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Worthy Autonomous University of Puebla October 2nd 1968 High School

Mass Media.

Students name Corona Herrera Oscar Jess. 3er Grade C Teachers name M.C. Fernando G. Andrade Bonilla

Index Introduction Objective Hypothesis Research questions Methodology Part I Introduction Development Conclusions Part II Introduction Development Conclusions Part III Introduction Development Conclusions General conclusions..10 Bibliography and references. .11 Appendixes 13 School conception.. 8 The wide world conception..6 Mass Media origin 4

INTRODUCTION This project is about mass media and it is organized in three main parts that correlate between the objective and the hypothesis of the scientific research. The first part describes the origin of the study subject and its evaluation across the human life history. The second part points the branches of the science where the study subject is correlated. Also this describes the conception of the mass media according to the world, Latin America, Mexico, Puebla and the community. The third part is about a field research which describes the notion about the study subject. This presents the result of a survey that supports the conception of mass media that influences in the school community. Finally, the general three parts conclusion expresses the findings and results of the objective, hypothesis, research questions and point of view from the author. It includes suggestions, attached documents and bibliography to help for further researchers about this study subject. OBJECTIVE This project is designed to make people of this school having more information about mass media. It pretends to clarify from science approach how this topic affects our society and knowledge. HYPOTHESIS If teachers, student and school staff get more information about mass media they will have open mind and increase their knowledge in this part of science. RESEARCH QUESTIONS 1 When and how has this phenomena been presenting in our culture? 2 What are the general, particular and specific conceptions in our culture? 3 How much does school community know about mass media? 4 As are deemed the media in society? METHODOLOGY The methods that are going to be developed a long this research is a group of methods and technical such as statistics methods for interpreting results, dialectic method for expressing ideas and findings, research document strategies for reporting new information and so on.

Part I Origin of Mass media. This part of research is about the starting point of the subject of study that is considered as mass media. It describes when and how this started to influence in the human race. The author of this work shows the conditions of the beginning all the way through by a history time-line. This resource shows the history of mass media into several smaller categories in order to help you achieve a greater understanding of the evolutionary processes that have made mass media what it is today. According to Wiki-pedia (2013) mass media (the Latin "comunicatio" and this in turn derived from the noun "communicate", the Castilian translation is involved in common. Both the substantive communication, such as the verb communicate, has its origin in the word "communism".) Transmission and reception process of ideas, information and messages. Williams (1921) Affirms that. For him, are those mass media that have been used or still used for masas.Prensa communication, radio, film and tv. Lewin :(1967) clarifies that communication process as a complex system of actions and personal and group interactions, where an individual transmits a message to another and this in turn responds to another message, which generates a continuous circular process. Bortot (1985) says that communication is a phenomenon that establishes a relationship between two or more individuals, based on the exchange of messages and / or ideas, a means through which to develop all human relationships. Martinet (2000) accepts that Is a process by which a transmitter sends a message via a channel to a receiver. Since man first appeared on the face of the earth has had the need to communicate with their peers to express their needs, concerns and feelings. At first it was rather communication through gestures and guttural sounds and then, as the man was developing skills, made it through images, some of which are still preserved in caves and elsewhere, as part of what we now call "cave paintings". To survive the man was forced to cluster and adopt customs, and as evolved forms of communication were improved, leading to a kind of language. The first manifestations of mass communication Some argue that the first system of mass communication were smoke signals or drum sounds perhaps a tribe used to announce other on some event or news.

According to the history time-line, (see appendix 1) the author remarks some fragment of the history that shows evolutionary processes, such as: Tecnologic mass media. 1843, Morse developed the electric telegraph and a code of dots and dashes, known as the Morse Code. The operator sends messages in the form of dots, dashes and spaces, according as the transmitter key pressed 1899, Guglielmo Marconi 21 years of age, achieves wireless communication. Surge wireless telegraphy or radio. 1906, Forest Lee invented thermionic valves that can amplify (modulating waves) electrical signals corresponding to the sounds, which became possible broadcasting. 1920, made the first radio broadcast in Argentina, from the Teatro Coliseo in Buenos Aires, transmitting Parsifal. 1926, John Baird, presented the first television images The development of television began in 1930 the Internet emerged in the twenty-first century

In conclusion the author of this research thinks that the mass media bring us information from anywhere in the world in the blink of an eye. The flow of information to which access is immeasurable. It has conquered space. It not only uses the Earth as footstool of his technological inventions, but has placed great distances on the planet and which makes use to provide information to all mankind. We are sure, both media, as the form of communication, will progress and increasingly larger steps. Today we talked about Internet2 "I2". Within a few years ... What next?.

Bibliography Libro con autor DIAZ, N. (1.998). Lenguaje y Comunicacin: Medios masivos. Valencia: Universidad Jos Antonio Pez. GOMZ, A.(1.996). Lenguaje y Comunicacin. Historia de la comunicacin: Caracas: Panapo MEDINA, N (1.990).Comunicacin. Enciclopedia Bsica de la Lengua Espaola... Artculos en versin electrnica
Romero, Antonio (2007).

Origen de los medios masivos de comunicacin. Tllez, Jane (2009). Origen, elementos y tipos de comunicacin. http://html./origen-elementos-y-tipos-de-comunicacion.html

Appendix 1

1843, Morse developed the electric telegraph and a code of dots and dashes, known as the Morse Code. 1899,Guglielmo Marconi 21 years of age, achieves wireless communication. Surge wireless telegraphy or radio.

1906, Forest Lee invented thermionic valves that can amplify (modulating waves) electrical signals corresponding to the sounds, which became possible broadcasting.

1920, made the first radio broadcast in Argentina, from the Teatro Coliseo in Buenos Aires, transmitting Parsifal.

1926, John Baird, presented the first television images

The development of television began in 1930

the Internet emerged in the twenty-first century

1,750.000 A.c.
pictograph. was invented to

The first Greek alphabet in the north and then

The paper source was invented in Egypt

record the language

printing machines the first Linotype

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