/

2 Meal Solution


Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

8hapter 11 9arnin& Si&ns a%out IF ;one 9ron&

+"is is ,ery Im'ortant***and Many +imes verlooked Until +oo Late It is so important I $anted to &i"e it a hapter on it's o$n ,ust so !ou pa! attention/ Eou $ill see a re urrin& theme -and a&ain later.( %ut it is important to remem%er that IF is a 1stress2 on !our %od!# One that an %e handled onl! if !ou are not puttin& thin&s alread! out of $ha k -as there has to %e time for re o"er! too.# The warning signs that somethin& ma! not %e ri&ht in ludeJ in reased ner"ousness or an)iet! -ner"ous s!stem o"erload. feelin& run do$n3si k -lo$ered immune s!stem fun tion. mood s$in&s -depression3irrita%ilit!. loss of o"erall ener&! - ould %e a si&n of h!po&l! emia( lo$ %lood su&ar. mus le $eakness3pain -%i&&er issues $ith th!roid or other or&ans.

##and an!thin& else that ma! seem out of the ordinar!# This ould mean that !ou are puttin& a 1 hroni 2 stress on !our %od! and need to &et %a k to more of an 1intermittent2 one instead $hile also &oin& o"er other fa tors in !our lifest!le -$ork( sleep( e)er ise( et .# If !ou ontinue do$n this road $ithout addressin& these $arnin& si&ns then !ou
2 Meal Solution ?C Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

an e"entuall! ,ust lead to a total 1%urnout2# On e that happens( then !ou reall! need to take a full %reak from all IF %ased stressors -eat more and stop the short fasts.# The more !our %od! is ta)ed throu&h those e) ess stressors( then the lon&er it $ill need to take off and re o"er# If !ou hit total 1%urnout2 then it ould take $eeks to &et o"er properl!###or lon&er dependin& on !our lifest!le/ Sadl! I ha"e seen man! people -in ludin& m!self lon& a&o. ha"e to learn this lesson the hard $a!###%ut it $as a stron& lesson learned/ It is a -ood Idea to Dial Down on t"e .affeine IF an in rease adrenaline response3sensiti"it! of !our ner"ous s!stem# Eou should take aution $ith usin& e) ess affeine $hile in a fasted state as it ma! in rease ner"ousness( an)iet! and ortisol response#

It is ad"ised that !ou drink less affeine durin& fastin& times# On !our IF da!s $hile !ou are fastin& %efore meal L1( !our adrenaline response -%lood le"el and sensiti"it!. $ill in rease# That means addin& in more affeine in the mi) ma! lead !ou o"er%oard -an)iet!( ner"ousness.# This an also lead to o"er produ tion of ortisol( $hi h $e should a"oid# Do$n the dosa&e on IF da!s or s$it h to a lo$er dose option like tea# >"entuall! !ou should not need mu h -if an!. affeine( as !our %od! $ill %e produ in& ener&! on it's o$n##and !our sensiti"it! to affeine $ill in rease as $ell#
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One small 'meri ano -less affeine than offee. or tea is all I need to keep me &oin& all mornin&3afternoon lon&###%ut a up of stron& offee and I %e ome a ner"ous $re k/ Sin e IF in reases adrenaline response3sensiti"it! of !our ner"ous s!stem( one ma! also e)perien e more an)iet!( depression or other emotional responses# If !ou think !ou also alread! ha"e adrenal3th!roid issues -sin e adrenaline is made %! the adrenals and impa ts th!roid fun tion.( then !ou $ill also $ant to take aution# 'n!one $ho has a histor! $ith an! of those -or an! other serious medi al ondition. is ad"ised to take thin&s slo$ and al$a!s he k $ith !our ph!si ian first %efore makin& an! drasti han&es to !our eatin& lifest!le# Think of IF as a 1tool2 that must %e used orre tl!( not a%used to reate more dama&e# $?ercise and Lifestyle %lso Play a Part Eou $ill also see in the up omin& hapters a%out ho$ e)er ise and other lifest!le fa tors -outside of eatin&. pla! into !our o"erall stress load on !our %od! -as !ou are the sum of all !our parts/.# I'"e seen people &o $ron& $ith IF %e ause other parts of their lifest!le are still out of %alan e -outside of not eatin& enou&h in the first pla e. espe iall! $ithJ Doin& e) ess amounts of e)er ise( $hi h I $ill sho$ $h! it is 0OT needed to lose $ei&ht effe ti"el! -,ust e)er ise the 1ri&ht2 $a!s. =a"in& too fast7pa ed3stressful lifest!le $ith less time for re o"er! -slo$in& do$n( rela)in&( &ettin& adeIuate sleep( et .

Like I said a%o"e( !our %od! is the sum of 'LL stressors on !ourself# IF and eatin& less -intermittentl! of ourse. is a stress( %ut onl! ,ust one part# If !ou are for in& IF into a lifest!le that is alread! out of %alan e( then the results $ill not %e optimal and3or an lead !ou do$n to %urnout e"entuall! -and set !ou %a k e"en more in the lon& run.# The &ood part a%out all this thou&h( is that it reall! does prioritiGe fo usin& on all aspe ts of !our lifest!le as $ell# 's %alan in& it all out is reall! the ke! to a simple and lastin& health! lifest!le/
2 Meal Solution @1 Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

8hapter 12 'd"an in& into a Dail! IF Lifest!le

%dvanced Programming Notice This hapter is &oin& to talk a%out a more 1ad"an ed2 form of IF kno$n as the 1dail!2 "ersion# I all it ad"an ed %e ause I %elie"e it is 0OT $here most people should start off# Someone $ho is ne$ to IF reall! should %e&in $ith alternate da!s to keep thin&s in he k and learn as !ou &o# Sometimes the learnin& e)perien e $ith IF ma! ome first from findin& $a!s that do 0OT $ork -as seen in thin&s that an &o $ron& in the last hapter.( so !ou an adapt to find $hat DO>S $ork# I $ould onl! su&&est ad"an in& into a dail! pro&ram on e !ou feel onfident that !our nutrition and lifest!le are %alan ed usin& IF in an alternate da! st!le format first#

I 0ave My wn Daily #outine +"at I $n1oy I $ake up( ma!%e do some readin&( sometimes he k email( &o off to the lo al offee shop( &ra% an 'meri ano -espresso shots in $ater. or tea( rela)( ma!%e a Iui k %od!$ei&ht $orkout( and set simple &oals for the da!# 'll of this e"en %efore I think a%out eatin&# It is ,ust ho$ I like to start m! da!#
2 Meal Solution @2 Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

M! first meal of the da! "aries usuall! %et$een 15am and 2pm# =a"in& done an IF st!le of eatin& for man! !ears( I ,ust no$ ha"e learned ho$ to listen to m! %od!# If I am reall! hun&r! -or sense I need to %reak the fast.( I &o eat earlier in the da!# +ut for the most part m! mornin& 'meri ano3tea or $ater keep me satisfied till later on# It ,ust seems ha"in& a ondensed eatin& $indo$( $hi h an still "ar! in times and total alories( is a simple and freein& lifest!le to do most e"er! da!/ I mean( $h! not if it is $orkin&( ri&ht: Of ourse the ke! $ord there is 1$orkin&2# Progressing into a more Daily I7 !c"edule Most people like the ondensed eatin& $indo$ so mu h( that the! ,ust find it more en,o!a%le to &o that route almost e"er!da!# This 1 an2 $ork for man! people( %ut there still should %e a 1 he ks and %alan e2 s!stem in pla e -espe iall! %! still ha"in& some non7IF da!s thro$ in.# If !ou ha"e first done $ell $ith the alternate da! st!le of IF -no ne&ati"e feed%a k and lifest!le fa tors in he k. and $ould like to do it more often( then I su&&est one of the follo$in& strate&ies -$hi h are &eared more to$ards a 1$eekl!2 s hedule.J 234J1 plan 7 usin& a fle)i%le ondensed eatin& $indo$ dail! $hile takin& e"er! 4rd7<th da! off to eat more freel! -and han&e up alorie intake le"els.# In other $ords( for e"er! 274 da!s of ondensed eatin& !ou ha"e 1 da! of free eatin& -marked $ith Q %elo$.( and then repeat# Sun IF Mon IF Tues IF 9ed Q Thurs IF Fri IF Sat Q

?J2 plan -the $eekl! plan. 7 usin& a fle)i%le ondensed eatin& $indo$ dail! $hile takin& $eekends off to eat more freel! -and han&e up alorie intake le"els.# In other $ords( for e"er! ? $eekda!s of ondensed eatin& !ou ha"e 2 da!s off on the $eekend# Sun Q Mon IF Tues IF 9ed IF Thurs IF Fri IF Sat Q

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Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

Eou an also pla! around $ith alternatin& lon& and short IF $indo$s durin& the $eek -see %elo$.# For e)ample if !ou do stren&th trainin& on Mon( 9ed and Fri !ou ould plan on eatin& more for re o"er! on those da!s# !am'le Daily6I7 0ours Sun Q Mon IF 0oon 7 Bpm Tues IF 4pm 7 Apm 9ed IF 0oon 7 Bpm Thurs IF 4pm 7 Apm Fri IF 0oon 7 Bpm Sat Q

