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Metoda lui Lai Chiu Nan si a lui Andreas Moritz de eliminare naturala a calculilor biliari (litiaza biliara; pietre

la fiere)/ Lai Chiu Nan and Andreas Moritz methods for Liver and gallbladder flush (naturally removing gallstones )
text retradus, comentat si completat de Mirahorian

ntroducere Lucrurile nu sunt asa de simple precum par, fiindca eliminarea pietrelor din vezica biliara sau chiar a vezicii biliare, nu elimina aceasta dezordine. In afara procedurii chirugicale exista doua

strategii : 1. curatarea (expulzarea, spalarea) si . dizolvarea pietrelor de la vezica biliara !"#, in care se incadreaza atat metodele indicate mai sus, cat si alte metode cunoscute: 1. tratamente cu plante (rhubarb, mirabilitum ), care dilata coleductul ori micsoreaza diametrul pietrelor dureaza de la cateva zile, la cateva luni de zile, iar ceaiurile care depasesc $ zile de administrare intoxica organismul . . acupunctura in punctele meridianului vezicii biliare (latura dreapta) provoaca contractia si expulzarea calculilor(pietrelor): %&'(, punctul extraordinar de la cun sub %& '(, %& (, )1(* +M1$ !$#* sfincterul ,ddi este relaxat de electroacupunctura in %& '(, I-(* electroacupunctura in punctele auriculare )icat si %& declanseaza expulzarea pietrelor !.lectroacupuncture: / 0ractical Manual and +esource#. .xist1 o serie de studii cu privire la ./ (.lectro /cupunctura) pentru litiaz1 biliar1, 2n care se arat1 c1 ./ ! in punctele %1",%& (, %& '(,)1(,%13, 4)56789 (:higou), )1'#, este mai bun1 dec;t sulfatul de magneziu (.psom salt) administrat oral pentru promovarea expulzarii calculilor biliari . 4here are a number of studies on ./ for cholelithiasis in <hich is sho<n that ./ is better than oral magnesium sulphate (.psom salt) for promoting the expulsion of gallstones. . metoda cu oscilatii acustice (mantra) si ultra8acustice ( ultrasunete)* '. metoda de dizolvare a calculilor biliari folosind extracte din plante si metoda cu rasini schimbatoare de ioni (metoda creata de 4ina =ovaliu, care a fost a>utata de ?enri =oanda), care face calculii solubili . =ercetarile au aratat ca aceste doua strategii ( expulzare, dizolvare) sunt inutile, fiindca in ma>oritatea cazurilor vezica biliara se umple imediat cu si mai multe pietre!$#, daca maladia (dereglarea, disfunctia) nu este tratata si in plan informational . (. metoda homeopata care lucreaza in plan informational si impiedica reaparitia calculilor biliari foloseste drept vaccin sau remediu chiar dilutia dinamizata din calculul care a fost eliminat (nosod). !" ndepartarea naturala a calculilor biliari / #emoving gallstones naturally &@: Ar.Lai =hiu Ban !1# Mai mult dec;t at;t, calculi biliari pot duce la cancer. C=ancerul nu este prima boalaC subliniaza Ar. Lai =hiu Ban care mai afirma: 2n cercetarea mea 2n =hina, am dat peste unele cercetari care spun ca persoanele cu cancer au de obicei pietre. 4oti avem calculi biliari. .ste o chestiune de marime sau de micime, de cat de multi sau putini sunt . 4ratamentul este, de asemenea, bun pentru cei cu un ficat slab, deoarece ficatul si vezica biliara sunt str;ns legate.5 Moreover, gallstones ma@ lead to cancer. C=ancer is never the first illness,C Ar. Lai =hiu Ban points out : in m@ research in =hina , I came across some materials <hich sa@ that people <ith cancer usuall@ have stones. De all have gallstones. ItEs a matter of big or small, man@ or fe<. 4he treatment is also good for those <ith a <eaF liver, because the liver and gallbladder are closel@ linFed.(Ar. Lai =hiu Ban)

$rocedura / #egimen% 1. In primele cinci zile, beti patru pahare de suc de mere in fiecare zi. 6au m;ncati patru sau cinci mere, 2n functie de preferint1. 6ucul de mere 2nmoaie calculii biliari. 0e parcursul celor cinci zile, m;ncati 2n mod normal.5 1. )or the first five da@s, taFe four glasses of apple >uice ever@ da@. ,r eat four or five apples, <hichever @ou prefer. /pple >uice softens the gallstones. Auring the five da@s, eat normall@. . Gn ziua a sasea, nu se ia nici cina.5 . ,n the sixth da@, taFe no dinner. '. La ora 1", ia o lingurita de sare .psom (sulfat de magneziu), cu un pahar de apa calda.5 '. /t 9 0M, taFe a teaspoon of .psom salt (magnesium sulphate) <ith a glass of <arm <ater. (. La ora H, se repetati acelasi procedeu . 6ulfatul de magneziu deschide ccanalul vezicii biliare.5 (. /t " 0M, repeat the same. Magnesium sulphate opens the gallbladder ducts. I. La ora , se ia ulei de >umatate de ceasca de ulei de masline obtiut prin presare la rece (sau de ulei de susan), amestecat cu >umatate de ceasca de suc proaspat de lamaie. 6e amestec1 bine si se bea. Jleiul lubrifiaza pietre pentru a usura trecerea lor. 5 I. /t 1H 0M, taFe half cup olive oil (or sesame oil) <ith half cup fresh lemon >uice. Mix it <ell and drinF it. 4he oil lubricates the stones to ease their passage. 06. 1 ceasca K IHml, >umatate de ceasca de suc de lamaie K ' l1m;i (aprox.)5 06. 1cupK IHml, half cup lemon >uiceK' lemons (aprox.) In dimineata urm1toare, veti g1si pietre verzi 2n scaun. CAe obicei, ele plutescC, adauga =hiu Ban C.ste posibil s1 doriti s1 le numarati. /m avut oameni care au numarat de la (H, IH sau pana la 1HH de pietre. )oarte multe.C5 4he next morning, @ou <ill find green stones in @our stools. CJsuall@ the@ float,C =hiu Ban notes. CLou might <ant to count them. I have had people <ho passes (H, IH or up to 1HH stones. %er@ man@.C C=hiar dac1 nu aveti nici un simptom de calculi biliari, tot s8ar putea sa aveti cativa. .ste 2ntotdeauna bine pentru face din cand in cand o curatare a vezicii biliare. /cum stiti procedeul M 5 C.ven if @ou donEt have an@ s@mptoms of gallstones, @ou still might have some. ItEs al<a@s good to give @our gall bladder a clean8up no< and then. Bo< @ou Fno< MMM

