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Sin novedad. Nothing much. No tengo ninguna idea. I have no idea.

cansado tired aburrido bored enfermo sick Me olvid. I forgot. Tengo calor/fro. I'm hot/cold. No se preocupe. Don't worry Callate! Shut up! Te toca a ti. It's your turn. (informal) Igualmente. Same here. / Same to you. Entiende usted? / Entiendes? Do you understand? (formal / informal) a, an some this these that those un unos este estos ese esos una unas esta estas esa esas

that aquel aquella those aquellos aquellas as pronouns: ste, sta, stos, stas, se, sa, sos, sas, aqul, aqulla, aqullos, aqullas to be against estar en contra to be in a hurry tener prisa, estar de prisa to be jealous tener celos to be sleepy tener sueo to be successful tener xito to be fed up estar harto/a

how much how many whom whose 60 70 sesenta setenta

cunto (-a) cuntos (-as) a quin(es) de quin(es)

third tercero fourth cuarto fifth quinto sixth sexto seventh sptimo eighth octavo ninth noveno tenth dcimo eleventh undcimo twelfth duodcimo thirteenth dcimo tercero

fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth twenty-first twenty-second thirtieth fortieth fiftieth sixtieth seventieth eightieth ninetieth hundredth thousandth decade century

dcimo cuarto dcimo quinto dcimo sexto dcimo sptimo dcimo octavo dcimo noveno vigsimo vigsimo primero vigsimo segundo trigsimo cuadragsimo quincuagsimo sexagsimo septuagsimo octogsimo nonagsimo centsimo milsimo la dcada el siglo

If you are just saying 100, you use cien. If it's over 100, you use ciento. today tonight last night yesterday hoy esta noche anoche ayer

Months of the year are also all masculine and not capitalized in writing. Cual es la fecha de hoy? What is today's date? silver plateado / plateada brown marrn box la caja

All adjectives in Spanish are placed after the noun that they describe and they agree in gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural) with the noun. Es medioda. Es medianoche. Son las ocho y cuarto. Son las diez menos cuarto. Hace buen tiempo. Hace mal tiempo. Hace viento. Hace fresco. Est nublado. Hay niebla. Hay neblina. Hay humedad. Hay granizo. Llueve. Nieva. Truena. Llovizna. al lado de alrededor de lejos de entre delante de debajo de hacia en frente de detrs de encima de sobre It's noon. It's midnight. It's 8:15 It's 9:45

The weather's nice. The weather's bad. It's windy. It's chilly. It's cloudy. It's foggy. It's misty. It's humid. It's hailing. It's raining. It's snowing. It's thundering. It's sprinkling.

beside, alongside of around far from between, among in front of below, under towards, about opposite behind above, on top of on, over

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