In &eneral the $indo$s should %e %i& enou&h so that !ou are &ettin& in the nutrients !ou need( and not so small that the! ause !ou to %in&e3re%ound o"ereat due to e) ess hun&er -or ause a la k of $ill po$er %e ause of it.# On e !ou &et to this sta&e( !ou reall! are in ontrol and an find $hat does $ork $ith !our s hedule -and it ould han&e $eek to $eek( as life is all a%out onstant han&e###nothin& sta!s the same.#

% Daily I7 'lan can work well for a 'erson w"o*** 'lread! eats prett! lean( so &oin& o"er%oard on alories an! parti ular da! is not reall! an issue - alories still kept in he k.# >n,o!s eatin& %i&&er 1real food2 meals to make sure alories are not too
2 Meal Solution @< Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

restri ted -not a hroni rash diet stress. and !ou are &ettin& enou&h essential nutrients su h as protein###$hi h $ill %e o"ered in a %it# Does not need to rel! on lar&e dail! amounts of stimulants( su h as man! ups of offee( due to issues related to lo$ %lood su&ar or fati&ue -$hi h ma! %e si&ns of thin&s not $orkin&3stress o"erload.# Is not doin& e) essi"e amounts of a ti"it! -espe iall! hroni ha"e enou&h alorie intake for re o"er! needs# ardio. and still

Feeps their lifest!le stress under ontrol $hile fastin&# Other$ise !ou $ill risk %urnin& out !our meta%olism -adrenal3th!roid( in rease insulin resistan e. and also in rease mus le loss o"er the lon& run# Still has plent! of time to rela) and sleep# ' lifest!le $ith enou&h re o"er! to allo$ the %od! to &enerate positi"e responses from an! smaller stresses#

Remem%er in !our $ei&ht loss lifest!le !ou $ant to en,o! eatin& less $hile still promotin& an en"ironment that $ill maintain -not $aste. our mus le# Mus le is ke! to that lon&7term fat %urnin& meta%olism#

6"ll o*r o$ere)ting come# from, fir#t, the f)l#e (elief th)t #trength i# g)ine% from e)ting= #econ%, the h)(it of e)ting #o m)ny time# ) %)y whether h*ngry or not= thir%, the contin*)l tempting of the )ppetite thro*gh $)riety of %i#he#. Of co*r#e, the l)tter two c)*#e# )re (r)nche# of the fir#t.
The c*re )n% the proof of the new phy#iology i# to e)t pl)in foo%#, c*t o*t one me)l ) %)yS, )n% t)ke >B'ho*r f)#t# once ) week for #)y fo*r or fi$e month#.

The impro$ement in feeling# )n% en%*r)nce, )n% the ch)nge in )ppetite )n% t)#te# will pro$e the m)tter to )ll (*t the mo#t hopele##ly pre,*%ice% min%#.: -o*rce. 2 Towne, + +)ttle#, The /ew -cience of Li$ing )n% 3e)ling, 452G

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Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

8hapter 14 Proper >)er ise for Peak Results

's wor*ing out with '( really vital to getting leaner) The people that tend to ha"e the most su ess $ith IF -or an! other alorie defi it plan. o"er the lon& run( are doin& the ri&ht kind of e)er ise to %uild and retain mus le# It is also those people that ha"e the %est mus le definition as the! &et leaner -or as some sa!( 1tone2. and don't need to do hours of ardio to maintain# Muscles are &our 7at Burning 7actories Remem%er ho$ 1fat %urnin&2 reall! happens: 9ell a Iui k re"ie$ is that !our fat ells are holdin& onto stored fat# Then the ri&ht hormones ome alon& and tell the ells to 1release2 the fat -lipol!sis. into the %loodstream( $here the! are no$ free fatt! a ids -FF's.# Those FF's are no$ transported throu&h the %loodstream to the mus les $here the! are %urned up as fuel inside the ell po$erhouse( kno$n as the mito hondria# So the more mus le !ou keep around( the more fat %urnin& fa tories -mito hondria. !ou $ill ha"e $orkin& 2<3A/ This is $h! !ou see lean3fit people $ith &ood mus le definition $ho are a%le to maintain their %od! shape $ithout hours in the &!m dail! -$e are not talkin& a%out
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%od!%uilders here.# 'll the! need to do is keep their mus les around $ith some sort of resistan e3intensit! trainin& a fe$ times -and of ourse eat ri&ht.# ne !tudy t"at !ays It %ll There is an e!e openin& stud! -+r!ner et al( 1CCC. a%out the importan e of resistan e %ased e)er ise -"s ,ust aero%i . durin& a "er! lo$ alorie -B55 al. diet# =alf of the test &roup -men and $omen. $ere put on aero%i e)er ise onl! pro&ram( and the other half resistan e trainin& onl! -4)3$eek.# 9hat $ould !ou e)pe t to happen o"er 12 $eeks: 9ell the 1aero%i onl!2 &roup lost more $ei&ht( %ut also had lean %od! mass loss -mus le.# The 1aero%i onl!2 &roup also lo$ered their RMR -restin& meta%oli rate.#

+ut &uess $hat( the 1resistan e onl!2 &roup did not lose an! lean mass and had a sli&ht in rease in RMR/ Let me repeat that( the grou' only doing resistance training ke't all t"eir muscle/ lost more body fat and slig"tly elevated t"eir #M# all $hile on a "er! lo$ alorie diet for 12 $eeks// >"en on a M>RE lo$ alorie diet( resistan e trainin& helps maintain !our lean %od! mass -mus le. and allo$s !ou to %urn more fat $ithout droppin& !our meta%olism/ % :uick Note for t"e Ladies I &et that most of !ou are not lookin& to &et all 1%i& and %uff2# O"er m! $hole personal trainin& areer( a%out B5K6 of m! lients $ere $omen###and I ne"er made
2 Meal Solution @A Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

an! of them into a$ard $innin& %od!%uilders/ +ut that doesn't mean !ou should %e afraid to %uild mus les( as that is $hat keeps a lot of $omen from &ettin& the real definition the! are after# Instead kno$ that if !ou repla ed ? l%s of fat $ith ?l%s of mus le( all !our lothes $ould %e smaller# Eou an %e stron& and lean/ Peo'le 7orget***$?ercise is a !tress on t"e Body Remem%er %a k from our talk a%out 1hormesis2 a%out ho$ short7term stressors pro"ide a positi"e response %ut lon&7term ones do more dama&e: 9ell the %i& thin& people ne&le t to remem%er is that e)er ise is a stress on the %od!# Like an! stress the hi&her the amount and len&th of e)posure to it( then the &reater the han es are that it ould %e dama&in& to the state of the %od! as a $hole# This is espe iall! of importan e to kno$ for the people mentall! 1addi ted2 to their lon& $orkouts#

$?ercise $?cess May be 0armful 9hile %ein& a ti"e is a &ood thin&( $hen done to e) ess -espe iall! $ith sustained hi&her heart rate trainin&. it is possi%l! takin& !our health and $ei&ht loss &oals in the opposite dire tion# This in turn an do more dama&e do$n the road su h asJ Dri"in& more hun&er and ra"in&s espe iall! for su&ar -and a hi&h su&ar intake ,ust turns off the fat releasin& hormones.# >atin& more also an take !ou out of alorie defi it( stoppin& $ei&ht loss too# >) ess le"els of the hormone ortisol -kno$n as a stress hormone %ut it's
2 Meal Solution @B Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

a tuall! a %lood su&ar one at heart.# Leadin& to more mus le loss( fati&ue( immune depression( %one loss and more# Loss of mus le P loss of fat %urnin& fa tories -remem%er the more mus le !ou ha"e( the easier it $ill %e for !ou to sta! lean.# +ein& a%le to maintain mus le should %e a &oal in our lifest!le# In reased Inflammation and tissue dama&e -$hi h an also slo$ do$n the net re o"er! o"erall.# This is real dama&e do$n to the ellular le"el and an lead to more serious health issues if i&nored -su h as heart disease.# Suppressed natural ;= releases for up to 2< hours -one of our dail! fat7 releasin& hormones.# Lon&7term( it an lead to %i&&er issues $ith hroni fati&ue and all sorts of hormonal im%alan es# 9hi h an also end up storin& more fat and &i"in& !ou less dail! ener&!#

If !ou mess up !our hormones( !ou ma! %e stu k &ainin& $ei&ht no matter ho$ mu h e)er ise !ou do# I an't stress this point enou&h# 'll !ou ha"e to do is find someone $ith messed up hormones and see their stru&&les to lose the $ei&ht the! put on %e ause of it# !marter +raining t"at works wit" I7****is 2Intense3 and 2Intermittent3 I'm not &oin& to talk a%out the 1 alorie %urn2 of an!thin& !ou do###and !ou shouldn't are a%out it either/ 9h!: 9ell $e are no$ talkin& a%out smart trainin&( the kind that takes into a ount hormonal and meta%oli responses# More e)er ise does not mean more fat loss o"er time -espe iall! if all !ou are doin& is messin& up !our hormones and eatin& more alories %e ause of it in the pro ess.# Don't %urn !ourself out $ith e) ess e)er ise espe iall! $ith IF( as it's stress o"erload and unne essar!# Instead $h! not tr! and use more 1intensit!2( $orkout in less time and reate a simple fat %urnin& en"ironment all da! lon&:

2 Meal Solution


Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

8hapter 1< 1Intensit!2 Fitness Done Intermittentl!