&" Metoda Andreas Moritz de eliminare a calculilor biliari (litiaza biliara; pietre la fiere)/ Andreas Moritz method for Liver and gallbladder flush
4.N4JL AIB =/+4./ LJI M,+I4: IB L& .B-L.:/ L/ /A+.6/ AIB &I&LI,-+/)I. ! # 0+.-/4I+.5 0+.0/+/4I,B

=um sa eliminati fara durere, pietrele din fiere sau ficat ( text corectat dupa cel in lb. engleza insotit de note)

&eti 1 litru de suc de mere pe zi pentru o perioad1 de sase zile. (0uteti bea mai mult de atat daca va simtiti confortabil. /cidul malic din sucul de mere 2nmoaie calculi biliari si face mai usoar1 trecerea lor prin interiorul canalelor biliare . 6ucul de mere are un puternic efect de cur1tare . Jnele persoane sensibile pot avea balonare si, ocazional, diaree 2n primele c;teva zile. , mare parte a diareei este de fapt bila stagnant1, eliberat1 de ficat si de vezica biliar1 (lucru indicat de o culoarea maro, galben1). .fectul de fermentare a sucului de mere a>ut1 la l1rgirea canalelor biliare. In cazul 2n care acest lucru devine inconfortabil, se amesteca sucul cu apa. &eti sucul incet pe tot parcursul zilei, intre mese ( se evita bautul sucului de mere in timpul, meselor, chiar 2naintea meselor si seara* de bea la dou1 ore dup1 mese). Jtilizati, de preferint1 suc organic de mere sau cidru. /r putea fi util s1 v1 cl1titi si gura cu bicarbonat de sodiu si puneti pe periuta de dinti bicarbonat de sodiu pt a evita ca acidul din suc sa va deterioreze dintii .5 ArinF 1 liter of apple >uice a da@ for a period of six da@s. (Lou ma@ drinF more than that if it fees comfortable. 4he malic acid in apple >uice softens the gallstones and maFes their passage through the bile ducts eas@. 4he apple >uice has a strong cleansing effect. 6ome sensitive people ma@ experience bloating and, occasionall@, diarrhea during the first fe< da@s. Much of the diarrhea is actuall@ stagnant bile, released b@ the liver and gallbladder (indicated b@ a bro<nish, @ello< color). 4he fermenting effect of the >uice helps <iden the bile ducts. If this becomes uncomfortable, mix the >uice <ith <ater. ArinF the >uice slo<l@ throughout the da@, bet<een meals (avoiding drinFing the >uiced during, >ust before and in the evenings* use it t<o hours after meals). 0referabl@ used organic apple >uice or cider. It ma@ be useful to rinse @our mouth out <ith baFing soda and5or brush @our teeth several times a da@ to prevent the acid from damaging @our teeth. Nota 'M% In primele I zile se beau 8( pahare de suc de mere preparat proaspat sau se mananca (8I mere pe zi . Metoda pe care am utilizat8o functioneaza si fara aceasta pregatire de I zile . #(C)MAN'*# ' (+(+ C(%/ ' (+A#, #(C)MM(N'A+ )N-% In timpul intregii saptamani , evitati alimentele si b1uturile refrigerate sau reci . .le r1cesc ficatul, reduc;nd eficienOa curatarii. 4oate alimentele trebuie s1 fie calde sau cel putin la temperatura camerei. .vitati alimentele de origine animal1, produsele lactate, produse alimentare pra>ite, si zaharul rafinat5 Auring entire <eeF, avoid chilled or cold foods and beverages. 4he@ chill the liver, reducing the effectiveness of the cleanse. /ll foods should be at least room temp. /void foods from animal source, dair@ products, fried foods, and refined sugars =.L M/I &JB M,M.B4 0.B4+J =J+P4/+.: 5 4?. &.64 4IM. ),+ =L./B6IB-: 0artea principal1 este cea final1 si este cel mai bine sa fie la sfarsitul saptamanii ( <eeF8end), atunci c;nd nu sunteti sub nicio presiune si aveti timp s1 v1 odihniti. /cesta ar fi preferabil s1

