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Snchez Manzanares Tania

Group: 6101F


Malnutrition in Mexico

Malnutrition decreased intellectual performance and increases the risk of acute illness in the short term and long-term chronic. It is not enough at home there enough food: food should be offered with interest and be appropriate for children during the critical stage of 0 to 24 months. It is vital to generate scientific evidence to improve the effectiveness of public policies. Malnutrition during pregnancy and the first two years of life has adverse effects on growth, health, mental, intellectual performance and capacity building, all of which contribute to the perpetuation of poverty. In my opinion the malnutrition is a problem of paramount importance because it basically depends on the development of society and the world. Malnutrition remains a significant problem worldwide, especially among children. Poverty, natural disasters, political problems and war all contribute to conditions, and even epidemics, malnutrition and starvation, not just developing countries. Eat a wellbalanced and good quality helps prevent most forms of malnutrition.


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