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Cause of the Revolution Flow Chart

Year Event Description Effect on Colonies (Economic, Political, Social) Colonists united against a common foe. Colonists learned more about each other. Unified colonies Bitter feelings toward British. Effect on England (Economic, Political, Social) Debt More land British felt the colonists needed to be put in place High taxes How it led to the American Revolution. The tension created after the war between the colonists and the British

1754176 3

French and Indian War

Lasted 7 years. Fought in America, Europe, West Indies, Philippines, Africa, and on the ocean.


Proclamation of 1763

Colonists were told not to go in the Indian territory Results of French and Indian war

Land was taken from them More tension

Wanted to stabilize relations with the Western Indies

Colonists were upset that the British gave up their land that they had to fight for


Sugar Act

Tax on sugar and molasses Begun to smuggle sugar

Paid 1/10 of taxes as someone in England Salutary neglect (England paid no attention to the colonies)

England got more money

Colonists didnt want to pay taxes on sugar





Stamp Act

Effect on Colonies (Economic, Political, Social) Already happened Stamp act congress in England United colonies Raised money on Sons of liberty stamps

Effect on England How it led to the American (Economic, Political, Revolution. Social) Repealed stamp act Colonists felt united against Britain Lost many colonists


Quartering Act

Colonies had to provide food and shelter for troops

Used their own money to care for the troops Controlled by the troop

Colonists were against England more

More tension against Britain


Declaratory Act

Parliament got to control all of the colonies together

Drawn their own line of battle Continuing confrontation

Absolute and unqualified sovereignty over its North American colonies

The colonists resented the British even more





Townshend Duties

Taxes in glass, white lead, paper, paint, and tea

Effect on Colonies (Economic, Political, Social) Taxed on tea Put colonists in a rebellious mood

Effect on England (Economic, Political, Social) Faced a breakdown law Had to deal with smugglers Had to deal with protesters

How it led to the American Revolution. Colonists were mad


Boston Massacre

Not really a massacre

Only a few colonists were killed

Soldiers were put on trial

Colonists felt wronged


Tea Act

Taxed extra on tea

Angered Had to buy tea from the British Couldnt buy their own tea

Got more money Attacked by the colonists

Clash between the colonists and the British


Boston Tea Party

Colonists dressed as Indians and dumped tea in the ocean

Got revenge Taught the British a lesson Stood up for themselves

Fooled Caught by surprise by what the colonists did

Colonists felt they had enough power against the British





Coercive/ Intolerable Acts

Laws had to be enforced

Effect on Colonies (Economic, Political, Social) Restricted from doing what they wanted

Effect on England (Economic, Political, Social) Got more powered Took control

How it led to the American Revolution. Colonists were angry


First Continental Congress

Created by John Adams and 3 others The Association

Unified the colonists Rebelled against Britain Boycotted

Had to deal with more protesters

Colonists started a group so that they could rebel


Battles of Lexington and Concord

Redcoats sent out to get gunpowder Beginning of the revolution

Minutemen Shot heard round the world

Stopped by the Minutemen Old North Bridge 273 dead British men

Colonists were encouraged by their victory





Second Continental Congress

Composed of representatives from the 13 colonies

Effect on Colonies (Economic, Political, Social) Chose George Washington to help them Sent a second appeal to the king Olive Branch petition

Effect on England (Economic, Political, Social) There was a group rebelling against them

How it led to the American Revolution. American revolution has begun already


Publication of Common Sense First call of independence

Why should the small rule the large? Attacked the King They were obligated to independence

King was downgraded

Got the colonists to know what they were fighting for


Declaration of Independen ce

List of 27 bad facts about the King

Natural rights and government role Formal document of independence Signed by 55 delegates

Power over the colonists was taken away

Motivational document for the colonists

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