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Response Cycle One

Describes main ideas and concepts* Uses various reading strategies to make meaning* Identifies problem and solution* Applies a knowledge of cueing systems to make meaning* Builds Background Knowledge to enhance meaning* Accesses schema to enrich understanding* Previews texts for clues to aid comprehension*

Makes explicit connections between personal and story experiences*

Structures and Features

Determines the target audience by identifying details from the text* Uses knowledge of text type to be viewed and read* Story sequence (beginning-middle-end)* Cause-Effect* *Denotes knowledge constructed with teacher guidance
Amy Curry W.Q.S.B 2011

Compares/contrasts* Uses other readers interpretations to clarify and extend personal understanding* Uses evidence to distinguish between own thinking and views presented in the text*

Response Cycle Two

Constructs a personal response to the text Uses details and evidence from the text to infer meaning Describes main ideas and concepts* Uses various reading strategies to make meaning* Identifies problem and solution* Applies a knowledge of cueing systems to make meaning Builds Background Knowledge to enhance meaning* Accesses schema to enrich understanding Previews texts for clues to aid comprehension

Makes explicit connections between personal and story experiences Makes explicit connections between texts Uses evidence to distinguish between own thinking and views presented in the text*

Structures and Features

Identifies and locates information about who wrote the text and why* Examines how the message holds the readers attention* Distinguishes fact from opinion, real from imaginary* Identifies ways the author/producer has tried to influence the reader* Determines the target audience by identifying details from the text* Uses knowledge of text type to be viewed and read* Story sequence (beginning-middle-end)* Cause-Effect*

Considers who/ what has been left out of the text and why* Integrates new information with prior knowledge* Uses other readers interpretations to clarify and extend personal understanding* Compares/Contrasts*

*Denotes knowledge constructed with teacher guidance

Amy Curry W.Q.S.B 2011

Response Cycle Three

Constructs a personal response to the text Uses details and evidence from the text to infer meaning Describes main ideas and concepts Uses various reading strategies to make meaning Identifies problem and solution Applies a knowledge of cueing systems to make meaning Builds Background Knowledge to enhance meaning Accesses schema to enrich understanding Previews texts for clues to aid comprehension

Connections Makes explicit connections between personal

and story experiences

Makes explicit connections between texts Makes connections that demonstrate a world view

Structures and Features

Identifies and locates information about who wrote the text and why Examines how the message holds the readers attention Distinguishes fact from opinion, real from imaginary Identifies ways the author/producer has tried to influence the reader Determines the target audience by identifying details from the text* Uses knowledge of text type to be viewed and read Story sequence (beginning-middle-end) Cause-Effect*

Considers who/ what has been left out of the text and why Integrates new information with prior knowledge Uses other readers interpretations to clarify and extend personal understanding Compares/Contrasts Uses evidence to distinguish between own thinking and views presented in the text

*Denotes knowledge constructed with teacher guidance

Amy Curry W.Q.S.B 2011

Response Secondary Cycle One

Extends and scaffolds initial reading experience by examining details in the text* Keeps track of initial response to text (note taking, graphic organizers, highlighting)* Produces a coherent first reading response* Adjusts reading stances and strategies to determine possible meanings Considers the social functions of text, and the context in which it was produced Uses vocabulary that apply to a specific genre*

Draws on needed background knowledge, experiences, context and texts in order to read critically* Interrelates personal reading profile, structures and features, social context and content of text*

Structures and Features

Uses cues conveyed by structures and features to determine significance in a text* Locates evidence in the text of how a writer/producer appeals to target audience* Identifies characteristics of the writer/producer and how this influences the purpose of the text* Analyzes dominant features of the text* Explains how writer/producer represents real/imaginary, fact/opinion* Analyzes how the text holds the readers attention*

Judgment Draws inferences about the world view presented in the text* Draws generalizations and conclusions based on evidence in the text Determines own hypothesis, theory, controlling idea and thesis statement* Organizes elements of own interpretation to achieve coherence and communicate clearly* Cites evidence from text Compares and contrasts with other texts* Compares and contrasts personal beliefs with those presented by the writer/producer* Draws coherent conclusions by making inferences and generalizations*

*Denotes knowledge constructed with teacher guidance

Amy Curry W.Q.S.B 2011

Amy Curry W.Q.S.B 2011

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