+"e Benefits of !"orter5Intensity +raining 1IF2 an also stand for 1Intensit! Fitness2 in !our IF Lifest!le# 9hat Is intensit! fitness: It simpl! means that !ou are fo usin& more on intensit! of e)er ise -not duration. in shorter periods of time# I'm not talkin& a%out hours in a &!m dail!( %ut %ein& a%le to e)er ise smarter and harder in less time -stren&th3"olume.# Then allo$in& the stress that !ou put on !our %od! throu&h that e)er ise -shorter. to &enerate positi"e effe ts from it durin& re o"er! periods -as mus le does not &ro$ in the &!m.# The spe ifi hormonal responses that happen $hen more intensit! is applied to !our $orkouts an in ludeJ >le"ated R>> -Restin& >ner&! >)penditure. throu&h in reased protein s!nthesis3mus le repairR >le"ated FF's -Free Fatt! ' ids. from in reased ate holamine hormonal responses -more adrenaline3noradrenaline released from the %od! durin& intense a ti"it!.
2 Meal Solution A5 Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

>le"ated 2<hr ;= -;ro$th =ormone. pulses for in reased FF's and mus le retention In reased mus le mito hondria to &i"e !ou more fat %urnin& fa tories In reased mus le insulin sensiti"it! that $ill ena%le !ou to reate a more optimal &lu ose meta%olism o"er time -more effi ient at %uildin& mus le and %urnin& fat.

The %i& realiGation here is that doin& more intense( espe iall! resistan e( trainin& -"s stead! state ardio alone. $ill a tuall! help ele"ate !our R>>( keep !our meta%olism stron& durin& alorie defi it( in rease !our fat 1releasin&2 hormones and keep !our mus le around#

ngoing Muscle #e'air +akes $nergy 6It h)# (een #hown th)t m*#cle protein #ynthetic r)te (M1-) i# ele$)te% in h*m)n# (y ? I )t G hr# following ) (o*t of he)$y re#i#t)nce tr)ining, )n% (y 4 5I )t 2G hr# following tr)ining. Thi# #t*%y f*rther e7)mine% the time co*r#e for ele$)te% m*#cle protein #ynthe#i# (y e7)mining it# r)te )t >B hr# following ) tr)ining #e##ion. It i# concl*%e% th)t following ) (o*t of he)$y re#i#t)nce tr)ining, M1incre)#e# r)pi%ly, i# more th)n %o*(le )t 2G hr#, )n% there)fter %ecline# r)pi%ly #o th)t )t >B hr# it h)# )lmo#t ret*rne% to ()#eline. -o*rce. The time co*r#e for ele$)te% m*#cle protein #ynthe#i# following he)$y re#i#t)nce e7erci#e= M)cDo*g)ll AD, et )l= C)n A "ppl 1hy#iol. 455? Dec=2 (G).G! 'B.

#e'eat &our Intense Workouts****Intermittently Oust like ho$ !ou an use fastin& 1intermittentl!2 -or feedin& $indo$s( ho$e"er !ou $ant to term it.( !ou an also do the same thin& $ith e)er ise# *se shorter and
2 Meal Solution A1 Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

more 1intense2 kind of $orkouts as another 1tool2 in !our lifest!le to &enerate the ri&ht kind of hormonal responses !ou are after $hile also ha"in& a lon& term fat %urnin& state -eatin& less o"erall.# The stress from intense e)er ise $ill also in turn ena%le a &eneti e)pression to allo$ the mus le to %e ome stron&er and more effi ient -espe iall! at the ell po$erhouse le"el. to a more !outhful state# 's $ho $ants to 1a t their a&e2 an!$a!s: 0ot me/ 6+e %on't #top pl)ying (ec)*#e we grow ol%= we grow ol% (ec)*#e we #top pl)ying.: Q <eorge 0ern)r% -h)w Main 4inds of Intense !tyle Workout Plans 9hen it omes to intensit! and &ettin& the ri&ht hormonal responses( there are se"eral different $a!s !ou an &o a%out $ith !our $orkouts# The 4 most popular ones areJ 8ir uit pro&ram *sin& resistan e trainin& mo"ements $ith $ei&hts or %od!$ei&ht in a ir uit -one ri&ht after another.# *suall! in"ol"es short3no rest %et$een e)er ises( full %od! $orkouts and more moderate $ei&ht resistan e3reps# >)ample of a ir uit ould %eJ 1571? reps -$ith a hallen&in& resistan e3$ei&ht. of pushups( %ent o"er ro$s( sIuats( dips( pullups( lun&es and then rest3repeat 274)# Rest is usuall! minimal %et$een sets( mo"in& Iui kl! from one e)er ise to another( and then a lon&er rest %et$een full ompleted ir uits#

Stren&th pro&ram =ea"ier resistan e trainin& pro&rams fo used more around free7$ei&hts -dum%%ells( %ar%ells.# 8an in"ol"e different %od! part3e)er ise split routines and lon&er rest periods -due to fo us on intensit! $ith hea"ier3less reps.# >)amples in ludeJ 4)? -4 sets of ? reps. of deadlift( sIuats( push press( lean( or other hea"! $ei&hted mo"ement# Rest %et$een sets is usuall! lon&er - ompared to ir uit trainin&. around 274 minutes per set3e)er ise#
A2 Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

2 Meal Solution

8ardio inter"als Do repeated ! les of hi&her intensit!3sprints $ith re o"er!

phases o"er a period of timeJ >)ampleJ Treadmill -or tra k. $orkout of sprintin& for 25 se onds( and $alkin& for <5 se ( then repeatin& se"eral times -su h as for a total time of 1571? minutes.#

The! all an $ork $hen it omes to $ei&ht loss and ea h has it's o$n ad"anta&e# 9hate"er kind of $orkout !ou en,o! or do urrentl!( ,ust kno$ to keep it short( intense and intermittent other$ise !ou risk 1%urnout2 $ith an!thin& else that is unne essar!#

Personall! I'm a fan of doin& %od!$ei&ht %ased $orkouts more often# 8om%inin& the %enefits of a fat %urnin& and mus le %uildin& ir uit $hile fo usin& on stren&th in mo"ement# *sin& full %od! e)er ises su h as pushups( dips( pullups( ro$s( sIuats( and lun&es to tar&et all those mus les at on e# 9ho needs an e)pensi"e &!m mem%ership3eIuipment $hen !ou an &et an effe ti"e $orkout done in as little as 15725 min an!$here $ith !our o$n %od!: 0ave an %ctive yet #ela?ing Lifestyle 8 r as I like to say***-o Play!9 Remem%er that no$ !our &oal is not to do e) ess amounts of e)er ise ,ust to 1%urn alories2# Other$ise !ou risk start %luntin& the hormonal responses !ou do &et and
2 Meal Solution A4 Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

interfere $ith mus le repair3re o"er!# Takin& time off to let !our mus le tissues re%uild( $ill allo$ them to respond %etter -in rease sensiti"it! to hormones. and help optimiGe $hat spikes !ou &et from intense e)er ise# 'lso keepin& !our 80S - entral ner"ous s!stem. rested and not on hi&h &ear $ill allo$ the %od!'s 1fi&ht or fli&ht2 s!stem to re o"er and keep mus le around -as $ell as keep ortisol lo$er.#

So &et off the ou h( stop $at hin& TM( turn off the omputer and ,ust &o do thin&s that !ou en,o!/ Stop $orr!in& a%out alories %urned( heart rate monitors and all the other distra tions that are not the primar! fo us of !our $ei&ht loss# Eour a ti"e lifest!le is 0OT supposed to %e !our 1intense $orkout2# Make e"er!thin& !ou do a 1fun2 pa e# 9hether !ou en,o! s$immin&( %ikin&( hikin&( pla!in& tennis( martial arts or $hate"er it ma! %e# ;et outside and make it stress relie"in& too# Oust &o out and pla!/

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Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

8hapter 1? Fasted State 9orkout Strate&!

