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Marcia Puchi 2011

Divisin nuclear

Divisin citoplasmtica




Apareamiento entrecruzamiento Permutacin

The two daughter cells contain a haploid number of chromosomes (but a diploid amount of DNA)

Dos principales fuentes de variabilidad durante la meiosis

2n different haploid gametes

223 = 8.4 106

On average, between two and three crossover events occur on each pair of human chromosomes


Recombinacin, complejos enzimticos que cortan, sintetizan y unen.

Errores en la meiosis: No disyuncin de los cromosomas a) Sndrome de Down (47 cromosomas): trisoma del par 21 b) Sndrome de Klinefelter (47 cromosomas): XXY c) Sndrome de Turner (45 cromosomas): XO
The frequency of missegregation in human oocytes is remarkably high (about 10% of meioses), and this is thought to be one reason for the high rate of spontaneous abortions in early pregnancy. The error rate increases with advancing maternal age



Entrada en fase M meiosis

the primary oocytes synthesize a coat and cortical granules

Seal hormonal

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