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Fi Giese, nobody/ne-one/nothing a | not ~ any! ‘not + anything } | aobody/no-one | nothing | | for peeples | Gorcings | | | | | | © There isn’t janbodr in the room. ere isn't anything in che ba; |e These im’ |pe | ceroom. | * Tae hing in the bag. 1 nobody i a . © There is | * | inthe room. @ There is nothing in the bag. eres | no-one | ie es ame # A: Whois in che room? E: Nobody. / No-one. anybody = anyone _nobod; (-body and -one ae the same} What's in he bag? thing. not ~ anvhody/anyone | not ~ anything @ [con't inow anybody jeranyone) here, | © Lean’t remember anything nothing'= not + anything © She said nothin not “anyone 4 In lonels I've gor nobody to ulk to | | nobody = not + anybody | ie: [ haven’: got anybody’ i © The howe s emp. Tueres no-one in it, | © There’ nothing co ect re isn’t anyone init) |G Tiere im't anything to eat) fence or dione (to answérs | You can use nobody/no-one/nothing x the beginning oft s | quesion: | » Nothing herpened | nog ‘Anything heppened’} | "Wacdidyou sy” "Nothing! ‘No-one! Remember: negaie verb + anybody/anyone/anything ie wae ~ nobody/no-one/nothing oH © Don’t ceil anybody. (nor @ There is nothing co do jon’ cell nobody town. (nor There st 3 12 oF nuthing, There's nothing in se bag. got no-one to ein me. She heard nothing. ‘ve got nothing for Gianes, ese questions wan nobodyine-one or nating. Se Who knows the answe 62 Wear did you b 4a Who did you mee? Now answer the sare cuestons wth fll sertnces. ‘Use nobodyna-one/nothing or anybody/anyone/anything. > ——__—— ie . 8 3 Beanies Dont ey 4 [didn't know about che mieeting. 5 ‘What did you have so eat? 6 [don't know —. about car engin. The museum is fee. It doesnt cost 10 goin. {heard a knock on che door but when | opened i there was She spoke very fis. | didn'tundersand "What are you doing this evening” Helen has gone away. where she was going. er. Somebody (ersomeone) She has orsomething in Tomlives somewhere neat has broken the window her mouth London. Somebody/someone =< something = ting butwe somewhere = n/t ¢ ine it _petson bur we don't ww wine d's know what ve don't know were Beanie (body or -one) | somebody orsomeone ~body and -one are things (thing) something | J anything | | no: I places (-winere} somewhere | anywhere ] | | nowhere | ‘There is somebody (or someone) in the garde Ischere anybody (oranyone) inthe garden ere isn’t anybody (or anyone} in the garden. ® There is nobody orno-one) inthe garden, she same: somebody = someone, nobody = no-one ac eee She suid something bur i dida’ understand bee Are you doing anything atthe weeke ‘was angry but! didn’t say anything. ‘What did you sy?" “Nothing? They live somewhere in the south of England. Dig you go anywhere interesting for vour holidays? Pmsaying here, I'm not going anywhere. .. | don' like this town, Theze is nowhere to go. C something/enybody ex. = adjeaive (big/cheap/interesting #ic)~ * Did you body interesting a the parry? @ We says goto the same place. Lers go somewhere different. © "Whats thatlemer?” ‘Ie’ nothing important, D. something/anybody ex + t0 vant something to eat. (= something that! can eat) # Hehasnt go: anybody to talk to (= anybodt that he can tlk to) © Cmbungry f © ‘There is powhere eo go is cis own, ownere where people can go)

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