@Im'ortant Please #ead E 7asted Workout .aution Remem%er %e ause $e don't $ant %lood su&ar to drop too lo$ -h!po&l! emia.( this is meant for health! indi"iduals and an!one attemptin& must pro eed $ith aution# Doin& too mu h an result in %lood su&ar drops $hi h an %e "er! dan&erous# If !ou feel diGG! or li&ht headed( this ould %e a si&n of h!po&l! emia and it is re ommended that !ou stop immediatel! -and ha"e somethin& to eat to raise %lood su&ar.# Do at !our o$n risk/

W"at is t"e 7asted !tate( ' fasted $orkout means that !our %od! is not in the 1fed2 ! le -di&estin& the food !ou ,ust ate.# This is %est a hie"ed either first thin& in the mornin& $hen !ou $ake up -%efore !our first meal( espe iall! if !ou are usin& IF. or e"en later in the da! as lon& as the last meal $as a%out 274 hours prior -dependin& on ho$ %i& it $as too.#

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Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

W"at are t"e %dvantages( +! $orkin& out fasted !ou are &uaranteein& that !our %lood su&ar and insulin le"els are lo$er -important for those fat releasin& hormones to ele"ate.# This $ill allo$ !our %od! to produ e ma)imal fat releasin& -lipol!sis. hormones from an intense %ased $orkout# Lipol!sis hormones su h as ;= $ill 0OT %e hi&h if !our %lood su&ar is also ele"ated -as $h! does the %od! need stored fat to %e a essed if there is an e) ess of su&ar in the %lood a"aila%le for use:.# 9ith this strate&! not onl! $ill !ou a ess fat durin& !our $orkout( %ut !ou $ill also allo$ !ourself to ontinue to release and %urn fat lon& after !our %rief intense $orkout is o"er $ith# In t"e %M &ou are %lready -eared for More 7at #elease 9hen !ou $ake up !ou are alread! in a %etter fat %urnin& state than later in the da!# ;i"in& !ourself an e)tra little %oost to !our dail! fat releasin& first thin& in the 'M( as $ell as sta!in& a ti"e -slo$ and stead!.( $ill allo$ !ou to %e a more optimal fat %urnin& ma hine durin& the da!#

It is not un ommon for people to also report %etter performan e -more ener&! and stren&th. $hile $orkin& out in a fasted state# So man! also prefer to do their $orkouts this $a! ,ust for that reason alone/

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Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

Does it al$a!s ha"e to %e first thin& in the 'M: 0o( !ou an &o %! !our s hedule for later in the da! -not eatin& hours %efore.( %ut &oin& into a $orkout in the 1fasted2 state is a &reat approa h to help &et the most from !our intense $orkouts/

Intense Workouts and -0 #es'onses

6"n e7erci#e inten#ity )(o$e l)ct)te thre#hol% )n% for ) minim*m of 4 min*te# )ppe)r# to elicit the gre)te#t #tim*l*# to the #ecretion of h<3. 27erci#e tr)ining )(o$e the l)ct)te thre#hol% m)y )mplify the p*l#)tile rele)#e of h<3 )t re#t, incre)#ing 2G'ho*r h<3 #ecretion.: -o*rce. The e7erci#e'in%*ce% growth hormone re#pon#e in )thlete#= <o%frey LA et )l. -port# Me%. 2 >.

6The )im of the pre#ent #t*%y w)# to %etermine the time co*r#e of the h<3 re#pon#e to ) B # )n% ) > # m)7im)l #print on ) cycle ergometer. Met)(olic re#pon#e# were gre)ter )fter the > # #print th)n )fter the B # #print. The highe#t me)#*re% me)n #er*m h<3 concentr)tion# )fter the > # #print were more th)n G? I gre)ter th)n )fter the B # #print. -er*m h<3 )l#o rem)ine% ele$)te% for 5 '42 min )fter the > # #print comp)re% with )ppro7im)tely B min )fter the B # #print.: -o*rce. The time co*r#e of the h*m)n growth hormone re#pon#e to ) B # )n% ) > # cycle ergometer #print= -toke# K" et )l. A -port# -ci. 2 2 A*n=2 (B).G!H'5G.

%dditional 7at Burning by Not $ating Immediately %fter In fa t( if !ou $ant to keep %urnin& fat for ener&! -and !our %lood su&ar is sta%le###$hi h is important. $ait another 457@5 minutes after a $orkout and ,ust keep a ti"e at a slo$ pa e -su h as $alkin&.# Too hi&h an a ti"it! here ma! ause a %lood su&ar rash( so it is important to %e slo$ pa ed#

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9hile the %rief intense $orkout has no$ in reased the fat releasin& hormones( doin& some additional slo$er pa ed a ti"it! after has its ad"anta&es# It $ill in rease the rate -%lood flo$. at $hi h those hormones are deli"ered to the fat ells( there%! also in reasin& the rate at $hi h it takes a$a! the FF's to %e %urned in the mus les -$hi h !ou are still usin& $ith !our slo$er mo"ements.# This is 0OT a%out hi&h =R -heart rate. le"el ardio time after !our intense part of !our $orkout -as !ou $ill rash and %urn/.# +e ause !ou are also &oin& slo$ and stead! !ou $ill keep ortisol at %a! and allo$ !our mus les to %e spared( and !our re o"er! to %e impro"ed -so !ou an train more often.# +"e 4eys to t"e 7asted 7at Burning !trategy Do a short intensit! st!le of $orkout in the 'M or a se"eral hours after !our last meal $hile insulin3%lood su&ar is sta%le# *se some inter"al st!le -$ork3rest. $orkout to help a hie"e a la ti threshold trainin& intensit!# Inter"als an %e an!$here from a 257@5 se $ork# Feep rest minimal and repeat for in reased ;= pulsin&# 8ontinue the $ork3rest inter"als for a%out 15725 minutes total# Full %od! mo"ements -like %od!$ei&ht ir uits. are &reat to help in rease %lood flo$ to all mus les and parts of the %od! -stu%%orn fat a ess tip.# Don't eat immediatel! after and keep mo"in& at a slo$er less stressful pa e like $alkin& -keep %lood flo$ &oin& to mus les to %urn up those FF's.# Important 0oteJ >at somethin& immediatel! at an! point durin&3after the $orkout if !ou feel li&ht headed( $eak( nauseous or other s!mptoms of h!po&l! emia -lo$ %lood su&ar.# =a"e !our normal meal an hour6 later -or $hene"er !ou had plan on ha"in& it an!$a!s $hile usin& IF.#

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8hapter 1@ Lifest!le +alan e of Stress D Re o"er!

+"e !tress and #ecovery $Fuation ' %i& part of usin& IF is also kno$in& that !our o"erall lifest!le still has to 1allo$1 it to %e su essful# 9hat that means is there still has to %e some %alan e espe iall! $hen $e talk a%out o"erall stress and re o"er!# ;oin& %a k to the 1hormesis2 ur"e on e a&ain( !ou sa$ ho$ a short3intermittent stress an ause a %enefi ial response# =o$e"er a hi&her dose3 hroni stress load $ill e"entuall! take the %od! do$n a ne&ati"e feed%a k loop# This ould %e kno$n as the o"erall stress 1load2 that !ou put on !our %od!# It not onl! omes from $hat and ho$ !ou eat( %ut also e"er!thin& else in luded in !our dail! life su h as $ork( e)er ise( a ti"ities( home life and sleep# +ein& su essful $ith IF -and keepin& a stron&( health! meta%olism. $ill depend on !ou still %ein& a%le to keep !our o"erall stress load under ontrol# It )s 27ig"t or 7lig"t3/ Not 2Worry %ll Day3 Eour %od! and hormones rea t to the 1fi&ht or fli&ht2 %uilt in sur"i"al response -lon& a&o !ou ma! ha"e had to fi&ht or run a$a! to sa"e !ourself. %! raisin& adrenaline(
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heart rate( and %lood pressure for in reased %lood su&ar and deli"er! to mus les for a tion# It is a tuall! a short destru ti"e pro ess that allo$s !ou to sur"i"e for another da!( one that !ou 1should2 easil! re o"er from and %e stron&er too -%e ause it $as short and there is plent! of time to rest and repair after$ard.# 9hat !ou are ,ust not eIuipped -hormonall! speakin&. to handle $ell is those stressors o"er lon& periods of time( $hile still %ein& a%le fun tion optimall!# That is the real dan&er( the hroni and on&oin& rea tion to ph!si al and mental stressors#

!tressors of +oday The t!pe of stressors from lon& a&o -like %ein& eaten %! somethin& %i&&er than us. are no lon&er like the dail! stressors of toda! $ith $ork( deadlines( traffi ( ta)es( &lo%al issues and mu h more# 6+e li$e longer th)n o*r foref)ther#= (*t we #*ffer more from ) tho*#)n% )rtifici)l )n7ietie# )n% c)re#. They f)tig*e% only the m*#cle#, we e7h)*#t the finer #trength of the ner$e#.& Q 2%w)r% <eorge 0*lwer'Lytton 'lso the stressors of toda! are more freIuent and on&oin&( $hi h also means more internal dama&e and less re o"er! time# Too mu h and3or too often and !ou ,ust start &oin& in a destru ti"e path that an in lude loss of mus le( &ainin& more fat( lo$ered immune s!stem fun tion and other ill7health#
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0o$ add to that eatin& less often -IF. and !ou are puttin& !our %od! in a hi&h stress state - reatin& a re o"er! de%t. $ith little han e of it %ein& a%le to %oun e %a k# %drenaline vs .ortisol The main hormone3neurotransmitter raised durin& a 1fi&ht or fli&ht2 response is adrenaline# It is se reted %! the adrenal &lands as !our %od! is primin& !ou to take Iui k sur"i"al a tion# 'drenaline $ill in rease not onl! %lood &lu ose throu&h &l! o&enol!sis -at the li"er and mus le.( %ut is also a ate holamine used for in reasin& lipol!sis -releasin& stored fats.# 'drenaline is also "er! short li"ed( as it peaks and then &oes %a k do$n rapidl! -assumin& the stress is o"er.# There is also another %lood su&ar hormone used in times of lon&er stress( this one is alled ortisol# It is also se reted %! the adrenal &lands and has man! natural purposes su h as tissue re&eneration and &i"in& !ou the ener&! to $ake up in the mornin&#

