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Chocolate pudding is used in a wide range of desserts, such as cakes, pies, and brownie recipes or can be enjoyed as is. Creating your own batch of pudding can be more efficient than relying on pre-packaged ingredients from the supermarket. Here are a couple different ways to make chocolate pudding!


Makes 4 servings' 1 cup (3 ounces) Dutch-processed unsweetened cocoa powder 1/2 cup (2 ounces) cornstarch 1 1/2 cups (6 ounces) sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup (1 1/2 ounces) instant non-fat dry milk or 1/2 cup regular non-fat milk 2 cups milk 2 cups heavy cream 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Gluten-Free Recipe

Makes 8 servings 1 cup (3 ounces) Dutch-processed unsweetened cocoa powder 1/2 (2 ounces) cup cornstarch 1 3/4 - 2 cups gluten-free powdered sugar 1 teaspoon salt 4 cups canned gluten-free coconut milk OR any dairy-free milk substitute 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla

1.Combine dry ingredients in a large bowl to create instant pudding mix 2. Measure out 1 3/4 cups of pudding mix. Add this to a medium sauce pan and store the rest in an airtight container in the refrigerator. 3. Pour 2 cups milk and heavy cream into the saucepan. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat, while whisking gently. 4. Lower the heat to simmer. Cook for four additional minutes while continuing to whisk the mixture. 5. Remove the pot from the heat once pudding has thickened and stir in the vanilla extract. 6. Use a sieve and pour the mixture through it. Serve in individual dishes or you could use a 1 1/2 quart sized serving dish.

7. Wrap the pudding with plastic wrap. Place in the refrigerator for about four hours so that the pudding can chill and settle.

Gluten-Free Recipe Method 1. Combine dry ingredients in a large bowl to create instant pudding mix.
2. Measure out 1 3/4 cups of pudding mix. Add this to a medium sauce pan and store the rest in an airtight container in the refrigerator. 3. Pour 4 cups canned gluten-free coconut milk OR your favorite milk substitute. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat, while whisking gently. 4. Cook for approximately 2 additional minutes while continuing to whisk the mixture. 5. Remove the pot from the heat once pudding has thickened and stir in the vanilla extract.

CARA MEMBUAT PUDING COKLAT Puding coklat digunakan dalam berbagai makanan penutup, seperti kue, pie, dan resep brownies atau dapat dinikmati seperti. Membuat batch yang Anda sendiri puding bisa lebih efisien daripada mengandalkan pra-paket bahan dari supermarket. Berikut adalah beberapa cara yang berbeda untuk membuat puding cokelat! Bahan Untuk 4 porsi ' 1 cup (3 ons) Belanda diproses cocoa powder tanpa pemanis 1/2 cup (2 ons) tepung jagung 1 1/2 cangkir (6 ons) gula 1 sendok teh garam 1/2 cup (1 1/2 ons) susu instan tanpa lemak kering atau 1/2 cangkir rutin susu non fat 2 cangkir susu 2 cangkir krim kental 1 sendok teh vanili ekstrak

Gluten Bebas Resep Membuat 8 porsi 1 cup (3 ons) Belanda diproses cocoa powder tanpa pemanis 1/2 (2 ons) cangkir tepung jagung 1 3/4 - 2 cangkir bebas gluten gula bubuk 1 sendok teh garam 4 cangkir santan kaleng bebas gluten OR setiap pengganti susu sapi bebas 1 1/2 sendok teh vanili


Bahan kering 1.Combine dalam mangkuk besar untuk menciptakan campuran puding instan 2. Takar 1 3/4 cangkir campuran puding. Tambahkan ini ke panci saus menengah dan menyimpan sisanya dalam wadah kedap udara di lemari es. 3. Tuang susu 2 cangkir dan krim kental ke dalam panci. Bawa campuran mendidih di atas api sedang, sambil mengaduk lembut. 4. Menurunkan panas mendidih dengan api kecil. Masak selama empat menit tambahan sambil terus mengocok campuran. 5. Hapus panci dari panas sekali puding mengental dan aduk di vanili ekstrak. 6. Gunakan saringan dan tuangkan campuran melalui itu. Sajikan dalam piring individu atau Anda bisa menggunakan piring saji 1 1/2 liter ukuran. 7. Bungkus puding dengan bungkus plastik. Tempat di kulkas selama sekitar empat jam sehingga puding dapat bersantai dan menetap. Gluten-Free Metode Resep 1. Campurkan bahan kering dalam mangkuk besar untuk menciptakan campuran puding instan. 2. Takar 1 3/4 cangkir campuran puding. Tambahkan ini ke panci saus menengah dan menyimpan sisanya dalam wadah kedap udara di lemari es. 3. Tuangkan 4 cangkir kaleng bebas gluten santan ATAU pengganti susu favorit Anda. Bawa campuran mendidih di atas api sedang, sambil mengaduk lembut. 4. Masak selama sekitar 2 menit tambahan sambil terus mengocok campuran. 5. Hapus panci dari panas sekali puding mengental dan aduk di vanili ekstrak.

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