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Ttulo 9 El Gran Vazquez New York, I Love You Let The Right One In Manhattan murder mistery Tacones Lejanos Todo sobre mi madre Short Cuts Tesis Abre los Ojos Los Otros Mar Adentro gora The Machinist Transsiberian Boggie nights Magnolia There Will Be Blood Fantastic Mr. Fox Four Rooms To Meteoro Vima tou Pelargou (el paso suspendido de la cigea) To Viemma tou Odisea Mia eoniotita ke mia mera (la eternidad y un da) L'amant Enemy at the gates Amantes Les invasions barbares Mn som hatar kvinnor (Millenium I. Los hombres que) Martn (Hache) Historias del Kronen Secretos del corazn Pi Requiem For A Dream The Wrestler Black Swan Irma Vep Un prophte Lulu On The Bridges Carandir

Realizador Acker Aibar Akin Alfredson, T. Allen Almodvar Almodvar Altman Amenbar Amenbar Amenbar Amenbar Amenbar Anderson, B. Anderson, B. Anderson, P. T. Anderson, P. T. Anderson, P. T. Anderson, W. Anders-Rockwell-Rodriguez-Tarantino Angelopoulos Angelopoulos Angelopoulos Annaud Annaud Aranda Arcand Arden Oplev Aristaran Armendriz Armendriz Aronofsky Aronofsky Aronofsky Aronofsky Assayas Audiard Auster Babenco

Ao 2009 2010 2009 2008 1993 1991 1999 1993 1996 1997 2001 2004 2009 2004 2008 1998 1999 2007 2009 1995 1991 1995 1998 1991 2000 1991 2003 2009 1997 1995 1996 1998 2000 2008 2010 1996 2009 1998 2003

Pickpocket Cache La Jete Moi, Un noir Holy Motors Zro de conduite Les 400 coups Le Samurai La vie nouvelle bout de souffle La crmonie

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Satans Alas de Mariposa Airbag Gruz 200 Ben X Exit Trough the Gift Shop Cremaster 3 Les Choristes Good bye, Lenin! Nochnoi dozor (Guardianes de la noche) Vincere La vita e bella Black Robe Ma vie en rose The Dreamers Len Nueve reinas El Aura Strange Days The Cement Garden Un, Deux, Trois, Soleil Reconstruccin Tokyo The Secret Adventures of Tom Thumb London River Shallow Grave Trainspotting Slumdog Millionaire Frankenstein Mal da para pescar Romance Quid Pro Quo Kurt & Courtney La Deuda Edwood Big Fish Corpse Bride La estrategia del caracol The piano Yo Soy Otro

Baiz Bajo Ulloa Bajo Ulloa Balabanov Balthazar Banksy Barney Barratier Becker Bekmambetov Bellocchio Benigni Beresford Berliner Bertolucci Besson Bielinsky Bielinsky Bigelow Birkin Blier Boe Bong-Carax-Gondry Borthwick Bouchareb Boyle Boyle Boyle Branagh Brechner Breillat Brooks Broomfield Buenaventura Vidal - lvarez Burton Burton Burton Cabrera Campion Campo

2008 1991 1997 2007 2007 2010 2002 2004 2003 2004 2010 1998 1999 1997 2003 1994 2000 2005 1995 1993 1993 2003 2008 1993 2009 1994 1996 2008 1994 2009 1999 2008 1998 1997 1994 2003 2005 1993 1993 2008

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All Tomorrow's Parties El Secreto de sus Ojos Les amants du Pont Neuf Pola X Whale Rider Full Monty L'enfer La Crmonie La Fleur Du Mal Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance Oldboy Sympathy For Lady Vengeance Queen Margot Ceux qui m'aiment prendront le train Intimacy Kids Ken Park Barton Fink Fargo The big Lebowski No Country For Old Man True Grit The man who wasn't there Mapa de los Sonidos de Tokyo Drcula Tetro The Virgin Suicides Lost in Translation Ajami Farinelli Control Amn Naked Lunch M. Butterfly Crash Existenz Spider A History of Violence Eastern Promises La lengua de las mariposas

