Irregular Verbs

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TRANSLATE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES INTO SPANISH 1. I was nervous before my last exam.

Were you nervous before your last exam? Yo estaba nervioso antes de mi ltimo examen. Estabas t nervioso antes de tu ltimo examen? 2. He studied at the University and became a teacher. l estudi en la universidad y lleg a ser profesor. 3. The lesson began at half past ten. La clase empez a las diez y media. 4. The dog bit her leg. El perro mordi su pierna. 5. My brother broke the window. Mi hermano rompi la ventana. 6. My mum brought a cake for my birthday. Mi madre trajo una tarta por mi cumpleaos. 7. My father built a very big house. Mi padre construy una casa muy grande. 8. A big fire burned/ burnt our school. Un gran fuego quem nuestro colegio. 9. I bought a new computer game last week. Yo compr un juego de ordenador la semana pasada. 10. My cat caught a mouse and ate it. Mi gato cogi un ratn y se lo comi. 11. She came to work by bus. Ella vino a trabajar en autobs.

12. That dress cost 200 euros. Ese vestido costaba/ cost 200 euros.

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