=o$e"er it has a lon&er life span -a half7life of se"eral hours. in the s!stem ompared to adrenaline# The real dan&er ompounds $ith e"er! adrenaline peak allo$in& the ortisol response to keep &ro$in& and &ro$in& -seen a%o"e.# It is that hroni ph!siolo&i al tri&&erin& of stress %! the %od! that $ill ause the %i&&est dama&e in the lon& run#
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%drenals G Metabolism/ $nergy and Muscle If !ou are o"erusin& !our adrenals to produ e adrenaline and ortisol( !ou are &oin& to o"er$ork them# Like an!thin&( if !ou use it too mu h it $ill e"entuall! start to $ear do$n# Prett! soon !ou ha"e adrenal fati&ue and then e)haustion# =a"in& health! adrenals is &oin& to %e ke! to not onl! dail! ener&!( %ut also !our dail! meta%olism -throu&h health! th!roid a ti"it!.# 8ompromised adrenals and th!roid $ill lead !ou do$n a hormonal $ei&ht &ain path# The adrenals also are ke! in makin& the hormone Testosterone( so !ou mi&ht $ant to not $ear them out so fast if !ou like %uildin& mus le# 8hroni all! hi&h le"els of ortisol are a &ro$th inhi%itor( as it $ill also put a halt on !our mus le %uildin& &oals# Other ne&ati"e out omes that an ome from an o"erload of 1 hroni -not intermittent. stress2 and not enou&h 1re o"er!2 in ludeJ Lo$ered immune s!stem fun tion -&et si k more often. Lo$ ener&!3 hroni fati&ue -adrenal fati&ue3%urnout. In reased inflammation -also in reases risk of heart disease. In reased mus le pain3$eakness Slo$er healin& and re o"er! In reased risks of de&enerati"e diseases -heart disease( an ers( et . In reased an)iet! or other ne&ati"e %eha"ioral responses In reased stu%%orn fat -insulin resistan e issues. In reased mus le %reakdo$n -for fuel. Lo$ered e)er ise performan e3stren&th Lo$ered protein s!nthesis3restin& ener&! e)penditure -throu&h de rease amino a id uptake %! mus le ells.

In the pro ess of usin& IF $hile maintainin& a health! meta%olism o"erall -in ludin& the fun tionin& of or&ans and preser"ation of mus le tissue.( hroni stress an %e a real killer# Eou an see no$ the importan e of redu in& the hroni stress load $e put on oursel"es -ph!si all! and mentall!. and ha"in& enou&h re o"er! time#
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#e'air 0ormones During !lee' Our %od! has a natural $a! in $hi h it $ants to %e a ti"e and then rest and repair# Toda! most people are tr!in& to do more a ti"it! and less repair( $hi h an onl! lead to a 1%roken7do$n2 %od! e"en sooner -$e see more people ha"in& more meta%oli d!sfun tion in their 457<5s no$( rather than later on in life.#

=uman &ro$th hormone -;=. is one of our &reatest assets in repairin& our %od!# Like e"er! hormone it an ha"e alternatin& le"els -pulses. throu&hout the da! %ut usuall! peaks at a ertain time for a reason# ;='s lar&est spike of the da! is in our first ouple hours of sleep $hen the %od! &oes into repair mode# 9hat is interestin& thou&h is that timin& does matter to the %od!# In a stud! done at the 9ashin&ton *ni"ersit! S hool of Medi ine -E# Takahashi et al( 1C@B. omparin& ;= release at normal sleepin& times -a%out 15pm. and keepin& people up later than normal -&oin& to %ed later like 172am. there is a dramati differen e in the amount of ;= released -and num%er of peaks durin& the ni&ht for those $ho sleep less.# It seems that sta!in& up later than normal $ill onl! suppress the natural spike of ni&httime ;= released -and this is not somethin& $e $ant.# Most people no$ada!s are sta!in& up $a! too late( $at hin& TM( %ein& on the omputer( sta!in& out so ialiGin&( $orkin& lon&er3rotatin& shifts or $hate"er the reasons ma! %e#
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9e need to understand that sleep is an essential part of our health and if disrupted ma! %e a %i& fa tor that leads to man! illnesses in ludin& dia%etes( $ei&ht &ain( %eha"ior3mood s$in&s and %rain disorders# There is no &ettin& around this( it's part of $ho !ou are and $hat !our %od! needs# Learn from t"e +o' Performers =ere is a &reat Iuote not from an! health %ook( %ut from the =ar"ard +usiness Re"ie$ -1The M)king of ) Corpor)te "thlete:, Aim Loehr, 2 4). 6The re)l enemy of high perform)nce i# not #tre##, which, p)r)%o7ic)l )# it m)y #eem, i# )ct*)lly the #tim*l*# for growth. L)ther, the pro(lem i# the )(#ence of %i#cipline%, intermittent reco$ery. Chronic #tre## witho*t reco$ery %eplete# energy re#er$e#, le)%# to (*rno*t )n% (re)k%own, )n% *ltim)tely *n%ermine# perform)nce. Lit*)l# th)t promote o#cill)tion, rhythmic #tre## )n% reco$ery, )re the #econ% component of high perform)nce. Lepe)te% reg*l)rly, the#e highly preci#e, con#cio*#ly %e$elope% ro*tine# (ecome )*tom)tic o$er time.: Stress helps us &et stron&er and &ro$( %ut $ithout kno$in& ho$ to re o"er it is ,ust &oin& to %rin& us do$n# So make sure !ou prioritiGe re o"er! times in !our life/ 9ork3do thin&s smarter( not harder or lon&er than the! reall! need to %e# Simplif! and &et rid of all the unne essar! distra tions alon& the $a! too# Take routine %reaks durin& the da! to ,ust sit Iuiet and rela) -like a 15 min %reak e"er! hour or so.# 0o phone( no email( no TM###,ust sit and let &o# 8ut do$n on the information o"erload( as most ne$s3media out there is 2<7A fear and ne&ati"it!# Eou don't need that( no one does# Fo us on $hat !ou an do onl! ri&ht no$( and stop $orr!in& a%out the rest# Make later in the da! more a%out $indin& do$n( espe iall! at ni&ht %efore %ed -don't sta! up late $at hin& TM.# Do a ti"ities !ou en,o! that are slo$er and rela)in& -$alk outside( a ho%%!( readin&( !o&a( plantin& a &arden( et .# ;et to %ed at a re&ular hour and make sure !ou are not skimpin& on $hat !our %od! needs for re o"er! -or !ou ma! ,ust pa! for it do$n the road.#
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8hapter 1A Final Thou&hts

It reall! isn't that hard to ha"e lastin& results $hen it omes to $ei&ht loss( on e !ou understand the simple steps !ou need to take dail!# Too man! people are lookin& for Iui k fi)es and end up doin& more harm than &ood $ith e"er! attempt# Look around and !ou $ill see in this $orld man! people $ho ha"e no issues sta!in& lean( ne"er read diet %ooks3fitness ma&aGines( don't %elon& to a &!m and ne"er $orr! a%out their $ei&ht e"er! da!# I want you to become one of t"ose 'eo'le too! >atin& an and should %e en,o!a%le# If !ou do thin&s smarter( !ou an still en,o! man! fa"orite foods $hile keepin& lean and health!# Then spend more time not in a &!m or ountin& alories( %ut outside in the $orld li"in& life to the fullest/ Eou are the one in full ontrol no$( so &o make it happen/ I kno$ !ou an do it/

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Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

+onus 8hapterJ Protein( 8ar%s and IF

Protein Pulsing and Meals Man! mainstream diets3ma&aGines fo us on promotin& the 1need2 to spread out protein in man! mini7meals# =o$e"er $hen !ou start talkin& a%out IF( there is some Iuestion on $hether there is an! ad"anta&e to spreadin& out !our protein in smaller meals "s fe$er lar&er ones# In one parti ular stud! -'rnal Marie7'&nSs et al 1CCC. on a &roup of elderl! $omen( $hen eatin& a 1protein pulsin&2 st!le of ha"in& B5K of dail! protein in one meal -and 25K later on.( it a tuall! in reased nitro&en %alan e( protein turno"er and protein s!nthesis $hen ompared to the eIuall! spread out diet &roup# +ut to %e fair( the same stud! $as done on !oun&er -mid 25s. $omen too( and this time the results $ere e"en %et$een the pulse and spread diet# 9hile there $as no in reases in the nitro&en %alan e or protein turno"er3 s!nthesis for the !oun&er &roup( there $as also no disad"anta&e from the pulsin& pattern# So unlike $hat most ma&aGines tr! to promote -$hi h are mostl! o$ned %! supplement ompanies an!$a!s $ho make %illions sellin& their protein shakes3 %ars.( it appears that the total amount of protein !ou intake dail! ma! %e more important than ho$ it is spread throu&hout the da!#