coincid1 cu o zi de lun1 plin1 sau de lun1 nou1(de maree maxim1). 0erioada de preg1tire 9 zile poate 2ncepe cu I89 zile inainte de luna plin1. 5 4he main and final part is best done over a <eeFend, <hen @ou are not under an@ pressure and have time to rest. It should preferabl@ coincide <ith a da@ of full moon and ne< moon. 4he 9 da@ preparator@ period can start I89 da@s before the full moon. A/=P LJ/4I %+.JB M.AI=/M.B4:5 I) L,J 4/Q. /BL M.AI=/4I,B: .vitati orice medicament, vitamine sau suplimente care nu sunt absolut necesare.5 /void an@ medication, vitamins or supplements that are not absolutel@ necessar@. /6I-J+/4I8%P =/ /4I =J+P4/4 =,L,BJL GB/IB4. 6I AJ0P =. /4I )/=J4 , =J+P4/+. / )I=/4JLJI ..5 M/Q. 6J+. L,J =L./B6. L,J+ =,L,B &.),+. /BA /)4.+ L,J A, / LI%.+ =L./B6.. . /A A010A / +2( - 3+2 'A, =e trebuie s1 faceOi 2n ziua a Rasea a b1ut suc de mere: Aac1 va este foame, mancati un mic de>un uRor, unul din fulgi de ov1z este ideal. .vitati zaharul, sau alOi 2ndulcitori, condimentele, lapte, iaurt, br;nz1, unt, uleiuri, Runc1, ou1, nuci, produse de patiserie, cereale reci* etc .. )ructele sau sucurile de fructe sunt bune. 0entru masa de pr;nz m;ncati simplu legume fierte in apa sau abur cu orez alb (preferabil orez &asmati) Ri dati8le gust, cu un pic de sare nerafinata (de mare sau din roca). Bu mancati niciun aliment cu proteine, unt sau ulei, fiindca s8ar putea sa va simOi r1u 2n timpul cureOarii efective. Aup1 ora1( nu mancati si nu beti nimic (cu excepOia apei) , altfel nu veti putea elimina pietrele. JrmaOi orarul exact indicat mai >os pentru a realiza maximum de beneficii din sp1larea ficatului.5 Dhat @ou need to do on the sixth da@ of drinFing apple >uice: If @our hungr@, eat a light breaFfast* oatmeal is most ideal. /void sugar, or other s<eeteners, spices, milF, butter, oils, @ogurt, cheese, ham, eggs, nuts, pastries, cold cereals*etc. )ruit or fruit >uices are fine. )or lunch eat plain cooFed or streamed veggies <ith <hite rice (preferabl@ &asmati rice) and flavor <ith a little unrefined sea or rocF salt. Ao not eat an@ protein foods, butter or oil, or @ou might feel ill during the actual cleanse. Ao not eat or drinF an@thing (except <ater) after 0M, other<ise @ou ma@ not flush out an@ stones. )ollo< the exact timing given belo< to receive the maximum benefit from the liver flush. Bota AM: in ziua a 98a nu se mananca masa de seara C/#*4A#(A (5(C+ 6* / +2( AC+/AL CL(AN-( ,ra 1":HH: 6e adaug1 patru linguri (" lingurite ) de sare amar1 (sulfat de magneziu) intr8un 2ntr8un borcan in care se pun ( pahare ( de IHml) de ap1 filtrat1 . /cest lichid din borcan se amesteca bine prin agitare si va fi repartizat in patru porOii ( ( pahare). 6e bea prima porOie acum (primul pahar de sare amara). 0uteti adauga putina zeama de lamaie pentru a 2mbun1t1Oi gustul. 59:HH 0M: /dd four tablespoons of .psom salts (magnesium sulfate) to three "oz. cups of filtered <ater in a >ar. 4his maFes four servings, '5( cup each. ArinF

@our first portion no<. Lou can add a little lemon >uice to improve taste. ,ra H:HH: &eti a doua portie de sare amar1 ( al doilea pahar de sare amara) . 5 ":HH0M: ArinF @ou second serving of '5( cup of .psom salts. ,ra 1:'H: Aac1 nu aOi avut un scaun pana acum, nu si ati f1cut o cureOare a colon 2n ultimele ( de ore, s1 face o clism1 cu ap1 calda .5 3:'H0M: If @ou have not had a bo<el movement until no<, and not done a colon cleanse <ithin ( hours, taFe a <arm <ater enema. ,ra 1:(I: 6e realizeaza zeama din l1m;i (s8au folosi si grepfruct ori portocale). Le stoarceti, elimin;nd pulpa. %eOi avea nevoie de 15 pahar de suc. 6e toarn1 sucul si o cantitate egala de ulei de masline cald 2ntr8un borcan cu capac. 6e 2nchide borcanul ermetic si se agit1 puternic, de aproximativ H de ori , p;n1 c;nd se obtine un amestec omogen.5 3:(I0M: Dash grapefruit (or lemons and oranges). 6Sueeze them, removing pulp. Lou <ill need '5( cup of >uice. 0our the >uice and 15 glass of <arm olive oil into a pint >ar. =lose the >ar tightl@ and shaFe hard, about H times or until the solution in <ater. )ra &&%77% 6tati l;ng1 pat (nu >os sau pe spate) si beti tot amestecul de ulei cu lamaie . Aaca este necesar , luati un pic de miere sa alungati gustul 5 1H:HH0M: 6tand next to @our bed (do not sit do<n) and drinF the concoction straight. If necessar@, taFe a little hone@ to chase it do<n. Nota 'M!% In textele in limba romana apare ca se bea la ora : H din nou un pahar de suc de lamaie si de ulei de masline. In metoda pe care am utilizat8o nu se bea a doua doza de amestec ulei si lamaie* nu se mai folosesc alte doze de sare amara* dupa trezire pietrele apar in scaun ( vedeti mai >os metoda indicata de Lai =hiu Ban). 0otrivit, o solutie eficient1 de sp1lare5 cur1tare contine suc de citrice proaspat stors, usturoi ras si ghimbir 5 /ccording to, an effective cleansing or flush solution contains freshl@ sSueezed citrus >uice, grated garlic and ginger. !3# Nota 'M&% In textele traduse la noi apare: C,+/ 1:(I T 6e aplica pe partea dreapta, in zona ficatului (de la buric, pana la prima coasta si cat mai in dreapta spre coloana) o mamaliga fiebinte, invelita intr8 un prosop. 6a se evite contactul direct cu pielea. Mamaliga se face din 1 Filogram de malai.C Ccaldura mamaligii ce are rol dilatatorC. In opinia mea invazia caldurii externe este o eroare si este stresanta, iar organismul o evacueaza prin toate mi>loacele (transpiratie). 0e de alta parte caldura si frigul produc vasodilatare si vaso8constrictie la nivelul vaselor sanguine, iar nu la nivelul coleductului . )iindca dilatarea coleductului cere relaxare si respiratie abdominala, se alege sa se faca acest procedeu intr8o incapere incalzita, iar nu intr8o sauna. 6e poate creste caldura in zona, fara o sursa externa prin masa>, printr8o perna pusa in acea zona. In articolul !3# scrie ca: CInc1lzirea zonei