Caouette Capanella Carax Carax Caro, N. Cattaneo Chabrol Chabrol Chabrol Chan-Wook Chan-Wook Chan-Wook Chreau Chreau Chreau Clark Clark Coen Coen Coen Coen Coen Coen, J. Coixet Copolla, F. Copolla, F. Copolla, S. Copolla, S. Copti-Shani Corbiau Corbijn Costa-Gavras Cronenberg Cronenberg Cronenberg Cronenberg Cronenberg Cronenberg Cronenberg Cuerda

2009 2009 1991 1999 2002 1997 1994 1995 2002 2002 2003 2005 1994 1998 2001 1995 2002 1991 1996 1998 2007 2010 2001 2009 1992 2009 1999 2003 2009 1994 2007 2002 1991 1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 2007 1999

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La Vie En Rose Dahan La promesse Dardenne Rosseta Dardenne Le Fils Dardenne L'enfant Dardenne Le Silence de Lorna Dardenne Die Geschichte vom weinenden Kamel (La historia del camello que llora)Davaa The Long Day Closes Davies Of Time and the City Davies Familia De Aranoa Barrio De Aranoa Los Lunes al Sol De Aranoa Accin Mutante De la Iglesia El Da De La Bestia De la Iglesia Perdita Durango De la Iglesia La Comunidad De la Iglesia Los Crmenes de Oxford De la Iglesia Balada Triste de Trompeta De la Iglesia Carlito's Way De Palma El Espinazo del diablo Del Toro El Laberinto del Fauno Del Toro The Silence O The Lambs Demme Philadelphia Demme 35 Rhums Denis Baise-moi Despentes When You're Strange DiCillo 27 Missing Kisses Dordjadze Rane (Las heridas) Dragojevic Bukowski: Born Into This Dullaghan L'humanit Dumont La Toma de la Embajada Durn The Apostle Duvall Assassination Tango Duvall Unforgiven Eastwood Mystic River Eastwood Letters from Iwo Jima Eastwood Changeling Eastwood Gran Torino Eastwood Terminal Echeverry Malamor Echeverry

2007 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008 2003 1992 2008 1996 1998 2002 1993 1995 1997 2000 2008 2010 1993 2001 2006 1991 1993 2008 2000 2009 2000 1998 2003 1999 1999 1997 2003 1992 2003 2006 2008 2008 2000 2003

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Der Baader Meinhof Komplex The Adjuster Extica The sweet hereafter Felicia's Journey Where the Truth Lies Adoration Chloe Mary & Max El Sol Del Membrillo El Infierno El somni Bad lieutenant The Addiction The funeral New Rose Hotel Go Go Tales El Milagro de P.Tinto The devil and Daniel Johnston Leaving Las Vegas Alien 3 Seven The Game Fight Club Baenken Arven Drabet Vals Im Bashir The People vs. Larry Flynt The kite runner (Cometas en el cielo) Buffalo '66 Die Welle Gomorra La vendedora de rosas Unser tglich Brot (Nuestro pan de cada da) Zamani baray masti asbha (Un tiempo para los caballos borrachos) Lakposhtha hm parvaz mikonand (Las tortugas tambin vuelan) No One Knows About Persian Cats 12 Monkeys Fear and loathing in Las Vegas

Edel Egoyan Egoyan Egoyan Egoyan Egoyan Egoyan Egoyan Elliot Erice Estrada Farnarier Ferrara Ferrara Ferrara Ferrara Ferrara Fesser Feuerzeig Figgis Fincher Fincher Fincher Fincher Fly Fly Fly Folman Forman Forster Gallo Gansel Garrone Gaviria Geyrhalter Ghobadi Ghobadi Ghobadi Gilliam Gilliam

