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Australia Inglaterra Rumania Grecia Escocia Tnez Hace calor Soleado Nublado Helado Mueco de nieve Playa Camello

Canguro Castillo Hay (uno) Hay (varios) Dnde puedes ver un..? Dnde puedes comer...? Bucear Esqu acutico Surfear Navegar en kayak Escalar Senderismo Montar a caballo Montar en bici Pescar Navegar

Ir de compras Hacer wind-surfing Hacer patinaje Cul es t nombre? Cuntos aos tienes? Dnde vives?

Activiy camp At_________ camp in Australia, There is lots for me to do. I make_______ and I sing songs About ________and kangaroos.

At activity camp in Australia, I _____________and I play bingo. In the _________ they call Down Under, There are _________that they cal dingoes!

What a _______place! What a great _______! See Ayers Rock and the ________, too! What a _______ place! A nice, _________place! The __________Barrier Reef And the____________.

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