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0ow Muc" Protein &ou 2#eally3 Need The more !ou e)er ise -mus le %reakdo$n.( then the more !our %od! an use for repair and &ro$th# I think the &uidelines set forth %! the 0S8' -0ational Stren&th and 8onditionin& 'sso iation. are &ood for most e"er!oneJ 5#<75#@ & per leanR l% of %od! $ei&ht for a"era&e a ti"e person and up to 5#B&3l% of lean %od! $ei&ht for more a ti"e athletes

RFor the definition of 1lean2( use the ideal lo$ %od!7fat $ei&ht !ou are 1realisti all!2 tar&etin& -in other $ords if !ou are a man( don't think at 255l%s and 1?K +F that 1C?l%s lean7@K %od!7fat is realisti ###$ell at least not in the short term.# So for e)ample( if !ou are a female lookin& to &et do$n to a lean 125l%s( then here are the follo$in& "aluesJ +,-gFl( le)n 0+ T G! g protein +,.gFl( le)n 0+ T H2 g protein +,/gFl( le)n 0+ T 5B g protein

If !ou are a man lookin& to lean out to around 1B5l%s( then the "alues $ould look like thisJ +,-gFl( le)n 0+ T H2 g protein +,.gFl( le)n 0+ T 4 ! g protein +,/gFl( le)n 0+ T 4GG g protein

Eou ma! hear a lot of people sa!in& to aim for the hi&her end of intake -5#B6&3l% lean +9. $hen tr!in& to lean out# =ere's $h!# The %enefit of protein -%esides %ein& used on&oin& to re%uild mus le tissue. is that it $ill also help 1fill !ou up2 espe iall! $hen alories are lo$er o"erall# Protein also has a sli&htl! hi&her T>F -thermi effe t fa tor.( $hi h means it reIuires more 1ener&! used2 to ,ust di&est it - ompared to ar%oh!drates or fat.# Somethin& that ma! add a little %oost $hile tr!in& to fo us on &ettin& lo$er in %od!7fat as $ell#

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0ow %bout > Meals and a !"ake( 0o$ I'm &oin& to &i"e m! opinion on protein po$ders -keep in mind this also omes from a person $ho has spent mu h mone! in the past on them.# For the most part I don't %elie"e !ou reall! 1need2 them( as !ou should %e a%le to meet !our real dail! needs throu&h enou&h 1real food2# 'lso unlike real food sour e of protein( those shakes $ill usuall! not help keep !ou full - ontrol hun&er. for lon&# Protein po$ders are also Iui kl! a%sor%ed and also Iui kl! o)idiGed -%urned up. if !ou take in more than !ou reall! need at that point and time# So !ou end up pro%a%l! 1peein&2 out most of $hat !ou drink -mone! do$n the drain###literall!.# If !ou feel that !ou need a %it more protein from another sour e -or ,ust like a Iui k shake instead of a sna k.( then I su&&est usin& onl! a s oop -2 at most. instead of 4 or < at a time# So for on"enien e( a meal3shake3meal plan an $ork ,ust fine#

'lso !ou an mi) in a s oop $ith a natural protein sour e -su h as !o&urt. as a sna k and !ou $ill ha"e a %etter han e of utiliGin& $hat !ou take in $hile still help ontrol a %it of hun&er %et$een !our lar&er meals -and it tastes &ood too/.# % :uick Note on .arbo"ydrates 8.arbs9 There are no set ar% le"els $ith the 2 meal IF plan# I don't su%s ri%e to an! set ar% plan and an e"en "ar! %! the da!# IF is more a%out alories and ontrol( than the 1perfe t2 ratio of ar%s3protein3fats# People ha"e %een a%le to %e health! and
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lose3maintain $ei&ht on a "ariet! of ar% le"els( $hen other fa tors su h as alories are still kept in he k -and still eat mostl! 1real foods2.#

I su&&est that !ou %ase eatin& ar%s more on ho$ !ou feel -ener&!3%lood su&ar le"el.( !our re o"er! needs and e"en ,ust durin& so ial situations# I used to &et all s ientifi and ompli ated $ith spe ifi 1 ar% ! lin&2 proto ols( %ut realiGed that $as ,ust a minor part of the $hole lon&7term eIuation# The %i& rule $hen it omes to ar%s( is to eat mostl! 1real food2 sour es# That means unpro essed( no su&ars added( not made from $hite flour and in it's ori&inal form# Fruits( "e&eta%les -in ludin& star h! potatoes3!ams. and !es e"en some ri e# '"oidin& mostl! the other forms in %reads( ereals( %aked &oods( pastas and the other trou%lesome food items that an lead to e) ess alories3insulin release# I'm not a full time lo$7 ar% person( and !ou don't need to %e either# 'lso I'"e seen $here the meta%oli stress from hroni lo$ ar% added in $ith IF an %e an o"erload -espe iall! $hen usin& more &l! o&en depletion trainin&.# This is $h! man! do plateau $hile usin& lo$ ar% 6 IF( and it is pro%a%l! not a &ood idea $ithout an! da!s off IF3lo$7 ar% to si&nal different meta%oli han&es -namel! $ith more alories and ar%s.# Remem%er( hroni stress is not the &oal# !im'le .ycling !trategies for 2I73 days 8not days off9 =ere are some $a!s that !ou an %alan e ho$ and $hat !ou eat( $hile also ! lin& !our foods to fine tune !our results -espe iall! as !ou &et lo$er in %od!7fat and the
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%od! makes it harder to lose those e)tra l%s.# If !ou plan on eatin& less ar%s for a da!( up !our protein intake -mostl! from real foods. to around 5#B71&3l% lean +9# Feep ar%s to real foods onl!( to make sure alories are still kept in he k# Eou ould aim around 5#?&3l% lean +9 of ar%s# On da!s $here !ou plan to eat more ar%oh!drates( !ou an eat less protein su h as around 5#@&3l% lean +9# 8ar% intake an %e in reased to in the ran&e of 1#56&3l% lean +9 $ith fo us still on real foods# Optional $eekl! plannin& is to use hi&her ar%3lo$er protein meals onl! after &l! o&en depletin& $orkouts -post7$orkout. $hile keepin& all other meals lo$er ar%s and hi&her protein# Post7$orkout presents a time $here !our mus les are more sensiti"e and an uptake &l! o&en easier# (S"ll n*m(er# )(o$e )re not #et n*m(er#, ,*#t e7)mple# of #t)rting point#) Make I7 Work for &ou and $n1oy t"e 7reedom to $at t"e Way &ou Like! Findin& $hat does $ork for !ou is important# 9e are all indi"idualisti in our &lu ose toleran e -from foods.( insulin sensiti"it!( intensit! of $orkouts( mus le &l! o&en replenishment needs( food preferen es3 hoi es and mu h more# The meta%olism is a "er! tri k! and omple) s!stem filled $ith man! feed%a k loops# The %i&&est thin& to remem%er is that hroni stress leads the %od! to a ne&ati"e meta%oli state( and $ill not help !ou lose $ei&ht -!ou $ill plateau.# Don't put !our %od! in a hroni state of %alan in& lo$ ener&!3%lood su&ar "ia adrenaline and ortisol path$a!s -that is the fast tra k to %urnout and re%ound $ei&ht &ain/.# Feep thin&s ontinuall! han&ed up - ar% intake( da!s off( alorie loads. and use IF the ri&ht $a!# Soon enou&h !ou $ill find the simple %alan e that does $ork for !ou# 'fter all that is the end &oal( to find a $a! to en,o! !our eatin& ,ourne! throu&h life/

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Mike O'Donnell The IF Life

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Mattson MP( 9an R# 0enefici)l effect# of intermittent f)#ting )n% c)loric re#triction on the c)r%io$)#c*l)r )n% cere(ro$)#c*l)r #y#tem#. O 0utr +io hem# 255? MarT1@-4.J12C74A 'nson RM( et al# Intermittent f)#ting %i##oci)te# (enefici)l effect# of %iet)ry re#triction on gl*co#e met)(oli#m )n% ne*ron)l re#i#t)nce to in,*ry from c)lorie int)ke. Pro 0atl ' ad S i * S '# 2554 Ma! 14T155-15.J@21@725# +r!ner R# et al# 2ffect# of Le#i#t)nce $#. "ero(ic Tr)ining Com(ine% +ith )n ! C)lorie LiE*i% Diet on Le)n 0o%y M)## )n% Le#ting Met)(olic L)te. Oournal of the 'meri an 8olle&e of 0utrition( Mol# 1B( 0o# 2( 11?7121 -1CCC. 8arlson O et al# Imp)ct of Le%*ce% Me)l FreE*ency +itho*t C)loric Le#triction on <l*co#e Leg*l)tion in 3e)lthy, /orm)l +eight Mi%%le'"ge% Men )n% +omen. Meta%olism# 255A De em%erT ?@-12.J 1A2C 1A4<# Oohnson O+ et al# The effect on he)lth of )ltern)te %)y c)lorie re#triction. e)ting le## )n% more th)n nee%e% on )ltern)te %)y# prolong# life. Med =!potheses 255@T @A-2.J25C711 8amandola S et al# Intermittent foo% %epri$)tion impro$e# c)r%io$)#c*l)r )n% ne*roen%ocrine re#pon#e# to #tre## in r)t#. O 0utr# 2554 OunT144-@. J1C217C FoGu%Uk '( PospUsil M# 1rotecti$e effect of intermittent f)#ting on the mort)lity of g)mm)'irr)%i)te% mice# Strahlentherapie# 1CB2 De T1?B-12. JA4<7B#T Oohnson O+ et al# "ltern)te %)y c)lorie re#triction impro$e# clinic)l fin%ing# )n% re%*ce# m)rker# of o7i%)ti$e #tre## )n% infl)mm)tion in o$erweight )%*lt# with mo%er)te )#thm). Free Radi +iol Med# 255A Mar 1T<2-?.J@@?7A<