ficatului cu o sticla cu apa calda sau scufundarea intr8o cada cu apa fierbinte poate stimula canalele hepatobiliare sa se dilate, ceea ce face pietrele s1 treac1 mai usor.5 Darming the liver area <ith a hot <ater bottle or sitting in a hot bath ma@ stimulate the bile ducts to dilate, maFing the stones easier to pass.C C/LCA0+( ( N+ N'(0+( LA )# .)N+ALA) M(' A+ 8 / L ( ')9N -+#A :2+ A9A,8 /cest lucru este esenOial pentru a a>uta la eliberarea de calculilor biliari. 6tingeOi luminile si lungiti8v1 pe spate cu 18 perne pt rezemarea capului. =apul t1u trebuie s1 se afle mai sus decat abdomenul. Gn cazul 2n care acest lucru este incomod stati pe partea dreapta, cu genunchii trasi spre cap. 6tati complet nemiscati timp de cel puOin H de minute si nu vorbitiM Indreptati8va atentia asupra ficatului dumneavoastr1. A8ar putea sa simti pietrele c1l1torind de8a lungul canalelor biliare. /dormiti dac1 puteOi. Aac1 v1 simOiOi nevoia de a avea un scaun, faceti acest lucru. %erificaOi daca apar calculi biliari mici ( de culoare maz1rii verzi sau colorate maroniu ) care plutesc la toalet1. .ste posibil s1 simOiti greaO1 2n timpul nopOii sau in primele ore ale diminetii. /cest lucru se datoreaz1 2n mare parte rev1rsarii puternice si bruste de calculi biliari si de toxine din ficat si din vezica biliara( in duoden), care 2mpinge amestecul de ulei 2napoi 2n stomac. -reata va trece pe masura ce dimineaOa progreseaz1 4his is essential for helping to release the gallstones. 4urn off the lights and lie flat on @our bacF <ith 18 pillo<s propping @ou up. Lour head should be higher then @our abdomen. If this is uncomfortable lie on @our right side <ith @our Fnees pulled to<ards @our head. Lie perfectl@ still for at least H minutes and do not speaFM 0ut @our attention on @our liver. Lou ma@ feel the stones traveling along the bile ducts. -o to sleep if @ou can. If @ou feel the urge to have a bo<el movement, do so. =hecF for small gallstones (pea green or tan colored ones) floating the toilet. Lou ma@ feel nauseous during the night and5or earl@ morning hours. 4his is mostl@ due to a strong, sudden outpouring of gallstones and toxins from the liver and gallbladder, pushing the oil mixture bacF into the stomach. 4he nausea <ill pass a the morning progresses Nota 'M% In textul in lb. romana apare CIB=.+=/4I 6/ BJ %,+&I4IM C /ceasta este o eroare, asa ca puteti vorbi cat doriti, fiindca vibratiile acustice maresc fluiditatea nisipului din vezica biliara * chiar se folosesc vibratiile sonore produse de mantra in medicina a@urvedica, care lucreaza pe plexul solar sau in vecinatate (ram, dam, tam) sau de o sursa externa : aparat de masa>, difuzor sau de un convertor de ultrasunete pt a facilita eliminarea calculilor biliari 8 gallstones ultrasound) )ra 71%77 0 71%;7% beti al treile pahar de sare amar1. (Aac1 va este sete beti un pahar de ap1 cald1 2nainte de a lua apa cu sare amar1).