2008 1991 1994 1997 1999 2005 2008 2010 2009 1992 2010 2008 1992 1995 1996 1999 2007 1998 2005 1995 1992 1995 1997 1999 2000 2003 2005 2008 1996 2007 1998 2008 2008 1998 2005 2000 2004 2009 1995 1998

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Tideland The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 21 gramos Biutiful Antonias line Sombre La Vie Nouvelle Un Lac Prospero's Book The pillow book The Tulse Luper Suitcases, Part 1: The Moab Story The Tulse Luper Suitcases, Part 2: Vaux to the Sea The Tulse Luper Suitcases, Part 3: From Sark to the Finish En Construccin La Sombra del Caminante Los Viajes del Viento She, a Chinesse Klopka (The Trap) Retorno a Hansala Ray Crash Factotum Ballast Das Schols (El castillo) Funny Games La Pianiste Cach Das Weie Band (La cinta blanca) I Shoot Andy Warhol Velvet Goldmine I'm Not There Tuvalu Shine Snow Falling on Cedars The Road Das Experiment Der Untergang (La Cada) The Chaser Tsotsi

Gilliam Gilliam Gondry Gonzlez Iarritu Gonzlez Iarritu Gorris Grandrieux Grandrieux Grandrieux Greenaway Greenaway Greenaway Greenaway Greenaway Guerin Guerra Guerra Guo Guolubovic Gutirrez Hackford Haggis Hamer Hammer Haneke Haneke Haneke Haneke Haneke Harron Haynes Haynes Helmer Hicks Hicks Hillcoat Hirschbiegel Hirschbiegel Hong-jin Hood

2005 2009 2004 2003 2010 1995 1999 2002 2008 1991 1996 2003 2003 2003 2001 2004 2009 2009 2007 2008 2004 2004 2005 2008 1997 1997 2001 2005 2009 1996 1998 2010 1999 1996 1999 2009 2001 2004 2008 2005

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The King Speech Honn hon (Good Men, Good Women) Nngu Zajin, Nngu (Goodbye South, Goodbye) Hai shang hua (Flowers of Shanghai) Millenium Mambo Mui Du Du Xanh (el olor de la papaya verde) Frozen River Unagi (la anguila) the remains of the day Disgrace Mifunes Sidste Sang La Marche de l'Empereur Night on Earth Dead Man Year of Horse Ghost Dog: The Way Of The Samurai Coffee and Cigarettes Broken Flowers The Limits of control Monster Amlie A Very Long Engagement MicMacs Delicatessen La Cit des enfants perdus Reykjavik-Rotterdam Moon Being John Malkovich Where the Wild Things Are Interview with the vampiro Uranya Ashes of Time Chung hing sam lam (chunking express) In the Mood for Love 2046 My Blueberry Nights La haine Les rivires pourpres Synecdoche, New York Leningrad Cowboys Meet Moses

Hooper Hsiao-Hsien Hsiao-Hsien Hsiao-Hsien Hsiao-Hsien Hung Hunt Imamura Ivory Jacobs Jacobsen Jacquet Jarmusch Jarmusch Jarmusch Jarmusch Jarmusch Jarmusch Jarmusch Jenkins Jeunet Jeunet Jeunet Jeunet-Caro Jeunet-Caro Jnasson Jones Jonze Jonze Jordan Kapakas Kar-Wai Kar-Wai Kar-Wai Kar-Wai Kar-Wai Kassovitz Kassovitz Kaufman Kaurismaki

2010 1995 1996 1998 2001 1993 2009 1997 1993 2008 1999 2005 1991 1995 1997 1999 2003 2005 2009 2004 2001 2004 2009 1991 1995 2008 2009 1999 2009 1994 2006 1994 1994 2000 2004 2007 1994 2000 2008 1994

