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cs repeat 72[fd 10 rt 5] repeat 36[fd 5 rt 5] repeat 36[fd 5 lt 5]

cs to flor repeat 18[fd 17.45 rt 5] rt 90 repeat 18[fd 17.45 rt 5] end repeat 4[flor] rt 45 repeat 4[flor]

repeat 90[ fd 1.8 rt 1] rt 90 repeat 90[ fd 1.8 rt 1] rt 90 rt 45 fd 100 * ( sqrt 2 ) penup home pendown

cs to cuadrado :lado repeat 4[fd :lado rt 90] end cuadrado 80 lt 90 cuadrado 40 lt 90 cuadrado 20 lt 90 cuadrado 10

Divide el ngulo en tres ngulos de igual apertura.

cs rt 30 repeat 4[fd 60*sqrt(3) rt 120] lt 60 repeat 360[fd 60/57.29 rt 1]

cs rt 30 repeat 3[fd 120 rt 120] lt 120 bk 30 rt 90 fd 30*sqrt(3) rt 90 fd 60 rt 90 fd 30*sqrt(3) rt 90 fd 60 rt 90

to cuadro setpc 7 repeat 4 [fd 25 rt 90] end to rojo setpc 4 repeat 4 [fd 25 rt 90] end setpc 7 cuadro repeat 2 [penup fd 35 pendown rojo penup fd 35 pendown setpc 7 cuadro] penup home rt 90 fd 35 lt 90 pendown rojo repeat 2 [penup fd 35 pendown cuadro penup fd 35 pendown rojo] penup home rt 90 fd 70 lt 90 pendown cuadro repeat 2 [penup fd 35 pendown rojo penup fd 35 pendown setpc 7 cuadro] penup home rt 90 fd 105 lt 90 pendown rojo repeat 2 [penup fd 35 pendown cuadro penup fd 35 pendown rojo] penup home rt 90 fd 140 lt 90 pendown

SETPC 7 FILL SETPC 0 repeat 100 [ fd 100 bk 100 rt 1.2 ] SETPC 1 repeat 100 [ fd 100 bk 100 rt 1.2 ] SETPC 4 repeat 100 [ fd 100 bk 100 rt 1.2 ]

cuadro repeat 2 [penup fd 35 pendown rojo penup fd 35 pendown setpc 7 cuadro] penup home

pu fd 10 rt 90 fd 10 lt 90 pd repeat 4 [fd 180 rt 90] pu fd 10 rt 90 fd 10 lt 90 pd repeat 4 [fd 160 rt 90] pu fd 10 rt 90 fd 10 lt 90 pd repeat 4 [fd 140 rt 90] pu fd 10 rt 90 fd 10 lt 90 pd repeat 4 [fd 120 rt 90] pu fd 10 rt 90 fd 10 lt 90 pd repeat 4 [fd 100 rt 90] pu fd 10 rt 90 fd 10 lt 90 pd repeat 4 [fd 80 rt 90] pu fd 10 rt 90 fd 10 lt 90 pd repeat 4 [fd 60 rt 90] pu fd 10 rt 90 fd 10 lt 90 pd repeat 4 [fd 40 rt 90] pu fd 10 rt 90 fd 10 lt 90 pd repeat 4 [fd 20 rt 90]

repeat 9 [fd repcount*12.2 rt 90 fd repcount*12.2 rt 90] penup home pendown

Una parbola

Otra parbola

rt 15 repeat 12 [ fd 9 rt 1.5] rt 15 fd 10 rt 15 fd 10 rt 30 fd 3 rt 15 fd 10 rt 15 fd 10 rt 30 fd 3 repeat 12 [ fd 9 rt 1.5] rt 100 pu fd 120 pd rt 90

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