,dihniti8va, cititi sau meditati, si chiar puteti face cateva exercitii usoare de @oga. Aac1 sunteti foarte somnorosi, duceti8va 2napoi in pat, desi este cel mai bine ca organismul sa r1m;n1 2n poziOie vertical1.5 9:HH89:'H/M: ArinF @our third '5( cup of .psom salts. (If @ouUre thirst@, drinF a glass of <arm <ater before taFing the salts) +est, read or meditate, or even some light Loga. If @ou are ver@ sleep@, go bacF to be, although it is best if the bod@ sta@s in the upright position. Nota 'M% In metoda pe care am utilizat8o nu se mai folosesc alte doze de sare amara* dupa trezire pietrele apar in scaun ( vedeti metoda indicata de Lai =hiu Ban) )ra 7<%77 0 7<%;7% &eti al patrulea si ultimul pahar de sare amar15 ":HH8":'H/M: ArinF fourth and last '5( cup of .psom salts Nota 'M% In metoda pe care am utilizat8o nu se mai folosesc alte doze de sare amara* dupa trezire pietrele apar in scaun ( vedeti metoda indicata de Lai =hiu Ban) ,ra 1H:HH 8 1H:'H: 0uteOi bea suc de fructe proasp1t stoarse 2n acest moment. , >um1tate de or1 mai t;rziu, s8ar putea buc una sau dou1 buc1Oi de fructe proaspete. , or1 mai t;rziu, va fi mat mananci regulat (dar lumina) alimentare. Ae seara sau dimineaOa urm1toare ar trebui s1 fie 2napoi la normal, si sa se simta primele semne de ameliorare. =ontinua sa manance mese uVoare 2n urm1toarele c;teva zile. /mintiOi8v1, ficatul si vezica biliara a suferit interventii chirurgicale ma>ore, dar f1r1 efecte secundare nocive. ,ra 1H:HH 8 1H:'H: 0uteOi bea 2n acest moment suc de fructe proasp1t stoarse . , >um1tate de or1 mai t;rziu, puteti manca una sau dou1 buc1Oi de fructe proaspete. , or1 mai t;rziu, puteti sa mancati alimentele obisnuite (dar usoare) . In seara sau in dimineaOa urm1toare ar trebui s1 a>ungeti 2napoi la normal, si sa simtiti primele semne de ameliorare. =ontinuati sa mancati mese usoare 2n urm1toarele c;teva zile. /mintiOi8v1, ca ficatul si vezica biliara au suferit interventii chirurgicale ma>ore, dar f1r1 efecte secundare nocive.5 1H:HH81H:'H/M: Lou ma@ drinF freshl@ pressed fruit >uice at this time. ,ne half8hour later @ou ma@ eat one or t<o pieces of fresh fruit. ,ne hour later @ou mat eat regular (but light) food. &@ the evening or next morning @ou should be bacF to normal, and feel the first signs of improvement. =ontinue to eat light meals during the next fe< da@s. +emember, @our liver and gallbladder under<ent ma>or surger@, albeit <ithout harmful side effects. Nota 'M% textele in lb. romana adauga: CIn urmatoarele doua zile este recomandat sa se efectueze o clisma, deoarece pietrele pot ramane in intestinul gros si sunt foarte toxice, putand crea o stare de rau. In caz ca mai sunt pietre, cura se poate relua o data pe luna. Aupa 981 cure, sunt eliminate toate.C = =L ):#A5 ( 1. +.M,%IB- -/LL64,B.6 B/4J+/LLL &@: Ar.Lai =hiu Ban

http%//diamond>i?ung"net//ser5iles/5ile/#emove@&7:allstones @&7Naturally"pdf

http:55<<<.enz@mesos.com5WpageXidK1'$" http:55veganlog@.com5 H1 5115 "5remove8gallstones8naturall@8dr8lai8 chiu8nan5 https:55<<<.facebooF.com5photo.phpW fbidK 13'('1$"1"3'3HYsetKpb.1I$'119"('3 I(H.8 H$I HHHH.1'"'"I"H'$.Yt@peK'Ytheater https:55<<<.facebooF.com5Learning0etals5photosXstream http:55<<<.teo8education.com5teo5WpK '$9" Batural +emedies Z +.M,%IB- -/LL64,B.6 B/4J+/LLL ( =ure and +emedies ) &@: Ar.Lai =hiu Ban http:55<<<.foodlve.com5food5removing8gallstones8naturall@8 93 6@stemic =andida http:55s@stemiccandida.blogspot.ro5 H1 5H(5liver8cleanse.html Least Infection Liver and -allbladder =leanse http:55<<<.@eastinfectionadvisor.com5@eastinfectionliver.html . Metoda /ndreas Moritz de eliminare a calculilor biliari (6capa de pietre la vezica biliara ) Liver and gallbladder flush 8 /ndreas Moritz method 4.N4JL AIB =/+4./ LJI M,+I4: IB L& .B-L.:/
http%//bodyAor?bydaphne"com/storage/+he@&7Amazing@&7Liver @&7Cleanse"pdf

'.4.N4. IB L&. +,M/B/ http:55<<<.blog.farmacianaturii.ro5scapa8de8pietre8la8vezica8biliara5 http:55cumfacasta.com5cum8sa8eliminati8fara8durere8pietrele8din8fiere8 sau8ficat5 B" 6 '()CL $/# http:55<<<.@outube.com5<atchW vK[I 7QIz&7"sYlistK0L9A&1" 3'1")3'/IIYindexK 1YfeatureKplpp Xvideo Liver and gallbladder flush (m@ (th one) 8 /ndreas Moritz method http:55<<<.@outube.com5<atchWvKA/n=Q')?FN( 4he /mazing Liver and -allbladder )lush (=L/66I= A%A) http:55<<<.@outube.com5<atchWvK[I 7QIz&7"s C" Alte -urse% 0entru mai multe informatii cautati: )ormula /6 nr. '$3 sau cartea \4he /mazing Liver =leanse]8 autor /ndreas Moritz. =artea in limba romana: 6capa de pietre la ficat si fiere. Jn puternic instrument pentru redobandirea sanatatii si a starii de bine
http:55<<<.librarie.net5carte.phpW idK1"I1I"YniaK"9YniaadgrK=?p0b6YgclidK=Lu@3X$6H$o=)J+c'godn/(/=[