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Kauas pilvet karkaavat (Nubes pasajeras) Juha Mies vailla menneisyytt (El hombre sin pasado) La Vie de Bohme Pidae huivista kiinni, Tatjana! (Agrrate el pauelo!, Tatiana) American history X 4 Luna Papa Zire darakhatan zeyton (a travs de los olivos) Ta'm e guilass (el sabor de las cerezas) Bd m r Khhad bord (el viento nos llevar) Copie Conforme Seom (The Isle) Haeanseon (The Coast Guard) Bom yeoreum gaeul gyeoul geurigo bom (Primavera, verano) Bin-jip (3 Iron) Hwal (The Bowl) Bimong (Dream) La double vie de Vronique Trois couleurs: Blue Trzy Kolory: Bialy Trois couleurs: Rouge Sonatine Kizzu Ritn (Kids Return) Hana-Bi Kikujiro no natsu Brother Druzu (Dolls) Zatichi Bikur hatizmoret (la banda nos visita) Kki Ningy (Air doll) Gummo Julien Donkey-boy Dobermann Eyes wide shut Arizona Dream Underground Crna macka, beli macor (gato negro, gato blanco) ivot je udo (La vida es un milagro) Zavet

Kaurismaki Kaurismaki Kaurismaki Kaurismki Kaurismki Kaye Khrjanovsky Khudojnazarov Kiarostami Kiarostami Kiarostami Kiarostami Ki-Duk Ki-Duk Ki-Duk Ki-Duk Ki-Duk Ki-Duk Kieslowski Kieslowski Kieslowski Kieslowski Kitano Kitano Kitano Kitano Kitano Kitano Kitano Kolirin Koreeda Korine Korine Kounen Kubrick Kusturica Kusturica Kusturica Kusturica Kusturica

1996 1999 2002 1991 1994 1998 2005 1999 1994 1997 1999 2010 2000 2002 2003 2004 2005 2008 1991 1993 1994 1995 1993 1996 1997 1998 2000 2002 2003 2007 2009 1997 1999 1997 1999 1993 1995 1998 2004 2007

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Kynodontas Lolo La Veuve de Saint-Pierre Eat Drink Man Woman Taking Woodstock Jungle Fever Malcolm X Crooklin Clockers Bamboozled (Wag the dog (Cortina de Humo) The King Is Alive Powder Blue Raining Stones ladybird ladybird Land and Freedom My Name is Joe The Wind That Shakes the Barley Looking For Eric Before the Devil Knows You're Dead Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me Lost Highway The Straight story Mullholland Drive Inland Empire Los Ojos de Ariana Careful Dracula:Pages From a Virgin's Diary The Saddest Music in the World My Winnipeg Bacheha-ye Aseman (Children of heaven) Rang-e coda (el color del paraso) Nasereddin-shah actor-e cinema Gabbeh The Silence Kandahar Sib (la manzana) Takht siah (La Pizarra) Before The Rain 3:10 To Yuma

Lanthimos Lauzon Leconte Lee, A. Lee, A. Lee, S. Lee, S. Lee, S. Lee, S. Lee, S. Levinson Levring Linh Bui Loach Loach Loach Loach Loach Loach Lumet Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynch Lynch Macin Maddin Maddin Maddin Maddin Majidi Majidi Makhmalbaf, M. Makhmalbaf, M. Makhmalbaf, M. Makhmalbaf, M. Makhmalbaf, S. Makhmalbaf, S. Manchevski Mangold

2009 1992 2000 1994 2009 1991 1992 1994 1995 2000 1997 2000 2009 1993 1994 1995 1998 2006 2009 1992 1997 1999 2001 2006 2007 1992 2002 2003 2007 1998 1999 1991 1995 1997 2001 1998 2000 1994 2007

