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OPERADORES VISUAL C++ NOMBRE: Francisco Paguay FECHA: 02 de octubre 2013 ESCUELA: Ingeniera Industrial SEMESTRE: Tercero
Definicin: Un operador es un smbolo especial que indica al compilador que debe efectuar una operacin matemtica o lgica. Categoria Primary Member Struct pointer member access Method call Post increment Post decrement Constructor call Array stack allocation Struct size retrieval Arithmetic check on Arithmetic check off Unary Negative value Not Bitwise complement Pre increment Pre decrement Type cast Value at address Address value of Type operators Type retrieval Arithmetic Division Remainder Addition Subtraction Shift bits right Shift bits left Relational and Logical Greater than Less than or equal to Greater than or equal to Equality Inequality Bitwise and Bitwise or Logical and Logical or Conditional Nombre Grouping A.B AB f(x) c++ c c = new Coord(); int* c = stackalloc int[10] sizeof (int) checked {byte c = (byte) d;} unchecked {byte c = (byte) d;} Positive value -10 !(c==d) ~(int x) ++c c (myType)c int* c = d; int* c = &d; Type equality / compatibility typeof (int) Multiplication c/d c%d c+d c-d c3 c3 Less than c>d cd c>=d c==d c!=d c&d c c&&d c int c=(d<10) ? 5:15 Ejemplo de Sintaxis (a+b) No No No Yes Yes No No No No No 10 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No a is String No c*d Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes c<d Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes d No No

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