/ndreas Moritz 8 4he M@sterious Aeath of a Legend

http:55pro>ectavalon.net5forum(5sho<thread.phpWI31I'8/ndreas8 Moritz8passed8a<a@8last8,ctober8 H1 http:55<<<.simpl@cure.me5clean8ups5liver8and8gallbladder8flush5 1" M(+)'A 2/L'A CLA#D N AN(3A ! C4he =ure )or ?I% and /IA6C &@ ?ulda =larF pg.I"I http:55curezone.com5cleanse5liver5huldasXrecipe.asp

http:55bod@<orFb@daphne.com5storage54he^ H/mazing^ HLiver^ H=leanse.pdf

E" +#(A+M(N+ )5 :ALL-+)N(- 9 +2 C2 N(-( 2(#=- AN' AC/$/NC+/#( AN(3A & http:55<<<.itmonline.org5arts5gallstones.htm <" Liver :allbladder :allstones% 'issolving 6erses Cleansing http:55<<<.chasnSi.com5-allstoneX+emoval.html F" Natural 9ays to $ass :allstones http:55<<<.livestrong.com5article5 "1" 8natural8<a@s8to8pass8 gallstones5

AN(3A ! M(+)'A 2/L'A CLA#D =hoose a da@ liFe 6aturda@ for the cleanse, since @ou <ill be able to rest the next da@. 4aFe no medicines, vitamins or pills that @ou can do <ithout* the@ could prevent success. 6top the parasite program and Fidne@ herbs too, the da@ before. .at a no8fat breaFfast and lunch such as cooFed cereal <ith fruit, fruit >uice, bread and preserves or hone@ (no butter or milF), baFed potato or other vegetables <ith salt onl@. 4his allo<s the bile to build up and develop pressure in the liver. ?igher pressure pushes out more stones. :HH 0M. Ao not eat or drinF after oEclocF. If @ou breaF this rule @ou could feel Suite ill later. -et @our .psom salts read@. Mix ( tbs. in ' cups <ater and pour this into a >ar. 4his maFes four servings, '5( (three fourths) cup each. 6et the >ar in the refrigerator to get ice cold (this is for convenience and taste onl@). ! Lou can substitute ' cups <ater <ith ' cups freshl@ pressed grapefruit >uice, or freshl@ pressed apple >uice, it tastes better .# 9:HH 0M. ArinF one serving '5( (three fourths cup) of the ice cold .psom salts. If @ou did not prepare this ahead of time, mix 1 tbs. in '5( (three fourth) cup <ater no<. Lou ma@ add 15" (one eight) tsp. vitamin = po<der to improve the taste. Lou ma@ also drinF a fe< mouthfuls of <ater after<ards or rinse @our mouth. -et the olive oil (ozonated, if possible) and grapefruit out to <arm up. /lternative 6chedule 1: ,mit the first .psom 6lats dose at 9 p.m. 4aFe onl@ one dose, <aiting till " p.m. =hange nothing else. Man@ people

still get stones <ith one less dose. If @ou do not, do the full course next time. C4he =ure )or ?I% and /IA6C &@ ?ulda =larF pg.I"I ":HH 0M. +epeat b@ drinFing another '5( (three fourths) cup of .psom salts. Lou havenEt eaten since t<o oEclocF, but @ou <onEt feel hungr@. -et @our bedtime chores done. 4he timing is critical for success. 3:(I 0M. 0our 15 (half) cup (measured) olive oil into the pint >ar. /dd drops ?=l to sterilize. Dash grapefruit t<ice in hot <ater and dr@* sSueeze b@ hand into the measuring cup. +emove pulp <ith forF. Lou should have at least 15 (half) cup, more (up to '5( (three fourths) cup) is best. Lou ma@ use part lemonade. /dd this to the olive oil. /lso add &lacF Dalnut 4incture. =lose the >ar tightl@ <ith the lid and shaFe hard until <ater@ (onl@ fresh grapefruit >uice does this). Bo< visit the bathroom one or more time, even if it maFes @ou late for @our ten oEclocF drinF. AonEt be more than 1I minutes late. Lou <ill get fe<er stones. 1H:HH 0M. ArinF the potion @ou have mixed. 4aFe ( ornithine capsules <ith the first sips to maFe sure @ou <ill sleep through the night. 4aFe " if @ou alread@ suffer from insomnia. ArinFing through a large plastic stra< helps it go do<n easier. Lou ma@ use oil and vinegar salad dressing, or straight hone@ to chase it do<n bet<een sips. ?ave these read@ in a tablespoon on the Fitchen counter. 4aFe it all to @our bedside if @ou <ant, but drinF it standing up. -et it do<n <ithin I minutes (fifteen minutes for ver@ elderl@ or <eaF persons). Lie do<n immediatel@. Lou might fail to get stones out if @ou donEt. 4he sooner @ou lie do<n the more stones @ou <ill get out. &e read@ for bed ahead of time. AonEt clean up the Fitchen. /s soon as the drinF is do<n <alF to @our bed and lie do<n flat on @our bacF <ith @our head up high on the pillo<. 4r@ to thinF about <hat is happening in the liver. 4r@ to Feep perfectl@ still for at least H minutes. Lou ma@ feel a train of stones traveling along the bile ducts liFe marbles. 4here is no pain because the bile duct valves are open (thanF @ou .psom saltsM). -o to sleep, @ou ma@ fail to get stones out if @ou donEt. Bext morning. Jpon a<aFening taFe @our third dose of .psom salts. If @ou have indigestion or nausea <ait until it is gone before drinFing the .psom salts. Lou ma@ go bacF to bed. AonEt taFe this potion before 9:HH am. ?ours Later. 4aFe @our fourth (the last) dose of .psom salts. Lou ma@ go bacF to bed again. C4he =ure )or ?I% and /IA6C &@ ?ulda =larF pg.I"I /lternative 6chedule : /fter taFing the first dose of .psom salts in the morning, <ait t<o hours and taFe a second dose of the oil mixture (but onl@ 15 cup)and go bacF to bed. /fter t<o more hours taFe another dose of .psom salts. 4his schedule can increase the number of stones @ou remove.C /fter More ?ours @ou ma@ eat. 6tart <ith fruit >uice. ?alf an hour later eat fruit. ,ne hour later @ou ma@ eat regular food but Feep it light. &@ supper @ou should feel recovered. ?L0.+LIBQ Chttp:55<<<.geocities.com5?ot6prings56pa5$ ((5

