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CATALOGO NACIONAL CERTIFICATE PROGRAM FINAL STUDY GUIDE II 1) Competencies can be defined as 2) From a social perspective; knowledge, skills,

and competencies are important because they contribute to: 3) According to the CICS UMA, IPN (Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias de la Salud, Unidad Milpa Alta, Instituto Politcnico Nacional), Competencies can be organized into _______ categories. 4) Among the 10 requirements of teaching competencies are: 5) Time management is defined as 6) The Atkinson-Shiffrin model for the three stage process of Memory was

developed in what year?

7) Explicit memories deal with 8) Brain presenter Eric Jensen refers to Automatic Memory as 9) Which of these memory lanes is considered the most meaningful? 10) What is the definition of Procedural Memory? 11) When or why do we use the passive? 12) What are the three dimensions that embody grammar? 13) What is the definition of the word Lexis? 14) The Lexical Approach concentrates on 15) The word experiential essentially means that 16) In conventional teaching and training what is the primary goal? 17) 17) Gagns theory stipulates that there are _______ categories of learning.

18) In the nine events of instruction, Gaining Attention in games is referred to as

19) How many Categories are in Gardeners theory of Multiple Intelligences? 20) What does the acronym PBL stand for? 21) What are 21st Century Skills? 22) What is one characteristic of a Spatial/Visual Learner? 23) What is one characteristic of a Kinesthetic Learner? 24) What is one characteristic of a Language-Oriented Learner? 25) According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, Art is defined as: 26) According to E.W. Eisners, Ten Lessons the Arts Teach, (January 1998), Art is defined as: 27) What is one of the benefits of Art Education? 28) According to the Americans for the Arts national public opinion survey,

January 2001what percent of respondents believe that arts are vital to a wellrounded education?
29) An accurate description of the Physical (Bodily-Kinesthetic) Learning style would be: 30) The work of Paul Dennison and Gail Dennison (1994) focuses on the importance of: 31) What is Paul and Gail Dennisons (1989) solution to failure syndrome? 32) What does the intelligence term Bodily-Kinesthetic Frame refer to? 33) One of the specific movements that Dennison (1989) developed to help integrate different parts of the mind and body is: 34) Freudian theory explains guilt as the interaction of: 35) Ethics is defined as:

36) Traditions are defined as: 37) Lawrence Kohlberg classified the development of moral reasoning in three basic levels 38) Language Immersion Programs are defined as: 39) Content-based instruction is an integrated skills approach that is identified by:

40) CALLA, created by Chamot and OMalley (1994) is an acronym for:

41) The framework for Curriculum Development for the FLES programs was developed by: 42) What is the main focus of Task-Based Instruction? 43) Classroom management is defined as: 44) What are Humanistic I-Messages? 45) Using classroom rules that describe the behaviors you want instead of listing things the students cannot do, is what kind of discipline: 46) The key to the principle of Monitoring is: 47) Learning requires the ______________ participation of the student. 48) ESL students learn English better when there is a __________________________ context for communication. 49) What are some examples of cooperative learning strategies? 50) The theory of Language Learning is _______________ based.

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