Marad! F' et al# Mo%ifie% )ltern)te'%)y f)#ting regimen# re%*ce cell prolifer)tion r)te# to ) #imil)r e7tent )# %)ily c)lorie re#triction in mice. F'S>+ O# 255B OunT22-@.J25C57@ Moosa"i S' et al# 2$)l*)tion of the effect of I#l)mic f)#ting on l*ng $ol*me# )n% c)p)citie# in the he)lthy per#on#. Saudi Med O# 255A 0o"T2B-11.J1@@@7A5 'ksun&ar F+ et al# Interle*kin'B, C're)cti$e protein )n% (iochemic)l p)r)meter# %*ring prolonge% intermittent f)#ting. 'nn 0utr Meta%# 255AT ?1-1.JBB7C? Martin +( Mattson MP( Maudsle! S# C)loric re#triction )n% intermittent f)#ting. two potenti)l %iet# for #*cce##f*l (r)in )ging# '&ein& Res Re"# 255@ 'u&T?-4.J4427?4 Oones PO et al# Me)l freE*ency infl*ence# circ*l)ting hormone le$el# (*t not lipogene#i# r)te# in h*m)n## Meta%olism# 1CC? Fe%T <<-2.J 21B724 8hakra"arth! M( +ooth F# 2)ting, e7erci#e, )n% &thrifty& genotype#. connecting the %ot# tow)r% )n e$ol*tion)ry *n%er#t)n%ing of mo%ern chronic %i#e)#e#. O 'ppl Ph!siol C@J 4715( 255< =ala&appa MF et al# Intermittent f)#ting )n% c)loric re#triction )melior)te )ge'rel)te% (eh)$ior)l %eficit# in the triple'tr)n#genic mo*#e mo%el of "l8heimer'# %i#e)#e. 0euro%iol Dis# 255A 'prT2@-1.J212725 Fatare R; et al# Chronic intermittent f)#ting impro$e# the #*r$i$)l following l)rge myoc)r%i)l i#chemi) (y )cti$)tion of 0D/FFN2<FF1I>K #ign)ling p)thw)y. O Mol 8ell 8ardiol# 255C MarT<@-4.J<5?71 E# Takahashi et al# <rowth hormone #ecretion %*ring #leep# O# 8lin# In"est# <A-C.J 25AC725C5 -1C@B. Thomas L# =alton and Frank +# =u( MD( PhD# The 2ffect# of 3igh 1rotein Diet# on Thermogene#i#, -)tiety )n% +eight Lo##. " Critic)l Le$iew# Oournal of the 'meri an 8olle&e of 0utrition( Mol# 24( 4A474B? -255<.

Ma donald( I# '# and O# 9e%%er# Fee%ing, f)#ting )n% #t)r$)tion. f)ctor# )ffecting f*el *tili8)tion. Pro eedin&s of the 0utrition So iet!# ?<J 2@A72A<( 1CC?# 0orrelund = et al# The protein'ret)ining effect# of growth hormone %*ring f)#ting in$ol$e inhi(ition of m*#cle'protein (re)k%own. Dia%etes# 2551 OanT?5-1.JC@715< Stote FS et al# " controlle% tri)l of re%*ce% me)l freE*ency witho*t c)loric re#triction in he)lthy, norm)l'weight, mi%%le')ge% )%*lt#.'meri an Oournal of 8lini al 0utrition( Mol# B?( 0o# <( CB17CBB( 'pril 255A Mer%oeket7"an de Menne 9P( 9esterterp FR# Infl*ence of the fee%ing freE*ency on n*trient *tili8)tion in m)n. con#eE*ence# for energy met)(oli#m# >ur O 8lin 0utr# 1CC1 MarT<?-4.J1@17C# 'rnal Marie7'&nSs et al# 1rotein p*l#e fee%ing impro$e# protein retention in el%erly women. 'meri an Oournal of 8lini al 0utrition( Mol# @C( 0o# @( 12527125B( Oune 1CCC S# Flein et al# Import)nce of (loo% gl*co#e concentr)tion in reg*l)ting lipoly#i# %*ring f)#ting in h*m)n## 'm O Ph!siol >ndo rinol Meta% 2?BJ >427>4C( 1CC5 Mernon R# 2ffect# of %iet on lipoly#i# )n% it# reg*l)tion# Pro eedin&s of the 0utrition So iet! -1CC2.( ?1J 4CA7<5B Dulloo ';# 3*m)n p)ttern of foo% int)ke )n% f*el'p)rtitioning %*ring weight reco$ery )fter #t)r$)tion. ) theory of )*toreg*l)tion of (o%y compo#ition# Pro eedin&s of the 0utrition So iet!# ?@J 2?7<5( 1CCA >lia M# 2ffect of #t)r$)tion )n% $ery low c)lorie %iet# on protein'energy interrel)tion#hip# in le)n )n% o(e#e #*(,ect#. InJ Protein7>ner&! Intera tions( edited %! S rimsha$ 0S and S hur h +# Lausanne( S$itGerlandJ ID>8;( 1CC2( p# 2<C2B< 'fola%i P# The effect of tot)l #t)r$)tion )n% $ery low energy %iet in le)n men on kinetic# of whole (o%y protein )n% fi$e hep)tic

#ecretory protein#. 'm O Ph!siol >ndo rinol Meta% 2C4J >1?B57>1?BC( 255A Farsh hi =R et al# Leg*l)r me)l freE*ency cre)te# more )ppropri)te in#*lin #en#iti$ity )n% lipi% profile# comp)re% with irreg*l)r me)l freE*ency in he)lthy le)n women# >uropean ,ournal of lini al nutrition# 255<( "ol# ?B( pp# 15A1715AA S h$artG M( Seele! R# /e*roen%ocrine re#pon#e# to #t)r$)tion )n% weight lo### The 0e$ >n&land Oournal of Medi ine# 44@-2?.J 1B5271B11( 1CCA +eelen M# Coinge#tion of C)r(ohy%r)te )n% 1rotein 3y%roly#)te -tim*l)te# M*#cle 1rotein -ynthe#i# %*ring 27erci#e in Do*ng Men, with /o F*rther Incre)#e %*ring -*(#eE*ent O$ernight Leco$ery# Oournal of 0utrition Mol# 14B( 0o# 11( 21CB7225<( 0o"em%er 255B +r!ner R9# 2ffect# of Le#i#t)nce $#. "ero(ic Tr)ining Com(ine% +ith )n ! C)lorie LiE*i% Diet on Le)n 0o%y M)## )n% Le#ting Met)(olic L)te. Oournal of the 'meri an 8olle&e of 0utrition( Mol# 1B( 0o# 2( 11?7121 -1CCC. Fraemer 9O et al# Ch)nge# in hormon)l concentr)tion# )fter %ifferent he)$y' re#i#t)nce e7erci#e protocol# in women. O 'ppl Ph!siol# 1CC4 'u&TA?-2.J?C<7@5< ;odfre! RO et al# The e7erci#e'in%*ce% growth hormone re#pon#e in )thlete## Sports Med# 2554T44-B.J?CC7@14 Fraemer 9O et al# 3ormon)l re#pon#e# to con#ec*ti$e %)y# of he)$y're#i#t)nce e7erci#e with or witho*t n*trition)l #*pplement)tion# O 'ppl Ph!siol B?J 1?<<7 1???( 1CCB ;Odfre! RO et al# The role of l)ct)te in the e7erci#e'in%*ce% h*m)n growth hormone re#pon#e. e"iden e from M 'rdle disease# +r O Sports Med# 255C OulT<4-A.J?217? Shils M>( Shike M# Mo%ern n*trition in he)lth )n% %i#e)#e. Lippin ott 9illiams D 9ilkinsT 15th edition