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1991: The Year Punk Broke Cadillac Records The Visitor The Acid House Hunger Dead man's Shoes This Is England Somers Town Vacas Los amantes del crculo polar Cidade de Deus American beauty Shadow of the Vampire Audition Visitor Q. The Hole Mononoke-hime Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi (El viaje de Chihiro) Hauru no ugoku shiro (El castillo vagabundo) Kjrlighetens kjtere (zero Kelvin) Bowling For Columbine Ex Drummer 4 luni, 3 sptmni i 2 zile The Blair Witch Project Four weddings and a funeral Gattacca Seul contre tous Irrversible Enter The Void Following Memento The Dark Knight Inception 14 Km okaku kidotai (Ghost in the Shell) Confesin a Laura The Temptation of St. Tony Les Amants criminels Gouttes d'eau sur pierres brlantes Huit femmes

Markey Martin McCarthy McGuigan McQueen Meadows Meadows Meadows Medem Medem Meirelles Mendes Merhige Miike Miike Ming-Liang Miyazaki Miyazaki Miyazaki Moland Moore Mortier Mungiu Myrick-Sanchez Newell Niccol No No No Nolan Nolan Nolan Nolan Olivares Oshi Osorio unpuu Ozon Ozon Ozon

1992 2008 2008 1998 2008 2004 2006 2008 1993 1998 2002 1999 2000 1999 2001 1998 1997 2001 2004 1995 2003 2007 2007 1999 1994 1997 1998 2002 2009 1998 2000 2008 2010 2007 1995 1991 2009 1998 1999 2001

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Swimming Pool Taxidermia Badkonake sefid (the white Ballon) Dayereh (The Circle) Angela's ashes The Life Of David Gale Perspolis Bure Baruta (Cabaret Balkan) Boys Don't Cry Le Peuple Migrateur From Dusk till Dawn 3: The Hangman's Daughter Cenizas del Paraso La Zona The Ninth Gate The Pianist The Ghost Writer How I Ended This Summer Sraphine The Crow Klass Il postino Ratcatcher 25 watts Whisky Les Herbes Folles Mesrine. L'Ennemi public n 1 Mesrine. L'instict de Mort Profundo carmes Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels Snatch Revolver Rock & Rolla Sherlock Holmes La Belle Noiseuse Dead man walking El Mariachi From Dusk Till Dawn Planet Terror Machete Sin City

Ozon Plfi Panahi Panahi Parker Parker Paronnaud-Satrapi Paskaljevic Peirce Perrin Pesce Pieyro Pl Polanski Polanski Polanski Popogrebsky Provost Proyas Raag Radford Ramsay Rebella-Stolls Rebella-Stolls Resnais Richet Richet Ripstein Ritchie Ritchie Ritchie Ritchie Ritchie Rivette Robbins Rodriguez Rodriguez Rodriguez Rodriguez Rodriguez-Miller-Tarantino

2003 2006 1995 2000 1999 2003 2007 1998 1999 2002 2000 1997 2007 1999 2002 2010 2010 2008 1994 2007 1994 1999 2001 2004 2009 2008 2008 1996 1998 2000 2005 2008 2009 1991 1995 1992 1996 2007 2010 2005

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Elementarteilchen (Las partculas elementales) The War zone The Fighter Die Flscher (Los Falsiicadores) Metropia Central Do Brazil Mediterraneo Torrente, el brazo tonto de la ley Todo el Poder Passion Fish Lone Star Der Unhold (El Ogro) Basquiat Le Scaphandre et le Papillon Kurt Cobain: About a Son La virgen de los sicarios 8mm Cape Fear The age of innocence Casino Kundun The Departed Shutter Island Thelma And Louise The nightmare before Christmas Gainsbourg Humpday In the name of the father The usual suspects The Fall Welcome to the Dollhouse Happiness Kimy na skasu (Strange Circus) Schindlers list JFK The Doors Natural Born Killers Nixon U Turn Lekce Faust (fausto)

