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LOS MANDATOS.From CD Spanish in Motion Part B Orders, orders, and more orderseverywhere I go, someone gives me orders.

En la escuela, mi maestra dice: SilencioSilencio. En mi casa, mi madre dice: Vicky, lmpia tu cuarto..clean up your room In the library, its worse, they say: quiet Tell me about it, in my Spanish class all you hear is: h huh - aha listen Escriban.escriban. mmh huh - aha write Lean.Lean mmh huh aha read Borren. Borren mmh huh - aha erase yes yes yes Escuchen

yes yes yes Escriban yes yes yes Lean yes yes yes Borren yes yes yes Pregunten yes yes yes Contesten .yes yes yes Estudien yes yes yes Prctica Sintensesintense.sit down Prenseprensestand up Dmelodmelotell me quiet //Abra su cuaderno Abra su libro Haga la tarea Escuche la leccin//

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