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================================================================================ ======== * WINDOWS XP SIMULATOR LICENSE * ================================================================================ ======== The Windows XP Simulator is totally free and it can be downloaded

form www.echop You can redistribute this software to whom ever you want and make as many copies you wish but you must no charge a tax or a fee for it. If you do, make sure the money onl y cover the price for the media you used to distribute the program. As the program is free, WE DO NOT, IN ANY WAY OFFER ANY SUPPORT! Even if it is n ot the case, but if you get this program infected with malicious code, and your computer will get infected, WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE. To be sure, downloading from our site is the s afest way to get Windows XP Setup Simulator. However we will answer any questions and help yo u if there is the case, if you write to Do not modify the program. If you wish to redistribute it, give it AS IT IS, wit h no modifications in its original xp_simulation_setup.exe file. For any questions, suggestions, ideas, comments, etc. please write to office@ech EchoProject Copyright 2004 Created by Andrei Caprioara

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