Roehler Roth Russell Ruzowitzky Saleh Salles Salvatores Santiago segura Sariana Sayles Sayles Schlndorff Schnabel Schnabel Schnack Schroeder Schumacher Scorsese Scorsese Scorsese Scorsese Scorsese Scorsese Scott Selick Sfar Shelton Sheridan Singer Singh Solondz Solondz Sono Spielberg Stone Stone Stone Stone Stone Svankmajer

2006 1999 2010 2007 2009 1998 1991 1998 1999 1992 1996 1996 1996 2007 2006 2000 1999 1991 1993 1995 1997 2006 2010 1991 1993 2010 2009 1993 1995 2006 1995 1998 2008 1993 1991 1991 1994 1995 1997 1994

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Spiklenci slasti (conspiradores del placer) Otesnek len Surviving Life Once Were Warriors Niija Zemlja (En tierra de nadie) Reservoir Dogs Pulp fiction Jackie Brown Kill Bill: Vol. 1 Death Proof Inglourious Basterds Satan's tango Werckmeister harmnik a commence aujourd'hui Una pura formalit La leggenda del pianista sull'oceano Malena La Sconosciuta Lola Rennt Himalaya - l'enfance d'un chef Amsterdam Global Village Character Toto Le Hros Mr. Nobody De Helaasheid der dingen (The Misfortunates) Elephant Paranoid Park Les cent et une nuits de Simon Cinma Festen Dear Wendy Submarino Das Leben der Anderen (La Vida de los Otros) Zentropa Breaking the waves Idioterne Dancer in the dark Dogville Manderlay Direktren for det hele (El jefe de todo esto)

Svankmajer Svankmajer Svankmajer Svankmajer Tamahori Tanovic Tarantino Tarantino Tarantino Tarantino Tarantino Tarantino Tarr Tarr Tavernier Tornatore Tornatore Tornatore Tornatore Tykwer Valli Van Der Keuken Van Diem Van Dormael Van Dormael Van Groeningen Van Sant Van Sant Varda Vintenberg Vintenberg Vintenberg von Donnersmarck Von Trier Von Trier Von Trier Von Trier Von Trier Von Trier Von Trier

1996 2000 2005 2010 1994 2001 1992 1994 1997 2003 2007 2009 1994 2000 1999 1994 1999 2000 2006 1998 1999 1996 1997 1991 2009 2009 2003 2007 1995 1998 2005 2010 2006 1991 1996 1998 2000 2003 2005 2006

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Antichrist The matriz Katyn Mute Witness Blue In The Face Smoke Indochine Est-Ouest Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei (los edukadores) The War Symphonies: Shostakovich Against Stalin Truman Show Lisbon Store Buena Vista Social Club Ink Butterfly Kiss Welcome To Sarajevo I Want You Wonderland 24 Hours Party People The Road to Guantanamo Genova The Killer Inside Me Romper Stomper Qiu Ju da guan si Yi ge dou bu neng shao (ni uno menos) Wo de fu qin mu qin (el camino a casa) House of 1000 Corpses The Devil's Rejects Halloween La Vie Rve des Anges Julia Vozvrashchenie (El Regreso) Lumire et Compagnie Subway Stories: Tales from the Underground 11'09"1 All the Invisible Children Paris, je t'aime Chacun son Cinma Peur Du Noir

Von Trier Wachowski Wajda Waller Wang - Auster Wang - Auster Wargnier Wargnier Weingartner Weinstein Weir Wenders Wenders Winangs Winterbottom Winterbottom Winterbottom Winterbottom Winterbottom Winterbottom Winterbottom Winterbottom Wright Yimou Yimou Yimou Zombie Zombie Zombie Zonca Zonca Zviagintsev

2009 1999 2007 1994 1995 1995 1992 1999 2004 1997 1998 1995 1999 2009 1995 1997 1998 1999 2002 2006 2008 2010 1992 1992 1998 1999 2003 2005 2007 1998 2008 2003 1995 1997 2002 2006 2006 2007 2007

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Zro de conduite

bout de souffle

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