masterXcleanse.htmlC http:55<<<.geocities.com5?ot6prings56pa5$ ((5masterXcleanse.html 4he Master =leanser <ith 6pecial Beeds and 0roblems &@ 6tanle@ &urroughs 0urpose: 4o dissolve and eliminate toxins and congestion that have formed in an@ part of the bod@. 4o cleanse the Fidne@s and the digestive s@stem. 4o purif@ the glands and cells throughout the entire bod@. 4o eliminate all unusable <aste and hardened material in the >oints and muscles. 4o relieve pressure and irritation in the nerves, arteries, and blood vessels. 4o build a health@ blood stream. 4o Feep @outh and elasticit@ regardless of our @ears. D?.B 4, J6. I4W Dhen sicFness has developed_for all acute and chronic conditions. Dhen the digestive s@stem needs a rest and a cleansing. Dhen over<eight has become a problem. Dhen better assimilation and building of bod@ tissue is needed. /BA ?,D ,)4.BW )ollo< the diet for a minimum of 1H da@s or more_up to (H da@s and be@ond ma@ be safel@ follo<ed for extremel@ serious cases. 4he diet has all the nutrition needed during this time. 4hree to four times a @ear <ill do <onders for Feeping the bod@ in a normal health@ conditions. 4he diet ma@ be undertaFen more freSuentl@ for serious conditions. ?,D 4, M/Q. I4W 4ablespoons lemon or lime >uice (approx. 1` lemon) 4ablespoons genuine maple s@rup (Bot maple flavored sugar s@rup) 151H 4easpoon ca@enne pepper (red pepper) or to taste Dater, medium hot =ombine the >uice, maple s@rup, and ca@enne pepper in a 1H oz glass and fill <ith medium hot <ater. (=old <ater ma@ be used if preferred.) ?.L0IB- 4?. =L./B6IB- /L,B/ L/N/4I%. ?.+& 4./ is found to be the best helper for most persons. It is a good practice to taFe a good laxative herb tea right from the beginning_the last thing at night and first thing in the morning. 4here are several good laxative teas. 4he@ are best taFen in a liSuid form. &u@ them in @our health food store. /B,4?.+ =L./B6IB- /IA: IB4.+B/L 6/L4 D/4.+ &/4?IB/s it is necessar@ to bathe the outside of our bodies, so it is <ith the inside. Ao not taFe enemas or colonics at an@ time during the cleansing diet or after<ards. 4he@ are unnecessar@ and can be extremel@ harmful. 4here is a much superior method of cleansing the colonic tract <ithout the harmful effects of customar@ colonics and enemas. 4his method <ill cleanse the entire digestive tract <hile the colonics and enemas <ill onl@ reach the colon or a small part of it. =olonics can be expensive <hile our salt <ater method is not.

AI+.=4I,B6: 0repare a full Suart of luFe8<arm <ater and add t<o level (rounded for the =anadian Suart) teaspoons of sea salt. Ao not use ordinar@ iodized salt as it <ill not <orF properl@. ArinF the entire Suart of salt and <ater first thing in the morning. 4his must be taFen on an empt@ stomach. 4he salt and <ater <ill not separate but <ill sta@ intact and SuicFl@ and thoroughl@ <ash the entire tract in about one hour. 6everal eliminations <ill liFel@ occur. 4he salt <ater has the same specific gravit@ as the blood, hence the Fidne@s cannot picF up the <ater and the blood cannot picF up the salt. 4his ma@ be taFen as often as needed for proper <ashing of the entire digestive s@stem. If the salt <ater does not <orF the first time, tr@ adding a little more or a little less salt until the proper balance is found* or possible taFe extra <ater <ith or <ithout salt. 4his often increases the activit@. +emember, it can do no harm at an@ time. 4he colon needs a good <ashing, but do it the natural <a@_the salt <ater <a@. It is Suite advisable to taFe the herb laxative tea at night to loosen, then the salt <ater each morning to <ash it out. If for some reason the salt <ater cannot be taFen in the morning, then the herb laxative tea must be taFen night and morning. ?,D 4, &+./Q 4?. L.M,B/A. AI.4 =oming off the lemonade diet properl@ is highl@ important_please follo< the directions ver@ carefull@. /fter living in a semi8tropical and tropical climate for man@ @ears, I find that people have increasingl@ turned to a ra< fruit, nut, and vegetable diet. )ollo<ing is the schedule for people <ho normall@ follo< such a natural vegetarian diet: )I+64 /BA 6.=,BA A/L /)4.+ AI.4: 6everal " ox. -lasses of fresh orange >uice as desired during the da@. 4he orange >uice prepares the digestive s@stem to properl@ digest and assimilate regular food. ArinF it slo<l@. If there has been an@ digestive difficult@ prior to or during the change over, extra <ater ma@ be taFen <ith the orange >uice. 4?I+A A/L: ,range >uice in the morning. +a< fruit for lunch. )ruit or ra< vegetable salad at night. Lou are no< read@ to eat normall@. )or those <ho have characteristicall@ lived the unnatural <a@ of meat, milF, refined and devitalized food, it ma@ be best to change over as follo<s, graduall@ adopting the ra< fruit, nut, and vegetable diet: )I+64 A/L: 6everal " oz. -lasses of fresh orange >uice as desired during the da@. ArinF it slo<l@. 6.=,BA A/L: ArinF several " oz. -lasses of orange >uice during the da@_<ith extra <ater, if needed. 6ome time during the afternoon, prepare a vegetable soup (no canned soup) as follo<s: +.=I0. ),+ %.-.4/&L. 6,J0 Jse several Finds of vegetables, perhaps one or t<o Finds of legumes, potatoes, celer@, carrots, green vegetable tops, onion, etc. Aeh@drated vegetables or vegetable soup po<ders ma@ be added for extra flavor. ,Fra or oFra po<der, chili, curr@, ca@enne (red pepper), tomatoes, green peppers, and zucchini sSuash ma@ be included to