Marad! F'# Do#e effect# of mo%ifie% )ltern)te'%)y f)#ting regimen# on in $i$o cell prolifer)tion )n% pl)#m) in#*lin'like growth f)ctor'4 in mice. O 'ppl Ph!siol# 255A 'u&T154-2.J?<A7?1 Soeters MR et al# M*#cle "%)pt)tion to -hort'Term F)#ting in 3e)lthy Le)n 3*m)n#. The Oournal of 8lini al >ndo rinolo&! D Meta%olism Mol# C4( 0o# A 2C5572C54 PoGefsk! T et al# 2ffect# of (rief #t)r$)tion on m*#cle )mino )ci% met)(oli#m in nono(e#e m)n# O 8lin In"est# 1CA@ Fe%T?A-2.J<<<7C Fr!%ur& D' et al.2ffect of #t)r$)tion on h*m)n m*#cle protein met)(oli#m )n% it# re#pon#e to in#*lin# 'm O Ph!siol >ndo rinol Meta% 2?CJ ><AA7><B2( 1CC5 ;ertner O# The C)lorie'Le#triction 27periment# 0e$ Eork Times -online. O t A( 255C Flionsk! DO( Dereti M# 3ow Cell# Cle)n 3o*#e# S ientifi 'meri an( Ma! 255B +er&amini > et al# The role of )*toph)gy in )ging. it# e##enti)l p)rt in the )nti')ging mech)ni#m of c)loric re#triction# 'nn 0 E ' ad S i# 255A O tT111<J@C7AB Sa hde"a *M( Thompson 8+# Di*rn)l rhythm# of )*toph)gy. implic)tion# for cell (iology )n% h*m)n %i#e)#e. "*toph)gy# 255B Oul 1T<-?.J?B17C +aard M# "ge'ol% woe#, new t)ctic. +oston ;lo%e( O t 1C(255B Vimmer 8# -elf'De#tr*cti$e 0eh)$ior in Cell# M)y 3ol% Key to ) Longer Life. 0e$ Eork Times( O t ?( 255C Ean& S# F)#ting e$ery other %)y, while c*tting few c)lorie#, m)y re%*ce c)ncer ri#k# *ni" of 8alifornia release( 255?75471< Mason M# One for the "ge#. " 1re#cription Th)t M)y 27ten% Life# 0e$ Eork Times( O t 41(255@ 9e%%er O# 2ffect# of f)#ting on f)tty )ci%

kinetic# )n% on the c)r%io$)#c*l)r, thermogenic )n% met)(olic re#pon#e# to the gl*co#e cl)mp. 8lin S i -Lond.# 1CC< De TBA-@.J@CA7A5@ Mansell PI( Ma donald I'#The effect of #t)r$)tion on in#*lin'in%*ce% gl*co#e %i#po#)l )n% thermogene#i# in h*m)n#. Met)(oli#m. 1CC5 Ma!T4C-?.J?52715 +ohe O# L)tency )n% %*r)tion of #tim*l)tion of h*m)n m*#cle protein #ynthe#i# %*ring contin*o*# inf*#ion of )mino )ci%## O Ph!siol# 2551 'pril 1?T ?42-Pt 2.J ?A??AC TsintGas F et al# "%)pti$e re#pon#e# to #t)r$)tion in h*m)n#.import)nt role for #kelet)l m*#cle 1DKG. Ph!siolo&! 0e$s( 0o# A@(Summer 255A Shoelson S et al# Infl)mm)tion )n% in#*lin re#i#t)nce. O 8lin In"est# 255@ Oul! 4T 11@-A.J 1AC41B51 Danforth > Or# Diet)ry'in%*ce% )lter)tion# in thyroi% hormone met)(oli#m %*ring o$ern*trition# O 8lin In"est# 1CAC 0o"T@<-?.J144@7<A Sero& P# 2ffect# of #limming )n% compo#ition of %iet# on NO2 )n% thyroi% hormone# in he)lthy #*(,ect#. 'm O 8lin 0utr# 1CB2 OanT4?-1.J2<74? Spauldin& S9# 2ffect of c)loric re#triction )n% %iet)ry compo#ition of #er*m T> )n% re$er#e T> in m)n# O 8lin >ndo rinol Meta%# 1CA@ OanT<2-1.J1CA7255 Sharp( 8ar$!n P MT Pearson( Da"id R# "mino "ci% -*pplement# )n% Leco$ery from 3igh'Inten#ity Le#i#t)nce Tr)ining# Oournal of Stren&th and 8onditionin& Resear hJ 'pril 2515 7 Molume 2< 7 Issue < 7 pp 112?71145 Tipton F# et al# Timing of )mino )ci%' c)r(ohy%r)te inge#tion )lter# )n)(olic re#pon#e of m*#cle to re#i#t)nce e7erci#e# 'm O Ph!siol >ndo rinol Meta% 2B1J 2551 +ohW O# et al# L)tency )n% %*r)tion of #tim*l)tion of h*m)n m*#cle protein #ynthe#i# %*ring contin*o*# inf*#ion of )mino

)ci%## O Ph!siol# 2551 'pril 1? Rosedale Dr# R# In#*lin )n% it'# Met)(olic 2ffect## Spee h 1CCC +ellisle F et al# Imp)ct of the %)ily me)l p)ttern on energy ()l)nce. Ao*rn)l of /*trition( O t 255< +ellisle F et al# Me)l freE*ency )n% energy ()l)nce# +r O 0utr# 1CCA 'prTAA Suppl 1JS?A7 A5# Fir h&essner 9 et al# Thermogene#i# in h*m)n# )fter $)rying me)l time freE*ency. 'nn 0utr Meta%# 1CBAT41-2.JBB7CA# Ta!lor M' et al# Comp)re% with ni((ling, neither gorging nor ) morning f)#t )ffect #hort'term energy ()l)nce in o(e#e p)tient# in ) ch)m(er c)lorimeter. International Oournal of O%esit! -2551. 2?( ?1C7?2B 8ameron OD et al# Incre)#e% me)l freE*ency %oe# not promote gre)ter weight lo## in #*(,ect# who were pre#cri(e% )n !'week eE*i'energetic energy're#tricte% %iet# +r O 0utr# 255C 0o" 45J17<# Martin + et al# C)loric re#triction )n% intermittent f)#ting. two potenti)l %iet# for #*cce##f*l (r)in )ging# '&ein& Res Re"# 255@ 'u&T?-4.J4427?4# Oohhson O+# The effect on he)lth of )ltern)te %)y c)lorie re#triction. e)ting le## )n% more th)n nee%e% on )ltern)te %)y# prolong# life# Med =!potheses# 255@T@A-2.J25C711# MF #cienti#t# re$e)l how %iet)ry re#triction cle)n# cell#. *ni"ersit! of Florida 0e$s ReleaseT 'u&ust 24( 255A Mattson M# Diet)ry f)ctor#, horme#i# )n% he)lth# '&ein& Res Re"# 255B OanTA-1.J<47B# 'nson RM el al( Intermittent f)#ting %i##oci)te# (enefici)l effect# of %iet)ry re#triction on gl*co#e met)(oli#m )n% ne*ron)l re#i#t)nce to in,*ry from c)lorie int)ke. Pro 0atl ' ad S i * S ' -2554. 155J @21@725# >ades Dr M# F)#t +)y to 0etter 3e)lth#

online %lo& proteinpo$er# om# Sept 14 255@ =artman ML# "*gmente% growth hormone (<3) #ecretory (*r#t freE*ency )n% )mplit*%e me%i)te enh)nce% <3 #ecretion %*ring ) two'%)y f)#t in norm)l men# O 8lin >ndo rinol Meta%# 1CC2 'prTA<-<.JA?A7@? 9olf R# Intermittent F)#ting. 3e)lth, Longe$ity 9 1erform)nce. The Performan e Menu Oournal of 0utrition and 'thleti >) ellen eT Issue @T Oul! 255? 0ei&hmond P# Let*ne The 0o%y +ith " 1)rti)l F)#t. 0ational Pu%li Radio -0PR. onlineT 0o"em%er 21( 255A =ofmekler O# Diet F)ll)cy ;4. 0re)kf)#t i# the mo#t import)nt me)l of the %)y# Dra&ondoor# om online Oohnson O+ et al# "ltern)te %)y c)lorie re#triction impro$e# clinic)l fin%ing# )n% re%*ce# m)rker# of o7i%)ti$e #tre## )n% infl)mm)tion in o$erweight )%*lt# with mo%er)te )#thm). Free Radi +iol Med# 255A Mar 1 Dr >#=# De$e!# The /o 0re)kf)#t 1l)n )n% the F)#ting'C*re. 1C5< Dr =# Shelton# The 3ygienic -y#tem. Orthotrophy# 1C4? 8 ;# Oanus# <reek 3erit)ge, The "meric)n @*)rterly of <reek C*lt*re# 1C@4 +# Ma Fadden and F# Os$ald( M# D# F)#ting, 3y%rop)thy )n% 27erci#e. /)t*re'# +on%erf*l Leme%ie# For The C*re Of "ll Chronic "n% "c*te Di#e)#e## 1C55 >liGa%eth To$neT 9alla e D# 9attles( The /ew -cience of Li$ing )n% 3e)ling( 1C2< Le)ell O# 3*m)n )ging, m*#cle m)##, )n% fi(er type compo#ition# +iol S i Med S i# 1CC? 0o"T?5 O# 8alles7>s andon et al# 0)#)l f)t o7i%)tion %ecre)#e# with )ging in women# O 'ppl Ph!siol ABJ 2@@72A1( 1CC?

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Ph!siol >ndo rinol Meta% 2AAJ >B??7>B@1( 1CCC

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