good advantage. &ro<n rice ma@ be used, but no meat or meat stocF. ,ther spices ma@ be added (delicatel@) for flavor. Jse salt delicatel@ as a limited amount of salt is necessar@. Learn to en>o@ the natural flavor of the vegetables. 4he less cooFing the better

AN(3A & +#(A+M(N+ )5 :ALL-+)N(- 9 +2 C2 N(-( 2(#=AN' AC/$/NC+/#( It is unclear <hether acupuncture, b@ itself, can cause expulsion of gallstones, but acupuncture is used to treat s@mptoms of gallstones, such as billiar@ colic. 4he t<o acupuncture points mentioned in this article, Simen (L%81() and ri@ue (-&8 (), are the main ones mentioned in the literature. 4hese points lie over the liver on the right side, and are located one rib apart and directl@ belo< the nipple. ,nl@ the right side is treated. /n extensive anal@sis of the value of these points <as presented in an article on treatment of biliar@ colic (9), along <ith brief mention of the nearb@ point >uSue (=%81(). In the discussion of their treatment, the authors stated: 4he theor@ of acupuncture and moxibustion of :hang :hong>ing !author of 6hanghan Lun# is an important component part of his academic thinFing, of <hich the freSuent use of Simen point is Suite characteristic. 4he indications of Simen point include fullness of abdomen, delirium, fullness of the chest and flanFs, distention of gastric region resistant to pressure, and fever or alternative spells of fever and chills, <hich are similar to the clinical manifestations during a bout of biliar@ colic.... De found that the most sensitive and tender point of Simen !among our patients <ith biliar@ colic# is in the area defined b@ the lines connecting Simen, ri@ue, and >uSue points, <hich, according to traditional =hinese medicine, is the dividing line bet<een the liver and the gallbladder, and is indicated mainl@ for treating diseases of the internal organs in the vicinit@. [imen is the mu point !alarm point# of the liver, ri@ue is the mu point of the gallbladder, and >uSue is the mu point of the heart. 4he front mu points are used mainl@ in the treatment of diseases of the internal organs. %arious painful lesions are the result of failure of the heart and liver to remove stagnanc@ of vital energ@, leading to impediment to the flo< of Si of the gallbladder, thus producing the pain. &asing on the principle of treating pain b@ needling the location <here pain exists, the most marFed tender spot <as detected in the region of the three points.... ,ther points freSuentl@ mentioned in the literature for treating gallstones include the lo<er leg points @anglingSuan (-&8'(), Siuxu (-&8(H), and zusanli (648'9)* in addition, there is an extra point Fno<n as the gallbladder point (dannangxue), >ust belo< -&8'( (about 18 cun lo<er). 4he nausea and pain associated <ith cholec@stitis and <ith billiar@ blocFage is treated at neiguan (0=89) and zhigou (4&89), above the <rist. In explaining the use of these

points, the /dvanced 4extbooF of 4raditional =hinese Medicine and 0harmacolog@ states: [imen and ri@ue are the front mu points of the liver and gallbladder meridians respectivel@* zhigou and @anglingSuan can relieve h@pochondriac pain, <hile zusanli helps strengthen the spleen and disperse dampness8heat. .ar acupuncture developed a reputation for being a method for expelling gallstones during the 13"Hs ($). It <as reported to be especiall@ effective for the damp8heat t@pe and less so for the Si8 stagnation t@pes of patients, but not effective for those <ith Si deficienc@. ,ver 9H auricular points have been used in the treatment of gallstones, maFing it difficult to picF out points that might be particularl@ effective. Bot surprisingl@, the most commonl@ used points <ere those associated <ith the liver, gallbladder, bile duct, pancreas, duodenum, stomach, spleen, and small intestine. / course of treatment <ould be thirt@ da@s <ith pressure applied to the point using various Finds of pellets, especiall@ vaccaria seeds (<hich have a sharp point and ma@ be substituted b@ the small Cear tacFsC). 0ressure <ould be applied for H8'H minutes after meals (about 1I minutes after eating). Aespite the high efficac@ of the therap@ in alleviating s@mptoms, the number of cases reported to have complete elimination of stones <as usuall@ onl@ about 1H^, sometimes as high as H^. Auring treatment, stone expulsion <ould @ield a sensation of distention or pain in the region of the gallbladder. Jnfortunatel@, it <as found that in patients <ho had onl@ a portion of the stones expelled, ne< stones appeared ver@ rapidl@, sometimes leading to a <orsened condition after treatment. ,ne researcher, 6hang =enruo of the Ban>ing =ollege of 4=M, cautioned that a higher efficac@ of ear acupuncture for stone expulsion should be attained before recommending <ide spread use of the techniSue. ,ther researchers noted superior effects <hen ear acupuncture <as combined <ith herbal therap@.

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